I don't see a whole lot of difference between Michael Avenatti and Sean Hannity


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Those 2 should rent a room.
I made the mistake of tuning into his show tonight
Same thing I heard 6 months ago.

And you guys know how I feel about suck dog liberals
Hannity is a major media figure with a huge following of morons.

Avenatti is an asshole lawyer who nobody gives a shit about.
Avenatti got what he deserved.
I am also happy that he exposed trump for the fraud that trump really is.

I see daddy is promoting lil jr's book. "Buy my sons book." lol. What a pig.
Avenatti is better looking. Just like Obama is better looking than Trump. Of course, just about everybody is.
Hannity gets free plugs for his show from many broadcasters.

Avenatti is just going to get plugged at both ends.
Those 2 should rent a room.
I made the mistake of tuning into his show tonight
Same thing I heard 6 months ago.

And you guys know how I feel about suck dog liberals

you need new reading glasses then.

if you don't see a lot of difference between those two.... get a new pair
Last I checked Hannity has not been arrested or charged with or convicted of any crimes to me that's a pretty big difference.
Those 2 should rent a room.
I made the mistake of tuning into his show tonight
Same thing I heard 6 months ago.

And you guys know how I feel about suck dog liberals
Except Hannity is a very patriotic man who cares about his country and is intelligent. Avenatti is an unscrupulous dipshit lawyer with maybe a room temperature I.Q. and is going to prison. QUITE a difference between the two.
Avenatti is better looking. Just like Obama is better looking than Trump. Of course, just about everybody is.
Hey, Deanie, you're showing your homosexual side. Only someone as dumb and lacking as much taste as you would consider Avenatti a better looking man than Hannity. You ARE a mess.
Avenatti got what he deserved.
I am also happy that he exposed trump for the fraud that trump really is.

I see daddy is promoting lil jr's book. "Buy my sons book." lol. What a pig.
Little Winnie strikes out AGAIN. PLEASE do something about your TDS, ya knucklehead.
Hannity is a patriot, but I find his show hard to watch after awhile. He is very repetitive. I find more similarities between Hannity and the My Pillow guy than the Porn Lawyer.
Hannity is a patriot, but I find his show hard to watch after awhile. He is very repetitive. I find more similarities between Hannity and the My Pillow guy than the Porn Lawyer.

yed but he is on President's Trump's side...and that's what counts to me

Except Hannity is a very patriotic man who cares about his country and is intelligent.

Hannity is smart, but a con man.
He is so far up trumps ass.
He has to protect trump.
Cohen only had a few clients, Trump and Hannity.
They run crooked RE deals, and Hannity knows he will be exposed.
Hannity doesn't give a shit about America, it is an act, an act he is paid well for.

As for bluzzard,
How about adding to a discussion, or are you still unable to communicate with people that are more intelligent than you?
Oh, never mind, I know you got nothing to say that I actually care about.

Carry on lil man.
Revenge is mine said tramp, and now he is taking down Avanatti, hook, line and sinker, with his 2 men.
I wonder how much those guests get paid for being on their and getting humiliated.
Revenge is mine said tramp, and now he is taking down Avanatti, hook, line and sinker, with his 2 men.
avenatti took himself down. Away from the justice department in a "normal" court setting where the fixaroo isn't in.
How can you be so blind
Hannity is a major media figure with a huge following of morons.

Avenatti is an asshole lawyer who nobody gives a shit about.
I'm glad Hannity annoys you almost as much as Rush

1. Hannity is a great human being who also does a whole lot more than you for charity

2. You guys loved Avenatti when you thought he was the guy who was gonna take down God's anointed.

Dont blame Avenatti you guys just can't win with the American people

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