"I don't like blacks because..."

Exactly. Affirmative Action helps all minorities, not just blacks. The entire argument that Affirmative Action is racist and favors blacks is a myth perpetuated by white racists. As well, those who have repeatedly informed us that it is women who have profited most from AA are correct. What some white males in our society cannot accept is that they should face any prejudice at all: though other groups have been facing it since the birth of our country, once a white male faces it, all we hear about is how racist and biased and unfair it is. Cry babies. They need to accept that life is not fair, to anyone.

I don't have to accept a law that discriminates against me any more than blacks had to accept the 3/5th human law or women had to accept not being allowed to vote. It has directly & personally impacted my earnings & job. Anyone who is honest would stand against AA. People should be hired, paid & promoted based on merits, not race, sex or age quotas.


But the reality is that without laws to govern the hiring of workers, people are not "hired, paid and promoted based on merit." That is not the reality. It NEVER was, and it wouldn't be now if you took away AA. It isn't the reality. The more chance people have to hire based on race, gender, age, looks, culture, ethnicity, religion, etc., the more people who hire will choose workers based on their own biases. That's the reality in the real world. The other is reality in your personal dream world.

The group I work with has unionized, I'm now not paid or promoted based on how well I perform my job.....I'm paid by seniority. Someone that does a lousy job and puts extra burden on me will make more money because they have punched in more times than I have. I can be the most knowledgeable person there but if another that knows nothing, been skating by on minimum knowledge for years........if that person has been at the company a year longer, that person gets more pay.......pathetic system.
"I don't like blacks because..."

Maybe if they stayed in school, stopped slinging crack and shit, and wore condoms.
I don't have to accept a law that discriminates against me any more than blacks had to accept the 3/5th human law or women had to accept not being allowed to vote. Affirmative Action is a law that discriminates against white males based solely on skin color. It is not a myth & has directly & personally impacted my hiring, promotion, earnings & job. Anyone who is honest would stand against Affirmative Action. People should be hired, paid & promoted based on merits, not race, sex or age quotas.

You should pull yourself up by your boot straps and make yourself indispensable. You only have your laziness to blame for AA effecting you just like us Blacks are lazy for letting racism effect us.

FU! I the best at the job, most qualified, worked hard & carried the lazy black bitch. I did not know about Affirmative Action until my boss told me why the Black Woman who could not do the job & customers hated was being promoted to be my manager. We got monthly ranking breakdowns of our job performance. I constantly ranked #1 & never below #4 in the company of 88 service technicians. She never ranked higher than the bottom 15% in any category.

They promoted her because they could not fire her because she was the only black woman we had. They promoted her to the supervisor desk job to get her out of the customer service technical field. Our boss told me this & that it was our job to support her because we need her to keep the all the government contracts. I was told part of my job was to to cover her ass so we could qualify for those lucrative government contracts. Carrying her is what I did for years until I got hired away by competitors for a lot more money. She got fired 2 weeks after I left because no one could cover for her like I could & none of them could perform at my level. They hired 3 people to handle my job after I left. :lol: Their performance tanked & the black bitch got fired.

The company begged me to stay for more money when I turned in my 2 week notice. But there was no way after all the crap I had to take & had to leave before they made such an offer. I felt I had a better future at the new place & stayed there until I started my own company. They still offered me jobs after I left, now their entire company is under new management. :lol:

In a law firm I worked in, one of the attorneys was a black guy, an affirmative action hire. They gave him the best office, he shared the most experienced secretary with one of the partners. He just had nothing to do. He got no cases, he went to no trials. He was trotted out as an example of our diversity when necessary.

He said he was really a good attorney, a hard working attorney, if he had something to work at. He got a top notch salary just as if he was a practicing attorney. Many other associates covered his ass. It might not have been necessary had he been given assignments and permitted to prove himself but he never was. He was hired to meet a quota and keep the feds from the door. It was assumed that because he was an affirmative action hire he was incompetent.

Affirmative action and racial quotas is a sword that swings in every direction.
You should pull yourself up by your boot straps and make yourself indispensable. You only have your laziness to blame for AA effecting you just like us Blacks are lazy for letting racism effect us.

FU! I the best at the job, most qualified, worked hard & carried the lazy black bitch. I did not know about Affirmative Action until my boss told me why the Black Woman who could not do the job & customers hated was being promoted to be my manager. We got monthly ranking breakdowns of our job performance. I constantly ranked #1 & never below #4 in the company of 88 service technicians. She never ranked higher than the bottom 15% in any category.

They promoted her because they could not fire her because she was the only black woman we had. They promoted her to the supervisor desk job to get her out of the customer service technical field. Our boss told me this & that it was our job to support her because we need her to keep the all the government contracts. I was told part of my job was to to cover her ass so we could qualify for those lucrative government contracts. Carrying her is what I did for years until I got hired away by competitors for a lot more money. She got fired 2 weeks after I left because no one could cover for her like I could & none of them could perform at my level. They hired 3 people to handle my job after I left. :lol: Their performance tanked & the black bitch got fired.

The company begged me to stay for more money when I turned in my 2 week notice. But there was no way after all the crap I had to take & had to leave before they made such an offer. I felt I had a better future at the new place & stayed there until I started my own company. They still offered me jobs after I left, now their entire company is under new management. :lol:

In a law firm I worked in, one of the attorneys was a black guy, an affirmative action hire. They gave him the best office, he shared the most experienced secretary with one of the partners. He just had nothing to do. He got no cases, he went to no trials. He was trotted out as an example of our diversity when necessary.

He said he was really a good attorney, a hard working attorney, if he had something to work at. He got a top notch salary just as if he was a practicing attorney. Many other associates covered his ass. It might not have been necessary had he been given assignments and permitted to prove himself but he never was. He was hired to meet a quota and keep the feds from the door. It was assumed that because he was an affirmative action hire he was incompetent.

Affirmative action and racial quotas is a sword that swings in every direction.
You should have asked him to help you clean the offices, him being such a smart guy and all.
The group I work with has unionized, I'm now not paid or promoted based on how well I perform my job.....I'm paid by seniority. Someone that does a lousy job and puts extra burden on me will make more money because they have punched in more times than I have. I can be the most knowledgeable person there but if another that knows nothing, been skating by on minimum knowledge for years........if that person has been at the company a year longer, that person gets more pay.......pathetic system.
This is indeed one of the negative aspects of a union shop and the only thing to be said about the situation is sometimes it is necessary to take the bad with the good. When weighing the entire situation, do you think you'd be better off overall without a union?
You must be in the slow lane because you appear to be slow witted. Please read slowly and carefully. I know its hard for you but he.... hit ...me... on... the....arm... with.... a... book. I was up all night studying for my physics test after playing in a tournament that same night. I've never taken an aspirin let alone done any drugs. How did you miss the reason I hit him? You are really stupid. :lol:
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Didn't you punch a teacher?


Everyone who believes this gasbag has ever punched anyone in his life, raise your hand.

No one can see each other dummy.
I didnt punch the teacher because I was asleep. I see you have reading comprehension problems on top of being a dumbass. How did you miss that? :lol:

You were "sleep", he woke you and you punched him. I get it. Sheesh, I'm in the slow lane again. Were you "sleep" because you were up all night doing drugs?

You must be in the slow lane because you appear to be slow witted. Please read slowly and carefully. I know its hard for you but he.... hit ...me... on... the....arm... with.... a... book. I was up all night studying for my physics test after playing in a tournament that same night. I've never taken an aspirin let alone done any drugs. How did you miss the reason I hit him? You are really stupid. :lol:
Your teacher hit you on the arm with a book so you hit him? Seriously?! What kind of upbringing did you have anyway?
The guy in the OP is a Pacific Islander. I have been around several of them. Some consider themselves black and some wouldn't lower themselves. Also, I worked with a lot of blacks from Nigeria. They have the exact same sentiment about the blacks who were born here. Ditto Jamaicans, they don't care much for American slave descendants. Those Nigerian guys have a serious work ethic. They have a hierarchy and network, for lack of better terms, with a sponsor who helps get them here and to whom they are obligated for a very long time. It used to be very frustrating when they would get the call and suddenly have to leave work to do the bidding of the sponsor. I have had east Indian patients who did not want American blacks giving them care, and Asians as well who did not want black caregivers.

Just because someone is a minority does not mean they think American slave descendants are deserving of anything more than anyone else. This man just spoke what many other minorities have been known to say in other settings.

Islanders are cool. Worse racists on the planet are American blacks. It's crazy.

One of the best movies evah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mississippi Masala.

There's this one scene where the girl is sitting around the table and they are telling her she can't be African because she is lighter skin than them.

She's the only one from freaking Africa. :lol:

I have good friends coast to coast who are from SA told they can't be Afrikaners. One of my best friends from Toronto who was white was told she couldn't be from Jamaica.

I've been told on this very board that even though my grandbaby Trinity is half Trinidadian I must still be a racist because I don't like Obama's policies. I can do jerk with the best of them and American blacks won't have a clue what that is.

I can jerk chicken. Pork. I can make home made patties.

But I'm still a racist for not agreeing with Obama's policies. It's crazy.
You were "sleep", he woke you and you punched him. I get it. Sheesh, I'm in the slow lane again. Were you "sleep" because you were up all night doing drugs?

You must be in the slow lane because you appear to be slow witted. Please read slowly and carefully. I know its hard for you but he.... hit ...me... on... the....arm... with.... a... book. I was up all night studying for my physics test after playing in a tournament that same night. I've never taken an aspirin let alone done any drugs. How did you miss the reason I hit him? You are really stupid. :lol:
Your teacher hit you on the arm with a book so you hit him? Seriously?! What kind of upbringing did you have anyway?

Yes I did. Why are you asking about my upbringing? What does that have to do with the teacher hitting me with a book?
You must be in the slow lane because you appear to be slow witted. Please read slowly and carefully. I know its hard for you but he.... hit ...me... on... the....arm... with.... a... book. I was up all night studying for my physics test after playing in a tournament that same night. I've never taken an aspirin let alone done any drugs. How did you miss the reason I hit him? You are really stupid. :lol:
Your teacher hit you on the arm with a book so you hit him? Seriously?! What kind of upbringing did you have anyway?

Yes I did. Why are you asking about my upbringing? What does that have to do with the teacher hitting me with a book?

You reacted with violence.

I lived through Latin teachers who wore bow ties and consistently abused us verbally in class.

What did I learn?

He's the boss.


And get A+ so the old bastard liked me.
Your teacher hit you on the arm with a book so you hit him? Seriously?! What kind of upbringing did you have anyway?

Yes I did. Why are you asking about my upbringing? What does that have to do with the teacher hitting me with a book?

You reacted with violence.

I lived through Latin teachers who wore bow ties and consistently abused us verbally in class.

What did I learn?

He's the boss.


And get A+ so the old bastard liked me.

I reacted to his violence with violence. He apologized later. I got an A in the class.
Your teacher hit you on the arm with a book so you hit him? Seriously?! What kind of upbringing did you have anyway?

Yes I did. Why are you asking about my upbringing? What does that have to do with the teacher hitting me with a book?

You reacted with violence.

I lived through Latin teachers who wore bow ties and consistently abused us verbally in class.

What did I learn?

He's the boss.


And get A+ so the old bastard liked me.

Yes, so did my sister when a teacher grabbed her by the hair. My sister whipped her purse around and slammed her teacher upside the head with it.

We're white, by the way.

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