I don't know anyone who has Ebola....Is it safe to come out yet?

Granted but the Jews don't diminish their God by writing it out. Don't fight it, infidel.
saying his name is diminishing him?.....and you call me an infidel?....gotcha H--s.....
Ask a Rabbi to explain. Are you a Muslim?
if i aint a jew why would i give a shit what a rabbi says?....i was raised a catholic and had to listen to their bullshit growing up....but when you question you "religious" people this is the kind of shit you get....name calling...and i know why,because none of you have any answers.....just bullshit....
Are you denying you are an infidel if you are not a Muslim?
oh ....ok ....i see what you are saying....you had me worried there for a moment Hoss....
Just foolin' around, Harry.
This is getting scary....Looks like a big Gubmint coverup
We are all going to die and the Gubmint doesn't want us to know

I saw O'Reilly on Jon Stewart last night. It's not hard to see why the Far Right love him. He's dumb as a post.
Yes he is one dumb SOB! TV Guide estimates his salary is around $11 million a year and he just signed a contract that will take him to his 20th year with the show. Then there's the uncounted millions from his last 4 best selling books and the movies made from and waiting to be made. Damn shame Bill is so dumb and poor, Lefty. Wanna know about Hannity's millions? Didn't think so, Libby.
After watching non-stop Ebola coverage on FoxNews, I figured the safest course of action is to hide in my basement and spray myself with Lysol

Its been weeks now and I still don't know anyone who has Ebola

Is it safe to come out yet?
Better not come out just yet rightwinger . The airborne virus strain that was discovered 25 years ago might still be floating around your 'hood.

As President Barack Obama and senior officials try to calm public fears about the risks of contracting Ebola, experts point to an experiment 25 years ago that proved one Ebola strain in monkeys could become airborne, The Washington Times reported.

The study in 1989 at a monkey research facility in Reston, Virginia — ultimately brought to life in the Hollywood film, "Hot Zone" — has prompted fresh concerns that today's virus has the potential to mutate into one that could be transmitted by air.

"We can never say never, but I just don't think the risk is very high," Thomas Geisbert, professor at the University of Texas at Galveston who co-discovered the Reston strain of Ebola, told the Times.

Docs Can t Rule Out Chance of Airborne Ebola
After watching non-stop Ebola coverage on FoxNews, I figured the safest course of action is to hide in my basement and spray myself with Lysol

Its been weeks now and I still don't know anyone who has Ebola

Is it safe to come out yet?

So . . . Obama has already made an appointment for an Ebola Czar. What do you think about that?

More Czars?

Does that mean Republicans are going on their anti-czar campaign again?

Does that maybe make you think that Obama is actually taking this Ebola threat seriously, unlike yourself? Also, what makes you think you know better than the WHO? I find that just fascinating. What ARE your credentials anyway?

Elections coming up...nuff said

I may not have a medical degree but I do watch Dr Oz on TV. That more than qualifies me to give medical analysis on interweb message boards

:lol: Nope, it doesn't. You are not a doctor, nor can you play one on the internet.

The reason why Obama has an "Ebola czar," is so that they can advise him on what to do (apparently he already had one which I wasn't aware of). Too bad he didn't choose a person with medical experience, who understands these kinds of things!
Do you understand that you're not qualified to tell us what kind of threat ebola is or isn't? I'm confident in one thing - you're just caught up in the politics of Ebola and if a republican was in office instead of Obozo you would be screaming for him to do something.

Naaaa....I don't think so

Seen this shit before. Media hype, fear mongering and hysteria

Gets dropped like a hot potato once the next big story comes up

You only compound your ignorance with arragance. That being said, I hope it doesn't become a problem in America, but your assurances doesn't mean anything to anyone with half a brain.

9) Ebola
Threat to Americans: If you are an American in West Africa in close proximity with Ebola victims, the threat is moderate. If you are an American health worker in the US assisting an Ebola victim or someone who frequently comes into physical contact with one, the threat of infection is minor if you use proper protective equipment. Otherwise, the threat is pretty close to zero.
Worst-case scenario: The outbreak could get much worse in West Africa, but even in that scenario the disease will remain unlikely to affect many Americans outside of the region.
How freaked out should you be: If you have loved ones in Liberia, Sierra Leone, or Guinea, it is not unreasonable to urge them to take all possible precautions. Otherwise, you would do better to worry about the other items on this list.

Threats to Americans rank
Naaaa....I don't think so

Seen this shit before. Media hype, fear mongering and hysteria

Gets dropped like a hot potato once the next big story comes up

You only compound your ignorance with arragance. That being said, I hope it doesn't become a problem in America, but your assurances doesn't mean anything to anyone with half a brain.

9) Ebola
Threat to Americans: If you are an American in West Africa in close proximity with Ebola victims, the threat is moderate. If you are an American health worker in the US assisting an Ebola victim or someone who frequently comes into physical contact with one, the threat of infection is minor if you use proper protective equipment. Otherwise, the threat is pretty close to zero.
Worst-case scenario: The outbreak could get much worse in West Africa, but even in that scenario the disease will remain unlikely to affect many Americans outside of the region.
How freaked out should you be: If you have loved ones in Liberia, Sierra Leone, or Guinea, it is not unreasonable to urge them to take all possible precautions. Otherwise, you would do better to worry about the other items on this list.

Threats to Americans ranked by actual threat instead of media hype

ed by actual threat instead of media hype
Do you understand that you're not qualified to tell us what kind of threat ebola is or isn't? I'm confident in one thing - you're just caught up in the politics of Ebola and if a republican was in office instead of Obozo you would be screaming for him to do something.

Naaaa....I don't think so

Seen this shit before. Media hype, fear mongering and hysteria

Gets dropped like a hot potato once the next big story comes up

You only compound your ignorance with arragance. That being said, I hope it doesn't become a problem in America, but your assurances doesn't mean anything to anyone with half a brain.

9) Ebola
Threat to Americans: If you are an American in West Africa in close proximity with Ebola victims, the threat is moderate. If you are an American health worker in the US assisting an Ebola victim or someone who frequently comes into physical contact with one, the threat of infection is minor if you use proper protective equipment. Otherwise, the threat is pretty close to zero.
Worst-case scenario: The outbreak could get much worse in West Africa, but even in that scenario the disease will remain unlikely to affect many Americans outside of the region.
How freaked out should you be: If you have loved ones in Liberia, Sierra Leone, or Guinea, it is not unreasonable to urge them to take all possible precautions. Otherwise, you would do better to worry about the other items on this list.

Threats to Americans ranked by actual threat instead of media hype

Tell number 9 to the two nurses that got infected treating Duncan, dumbass.

Let me do a quick count here

The number of American deaths on US soil from Ebola so far is..........um....um.....um.......Zero

That is only because it is just starting to spread outside of the hot zones now. If we keep allowing people who could potentially be infected to come here to the US, there is absolutely nothing to stop it from spreading.
I'll pray that you will die hows that?

I bet you will do that. But I doubt G-d will hear your prayer. Have at it.
why are so many here afraid to print out GOD?......its just a generic name......
The GOD of Abraham is not generic. Most Jews correctly print G-D.
Why isn't this just a variation of not depicting Mohammed? Isn't this just the Christian version?
Not anything to do with Islam or Christianity. It's a Hebrew belief.
Well, I'm not a Jew, and a lot of the people who won't spell it out aren't Jews.

Just more ignorance?
I bet you will do that. But I doubt G-d will hear your prayer. Have at it.
why are so many here afraid to print out GOD?......its just a generic name......
The GOD of Abraham is not generic. Most Jews correctly print G-D.
Why isn't this just a variation of not depicting Mohammed? Isn't this just the Christian version?
Not anything to do with Islam or Christianity. It's a Hebrew belief.
Well, I'm not a Jew, and a lot of the people who won't spell it out aren't Jews.

Just more ignorance?
why are so many here afraid to print out GOD?......its just a generic name......
The GOD of Abraham is not generic. Most Jews correctly print G-D.
Why isn't this just a variation of not depicting Mohammed? Isn't this just the Christian version?
Not anything to do with Islam or Christianity. It's a Hebrew belief.
Well, I'm not a Jew, and a lot of the people who won't spell it out aren't Jews.

Just more ignorance?
Exactly. Who gives a fuck?
The GOD of Abraham is not generic. Most Jews correctly print G-D.
Why isn't this just a variation of not depicting Mohammed? Isn't this just the Christian version?
Not anything to do with Islam or Christianity. It's a Hebrew belief.
Well, I'm not a Jew, and a lot of the people who won't spell it out aren't Jews.

Just more ignorance?
Exactly. Who gives a fuck?
George Carlin would.:dance:
Guys, I need help. I don't have cable TV, so I really don't know what to be afraid of. It could be Ebola, or that disease that the Honduran kids brought into the USA, or AIDS. I think that SARS is pretty much under control, but, who knows? Hell, I am being told on these threads that ISIS is infiltrating our southern borders, and that gays, and Obama, are trying to destroy our country! The illegal immigrants are taking our jobs of picking lettuce, and illegal aliens are trying to vote for Obama. There are socialists and communists everywhere, especially those in charge in charge of ACA. The tea party is threatening armed insurrection, with all 20 of the people who actually stood firm when Clyde Bundy stole grazing rights from the government. There are rumors that blacks may vote in the coming election.

Is there no hope?
Guys, I need help. I don't have cable TV, so I really don't know what to be afraid of. It could be Ebola, or that disease that the Honduran kids brought into the USA, or AIDS. I think that SARS is pretty much under control, but, who knows? Hell, I am being told on these threads that ISIS is infiltrating our southern borders, and that gays, and Obama, are trying to destroy our country! The illegal immigrants are taking our jobs of picking lettuce, and illegal aliens are trying to vote for Obama. There are socialists and communists everywhere, especially those in charge in charge of ACA. The tea party is threatening armed insurrection, with all 20 of the people who actually stood firm when Clyde Bundy stole grazing rights from the government. There are rumors that blacks may vote in the coming election.

Is there no hope?
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here"
~~Dante (Inferno)
Guys, I need help. I don't have cable TV, so I really don't know what to be afraid of. It could be Ebola, or that disease that the Honduran kids brought into the USA, or AIDS. I think that SARS is pretty much under control, but, who knows? Hell, I am being told on these threads that ISIS is infiltrating our southern borders, and that gays, and Obama, are trying to destroy our country! The illegal immigrants are taking our jobs of picking lettuce, and illegal aliens are trying to vote for Obama. There are socialists and communists everywhere, especially those in charge in charge of ACA. The tea party is threatening armed insurrection, with all 20 of the people who actually stood firm when Clyde Bundy stole grazing rights from the government. There are rumors that blacks may vote in the coming election.

Is there no hope?

You forgot about the new strain of polio in central Africa that doesnt respond to antibiotics, Its always better to be cautious, but as long as you have a stockpile of water, freeze dried food and 15 round clips I wouldnt be afraid
Guys, I need help. I don't have cable TV, so I really don't know what to be afraid of. It could be Ebola, or that disease that the Honduran kids brought into the USA, or AIDS. I think that SARS is pretty much under control, but, who knows? Hell, I am being told on these threads that ISIS is infiltrating our southern borders, and that gays, and Obama, are trying to destroy our country! The illegal immigrants are taking our jobs of picking lettuce, and illegal aliens are trying to vote for Obama. There are socialists and communists everywhere, especially those in charge in charge of ACA. The tea party is threatening armed insurrection, with all 20 of the people who actually stood firm when Clyde Bundy stole grazing rights from the government. There are rumors that blacks may vote in the coming election.

Is there no hope?

You forgot about the new strain of polio in central Africa that doesnt respond to antibiotics, Its always better to be cautious, but as long as you have a stockpile of water, freeze dried food and 15 round clips I wouldnt be afraid
Viruses don't respond to antibiotics.
Guys, I need help. I don't have cable TV, so I really don't know what to be afraid of. It could be Ebola, or that disease that the Honduran kids brought into the USA, or AIDS. I think that SARS is pretty much under control, but, who knows? Hell, I am being told on these threads that ISIS is infiltrating our southern borders, and that gays, and Obama, are trying to destroy our country! The illegal immigrants are taking our jobs of picking lettuce, and illegal aliens are trying to vote for Obama. There are socialists and communists everywhere, especially those in charge in charge of ACA. The tea party is threatening armed insurrection, with all 20 of the people who actually stood firm when Clyde Bundy stole grazing rights from the government. There are rumors that blacks may vote in the coming election.

Is there no hope?

You forgot about the new strain of polio in central Africa that doesnt respond to antibiotics, Its always better to be cautious, but as long as you have a stockpile of water, freeze dried food and 15 round clips I wouldnt be afraid
Viruses don't respond to antibiotics.

Sorry, vaccine resistant

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