"I don't like blacks because..."

Gee. Why is he having so much trouble making eye contact.

Most Racist Moment On A Game Show! - YouTube

If you watch the entire show you will see that this "racist" man votes to give the black man the prize money. Your clip was his first impression. He is also right about affirmative action being a racist law. All the white guys were the first to get voted off.

Without Prejudice (part 1)
Without Prejudice (part 2)

Shame vote. AA is not racist. It helps white women more than anyone else. Even if it did help Black people more how is it saying one group is superior to another?
Gee. Why is he having so much trouble making eye contact.

Most Racist Moment On A Game Show! - YouTube

If you watch the entire show you will see that this "racist" man votes to give the black man the prize money. Your clip was his first impression. He is also right about affirmative action being a racist law. All the white guys were the first to get voted off.

Without Prejudice (part 1)
Without Prejudice (part 2)

Shame vote. AA is not racist. It helps white women more than anyone else. Even if it did help Black people more how is it saying one group is superior to another?

Exactly. Affirmative Action helps all minorities, not just blacks. The entire argument that Affirmative Action is racist and favors blacks is a myth perpetuated by white racists. As well, those who have repeatedly informed us that it is women who have profited most from AA are correct. What some white males in our society cannot accept is that they should face any prejudice at all: though other groups have been facing it since the birth of our country, once a white male faces it, all we hear about is how racist and biased and unfair it is. Cry babies. They need to accept that life is not fair, to anyone.
If you watch the entire show you will see that this "racist" man votes to give the black man the prize money. Your clip was his first impression. He is also right about affirmative action being a racist law. All the white guys were the first to get voted off.

Without Prejudice (part 1)
Without Prejudice (part 2)

Shame vote. AA is not racist. It helps white women more than anyone else. Even if it did help Black people more how is it saying one group is superior to another?

Exactly. Affirmative Action helps all minorities, not just blacks. The entire argument that Affirmative Action is racist and favors blacks is a myth perpetuated by white racists. As well, those who have repeatedly informed us that it is women who have profited most from AA are correct. What some white males in our society cannot accept is that they should face any prejudice at all: though other groups have been facing it since the birth of our country, once a white male faces it, all we hear about is how racist and biased and unfair it is. Cry babies. They need to accept that life is not fair, to anyone.

I don't have to accept a law that discriminates against me any more than blacks had to accept the 3/5th human law or women had to accept not being allowed to vote. Affirmative Action is a law that discriminates against white males based solely on skin color. It is not a myth & has directly & personally impacted my hiring, promotion, earnings & job. Anyone who is honest would stand against Affirmative Action. People should be hired, paid & promoted based on merits, not race, sex or age quotas.
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It's sad that some think the only way black males can succeed is to hold white males back.

And still with affirmative action, the black male fails
Also whats weird is there are many places in the world where there are no white males, just black males.

And those are the worse place in the world to live.
He was not diplomatic, but he did bring up a very poignant fact. The entitlement mentality of blacks is increasingly irksome, and no longer just to white Americans as the country's demographics change.

It is perhaps easier for non-whites to express this freely, not being expected to carry the burden of guilt of their ancestors. The PC police cannot comprehend this. As a monolithic ideology, it is nothing less than heresy to them.
I remember that someone...some organization...was suing Jeopardy for not having blacks on their show. The producer had to explain that none ever applied. Which is a damn shame because it didn't need to go that far as in a lawsuit. Skin color does not affect intelligence.
I remember that someone...some organization...was suing Jeopardy for not having blacks on their show. The producer had to explain that none ever applied. Which is a damn shame because it didn't need to go that far as in a lawsuit. Skin color does not affect intelligence.

AA is an acceptance of blacks being intellectually inferior.
Shame vote. AA is not racist. It helps white women more than anyone else. Even if it did help Black people more how is it saying one group is superior to another?

Exactly. Affirmative Action helps all minorities, not just blacks. The entire argument that Affirmative Action is racist and favors blacks is a myth perpetuated by white racists. As well, those who have repeatedly informed us that it is women who have profited most from AA are correct. What some white males in our society cannot accept is that they should face any prejudice at all: though other groups have been facing it since the birth of our country, once a white male faces it, all we hear about is how racist and biased and unfair it is. Cry babies. They need to accept that life is not fair, to anyone.

I don't have to accept a law that discriminates against me any more than blacks had to accept the 3/5th human law or women had to accept not being allowed to vote. It has directly & personally impacted my earnings & job. Anyone who is honest would stand against AA. People should be hired, paid & promoted based on merits, not race, sex or age quotas.


But the reality is that without laws to govern the hiring of workers, people are not "hired, paid and promoted based on merit." That is not the reality. It NEVER was, and it wouldn't be now if you took away AA. It isn't the reality. The more chance people have to hire based on race, gender, age, looks, culture, ethnicity, religion, etc., the more people who hire will choose workers based on their own biases. That's the reality in the real world. The other is reality in your personal dream world.
So what you all are saying, is that you believe that the nicely dressed young gentleman they were talking about is probably a gangbanger and a criminal. Or at least he would need to go out of his way to prove to you that he wasn't. Did I get that right?

You have a talent for never getting anything right. Jump to conclusions much?
"I don't like blacks because..."

I am a white Republican and I live in the deep south?
I didn't get that from his statement. I got that he has a problem with blacks in HIS personal experience. Judging the guy's pic on the wall and not wanting to vote for him or whatever that show was due to his being black...that was a bit unfair. However, he is entitled to vote however he wishes and it was not the panel's business to gang up on him due to his opinion. They ALL choose whomever for whatever the show is about. Were the other on the panel picked at due to their choices? Probably not.

Gracie, you need to go back and listen to the video again. He said, "I don't like him because he is black".

And most reasonable people will find it offensive that someone can be so shallow as to not like someone because of the color of their skin. He is entitled to his vote, and he is entitled to not like blacks, true, but so are the people on the panel entitled to call him on it and tell him what they think of people like him. They are racist and they need to own it.

That round of votes was based solely on first impression viewing the person saying their name, age & where they are from. Based on personal experience, most people don't have a favorable opinion of blacks. Why was no one in an uproar when they were saying the Hispanic woman had big lips? Or the Old lady for having one foot in the grave? Or voting for a woman just because of sex.

Michael the Black Man even described his dad as a deadbeat thug who was shot in the face 3 times & thrown off a roof. He admits the blacks he grew up around was a drug thug culture.
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It means mainlander in hawaiian speak, sunni. I.E.....white. It is not a nice word. Or rather..one they use in a nice so nice meaning.


No it doesn't. It's what they call a corpse. They are calling white people corpses because the islanders turn white when they die.

Generally a white or Caucasian person. i.e., "WASP", not necessarily a foreigner. We would not refer to a native of Japan, Africa , or Tahiti as a "haole".

The origin of the word "haole" is quite interesting. When ancient Hawaiians first encountered Caucasians, it was their impression the Caucasians looked almost corpse-like because of their pale skin. "Ha" = breath, "ole" (shortened for "a'ole" = none, without). "haole" = without breath.

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A lot of American blacks should take heed of what that man was saying, get beyond the shock of someone having the balls to speak freely in this shit PC society, and hear his bone of contention because the attitude that he finds repugnant is pervasive. Even with otherwise friendly and seemingly intelligent blacks, there is often this undercurrent of payback.

I know a variety of minority races and they all will echo what the Islander said. South Americans have less use for American Blacks than they do for food poisoning. It's a shame too, I had the chance to work with a couple brothers recently (real brothers, siblings) and they are as dark as night (no caucasian blood in that line at all) and they were polite hard working men with not an ounce of that shit attitude and it was my pleasure to pay them for their work.

And their demands for 'reparations' are intended to hit every pocket in this great country. The foreigners who have come here and want to work and get ahead know that. Most dark skinned foreigners I know do not like the attitude of our American slave descendants. Most, like the guy in the OP, don't mind saying it either.
Wow you like low gravity,well I think he's a "douche bag".LOL

Well, there are a lot of use who like High Gravity. So blow it out your ass.

High Gravity is a man. He stands on his own two feet and he doesn't "Uncle Tom" for anybody. If he hasn't earned your respect it is because you are stupid.
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Shame vote. AA is not racist. It helps white women more than anyone else. Even if it did help Black people more how is it saying one group is superior to another?

Exactly. Affirmative Action helps all minorities, not just blacks. The entire argument that Affirmative Action is racist and favors blacks is a myth perpetuated by white racists. As well, those who have repeatedly informed us that it is women who have profited most from AA are correct. What some white males in our society cannot accept is that they should face any prejudice at all: though other groups have been facing it since the birth of our country, once a white male faces it, all we hear about is how racist and biased and unfair it is. Cry babies. They need to accept that life is not fair, to anyone.

I don't have to accept a law that discriminates against me any more than blacks had to accept the 3/5th human law or women had to accept not being allowed to vote. Affirmative Action is a law that discriminates against white males based solely on skin color. It is not a myth & has directly & personally impacted my hiring, promotion, earnings & job. Anyone who is honest would stand against Affirmative Action. People should be hired, paid & promoted based on merits, not race, sex or age quotas.

You should pull yourself up by your boot straps and make yourself indispensable. You only have your laziness to blame for AA effecting you just like us Blacks are lazy for letting racism effect us.

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