"I don't like blacks because..."

I agree the relationship is not the same. A teachers job is to teach you whatever subject you are learning but also how to be a responsible adult.
And a student, especially in a public (free) school has a moral obligation to demonstrate gratitude for a teacher's effort on his behalf by staying awake. Or at least not punching the teacher for waking him in a manner he resented as much as the teacher resented his falling asleep in class.

He had no business hitting me with a book.
Again, how hard did he "hit" you? Did he just firmly tap you with the book to wake you or did he strike you with sufficient force to qualify as aggravated assault? You've said he "chose to use violence" against you. Please be more specific about the level of "violence." Can you describe the action?

Again, would you prefer he just let you sleep and send you to the Principal's Office when you woke? Because in the long run having that in your record might cause you more of a problem than would a simple tap with a book to wake you. Because your school record is considered by college and university admissions boards.

i dont know when you grew up but teachers were not allowed to strike a student for any reason.
I went to Catholic school in the 1940s and 50s and I've already made it clear what would happen there if a student fell asleep in class. Discipline was rigid and the effect was superior education. Both my brother and I would have much preferred public school but our parents, mainly our mother, wouldn't hear of it -- for which I am grateful today.

However, you are the third person that seems to feel what my reaction as a 17yr old was an issue. To me that means there is a different perception on how it should have been handled on my part. I am curious if this is a ethnic, age, or economic difference?
First, while you might think you had a right to punch that teacher, unless you could prove it was done in self defense you're quite mistaken. By touching you with a book he technically effected a simple assault. Because he did it to wake you there was no malicious or criminal intent on his part. Your only lawful recourse was to file a complaint. But you had no legal right to retaliate by punching him, which is aggravated assault. Two wrongs do not make a right.

How you should have handled it depends on many peripheral factors, such as your personal relationship with that teacher, his general disposition, what other students thought of him, if he was physically abusive to others? Etc.
And a student, especially in a public (free) school has a moral obligation to demonstrate gratitude for a teacher's effort on his behalf by staying awake. Or at least not punching the teacher for waking him in a manner he resented as much as the teacher resented his falling asleep in class.

I agree with the part about staying awake but disagree with your belief I shouldn't have punched him.

Again, how hard did he "hit" you? Did he just firmly tap you with the book to wake you or did he strike you with sufficient force to qualify as aggravated assault? You've said he "chose to use violence" against you. Please be more specific about the level of "violence." Can you describe the action?

Sure. He hit me hard enough to startle me and produce an adrenaline rush. I'm not an attorney so I cant comment on if it was aggravated assault or not. All I know is I thought he was attacking me. Evidently the pincipal thought he was in the wrong and he was force to apologize.

Again, would you prefer he just let you sleep and send you to the Principal's Office when you woke? Because in the long run having that in your record might cause you more of a problem than would a simple tap with a book to wake you. Because your school record is considered by college and university admissions boards.

I already said he could have just shaken me or he could have yelled at me. He intentionally hit me. i wasn't really concerned about what some college or university admin would think at that moment in time.

I went to Catholic school in the 1940s and 50s and I've already made it clear what would happen there if a student fell asleep in class. Discipline was rigid and the effect was superior education. Both my brother and I would have much preferred public school but our parents, mainly our mother, wouldn't hear of it -- for which I am grateful today.

Well it makes sense then that you thought it was ok he hit me. Times have changed and I would not tolerate a teacher putting their hands on my children. Thats my job. My education in K-12 was good enough to get me to the point where I learned that school is not really anything but an indoctrination farm. I do pretty well for myself now and consider myself a life long student..

First, while you might think you had a right to punch that teacher, unless you could prove it was done in self defense you're quite mistaken. By touching you with a book he technically effected a simple assault. Because he did it to wake you there was no malicious or criminal intent on his part. Your only lawful recourse was to file a complaint. But you had no legal right to retaliate by punching him, which is aggravated assault. Two wrongs do not make a right.

I disagree. Evidently the authorities that questioned me and my classmates did too. He came extremely close to being fired and my parents could have pressed charges i was told later by my mother. They thought him getting hit was good enough but I was placed on punishment by my parents for a week.

How you should have handled it depends on many peripheral factors, such as your personal relationship with that teacher, his general disposition, what other students thought of him, if he was physically abusive to others? Etc.

Looking back I wish i had not him quite so hard. The cops wanted to take me to jail because he lied and said I attacked him for no reason. I never had problem personally with him before but he was a bit of a smart ass. i dont think I would have been able to handle it any differently than I did even now as an adult.
Looking back I wish i had not him quite so hard. The cops wanted to take me to jail because he lied and said I attacked him for no reason. I never had problem personally with him before but he was a bit of a smart ass. i dont think I would have been able to handle it any differently than I did even now as an adult.
The impression I have is your level of intelligence far exceeds the misguided sense of machismo you've managed to acquire. If you were embarrassed or simply offended by that teacher's action the best thing you could have done was to verbally rebuke him for it.

Responding to his action as you did spoke in a language which is far beneath you. And I think you know that.

I hope you know it.
17 pages of conservatives justifying anti-black sentiments and rational people exposing their ignorance.
Alot of people don't want to deal with the large amount of negativity that comes with the black culture, sorry that hurts your feelings.
17 pages of conservatives justifying anti-black sentiments and rational people exposing their ignorance.

Hypocritical leftists want to believe that "conservative" = racist. That's part of what makes them such fucking hypocrites.
17 pages of conservatives justifying anti-black sentiments and rational people exposing their ignorance.

Hypocritical leftists want to believe that "conservative" = racist. That's part of what makes them such fucking hypocrites.


Not all conservatives are racist, but if you don't like black people, then you'r probably a conservative.

Stay thirsty my friends.

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