I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

sigh....THAT is what this law is about. You can't be prosecuted if you acted in self-defense. If the police believe you when you say you acted in self defense, they don't bring charges and there is no investigation. If the DA starts an investigation and find themselves backed up against this law, they drop the case.

Especially if the forensic and eyewitness evidence corroborate your self-defense.
Iin this case, I don't believe it did. No one knows who started the fight, if there was a fight to begin with.
You can't "confront" someone if you're actively trying to get away from them.

When and if they catch up with you after pursuing you, you aren't "confronting" them when you stand your ground.

What we have here is a case of standing your ground, and a criminal then gunning down the lawful citizen who was rightfully standing their ground.

Zimmerman is toast...TOAST I said!

Only wanna-b "authority figures" confront individuals on suspicion..

The idiot was tying to play "neighborhood hero."

The guy obviously has some authoritarian psychological complex.....

I'll call it right now - I bet the guy's life dream was to be a police officer but was rejected...

Apparently Zimmerman was adopted.

Shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm thinking this guy's obviously been carrying around a lot of baggage long before the shooting ever happened. A sad story all the way around.

Anyone who cares about his family and neighborhood, and has a spine, confronts suspicious individuals.

Certainly if on their private property as w/ Zimmerman.
It wasn't on his private property, dumbass.

Sure it was.

Privately dedicated street and common area in a private community to which Zimmerman held an undivided interest in, tax liability and maintenace responsibity for.
You can't "confront" someone if you're actively trying to get away from them.

When and if they catch up with you after pursuing you, you aren't "confronting" them when you stand your ground.

What we have here is a case of standing your ground, and a criminal then gunning down the lawful citizen who was rightfully standing their ground.

Zimmerman is toast...TOAST I said!

Only wanna-b "authority figures" confront individuals on suspicion..

The idiot was tying to play "neighborhood hero."

The guy obviously has some authoritarian psychological complex.....

I'll call it right now - I bet the guy's life dream was to be a police officer but was rejected...

Apparently Zimmerman was adopted.

Shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm thinking this guy's obviously been carrying around a lot of baggage long before the shooting ever happened. A sad story all the way around.
I'm not sure how being adopted is carrying around a lot of baggage, but didn't Zimmerman's father say Zimmerman spoke Spanish? He sure doesn't have an accent.....but that is a weird thing for him to say, in hindsight, that he's an hispanic minority. Looking for sympathy?

It wasn't on his private property, dumbass.

Sure it was.

Privately dedicated street and common area in a private community to which Zimmerman held an undivided interest in, tax liability and maintenace responsibity for.
As did the boy's father. The kid had every right to be there.

He did as an invitee, but is father is not on the deed nor have a leasehold interest in the condo. As invitees they are subject to verification of their purpose or visitation in the private community at will by bona fide residents.
You can't "confront" someone if you're actively trying to get away from them.

When and if they catch up with you after pursuing you, you aren't "confronting" them when you stand your ground.

What we have here is a case of standing your ground, and a criminal then gunning down the lawful citizen who was rightfully standing their ground.

Zimmerman is toast...TOAST I said!

Who used the word 'confront' with regard to this case?

The concept stems from the fact that Zimmerman is using the "Stand your ground" argument for his defense.

The problem is that much of the recordings, including one by Zimmerman to a dispatcher, tends to suggest that Zimmerman initiated contact with Trevon. Thus the idea that Zimmerman was standing his ground appears flimsy. The recordings suggest that Zimmerman confronted Trevon when he was not to.

Add in the fact that Zimmerman is a neighborhood watch patrol instead of actual police, one would have to wonder about what were Zimmerman intentions after he caught up to Trevon. What training did he recieved to apprehend a suspect, and if none, what actual rights does Zimmerman have to hold a suspect?


The case does contain racial profiling but is it racially motivated? There have been reports of "Black youths" robbing neihbors in the past thus the part of profiling does have a logical basis to it. But was it racially motivated. Most of the media is claiming that the tapes contain racial epithets. Upon closer inspection of these tapes, it seems that Zimmerman is saying "Fucking punks" instead of a racial slur.

In all likelyhood, the media is sensationalizing the case for profit. Of course, the fact that you have aggressizely minded nieghborhood watch packing heat is enough to sensationalize the story even if Trevon was not shot.

Even so, I do find it strange that Zimmerman, even though he has used the stand your ground defense, was not arrested and further investigated. Maybe Zimmerman has friends on the police force. Cronyism maybe the reason Zimmerman was not handled like an average citizen. I can't see how someone can kill another person without a standard arrest on the grounds of murder being the charge plus a follow up investigation for witnesses. Apparently the police missed Trevon's girlfriend, although her testimony maybe biased due to who was the victim.

Not even close. Unless the tape was modified. Coons is not phonetically close to punks. I mean Ricky might get away with Blah-people but coons to punks.....nah.

Maybe Zimmerman was ticked off about a recent Racoon infestation?

Perhaps he was pretending to be Eric Cartman?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNI5CA5jijw]Trayvon Martin 911 Call - Did George Zimmerman Say 'F*ng Coons'? - YouTube[/ame]
Fucking Goons

Coon is a 1950's era perjorative that is unkown in the modern lexicon.

Certainly to 26 y/o kids.
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I'm thinking this guy's obviously been carrying around a lot of baggage long before the shooting ever happened. A sad story all the way around.

An hispanic JEW shoots a black attacker, whites blamed.

Zimmerman might have had a lot of baggage, but he still shot an animal in self-defense.
Only wanna-b "authority figures" confront individuals on suspicion..

The idiot was tying to play "neighborhood hero."

The guy obviously has some authoritarian psychological complex.....

I'll call it right now - I bet the guy's life dream was to be a police officer but was rejected...

Apparently Zimmerman was adopted.

Shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm thinking this guy's obviously been carrying around a lot of baggage long before the shooting ever happened. A sad story all the way around.
I'm not sure how being adopted is carrying around a lot of baggage, but didn't Zimmerman's father say Zimmerman spoke Spanish? He sure doesn't have an accent.....but that is a weird thing for him to say, in hindsight, that he's an hispanic minority. Looking for sympathy?

It's common for adopted children to feel a constant unhealthy need to prove their worth and it often carries over into adulthood. It does make me think his crime may not have been completely race and hate motivated but rather more "neighborhood hero" motivated. Not that it matters really, but I'm just trying to understand for myself this horrible situation.

Zimmerman is of Hispanic ethnicity and his adoptive parents are Jewish. It could be that Zimmerman himself doesn't know who he is. And I agree that the father slipping that in there is awkward. It could be that he's looking for sympathy as you said or maybe he's trying to preempt the kind of white vs black race tension we saw during the Rodney King police brutality trial by suggesting that George Zimmerman can't be racist as he himself is a minority. Who knows, people will do whatever they think they can to keep their family out of jail.
I'm thinking this guy's obviously been carrying around a lot of baggage long before the shooting ever happened. A sad story all the way around.

An hispanic JEW shoots a black attacker, whites blamed.

Zimmerman might have had a lot of baggage, but he still shot an animal in self-defense.

I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish here, but if your intent is to piss people off I don't think it's working. You aren't the first racist shock-jock internet troll and you certainly won't be the last. So whatevs.
I support Due Process here, and a full account of both their past histories. I bet the Kid comes out allot cleaner than the shooter. Lets see how many people come out as witnesses against Zimmerman from past altercations?

Ditto. I'm betting after a full investigation that you'll see justice done here. But I do want to know all of the facts here. Just from what I do know, I'd bet that the Neighborhood Watch guy was in the wrong and will face charges. But it kinda bothers me that when they show the victim and the shooter on the news now they use such blatantly biased photo choices. There's a lot of stuff happening now that will make it that much harder to get to the truth.
I support Due Process here, and a full account of both their past histories. I bet the Kid comes out allot cleaner than the shooter. Lets see how many people come out as witnesses against Zimmerman from past altercations?

Ditto. I'm betting after a full investigation that you'll see justice done here. But I do want to know all of the facts here. Just from what I do know, I'd bet that the Neighborhood Watch guy was in the wrong and will face charges. But it kinda bothers me that when they show the victim and the shooter on the news now they use such blatantly biased photo choices. There's a lot of stuff happening now that will make it that much harder to get to the truth.
Yup. That's what our once great newsmen have become. Very sad.
It does make me think his crime may not have been...

^Another guy with all the facts he needs to send Zimmerman to the gallows. :lol:

Oh my bad bro I didn't mean cause you any butthurt over your boy Zimmerman. Florida doesn't even use gallows btw. And yes, when you acknowledge shooting and killing an unarmed child you have by default committed a crime unless you can produce a legal defense that mitigates the degree of criminality.
Sure it was.

Privately dedicated street and common area in a private community to which Zimmerman held an undivided interest in, tax liability and maintenace responsibity for.
As did the boy's father. The kid had every right to be there.

He did as an invitee, but is father is not on the deed nor have a leasehold interest in the condo. As invitees they are subject to verification of their purpose or visitation in the private community at will by bona fide residents.

I also wonder if the father of the boy can sue the homeowner's association for allowing an unregistered "crime watch" captain to roam around with a gun.
I'm thinking this guy's obviously been carrying around a lot of baggage long before the shooting ever happened. A sad story all the way around.

An hispanic JEW shoots a black attacker, whites blamed.

Zimmerman might have had a lot of baggage, but he still shot an animal in self-defense.
Gawdammit. I retract my apology for calling you a racist fucktard. Someone said you were Belgian and didn't know the language too well and that's why your rhetoric was what it was.

But, now it is obvious you are a racist fucktard.

Time for Belgian jokes! Let them flow!

Les Belges....boff.


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