I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

As did the boy's father. The kid had every right to be there.

He did as an invitee, but is father is not on the deed nor have a leasehold interest in the condo. As invitees they are subject to verification of their purpose or visitation in the private community at will by bona fide residents.

I also wonder if the father of the boy can sue the homeowner's association for allowing an unregistered "crime watch" captain to roam around with a gun.
I hope not. I've called the cops on suspicious activity in my neighborhood.
As did the boy's father. The kid had every right to be there.

He did as an invitee, but is father is not on the deed nor have a leasehold interest in the condo. As invitees they are subject to verification of their purpose or visitation in the private community at will by bona fide residents.

I also wonder if the father of the boy can sue the homeowner's association for allowing an unregistered "crime watch" captain to roam around with a gun.

No link required....pull the plat in the Orange County Public Records its a private community with private rights-of-way. Fl Statutes speaks to owners / leaseholders undivded interests in common areas. Just like a private common pool or recreation area is "my" pool and I would not have to retreat from it.

No registration of watch groups required by law.

Irregardless he was patroling private property.
He did as an invitee, but is father is not on the deed nor have a leasehold interest in the condo. As invitees they are subject to verification of their purpose or visitation in the private community at will by bona fide residents.

I also wonder if the father of the boy can sue the homeowner's association for allowing an unregistered "crime watch" captain to roam around with a gun.

No link required....pull the plat in the Orange County Public Records its a private community with private rights-of-way. Fl Statutes speaks to owners / leaseholders undivded interests in common areas. Just like a private common pool or recreation area is "my" pool and I would not have to retreat from it.

No registration of watch groups required by law.

Irregardless he was patroling private property.
It's Seminole County, not Orange. And communities have been sued successfully for not making residents aware of crimes committed within the community. So it doesn't really matter if it is considered private property or not....
And communities have been sued successfully for not making residents aware of crimes committed within the communitySo it doesn't really matter if it is considered private property or not....

Got it. Brilliant counselor.
I support Due Process here, and a full account of both their past histories. I bet the Kid comes out allot cleaner than the shooter. Lets see how many people come out as witnesses against Zimmerman from past altercations?

I think the guy is guilty of murder. It also sounded like the kid was whipping the shit out of a wannabe super cop. Zimmerman was told to stop by a 911 operator, he did not. He instigated this and he should be held accountable for his part. Then you have the cowards and scum who go straight to race. They dont make it any better. Wonder how much money they are making on this poor kids death.
Who's making money out of this and how?


Al Sharpton the race pimp will be in Florida tomorrow. He will make some money.
He did as an invitee, but is father is not on the deed nor have a leasehold interest in the condo. As invitees they are subject to verification of their purpose or visitation in the private community at will by bona fide residents.

I also wonder if the father of the boy can sue the homeowner's association for allowing an unregistered "crime watch" captain to roam around with a gun.

No link required....pull the plat in the Orange County Public Records its a private community with private rights-of-way. Fl Statutes speaks to owners / leaseholders undivded interests in common areas. Just like a private common pool or recreation area is "my" pool and I would not have to retreat from it.

No registration of watch groups required by law.

Irregardless he was patroling private property.

One of the co-sponsors of the legislation was on CNN earlier and he disagrees with your assessment - he says his law (the one he sponsored and pushed) does not apply in this case.

Maybe you know better than him.
An hispanic JEW shoots a black attacker, whites blamed.

Zimmerman might have had a lot of baggage, but he still shot an animal in self-defense.

Damn, I defended you.

But you really are a racist pile of shit.....

On behalf of the people of the United States, I invite you to fuck off and go back to Belgium.
Florida passed in 2005 "Stand your Ground" legislation self defense law.
Now keep in mind all of you arm chair jurists that I do not like this law and do not believe this law is a good idea but this is CURRENT law in Florida.

The statute clearly states that if someone is attacked they can stand their ground and use whatever force they deem necessary to keep their ground.

Again, I do know if this is the case and it does appear there is good evidence that Zimmerman followed this kid so that is a question of material fact and makes that a jury question.

But that could be a reason why he has not been charged yet.

This statute clearly states that a citizen has NO duty to retreat and eliminates any duty to retreat before using deadly force to confront any attacker.

Rightly so police and prosecutors OPPOSED THIS LEGISLATION but it passed anyway.
These kind of laws always foster a shoot first, ask questions later mentality and accordingly I also oppose them.

The kicker in these statutes, as I have worked a few of these cases, is that the law includes a provision that grants immunity from prosecution or civil lawsuits if a person is deemed to have acted in self defense though these dumb ass lawmakers never clearly specified who grants this immunity and bestows it.
Where does that law apply svengali?

In the park, the streets, or in your own home/castle?


Anywhere Marc. Go look it up. As I stated I do not like it either.
If the fact that both Democrats and Republicans both pass bad law is news to you then that is your problem.
Been going on for a long time.
The Stand your Ground applies to anywhere in Florida.
Irregardless he was patroling private property.

Irregardless isn't a word. The suffix less and prefix ir both mean "not" so the two negatives cancel each other out leaving irregardless as the equivalent of regard. It would be like saying irrationaless or irregularless. Just sayin.
I'm still waiting for the answer to why they drug tested the dead boy but not the man who shot him.

They do not conduct autopsies on folk that are still vertical with a heartbeat.

When those vertical people with heartbeats kill someone else, they usually perform arrests.
See, that's the problem. The LAW in Florida allows for his killing that kid (with what we know). We PRESUME INNOCENCE in the USA, especially when the law allows for the event.
Save your BS anti-media propaganda for someone who's stupid enough to buy it. :rolleyes:

What have you offered other than your opinion based on media reports?
Were you there?
You may believe Al Sharpton and his version or the police version but I do not believe either version.
You, I, Al Sharpton and the police WERE NOT THERE AND ARE NOT WITNESSES.
Why else would Sharpton go there except to whip up racial tension.
I believe you agree as I know you as a reasonable man.
WTF has quoted Al Sharpton on anything dawg?

You're acting as if we have no evidence. We have written reports. We have 911 calls, we hear live recording of the incident.

Why are you acting this way?

WTF is up dude?!?!?

No, I stated what WE THINK of any evidence now is moot.
Don't you know that the evidence has to be tendered and offererd before the case goes to trial?
I love the old Perry Mason shows where a witness all of a sudden appears and offers testimony that no one knew about.
Never happens because the defense is given ALL the evidence in discovery proceedings long before the trial and they can argue the admissability of all of that evidence piece by piece.
So to date we HAVE NO EVIDENCE.
Nothing, nada, zero. What we have is POTENTIAL evidence.
I do not make the laws of criminal procedure.
But after 34 years as a street 'gator in Atlanta I do know the criminal law and very well. I have investigated over 5500 cases, 3000 of them criminal. I have worked for the top criminal defense lawyers in Atlanta and Georgia for most of those 34 years. Not do drop names dude but I am very sure you have heard of all of them.
Who's making money out of this and how?


All the civil rights activist who collect "donations" in the name of the victim. The ones who desperately need things like this to be about race so they dont have to go out and get a job. Ill give you credit for not going right to race in your thread here, ill even agree this dude committed murder, but there are others here and out there who want it to be about race. A whit guy shooting a black kid.
What is so wrong with saying it's about race and racism...when it's about race and racism?

Did you hear the tape of him calling him an effing coon, and of him saying "they always get away?"

Did you hear that?

Objection your honor. The prosecution is offering opinion only.
I'm still waiting for the answer to why they drug tested the dead boy but not the man who shot him.

They do not conduct autopsies on folk that are still vertical with a heartbeat.

You have to be dead to have a drug test? They didn't even check to see if Zimmerman had been drinking.
You DO know they can only do that if they have probable cause to do so, right?

It's that pesky Fourth Amendment.
you do not know what the DA is doing.
Dont be so quick to judge.
Drug testing the victim was important. Not to make the kid the issue, but to clear the kid of being the issue....I am sure it was done to put the onus on the attacker.

EXACTLY, as this young man that was killed ALSO should receive fairness.
Even more so as he is dead.
Watch the system work and watch an arrest if this kid was unarmed and not doing anything such as attacking the shooter. There has to be physical attack on the shooter for a self defense defense to work on most juries. "In fear of my life" is the standard in Florida and most states but that does not hold any water here because the shooter was armed and the victim was apparently not.
Amazing that folks here go by media reports to base their judgment on guilt or innocence at this stage.
To date NO ONE knows the evidence. Just because someone is dead is no evidence of murder. This could be self defense or it could 1st degree murder.

It's true that we don't know. And that is why so many are upset. The police were willing to drop the matter without an investigation. The death of an unarmed person by an armed person should be investigated. More so if the unarmed person was a minor.

The police did not drop the matter. They sent it directly to the grand jury.
Are you folks really this ignorant calling the police "corrupt" and other BS?
Damn, one would think some of you have taken some courses in the law or something along the way.
"Racism, racism, racism, the cops are corrupt, he said coon."
If this would have been a gay guy in Atlanta shot by a black kid Marc would have not mentioned a word about it if the black kid was not charged.
It IS all about race.
The police did not drop the matter. They sent it directly to the grand jury.

And after departmental and state attorney counsel.... they did not have cause to arrest him.

Such compelling evidence to cut someone loose.....typically in jurisdictions around the country is:

- eye witness testimony
- gun shot residue
- testing of weapons for biological determiners
EXACTLY, as this young man that was killed ALSO should receive fairness.
Even more so as he is dead.
Watch the system work and watch an arrest if this kid was unarmed and not doing anything such as attacking the shooter. There has to be physical attack on the shooter for a self defense defense to work on most juries. "In fear of my life" is the standard in Florida and most states but that does not hold any water here because the shooter was armed and the victim was apparently not.
Amazing that folks here go by media reports to base their judgment on guilt or innocence at this stage.
To date NO ONE knows the evidence. Just because someone is dead is no evidence of murder. This could be self defense or it could 1st degree murder.

It's true that we don't know. And that is why so many are upset. The police were willing to drop the matter without an investigation. The death of an unarmed person by an armed person should be investigated. More so if the unarmed person was a minor.

The police did not drop the matter. They sent it directly to the grand jury.
Are you folks really this ignorant calling the police "corrupt" and other BS?
Damn, one would think some of you have taken some courses in the law or something along the way.
"Racism, racism, racism, the cops are corrupt, he said coon."
If this would have been a gay guy in Atlanta shot by a black kid Marc would have not mentioned a word about it if the black kid was not charged.
It IS all about race.


Please read up on the timeline following the shooting.

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