I don't see a whole lot of difference between Michael Avenatti and Sean Hannity

I don't see much difference between Avenatti and Michael Cohen...and I've said this since the very beginning...they are both sleazy lawyers, always have been -- and were thrusted into the spotlight due to politics...

One side praised and propped up Avenatti due to what they felt he had on Trump -- which lets remember, ended up in the conviction of the other lawyer.....

And as for that other lawyer, he was also praised and propped up...ESPECIALLY by Sean Hannity....in fact, Sean Hannity was one of his clients....and the minute he was convicted, Sean Hannity pretended he never knew the guy....

Avenatti was convicted for being the sleazy lawyer he has always been -- now if he was convicted for carrying out the dirty work of some presidential candidate he was a personal lawyer for, then talk to me.....
Hannity is a major media figure with a huge following of morons.

Avenatti is an asshole lawyer who nobody gives a shit about.
I'm glad Hannity annoys you almost as much as Rush

1. Hannity is a great human being who also does a whole lot more than you for charity FAKE NEWS.

2. You guys loved Avenatti when you thought he was the guy who was gonna take down God's anointed.

Dont blame Avenatti you guys just can't win with the American people

Hannity is a well paid talking head that creates conspiracy theories that come in favor with his clown car audience.
None of those make Hannity a 'great human'.
If Hannity is a great human for his charity work, then I'm a God.
You know nothing about me. Just the Fake News you try to spread to cover your own inadequacies.

And about winning.
You clown won ONE election in 11 years, and had to CHEAT to do it, and STILL lost the popular vote.
The majority of American people want to see trump lose and finally face up to his crimes.

Congrats, your minority base, a Hitler like cult following, will fall hard because God's bigger plan was to expose trump, which he is currently doing, then watch the Dotard pay for all his sins. Yes, God has a plan, but it is not finished and not what you think it is.

How did Hilter die? All part of God's plan. Sound Familiar?
Hannity? Y'all hate Hannity because the name vaguely rhymes with Avenatti? It doesn't take much to rile up the left these days.
Hannity? Y'all hate Hannity because the name vaguely rhymes with Avenatti? It doesn't take much to rile up the left these days.

I watch a few minutes of Hannity once or twice a week.
That's all that is necessary.
He repeats his talking points ad nauseam, so a few minutes will do.
Hannity is far from his claims of "Fair and Balanced" and "I'm here to tell the American people the truth."

The truth...that hilarious Sean.
You are PAID, and paid well, to tell the FOX viewer what they want to hear, ad nauseam.
And he does it well, that is why 10 minutes a week essentially covers the whole week.

Fall in line you fucking Lemmings.
Hannity is a major media figure with a huge following of morons.

Avenatti is an asshole lawyer who nobody gives a shit about.
I'm glad Hannity annoys you almost as much as Rush

1. Hannity is a great human being who also does a whole lot more than you for charity

2. You guys loved Avenatti when you thought he was the guy who was gonna take down God's anointed.

Dont blame Avenatti you guys just can't win with the American people

You guys, my ass. Dems aren’t stupid enough to give an asshole the top job.
I don't see a whole lot of difference between Michael Avenatti and Sean Hannity

Macular Degeneration?
Hannity is a major media figure with a huge following of morons.

Avenatti is an asshole lawyer who nobody gives a shit about.
I'm glad Hannity annoys you almost as much as Rush

1. Hannity is a great human being who also does a whole lot more than you for charity

2. You guys loved Avenatti when you thought he was the guy who was gonna take down God's anointed.

Dont blame Avenatti you guys just can't win with the American people

You guys, my ass. Dems aren’t stupid enough to give an asshole the top job.
some are trying with bernie....just sayin...
Those 2 should rent a room.
I made the mistake of tuning into his show tonight
Same thing I heard 6 months ago.

And you guys know how I feel about suck dog liberals
Big difference!
Avenatti was heralded as the Left's hero who would not only bring down Trump, but also be the Democratic nominee for president and win the presidency. He was also invited hundreds times to CNN, MSNBC and other Leftist led in propaganda outlets to vent his delusion and allow viewers to masturbate their Trump Derangement Syndrome. Now he's facing 40 years prison and he's got two more cases to go, one of which involves stealing money from a handicapped client. Such is the level of moral depravity of the Left's idols.
Hannity is worth 100s of millions.

Avenatti's prolapsed rectum is worth 2 packs of marlboro reds and a baggie of toilet wine.

I suppose I'm stating the obvious.
Except Hannity is a very patriotic man who cares about his country and is intelligent.

Hannity is smart, but a con man.
He is so far up trumps ass.
He has to protect trump.
Cohen only had a few clients, Trump and Hannity.
They run crooked RE deals, and Hannity knows he will be exposed.
Hannity doesn't give a shit about America, it is an act, an act he is paid well for.

As for bluzzard,
How about adding to a discussion, or are you still unable to communicate with people that are more intelligent than you?
Oh, never mind, I know you got nothing to say that I actually care about.

Carry on lil man.
And little Winnie strikes out AGAIN! You ARE a fool.
Hannity is a major media figure with a huge following of morons.

Avenatti is an asshole lawyer who nobody gives a shit about.
The only morons I can see are the ones that believe the following:
Green New Deal, Medicare for all, including anyone that walks over the border that the left will eliminate, pay off student loans, free college tuition, pay down the National Debt.
Estimated cost: 322 Trillion.
You could take every dollar away from all working adults, including the millionaires and billionaires and still not be able to pay for it.
Why does the left think that they can give you everything you want?
Well, when you have the left saying that "mathematics" is racist and thus math is irrelevant, your party clearly demonstrates itself as moronic.
I'd like to see some fool walk out of a leftist college that can't do decent math, yet get a job as an Astronomer, Physicist, or Engineer. But you can't expect him or her to successfully perform any of the duties and I damn sure wouldn't want to walk into a skyscraper created by someone that couldn't do anything but simple arithmetic.
Libs are so bitter its made them crosseyed

Hannity is partisan but he’s not a crook
Hannity is a major media figure with a huge following of morons.

Avenatti is an asshole lawyer who nobody gives a shit about.
avenatti had virtually every moron on usmb thinking he was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Or don't you remember
Revenge is mine said tramp, and now he is taking down Avanatti, hook, line and sinker, with his 2 men.

It's amusing how the left glorified Avanatti simply because he accused Trump of bad things...when in reality Avanatti is total pond scum! Trump isn't taking down Avanatti...Avanatti is a crooked lawyer who's big mouth and inflated ego was his undoing!
Revenge is mine said tramp, and now he is taking down Avanatti, hook, line and sinker, with his 2 men.

It's amusing how the left glorified Avanatti simply because he accused Trump of bad things...when in reality Avanatti is total pond scum! Trump isn't taking down Avanatti...Avanatti is a crooked lawyer who's big mouth and inflated ego was his undoing!

I never glorified him, Tramp did have an affair with Stormy, he might be a crooked lawyer but it is funny he sued tramp in 2006 , and 2 men that tramp put in have indicted him.
Revenge is mine said tramp, and now he is taking down Avanatti, hook, line and sinker, with his 2 men.

It's amusing how the left glorified Avanatti simply because he accused Trump of bad things...when in reality Avanatti is total pond scum! Trump isn't taking down Avanatti...Avanatti is a crooked lawyer who's big mouth and inflated ego was his undoing!

I never glorified him, Tramp did have an affair with Stormy, he might be a crooked lawyer but it is funny he sued tramp in 2006 , and 2 men that tramp put in have indicted him.

Might be a crooked lawyer? He's as slimy as they come, Penny but you didn't care because he was going after Trump! You know what they say...if you lie down with dogs don't be shocked when you get fleas! You on the left embraced Avanatti despite knowing he was a scum bag. It's how far gone all of you are.

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