I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Shut the fuck up! If you're not going to address anything I've said, don't quote me or even bother saying anything. I never said anything about what the judge is supposed to tell the jury, or when. I said that presumption of innocence means that the accused has to be granted a trial before he can be punished. The problem is that you seem to want it to mean that there must first be a trial before someone can be arrested and charged with a crime.

That's rich coming from someone who is babbling on, using SAT words, and not knowing what the fuck they actually mean. Listen, we're not talking about a trial over whether someone broke your window and interrupted you while watching "Kick My Balls." We're talking about real deal, grown up stuff, mkay?

Who has said anything about denying due process? Stop tearing down the straw man, Dorothy, he didn't do anything to you. Nobody said that Zimmerman should be thrown in prison on a whim and that should be the end of it. The issue that people have is that the police are not interested in arresting and charging Zimmerman for his crime. He should be arrested, charged, tried, and convicted. But your entire position seems to be that charging him would be a violation of due process, which is an absurdity because it would be ADMINISTERING DUE PROCESS.

How many criminal cases have you investigated and gone to trial?
Where did you get your POST training and studied criminal procedure?
Where did you take criminal justice at the university?
Where did I state anywhere I had a problem charging this guy with anything?

If you would educate yourself on the law the police have no duty to arrest anyone if THE LAW AND STATUTES of their state do not warrant them to do so.

I stated clearly that I do not like Florida law and it stinks but that is THE LAW.

I have worked similar cases here where the law was bad and know the process. I have investigated over 200 murder cases and many were self defense under the law.\

I do not like it anymore than you do these gun toting cowboys out there. PROBABLY, the evidence is that this guy chased this kid down, a fight ensued and we do not know who started it.
WE DO KNOW FLORIDA LAW and Florida law is that it is LEGAL to shoot to kill if the otherguy started the fight.


So you are a smallish 17 year old kid. You are followed then confronted by a very large angry man you don't know. Does it matter who hit first? The kid had reason, given the many cases like this we have seen, to take whatever action he thought neccessary.

Were this my son, on the what I have heard of the tapes, Zimmermann would already be dead, and artistically so. The Scotch-Irish runs deep.

Given prior actions, the police department of Sanford merely followed their normal routine in failling to arrest Zimmermann. This is why we have the hate crime laws.

Good argument at trial but the law is the law.
It always who hits first in civil and criminal law. He could have kept on walking.
You have to show material fact that the person was actively trying to AVOID confrontation for The Stand Your Ground Statute not to apply.
But as I have stated time and time again, your or my suppositions do not mean a thing.
And all you have provided are maybes and supposititons.
Respectfully, which is nothing.
It's true that we don't know. And that is why so many are upset. The police were willing to drop the matter without an investigation. The death of an unarmed person by an armed person should be investigated. More so if the unarmed person was a minor.

The police did not drop the matter. They sent it directly to the grand jury.
Are you folks really this ignorant calling the police "corrupt" and other BS?
Damn, one would think some of you have taken some courses in the law or something along the way.
"Racism, racism, racism, the cops are corrupt, he said coon."
If this would have been a gay guy in Atlanta shot by a black kid Marc would have not mentioned a word about it if the black kid was not charged.
It IS all about race.


Please read up on the timeline following the shooting.

The district attorneys office controls the grand jury calendar, NOT THE POLICE.
Damn, does anyone anywhere take civics class at any time. Hell, we took it in grade school.
So if a black man that has been robbing Tech students recently, both black and white students, and he calls one of his white victims "honky" that is a hate crime?

LOL, this is getting so funny my side is aching!
The police did not drop the matter. They sent it directly to the grand jury.
Are you folks really this ignorant calling the police "corrupt" and other BS?
Damn, one would think some of you have taken some courses in the law or something along the way.
"Racism, racism, racism, the cops are corrupt, he said coon."
If this would have been a gay guy in Atlanta shot by a black kid Marc would have not mentioned a word about it if the black kid was not charged.
It IS all about race.


Please read up on the timeline following the shooting.

The district attorneys office controls the grand jury calendar, NOT THE POLICE.
Damn, does anyone anywhere take civics class at any time. Hell, we took it in grade school.
Apparently not. Some have no idea what the 4th Amendment is about, either.

(And, like most American kids, I bet you took civics in 8th grade...but it may seem like grade school. Time has a way of blending the past. ;))
Shut the fuck up! If you're not going to address anything I've said, don't quote me or even bother saying anything. I never said anything about what the judge is supposed to tell the jury, or when. I said that presumption of innocence means that the accused has to be granted a trial before he can be punished. The problem is that you seem to want it to mean that there must first be a trial before someone can be arrested and charged with a crime.

That's rich coming from someone who is babbling on, using SAT words, and not knowing what the fuck they actually mean. Listen, we're not talking about a trial over whether someone broke your window and interrupted you while watching "Kick My Balls." We're talking about real deal, grown up stuff, mkay?

Who has said anything about denying due process? Stop tearing down the straw man, Dorothy, he didn't do anything to you. Nobody said that Zimmerman should be thrown in prison on a whim and that should be the end of it. The issue that people have is that the police are not interested in arresting and charging Zimmerman for his crime. He should be arrested, charged, tried, and convicted. But your entire position seems to be that charging him would be a violation of due process, which is an absurdity because it would be ADMINISTERING DUE PROCESS.

How many criminal cases have you investigated and gone to trial?
Where did you get your POST training and studied criminal procedure?
Where did you take criminal justice at the university?
Where did I state anywhere I had a problem charging this guy with anything?

If you would educate yourself on the law the police have no duty to arrest anyone if THE LAW AND STATUTES of their state do not warrant them to do so.

I stated clearly that I do not like Florida law and it stinks but that is THE LAW.

I have worked similar cases here where the law was bad and know the process. I have investigated over 200 murder cases and many were self defense under the law.

That's enough.

You're full o' shit!!

How do you manage to spin so much bullshit....while you (also) suggest the girlfriend (who was ON THE PHONE WITH HIM) is being taken-advantage-of, by those who insist she get legal-representation??!!!!!


Yeah.....you're some young-punk BULLSHITTER, alright.


Please go back to 3rd grade and learn how to form a complete sentence and get back to us.
Nothing wrong with getting emotional about a young kid getting gunned down and having sympathy for the family and his friends.
But calling police corrupt and making claims about the guilt and innocence based on media reports only is not sound reason.
Why does his race matter???

Zimmerman has a history of calling the cops on "suspicious people" I highly doubt they were all black.

I read an article where it said he called the cops 22 or 24 different times on "suspicious suspects."

This time he took it too far on a kid eating candy talking to his girl...

How rational is following someone then shooting them because they kicked your ass..

Zimmerman is delusional at best...

He's probably a paranoid schizophrenic....
It does make me think his crime may not have been...

^Another guy with all the facts he needs to send Zimmerman to the gallows. :lol:

Oh my bad bro I didn't mean cause you any butthurt over your boy Zimmerman. Florida doesn't even use gallows btw. And yes, when you acknowledge shooting and killing an unarmed child you have by default committed a crime unless you can produce a legal defense that mitigates the degree of criminality.


Need a tissue?
Private property where one encounters an unknown and asks what he is doing there but the unknown proceeds to run further into the private property wherein one takes chase to protect the safety of the residents ....only to be ambushed in the dark and bashed in the head with Az Ice Tea Can....which are giant..... and pounced on and punched until after screaming for help forced to pull a lawful weapon an cease the attack with lethal force is reasonable.

Cops thought so
Why does his race matter???

Zimmerman has a history of calling the cops on "suspicious people" I highly doubt they were all black.

I read an article where it said he called the cops 22 or 24 different times on "suspicious suspects."

This time he took it too far on a kid eating candy talking to his girl...

How rational is following someone then shooting them because they kicked your ass..

Zimmerman is delusional at best...

He's probably a paranoid schizophrenic....

If he is, that brings up the question of why he was issued a C&C license.

I'm all in favor of concealed and carry, but crazy people are excluded.
How many criminal cases have you investigated and gone to trial?
Where did you get your POST training and studied criminal procedure?
Where did you take criminal justice at the university?
Where did I state anywhere I had a problem charging this guy with anything?

If you would educate yourself on the law the police have no duty to arrest anyone if THE LAW AND STATUTES of their state do not warrant them to do so.

I stated clearly that I do not like Florida law and it stinks but that is THE LAW.

I have worked similar cases here where the law was bad and know the process. I have investigated over 200 murder cases and many were self defense under the law.

That's enough.

You're full o' shit!!

How do you manage to spin so much bullshit....while you (also) suggest the girlfriend (who was ON THE PHONE WITH HIM) is being taken-advantage-of, by those who insist she get legal-representation??!!!!!


Yeah.....you're some young-punk BULLSHITTER, alright.


Please go back to 3rd grade and learn how to form a complete sentence and get back to us.

How about we lay out 50K each and let someone of your choice here look into my qualifications and career.
And find out who the punk is and who isn't?
Ya think there's any probable cause for this being a racially motivated murder now?

Strong possibility. Probably, maybe, could be, leaning that way, has to be.

None of that means a damn thing in criminal court. And I thank the Constitution for that.

Now we would not ever want a "rush to judgment" would we?

Federal civil rights violation standards are pretty tough to prove. The tape helps proves race was a motivating factor.

Out today the phone records of the kid proving he was on the phone right up to when Zimmerman accosted him. On the phone with his girlfriend, backed up by both of their phone records-who for some reason didn't come forward until now -but said he told her he was being followed. She told him to run and he said was just going to walk fast and try to lose him. He told her the guy was still following and heard him ask "why are you following me?" -and then she heard him screaming for help and the phone disconnected so she didn't hear the gunshot. That is now four people who confirm it was the kid screaming for help. In spite of Zimmerman claiming he was the one screaming - which is not believable given it is no doubt the sight of he gun that made the kid start screaming and throw his candy at him. The kid's phone records prove he was on the phone with his girlfriend right up until right before he was shot. And he was the one screaming for help. Zimmerman supposedly had a bloody nose and bump on his head-I wouldn't put it past him to have done it to himself after realizing he shot and killed a scared unarmed kid. But given the tight timeline, if the teenager did it, he was already screaming for help-which tells me if he laid a hand on the guy it was out of terror after seeing the gun drawn on him by a white stranger who had been following him and was NOT a fight he started.

And by the way I am sick of hearing news media supposedly correcting previous "false" reports that Zimmerman is white and that he is actually Hispanic. I hate to break the bad news to morons who don't realize it, but Hispanics are WHITE. Being Hispanic is merely an ethnic difference, not a racial one. Apparently we still have people who do not realize there are only three races of human beings. Other differences within a race are just ethnic differences that have nothing to do with race. So Hispanic or not, Zimmerman is a white guy who stalked, attacked and killed an innocent black kid who was walking down the street while talking to his girlfriend on the phone which is backed up by both phone records. The kid threw his Skittles at Zimmerman while screaming for his life-and Zimmerman shot him. Just thinking of the fear and desperation of throwing his candy to defend himself against a hot-headed arrogant asshole packing a gun, an attitude and a massive power trip makes me weep.
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And communities have been sued successfully for not making residents aware of crimes committed within the communitySo it doesn't really matter if it is considered private property or not....

Got it. Brilliant counselor.
Any time you want to produce evidence that the kid didn't have a right to walk through the community, let's have a look at it.
EXACTLY, as this young man that was killed ALSO should receive fairness.
Even more so as he is dead.
Watch the system work and watch an arrest if this kid was unarmed and not doing anything such as attacking the shooter. There has to be physical attack on the shooter for a self defense defense to work on most juries. "In fear of my life" is the standard in Florida and most states but that does not hold any water here because the shooter was armed and the victim was apparently not.
Amazing that folks here go by media reports to base their judgment on guilt or innocence at this stage.
To date NO ONE knows the evidence. Just because someone is dead is no evidence of murder. This could be self defense or it could 1st degree murder.

It's true that we don't know. And that is why so many are upset. The police were willing to drop the matter without an investigation. The death of an unarmed person by an armed person should be investigated. More so if the unarmed person was a minor.

The police did not drop the matter. They sent it directly to the grand jury.
Are you folks really this ignorant calling the police "corrupt" and other BS?
Damn, one would think some of you have taken some courses in the law or something along the way.
"Racism, racism, racism, the cops are corrupt, he said coon."
If this would have been a gay guy in Atlanta shot by a black kid Marc would have not mentioned a word about it if the black kid was not charged.
It IS all about race.
That is false.

As to whether the police are corrupt or not, I do not know. But in their judgement they couldn't arrest the guy. Their hands were tied by the law from their understanding of it.
Private property where one encounters an unknown and asks what he is doing there but the unknown proceeds to run further into the private property wherein one takes chase to protect the safety of the residents ....only to be ambushed in the dark and bashed in the head with Az Ice Tea Can....which are giant..... and pounced on and punched until after screaming for help forced to pull a lawful weapon an cease the attack with lethal force is reasonable.

Cops thought so
It was reported that the can of ice tea was in his pocket. I guess he thoughtfully put it there after he bashed the perp.


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