"I don't like blacks because..."

Shame vote. AA is not racist. It helps white women more than anyone else. Even if it did help Black people more how is it saying one group is superior to another?

Exactly. Affirmative Action helps all minorities, not just blacks. The entire argument that Affirmative Action is racist and favors blacks is a myth perpetuated by white racists. As well, those who have repeatedly informed us that it is women who have profited most from AA are correct. What some white males in our society cannot accept is that they should face any prejudice at all: though other groups have been facing it since the birth of our country, once a white male faces it, all we hear about is how racist and biased and unfair it is. Cry babies. They need to accept that life is not fair, to anyone.

I don't have to accept a law that discriminates against me any more than blacks had to accept the 3/5th human law or women had to accept not being allowed to vote. Affirmative Action is a law that discriminates against white males based solely on skin color. It is not a myth & has directly & personally impacted my hiring, promotion, earnings & job. Anyone who is honest would stand against Affirmative Action. People should be hired, paid & promoted based on merits, not race, sex or age quotas.

After 50 years poor whites are pushing back.

If a class of people is given an opportunity and cannot utilize it in half a century to improve their lives, there is something inherently wrong with either the class or the law or both.

Exactly. Affirmative Action helps all minorities, not just blacks. The entire argument that Affirmative Action is racist and favors blacks is a myth perpetuated by white racists. As well, those who have repeatedly informed us that it is women who have profited most from AA are correct. What some white males in our society cannot accept is that they should face any prejudice at all: though other groups have been facing it since the birth of our country, once a white male faces it, all we hear about is how racist and biased and unfair it is. Cry babies. They need to accept that life is not fair, to anyone.

I don't have to accept a law that discriminates against me any more than blacks had to accept the 3/5th human law or women had to accept not being allowed to vote. Affirmative Action is a law that discriminates against white males based solely on skin color. It is not a myth & has directly & personally impacted my hiring, promotion, earnings & job. Anyone who is honest would stand against Affirmative Action. People should be hired, paid & promoted based on merits, not race, sex or age quotas.

You should pull yourself up by your boot straps and make yourself indispensable. You only have your laziness to blame for AA effecting you just like us Blacks are lazy for letting racism effect us.

FU! I the best at the job, most qualified, worked hard & carried the lazy black bitch. I did not know about Affirmative Action until my boss told me why the Black Woman who could not do the job & customers hated was being promoted to be my manager. We got monthly ranking breakdowns of our job performance. I constantly ranked #1 & never below #4 in the company of 88 service technicians. She never ranked higher than the bottom 15% in any category.

They promoted her because they could not fire her because she was the only black woman we had. They promoted her to the supervisor desk job to get her out of the customer service technical field. Our boss told me this & that it was our job to support her because we need her to keep the all the government contracts. I was told part of my job was to to cover her ass so we could qualify for those lucrative government contracts. Carrying her is what I did for years until I got hired away by competitors for a lot more money. She got fired 2 weeks after I left because no one could cover for her like I could & none of them could perform at my level. They hired 3 people to handle my job after I left. :lol: Their performance tanked & the black bitch got fired.

The company begged me to stay for more money when I turned in my 2 week notice. But there was no way after all the crap I had to take & had to leave before they made such an offer. I felt I had a better future at the new place & stayed there until I started my own company. They still offered me jobs after I left, now their entire company is under new management. :lol:
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I don't have to accept a law that discriminates against me any more than blacks had to accept the 3/5th human law or women had to accept not being allowed to vote. Affirmative Action is a law that discriminates against white males based solely on skin color. It is not a myth & has directly & personally impacted my hiring, promotion, earnings & job. Anyone who is honest would stand against Affirmative Action. People should be hired, paid & promoted based on merits, not race, sex or age quotas.

You should pull yourself up by your boot straps and make yourself indispensable. You only have your laziness to blame for AA effecting you just like us Blacks are lazy for letting racism effect us.

FU! I the best at the job, most qualified, worked hard & carried the lazy black bitch. I did not know about Affirmative Action until my boss told me why the Black Woman who could not do the job & customers hated was being promoted to be my manager. We got monthly ranking breakdowns of our job performance. I constantly ranked #1 & never below #4 in the company of 88 service technicians. She never ranked higher than the bottom 15% in any category.

They promoted her because they could not fire her because she was the only black woman we had. They promoted her to the supervisor desk job to get her out of the customer service technical field. Our boss told me this & that it was our job to support her because we need her to keep the all the government contracts. I was told part of my job was to to cover her ass so we could qualify for those lucrative government contracts. Carrying her is what I did for years until I got hired away by competitors for a lot more money. She got fired 2 weeks after I left because no one could cover for her like I could & none of them could perform at my level. They hired 3 people to handle my job after I left. :lol: Their performance tanked & the black bitch got fired.

The company begged me to stay for more money when I turned in my 2 week notice. But there was no way after all the crap I had to take & had to leave before they made such an offer. I felt I had a better future at the new place & stayede there until I started my own company. They still offered me jobs after I left, now their entire company is under new management. :lol:

He was being sarcastic - but I do appreciate you taking the time to write a short essay, with paragraphs and everything, in response.

I don't have to accept a law that discriminates against me any more than blacks had to accept the 3/5th human law or women had to accept not being allowed to vote. Affirmative Action is a law that discriminates against white males based solely on skin color. It is not a myth & has directly & personally impacted my hiring, promotion, earnings & job. Anyone who is honest would stand against Affirmative Action. People should be hired, paid & promoted based on merits, not race, sex or age quotas.

You should pull yourself up by your boot straps and make yourself indispensable. You only have your laziness to blame for AA effecting you just like us Blacks are lazy for letting racism effect us.

FU! I the best at the job, most qualified, worked hard & carried the lazy black bitch. I did not know about Affirmative Action until my boss told me why the Black Woman who could not do the job & customers hated was being promoted to be my manager. We got monthly ranking breakdowns of our job performance. I constantly ranked #1 & never below #4 in the company of 88 service technicians. She never ranked higher than the bottom 15% in any category.

They promoted her because they could not fire her because she was the only black woman we had. They promoted her to the supervisor desk job to get her out of the customer service technical field. Our boss told me this & that it was our job to support her because we need her to keep the all the government contracts. I was told part of my job was to to cover her ass so we could qualify for those lucrative government contracts. Carrying her is what I did for years until I got hired away by competitors for a lot more money. She got fired 2 weeks after I left because no one could cover for her like I could & none of them could perform at my level. They hired 3 people to handle my job after I left. :lol: Their performance tanked & the black bitch got fired.

The company begged me to stay for more money when I turned in my 2 week notice. But there was no way after all the crap I had to take & had to leave before they made such an offer. I felt I had a better future at the new place & stayed there until I started my own company. They still offered me jobs after I left, now their entire company is under new management. :lol:

There are equally as many stories out there of well qualified minorities which include women that have supported lazy, incompetent managers and been passed over in order to maintain a workforce that mirrors what is called proper "decorum".

It's called life. We all experience it at sometime or another. If you improved your position and became more marketable by moving on, good for you. One door closes and another opens, if we choose to walk through it.
What the guy should have said was he has a problem with black culture not blacks in general. I work with some great black people and we get along fine. I cant stand modern black culture. When I was a kid in south black kids did not act like they do today. Something happened in the 70's to black culture and it has gone down hill every since.
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What the guy should have said was he has a problem with black culture not blacks in general. I work with some great black people and we get along fine. I cant stand moderen black culture.

While it may have been more appropriate to say culture, it is such a large percent of blacks (73%) that qualifies as blacks in general. As a minority himself, even he recognizes that. Some blacks are wonderful people, good responsible workers & I have many as friends. The drug, thug rap culture is their biggest problem. Discriminating against white males with Affirmative Action law won't fix that. Black culture must see the error of their ways & now be rewarded for failure.
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I don't have to accept a law that discriminates against me any more than blacks had to accept the 3/5th human law or women had to accept not being allowed to vote. Affirmative Action is a law that discriminates against white males based solely on skin color. It is not a myth & has directly & personally impacted my hiring, promotion, earnings & job. Anyone who is honest would stand against Affirmative Action. People should be hired, paid & promoted based on merits, not race, sex or age quotas.

You should pull yourself up by your boot straps and make yourself indispensable. You only have your laziness to blame for AA effecting you just like us Blacks are lazy for letting racism effect us.

FU! I the best at the job, most qualified, worked hard & carried the lazy black bitch. I did not know about Affirmative Action until my boss told me why the Black Woman who could not do the job & customers hated was being promoted to be my manager. We got monthly ranking breakdowns of our job performance. I constantly ranked #1 & never below #4 in the company of 88 service technicians. She never ranked higher than the bottom 15% in any category.

They promoted her because they could not fire her because she was the only black woman we had. They promoted her to the supervisor desk job to get her out of the customer service technical field. Our boss told me this & that it was our job to support her because we need her to keep the all the government contracts. I was told part of my job was to to cover her ass so we could qualify for those lucrative government contracts. Carrying her is what I did for years until I got hired away by competitors for a lot more money. She got fired 2 weeks after I left because no one could cover for her like I could & none of them could perform at my level. They hired 3 people to handle my job after I left. :lol: Their performance tanked & the black bitch got fired.

The company begged me to stay for more money when I turned in my 2 week notice. But there was no way after all the crap I had to take & had to leave before they made such an offer. I felt I had a better future at the new place & stayed there until I started my own company. They still offered me jobs after I left, now their entire company is under new management. :lol:

LOL! :lol: Stop crying and pull yourself up by your bootstraps. If you really owned a business you wouldn't be crying about AA. You would be celebrating the fact you dont have to work for anyone but yourself. Sounds like you are bitter from that one experience. That doesnt change the fact AA benefits white women more than any other demographic.
What the guy should have said was he has a problem with black culture not blacks in general. I work with some great black people and we get along fine. I cant stand modern black culture. When I was a kid in south black kids did not act like they do today. Something happened in the 70's to black culture and it has gone down hill every since.

Don Cornelius?

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Yes, you are free to have your own opinions and free to express them, but to "hate" someone because of the color of their skin (which they had no choice in), is rather stupid.
First, Black people aren't black. Nor are White people white. So skin color is not the primary determinant of ethnicity. Black and White when used in a social context are ethnic categories, not colors.
I realize that all blacks are not black, neither are all whites, white, but basically it goes back to the color of their ancestor's skin and what we consider black (negro) or white (anglo) - either way, nobody chooses their heritage, and to dislike people because of that is rather shallow.

Why does the color of someone's skin cause you to hate them? That is ignorant and born from a lack of intelligence and self esteem in a person.
Did the Polynesian in the video say he hates Blacks, or did he say he doesn't like them? Do you acknowledge a difference in the two dispositions?
He said "I don't like blacks because they are black" - so whether he hates them or dislikes them, "for being black" is still shallow.
He claimed that he didn't want to be hired because he was "brown" - how about if he was rejected for a job just because he is brown, I bet his reaction to that would be different.

And do you suppose it might be more constructive to engage in Socratic dialogue with that fellow than to simply denounce him as you have done and to exaggerate the severity of his comments? If you believe you have sound, logical arguments you might be able to make him see things more clearly and possibly alter his thinking.
I seriously doubt it. Most people who dislike or hate people for such inane reasons are not going to listen to reason. Their dislike/hate is so entrenched in them, they can't logically explain it. They generalize and blame a whole group of people for what someone in their group might have done, but they are selective, because they don't do that with their own.
Black Woman wants to punish White Guys.


Black Woman hater of Whites


Black Woman hates White Girl

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What all these videos show us is it is people of color who are racist
What the guy should have said was he has a problem with black culture not blacks in general. I work with some great black people and we get along fine. I cant stand modern black culture. When I was a kid in south black kids did not act like they do today. Something happened in the 70's to black culture and it has gone down hill every since.[/Quote

How would you define modern black culture?
This looks like a VERY interesting show. But I've just checked and in spite of all the cable packages I subscribe to I don't have it.


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