I don't know how the midterms will turn out.

1. Polls can be bought. Polls are bought. Very few are accurate. The most accurate I've found is the IBD poll. If you can predict the popular vote in states, you can predict the EC.

2. Gas prices are down, but still double from a year ago. Inflation is just peaking, we may not know how bad inflation will be or how high the Fed needs to raise interest rates until December. It will be years until inflation gets back to near 2%.

3. November may be a red wave or a red ripple, we'll see. As you say the Republican senate candidates have their work cut out for themselves, especially in PA, GA, AZ, and NV. The filibuster keeps the senate from going "woke".
The most accurate poll used to be the election result, until 2020.
Republican strategy:
1. End the war on energy, reduce gas prices
2. Reduce inflation by reducing government spending
3. Dr. Oz is a real doctor, unlike Jill Biden
4. Stop the democrat's war on parental rights
5. Bring back Law & Order to the streets

Democrat strategy:
1. feed runaway inflation by increasing government spending
2. more "woke" bullshit
3. more unsafe streets
4. more open borders and millions of migrants
5. more drug deaths
6. more of Biden's and Kamala's failed presidency
You’re swinging blindly and convincing no one. Democrats have done more in 1 1/2 years than Trump did in all 4. His only legislation was signing the crime bill that had been in the works under Obama.

Infrastructure was bipartisan and is an investment not spending. Trump had infrastructure week 44 times and did jack shit. Took a Biden to do it.

Trump quit on healthcare and famously said “Who knew healthcare could be so hard?”. It took Biden to lower prescriptions By allowing Medicare to actually negotiate. Shocking. Everyone supports that. That is a deficit reducing bill. Show me one that Trump passed. You can’t.

Companies that pay zero taxes like Amazon can’t avoid paying them in the future. Like Manchin said.. they get the benefit of being in the country and won’t participated in paying for defense and all the other expenses. That’s not fair.

What a great day for Americans.
The Democrat party will be Destroyed in November
I’m not so sure now. Usually that happens but republicans selected some idiots for senators and attacked women. Now that the democrats are racking up wins I think the direction has changed.
You’re swinging blindly and convincing no one. Democrats have done more in 1 1/2 years than Trump did in all 4. His only legislation was signing the crime bill that had been in the works under Obama.

Infrastructure was bipartisan and is an investment not spending. Trump had infrastructure week 44 times and did jack shit. Took a Biden to do it.

Trump quit on healthcare and famously said “Who knew healthcare could be so hard?”. It took Biden to lower prescriptions By allowing Medicare to actually negotiate. Shocking. Everyone supports that. That is a deficit reducing bill. Show me one that Trump passed. You can’t.

Companies that pay zero taxes like Amazon can’t avoid paying them in the future. Like Manchin said.. they get the benefit of being in the country and won’t participated in paying for defense and all the other expenses. That’s not fair.

What a great day for Americans.
Liar of the year. You should be air dropped into gitmo. Lol Biden has screwed the border, gas, Afghanistan, the economy, etc!
Democrats have terrible POLICIES, Berg! Who cares who the candidates are if they espouse policies that hurt everyday Americans! Democrats need to be voted out of office because the average American can't take too much more of your agenda!
Democrat policy is highly popular and better for the country. Just look at history. Every single republican since Reagan fucked up the economy and was a crook. They only win by serenading the white fragile ignorant folk who vote against their best interest. Don’t be one of those.
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Liar of the year. You should be air dropped into gitmo.
Excellent debate skills. Did you learn them on a 2nd grade school yard? I’m sure you repeated it several times so you must be really good at freeze tag too.
Excellent debate skills. Did you learn them on a 2nd grade school yard? I’m sure you repeated it several times so you must be really good at freeze tag too.
As you know, liars like you cannot be debated because you never stop lying. Then, it's distract and deflect.
Who knows how much of an impact the devastating evidence of Trump's criminality regarding the attempted coup will have? Or the participation of Repub members of Congress. Or the refusal of former Trump admin members to testify (though most have).
I don't know how many voters will be influenced by the Repubs responsibility for the very unpopular ruling by the SC to take away a woman's right to make reproductive decisions for herself.
It's a mystery as to whether bipartisan outrage over the Senate Repubs blockage of a bill to provide care for vets exposed to harmful chemicals during their time in service will effect how people vote.

But I do know Dems have better candidates.

For example, JD Vance thinks women should stay in abusive relationships.

Doug Mastriano is a straight up ass clown.

Then there's Herschel Walker. Yikes!

6 Awful GOP Candidates Who Could Save the Democratic Senate​

The influence of Trump on the former GOP, now the POT (party of Trump), and the candidates it is running for office.......a collection of conspiracy theorists, QAnon believers, whack jobs, unqualified hacks, Trump acolytes, and deniers of reality........may be the saving grace for the country by preventing them from gaining power.

Nobody believes or accepts your SPIN. Give it up
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Who knows how much of an impact the devastating evidence of Trump's criminality regarding the attempted coup will have? Or the participation of Repub members of Congress. Or the refusal of former Trump admin members to testify (though most have).
I don't know how many voters will be influenced by the Repubs responsibility for the very unpopular ruling by the SC to take away a woman's right to make reproductive decisions for herself.
It's a mystery as to whether bipartisan outrage over the Senate Repubs blockage of a bill to provide care for vets exposed to harmful chemicals during their time in service will effect how people vote.

But I do know Dems have better candidates.

For example, JD Vance thinks women should stay in abusive relationships.

Doug Mastriano is a straight up ass clown.

Then there's Herschel Walker. Yikes!

6 Awful GOP Candidates Who Could Save the Democratic Senate​

The influence of Trump on the former GOP, now the POT (party of Trump), and the candidates it is running for office.......a collection of conspiracy theorists, QAnon believers, whack jobs, unqualified hacks, Trump acolytes, and deniers of reality........may be the saving grace for the country by preventing them from gaining power.

It truly amazes me how naive the left are in thinking that Conservative ordinary voters should vote Democrat and that Republican voters only vote Republican because of the so-called big lie. They honestly believe that if it wasn't for the so-called big lie that all of these people would just naturally vote Democratic. What total and complete arrogance. And they wonder why they lose.
It truly amazes me how naive the left are in thinking that Conservative ordinary voters should vote Democrat and that Republican voters only vote Republican because of the so-called big lie. They honestly believe that if it wasn't for the so-called big lie that all of these people would just naturally vote Democratic. What total and complete arrogance. And they wonder why they lose.
The Big Lie exposes the undemocratic illegality of GOP politics.

That alone is not going to influence a great number of voters but combined with the dishonesty surrounding the over turning of Roe… the impending attacks on Gay rights and contraception… their disdain for sick Vets… the fact that they vote against trying to get computer chips made on THIS country

Spend assloads more billions of dollars (which means just print the shit) and claim it will somehow magically reduce inflation.

Ok. Let’s all pretend that makes any fucking sense.
You support giving Medicare the ability to negotiate drug prices, yes or no?
Lol, pos thinks I know where all the stolen money will go! Believes you can get to be worth over 100 mil on a congressman's salary!
I’m other words… you’re talking out your ass

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