"I don't like blacks because..."

I'm actually surprised this was an Islander. I've talked with plenty of Tongans, Samoans, Fijians, etc and all have welcomed me with open arms. I guess there is always that small minority of every group that has issues.
Yes I did. Why are you asking about my upbringing? What does that have to do with the teacher hitting me with a book?
Because hitting someone with a book (ffs) is a poor excuse to hitting someone back, especially a teacher. You are a very poor role model for black Americans, even worse than Obama for that matter.
Why do you believe it was a poor excuse?
The teacher/student relationship is not the same as two ordinary strangers on a bus or a subway car. And when you say you punched your teacher for hitting you on the arm with a book, how hard did he hit you? Was it a firm tap to wake you, or was it an aggravated assault with the book as a weapon? And would you prefer he let you sleep and sent you to the Principal's office when you woke?

I can't speak for the situation in public schools because I went to Catholic school where falling asleep in class would probably result in an awakening wallop and several hours standing nose and toes against a wall in front of the class. And if a student dared to punch the Franciscan brother, nun, or lay teacher who whacked him, that student would be summarily expelled. Because corporal punishment is (or was) an accepted standard in Catholic schools.

The bottom line in comparison of parochial schools to public schools is the substantial difference in average student grades. Parochial school graduates invariably score significantly higher than public school graduates.
Because hitting someone with a book (ffs) is a poor excuse to hitting someone back, especially a teacher. You are a very poor role model for black Americans, even worse than Obama for that matter.
Why do you believe it was a poor excuse?
The teacher/student relationship is not the same as two ordinary strangers on a bus or a subway car. And when you say you punched your teacher for hitting you on the arm with a book, how hard did he hit you? Was it a firm tap to wake you, or was it an aggravated assault with the book as a weapon? And would you prefer he let you sleep and sent you to the Principal's office when you woke?

I can't speak for the situation in public schools because I went to Catholic school where falling asleep in class would probably result in an awakening wallop and several hours standing nose and toes against a wall in front of the class. And if a student dared to punch the Franciscan brother, nun, or lay teacher who whacked him, that student would be summarily expelled. Because corporal punishment is (or was) an accepted standard in Catholic schools.

The bottom line in comparison of parochial schools to public schools is the substantial difference in average student grades. Parochial school graduates invariably score significantly higher than public school graduates.

I agree the relationship is not the same. A teachers job is to teach you whatever subject you are learning but also how to be a responsible adult. He had no business hitting me with a book. He could have simply shaken me awake and sent me to the office. He chose to use violence. He got hit and almost lost his job in the process for being irresponsible. i dont know when you grew up but teachers were not allowed to strike a student for any reason.

However, you are the third person that seems to feel what my reaction as a 17yr old was an issue. To me that means there is a different perception on how it should have been handled on my part. I am curious if this is a ethnic, age, or economic difference?
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Islanders are cool. Worse racists on the planet are American blacks. It's crazy.

That is complete and utter bullshit, you have obviously never left the country in your life.

Agree. Complete bullshit is what it is and most likely someone who is very unfamiliar with the rest of the 'planet.' First, American blacks are far less racist than American whites, in general. Any time I've been involved with a black person in America, their family and friends have been most welcoming and open. I was with one black man in a serious living together relationship for several years. His family accepted me immediately. My family took a long time to accept him, then when we broke up, made it clear their acceptance had been superficial all along anyway. They finally changed their perspective when my brother had two mixed race sons, and, finding themselves with 2 mixed race grandchildren, my parents finally became accepting of black Americans on the same level they accepted white Americans. It took that much.

As far as the rest of the world: people all over the world are racist against one group or another. It isn't just in America we find racism. In Austria and Germany, for example, both countries I have lived in, Turkish people are considered on about the same level as blacks in America are by many people (probably the majority) : lots and lots of racism there and just as bad as any you would find in America.
You should pull yourself up by your boot straps and make yourself indispensable. You only have your laziness to blame for AA effecting you just like us Blacks are lazy for letting racism effect us.

FU! I the best at the job, most qualified, worked hard & carried the lazy black bitch. I did not know about Affirmative Action until my boss told me why the Black Woman who could not do the job & customers hated was being promoted to be my manager. We got monthly ranking breakdowns of our job performance. I constantly ranked #1 & never below #4 in the company of 88 service technicians. She never ranked higher than the bottom 15% in any category.

They promoted her because they could not fire her because she was the only black woman we had. They promoted her to the supervisor desk job to get her out of the customer service technical field. Our boss told me this & that it was our job to support her because we need her to keep the all the government contracts. I was told part of my job was to to cover her ass so we could qualify for those lucrative government contracts. Carrying her is what I did for years until I got hired away by competitors for a lot more money. She got fired 2 weeks after I left because no one could cover for her like I could & none of them could perform at my level. They hired 3 people to handle my job after I left. :lol: Their performance tanked & the black bitch got fired.

The company begged me to stay for more money when I turned in my 2 week notice. But there was no way after all the crap I had to take & had to leave before they made such an offer. I felt I had a better future at the new place & stayed there until I started my own company. They still offered me jobs after I left, now their entire company is under new management. :lol:

In a law firm I worked in, one of the attorneys was a black guy, an affirmative action hire. They gave him the best office, he shared the most experienced secretary with one of the partners. He just had nothing to do. He got no cases, he went to no trials. He was trotted out as an example of our diversity when necessary.

He said he was really a good attorney, a hard working attorney, if he had something to work at. He got a top notch salary just as if he was a practicing attorney. Many other associates covered his ass. It might not have been necessary had he been given assignments and permitted to prove himself but he never was. He was hired to meet a quota and keep the feds from the door. It was assumed that because he was an affirmative action hire he was incompetent.

Affirmative action and racial quotas is a sword that swings in every direction.

Clients also assume most blacks are affirmative action and racial quota fillers. Perhaps clients don't feel confident with black attorneys. And, or he does not have the PR skills, confidence, drive or knowledge to impress them. They should not get to ride on our shoulders for failing. They should still have to earn it like the rest of us do.

In my case the black woman promoted to supervisor was not the worst service tech or CSR. There were maybe 5 out of 88 white dudes who were worse & should have been fired before her. But customers & clients are sexist & racist (even black female ones) & it made her appear even worse than them. The issue is she was not a good service tech & customers did not want her back. She had her chance to impress the customers just like the rest of us, but she did not have the skill to pull it off. So in order to keep her away from customers she got my cushy promotion & pay increase while I had to work harder to cover her ass. I was the best of the best & the owner, president & VP knew it. But due to AA I got shit on until I turned in my resignation.
Betty. How serious is this? I consider this red alert time. Been there and done it.

He was asleep. He has never raised an unkind hand nor his voice, nor uttered a cross word in her general direction. He's third generation swan (they mate for life.) His parents and grandparents set excellent, loving examples. :)

Why do you think it happened then.

He sounds like an awesome husband. Was it just a bad moment?

Honey, he was ASLEEP. The fringe tickled him awake, and his arm shot out.
FU! I the best at the job, most qualified, worked hard & carried the lazy black bitch. I did not know about Affirmative Action until my boss told me why the Black Woman who could not do the job & customers hated was being promoted to be my manager. We got monthly ranking breakdowns of our job performance. I constantly ranked #1 & never below #4 in the company of 88 service technicians. She never ranked higher than the bottom 15% in any category.

They promoted her because they could not fire her because she was the only black woman we had. They promoted her to the supervisor desk job to get her out of the customer service technical field. Our boss told me this & that it was our job to support her because we need her to keep the all the government contracts. I was told part of my job was to to cover her ass so we could qualify for those lucrative government contracts. :Carrying her is what I did for years until I got hired away by competitors for a lot more money. She got fired 2 weeks after I left because no one could cover for her like I could & none of them could perform at my level. They hired 3 people to handle my job after I left. :lol: Their performance tanked & the black bitch got fired.

The company begged me to stay for more money when I turned in my 2 week notice. But there was no way after all the crap I had to take & had to leave before they made such an offer. I felt I had a better future at the new place & stayed there until I started my own company. They still offered me jobs after I left, now their entire company is under new management. :lol:

In a law firm I worked in, one of the attorneys was a black guy, an affirmative action hire. They gave him the best office, he shared the most experienced secretary with one of the partners. He just had nothing to do. He got no cases, he went to no trials. He was trotted out as an example of our diversity when necessary.

He said he was really a good attorney, a hard working attorney, if he had something to work at. He got a top notch salary just as if he was a practicing attorney. Many other associates covered his ass. It might not have been necessary had he been given assignments and permitted to prove himself but he never was. He was hired to meet a quota and keep the feds from the door. It was assumed that because he was an affirmative action hire he was incompetent.

Affirmative action and racial quotas is a sword that swings in every direction.
You should have asked him to help you clean the offices, him being such a smart guy and all.[/QUOTE]
By that time I had moved from cleaning offices through receptionist, secretary and paralegal and was a lawyer myself. I could do that because I'm not a democrat. A democrat would still be cleaning toilets. Just demanding to be paid like an attorney. Republicans go to school.

Blacks have the highest crime rates, murder, rape, high school dropouts, obesity, abortions, unemployment, STDs, welfare, ect......

Why are you so proud they're Democrats?

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