I don't know anyone who has Ebola....Is it safe to come out yet?

The simple answer is to just close off Texas

It is the Patriotic thing to do
It's funny how the Right-Wing talks a good game about personal freedom and individualism and less regulation, then calls for regulating the movement of individuals, impeding their personal freedoms.
Yep, remember when they were all for the Patriot Act? You can scare rightwingers into giving up anything and everything. It's pretty sad.
Is the patriot act still in effect?
Do we still have the dept of homeland "security"?
Is the nsa still monitoring internet and phone traffic?
Is guantanamo still open?

Is obama still the president?

On Saturday, February 27, 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law legislation that would temporarily extend for one year three controversial provisions of the Patriot Act that had been set to expire:[177] [178] [179]

  • Authorize court-approved roving wiretaps that permit surveillance on multiple phones.
  • Allow court-approved seizure of records and property in anti-terrorism operations.
  • Permit surveillance against a so-called lone wolf, a non-U.S. citizen engaged in terrorism who may not be part of a recognized terrorist group.[180]

In a vote on February 8, 2011, the House of Representatives considered a further extension of the Act through the end of 2011.[181] House leadership moved the extension bill under suspension of the rules, which is intended for noncontroversial legislation and requires two-thirds majority to pass.[181] After the vote, the extension bill did not pass;

277 members voted in favor, which was less than the 290 votes needed to pass the bill under suspension of the rules.[181] Without an extension, the Act was set to expire on February 28, 2011. However, it eventually passed, 275-144.[182] The FISA Sunsets Extension Act of 2011 was signed into law February 25, 2011.
USA PATRIOT Reauthorization Act of 2011

Sponsor: Mitch McConnell (Republican)
Co-Sponsor: Saxby Chambliss (Republican)
Co-Sponsor: Chuck Grassley (Republican)

After watching non-stop Ebola coverage on FoxNews, I figured the safest course of action is to hide in my basement and spray myself with Lysol

Its been weeks now and I still don't know anyone who has Ebola

Is it safe to come out yet?
What's sad is that there are many on the right who actually believe there's a 'threat.'
i bet the lefties who live in that area in Texas are kinda believing there may be a threat there......
The simple answer is to just close off Texas

It is the Patriotic thing to do
It's funny how the Right-Wing talks a good game about personal freedom and individualism and less regulation, then calls for regulating the movement of individuals, impeding their personal freedoms.
You almost gotta laugh. Every year about this time the left becomes hysterical about bird flu, plain flu, SARS or freaking shingles. Now that we have a deadly disease in this Country that has killed hundreds of thousands in Africa the low information left acts as if it is nothing as long as their messiah is in office.
hundreds of thousands?

put the drugs down
Its actually in the millions....all part of a big Gubmint coverup
I think it's more like a gazillion. There are dead people in houses and office buildings all over the United States as we speak. Haven't seen a co-worker or neighbor for a few hours? Chances are they are dead of ebola.

Gotta agree

I have noticed alot of posters missing from USMB since this Ebola thing started

Remember that guy Warrior?

You mean the one who was always all hot for big black cock?

Yeah, I wonder if he was ebolofying somewhere. Hope not, of course.

Gee, hope he is ok.
he is fine......Dottie said she scrubbed his bathroom floor last week....
After watching non-stop Ebola coverage on FoxNews, I figured the safest course of action is to hide in my basement and spray myself with Lysol

Its been weeks now and I still don't know anyone who has Ebola

Is it safe to come out yet?
I don't know of any one that has any communicable diseases but it doesn't mean they aren't killers if you come into contact with them.

Just stay under your rock and pray, reb. Pray real hard.
I'll pray that you will die hows that?

I bet you will do that. But I doubt G-d will hear your prayer. Have at it.
why are so many here afraid to print out GOD?......its just a generic name......
After watching non-stop Ebola coverage on FoxNews, I figured the safest course of action is to hide in my basement and spray myself with Lysol

Its been weeks now and I still don't know anyone who has Ebola

Is it safe to come out yet?
What's sad is that there are many on the right who actually believe there's a 'threat.'
What a relief. We can now tell West African countries to stand down ALL CLEAR!!!
Block off Texas until we are sure every last case of Ebola is eradicated

What about closing our borders? What about banning people from hot zones?

or is your only purpose to make snide remarks?...

Of course everyone (who has been following the dallas story) knows that the incompetent affirmative action negro in charge of DCHHS, zachary taylor, is the one who dropped the ball....
but it's going to be okay..obama has appointed another affirmative action hire to be the "ebola czar".

The fact that she has NO medical experience WHATSOEVER isn't important. :laugh2:
B-b-b-but she's got a colledge degreen and membership in ACORN!!
After watching non-stop Ebola coverage on FoxNews, I figured the safest course of action is to hide in my basement and spray myself with Lysol

Its been weeks now and I still don't know anyone who has Ebola

Is it safe to come out yet?
I don't know of any one that has any communicable diseases but it doesn't mean they aren't killers if you come into contact with them.

Just stay under your rock and pray, reb. Pray real hard.
I'll pray that you will die hows that?

I bet you will do that. But I doubt G-d will hear your prayer. Have at it.
why are so many here afraid to print out GOD?......its just a generic name......
The GOD of Abraham is not generic. Most Jews correctly print G-D.
You almost gotta laugh. Every year about this time the left becomes hysterical about bird flu, plain flu, SARS or freaking shingles. Now that we have a deadly disease in this Country that has killed hundreds of thousands in Africa the low information left acts as if it is nothing as long as their messiah is in office.
hundreds of thousands?

put the drugs down
Its actually in the millions....all part of a big Gubmint coverup

Who said that? Please quote the post of a person who stated that it was a government cover up. Otherwise, you are just being ridiculous.
is it ridiculous to say that hundreds of thousands of africans are infected...

when its like 4-5k?

Sure, but that is not what I was asking him.
The simple answer is to just close off Texas

It is the Patriotic thing to do
It's funny how the Right-Wing talks a good game about personal freedom and individualism and less regulation, then calls for regulating the movement of individuals, impeding their personal freedoms.

Those people aren't American citizens. They are citizens of another country.
Has ANYONE PANICED yet? ...Or are we just discussing what may or may not happen?.... Perhaps rightwingnut is in a panic!

I'm not panicked at all. I just wonder why our government would be irresponsible about this. The United States is certainly not immune to an outbreak of Ebola. Instead of taking that risk, why not take some common sense precautions?
After watching non-stop Ebola coverage on FoxNews, I figured the safest course of action is to hide in my basement and spray myself with Lysol

Its been weeks now and I still don't know anyone who has Ebola

Is it safe to come out yet?

We all survived the sequester...
I remember Libs acting like the world as we knew it was going to end...

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