I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Out today the phone records of the kid proving he was on the phone right up to when Zimmerman accosted him. On the phone with his girlfriend, backed up by both of their phone records-who for some reason didn't come forward until now -but said he told her...."


and then she heard him screaming for help and the phone disconnected so she didn't hear the gunshot. That is now four people who confirm it was the kid screaming for help.

Wrong. She didn't say she heard him screaming for help. And, none of the witnesses who talked to police that night contradicted Zimmerman's claim that he was screaming.

In spite of Zimmerman claiming he was the one screaming - which is not believable given it is no doubt the sight of he gun that made the kid start screaming

I wish you would put down the crack pipe and explain to me how you think Zimmerman suffered physical injuries. Did the sight of a gun make the black attack Zimmerman, forcing Zimmerman to pull the trigger?

Zimmerman supposedly had a bloody nose and bump on his head-I wouldn't put it past him to have done it to himself after realizing he shot and killed a scared unarmed kid.

Oh good, you did answer my question from above! The police showed up almost immediately after the shooting (say, within a minute). Do you think the mentally-slow and shaken Zimmerman had the presence of mind to inflict damage upon himself in such a short time? Why is it you think Zimmerman fabricated evidence, but that the black's girlfiend (who had a lot of time to invent something) didn't fabricate a story?

And by the way I am sick of hearing news media supposedly correcting previous "false" reports that Zimmerman is white and that he is actually Hispanic. I hate to break the bad news to morons who don't realize it, but Hispanics are WHITE.

Aside from the fact that Hispanics are typically mixed-race with Indian blood (with Asian ancestry), "white" is more than just genes. It's also culture.

Just thinking of the fear and desperation of throwing his candy to defend himself against a hot-headed arrogant asshole packing a gun, an attitude and a massive power trip makes me weep.

That is all in your head.
Out today the phone records of the kid proving he was on the phone right up to when Zimmerman accosted him. On the phone with his girlfriend, backed up by both of their phone records-who for some reason didn't come forward until now -but said he told her...."


and then she heard him screaming for help and the phone disconnected so she didn't hear the gunshot. That is now four people who confirm it was the kid screaming for help.

Wrong. She didn't say she heard him screaming for help. And, none of the witnesses who talked to police that night contradicted Zimmerman's claim that he was screaming.

I wish you would put down the crack pipe and explain to me how you think Zimmerman suffered physical injuries. Did the sight of a gun make the black attack Zimmerman, forcing Zimmerman to pull the trigger?

Oh good, you did answer my question from above! The police showed up almost immediately after the shooting (say, within a minute). Do you think the mentally-slow and shaken Zimmerman had the presence of mind to inflict damage upon himself in such a short time? Why is it you think Zimmerman fabricated evidence, but that the black's girlfiend (who had a lot of time to invent something) didn't fabricate a story?

And by the way I am sick of hearing news media supposedly correcting previous "false" reports that Zimmerman is white and that he is actually Hispanic. I hate to break the bad news to morons who don't realize it, but Hispanics are WHITE.

Aside from the fact that Hispanics are typically mixed-race with Indian blood (with Asian ancestry), "white" is more than just genes. It's also culture.

Just thinking of the fear and desperation of throwing his candy to defend himself against a hot-headed arrogant asshole packing a gun, an attitude and a massive power trip makes me weep.

That is all in your head.

Zimmerman pushed the confrontation, and initiated the contact. Had he done as he was instructed by the 911 operator this would have ended differently. This kid did not need to be shot. It was murder.
They do not conduct autopsies on folk that are still vertical with a heartbeat.

When those vertical people with heartbeats kill someone else, they usually perform arrests.
See, that's the problem. The LAW in Florida allows for his killing that kid (with what we know). We PRESUME INNOCENCE in the USA, especially when the law allows for the event.
The law allows a judge and/or grand jury to make such determinations. If someone murders another person with a gun, the law does not take them at their word without arrest or extensive questioning.
^Another guy with all the facts he needs to send Zimmerman to the gallows. :lol:

Oh my bad bro I didn't mean cause you any butthurt over your boy Zimmerman. Florida doesn't even use gallows btw. And yes, when you acknowledge shooting and killing an unarmed child you have by default committed a crime unless you can produce a legal defense that mitigates the degree of criminality.


Need a tissue?

I can't hear you over the Radiohead I'm listening to COME AT ME BRO
When those vertical people with heartbeats kill someone else, they usually perform arrests.
See, that's the problem. The LAW in Florida allows for his killing that kid (with what we know). We PRESUME INNOCENCE in the USA, especially when the law allows for the event.
The law allows a judge and/or grand jury to make such determinations. If someone murders another person with a gun, the law does not take them at their word without arrest or extensive questioning.
To arrest, you need probable cause. It's a constitutional thing. Under the LAW in Florida, the cops saw none.
See, that's the problem. The LAW in Florida allows for his killing that kid (with what we know). We PRESUME INNOCENCE in the USA, especially when the law allows for the event.
The law allows a judge and/or grand jury to make such determinations. If someone murders another person with a gun, the law does not take them at their word without arrest or extensive questioning.
To arrest, you need probable cause. It's a constitutional thing. Under the LAW in Florida, the cops saw none.

A person shot a 17 year old kid and killed him. I don't care what the cops claim they "saw", if a person shoots another person in cold blood and kills them there's probable cause to detain and question them - if for no other reason than the fact that the police can only get one side of the story.
The law allows a judge and/or grand jury to make such determinations. If someone murders another person with a gun, the law does not take them at their word without arrest or extensive questioning.
To arrest, you need probable cause. It's a constitutional thing. Under the LAW in Florida, the cops saw none.

A person shot a 17 year old kid and killed him. I don't care what the cops claim they "saw", if a person shoots another person in cold blood and kills them there's probable cause to detain and question them - if for no other reason than the fact that the police can only get one side of the story.
I agree there is probable cause to detain and question him.

Do you have evidence they did not do that?
You have to understand Si, she thinks Attila the Hun is the left wing of her political ideology.
Actually, I don't but don't let that keep you from looking like the fool that you are.

Negged for attempting to represent my views for me - dishonestly, as usual.

To arrest, you need probable cause. It's a constitutional thing. Under the LAW in Florida, the cops saw none.

A person shot a 17 year old kid and killed him. I don't care what the cops claim they "saw", if a person shoots another person in cold blood and kills them there's probable cause to detain and question them - if for no other reason than the fact that the police can only get one side of the story.
I agree there is probable cause to detain and question him.

Do you have evidence they did not do that?

yes! They did not detain and question him. He was briefly questioned at the scene.

Tell me, how many people who shoot and kill an unarmed 17 year old walk away without arrest?
You can't "confront" someone if you're actively trying to get away from them.

When and if they catch up with you after pursuing you, you aren't "confronting" them when you stand your ground.

What we have here is a case of standing your ground, and a criminal then gunning down the lawful citizen who was rightfully standing their ground.

Zimmerman is toast...TOAST I said!

You would convict someone without seeing any of the evidence. I am sure of that.
When the alleged victim is black.
I prefer to see all of the evidence and any witnesses before I reach a conclusion that a defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Something about The United States Constitution that clearly states Zimmerman is PRESUMED innocent.
I know the presumption of innocence is a difficult standard to comprehend when one's judgment is clearly grounded with prejudices and bias be they black or white.
I saw this in the 60s with whites and now I see it with blacks.

Convict is one thing...but we do have evidence!

We know for a FACT the poor kid that was shot was unarmed..we know for a FACT the poor kid that was shot had no ill intent, we know for a FACT he was simply an American going to the store, something we all do every day. We know for a FACT he was illegally confronted by a vigilante (yes, I use that word intentionally) citizen who decided this kid didn't "belong" in his neighborhood...that vigilante, ARMED with a gun went AGAINST the police dispatchers advice and both followed AND CONFRONTED this American citizen who's only crime was walking to the store!

and finally, we know for a FACT this unarmed American was gunned down on our streets by a vigilante taking the law into his own hands!

These FACTS are not up for debate! The sad thing about all of this, while you are all concerned about not "convicting" the shooter, he not only convicted this AMERICAN citizen LAWFULLY living his life...he EXECUTED HIM!
A person shot a 17 year old kid and killed him. I don't care what the cops claim they "saw", if a person shoots another person in cold blood and kills them there's probable cause to detain and question them - if for no other reason than the fact that the police can only get one side of the story.
I agree there is probable cause to detain and question him.

Do you have evidence they did not do that?

yes! They did not detain and question him. He was briefly questioned at the scene.

Tell me, how many people who shoot and kill an unarmed 17 year old walk away without arrest?
A hell of a lot in Florida, because of the LAW.

And, do you have a link to the information that says he was briefly questioned at the scene?

You can't "confront" someone if you're actively trying to get away from them.

When and if they catch up with you after pursuing you, you aren't "confronting" them when you stand your ground.

What we have here is a case of standing your ground, and a criminal then gunning down the lawful citizen who was rightfully standing their ground.

Zimmerman is toast...TOAST I said!

You would convict someone without seeing any of the evidence. I am sure of that.
When the alleged victim is black.
I prefer to see all of the evidence and any witnesses before I reach a conclusion that a defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Something about The United States Constitution that clearly states Zimmerman is PRESUMED innocent.
I know the presumption of innocence is a difficult standard to comprehend when one's judgment is clearly grounded with prejudices and bias be they black or white.
I saw this in the 60s with whites and now I see it with blacks.

Convict is one thing...but we do have evidence!

We know for a FACT the poor kid that was shot was unarmed..we know for a FACT the poor kid that was shot had no ill intent, we know for a FACT he was simply an American going to the store, something we all do every day. We know for a FACT he was illegally confronted by a vigilante (yes, I use that word intentionally) citizen who decided this kid didn't "belong" in his neighborhood...that vigilante, ARMED with a gun went AGAINST the police dispatchers advice and both followed AND CONFRONTED this American citizen who's only crime was walking to the store!

and finally, we know for a FACT this unarmed American was gunned down on our streets by a vigilante taking the law into his own hands!

These FACTS are not up for debate! The sad thing about all of this, while you are all concerned about not "convicting" the shooter, he not only convicted this AMERICAN citizen LAWFULLY living his life...he EXECUTED HIM!
Well, we don't really no for a fact that the kid had no ill intent, but it sure looks that way.
I agree there is probable cause to detain and question him.

Do you have evidence they did not do that?

yes! They did not detain and question him. He was briefly questioned at the scene.

Tell me, how many people who shoot and kill an unarmed 17 year old walk away without arrest?
A hell of a lot in Florida, because of the LAW.

Can you show me a case where an armed person shot and killed an unarmed minor and walked away without arrest or questioning?

And, do you have a link to the information that says he was briefly questioned at the scene?


Zimmerman tells police he killed Martin in self defense. Taking him at his word, police do not arrest him, nor administer a drug or alcohol test. They also did not run a background check.

Trayvon Martin Case: Timeline of Events - ABC News
You would convict someone without seeing any of the evidence. I am sure of that.
When the alleged victim is black.
I prefer to see all of the evidence and any witnesses before I reach a conclusion that a defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Something about The United States Constitution that clearly states Zimmerman is PRESUMED innocent.
I know the presumption of innocence is a difficult standard to comprehend when one's judgment is clearly grounded with prejudices and bias be they black or white.
I saw this in the 60s with whites and now I see it with blacks.

Convict is one thing...but we do have evidence!

We know for a FACT the poor kid that was shot was unarmed..we know for a FACT the poor kid that was shot had no ill intent, we know for a FACT he was simply an American going to the store, something we all do every day. We know for a FACT he was illegally confronted by a vigilante (yes, I use that word intentionally) citizen who decided this kid didn't "belong" in his neighborhood...that vigilante, ARMED with a gun went AGAINST the police dispatchers advice and both followed AND CONFRONTED this American citizen who's only crime was walking to the store!

and finally, we know for a FACT this unarmed American was gunned down on our streets by a vigilante taking the law into his own hands!

These FACTS are not up for debate! The sad thing about all of this, while you are all concerned about not "convicting" the shooter, he not only convicted this AMERICAN citizen LAWFULLY living his life...he EXECUTED HIM!
Well, we don't really no for a fact that the kid had no ill intent, but it sure looks that way.

Oh yeah...I forgot...those Skittles he bought at the store for his little brother...maybe he was gonna assault the guy who shot him...silly me....
You can't "confront" someone if you're actively trying to get away from them.

When and if they catch up with you after pursuing you, you aren't "confronting" them when you stand your ground.

What we have here is a case of standing your ground, and a criminal then gunning down the lawful citizen who was rightfully standing their ground.

Zimmerman is toast...TOAST I said!

I actually heard one of Zimmermans neighbors telling a newsman and I have to paraphrase, "if the kid had just answered the questions asked him properly none of this wouldn't have happened"

I just shook my head thinking how I remember back to the days when America existed...ah, the good ol days
yes! They did not detain and question him. He was briefly questioned at the scene.

Tell me, how many people who shoot and kill an unarmed 17 year old walk away without arrest?
A hell of a lot in Florida, because of the LAW.

Can you show me a case where an armed person shot and killed an unarmed minor and walked away without arrest or questioning?

And, do you have a link to the information that says he was briefly questioned at the scene?


Zimmerman tells police he killed Martin in self defense. Taking him at his word, police do not arrest him, nor administer a drug or alcohol test. They also did not run a background check.

Trayvon Martin Case: Timeline of Events - ABC News
There was a kid that got shot in the back by security guards for doing nothing more than sitting in his car....when he tried to drive away when they challenged him they shot him. And got off because they claimed he was trying to run them over.

No investigation.

This is a bad law.

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Out today the phone records of the kid proving he was on the phone right up to when Zimmerman accosted him. On the phone with his girlfriend, backed up by both of their phone records-who for some reason didn't come forward until now -but said he told her...."


and then she heard him screaming for help and the phone disconnected so she didn't hear the gunshot. That is now four people who confirm it was the kid screaming for help.

Wrong. She didn't say she heard him screaming for help. And, none of the witnesses who talked to police that night contradicted Zimmerman's claim that he was screaming.

I wish you would put down the crack pipe and explain to me how you think Zimmerman suffered physical injuries. Did the sight of a gun make the black attack Zimmerman, forcing Zimmerman to pull the trigger?

Oh good, you did answer my question from above! The police showed up almost immediately after the shooting (say, within a minute). Do you think the mentally-slow and shaken Zimmerman had the presence of mind to inflict damage upon himself in such a short time? Why is it you think Zimmerman fabricated evidence, but that the black's girlfiend (who had a lot of time to invent something) didn't fabricate a story?

And by the way I am sick of hearing news media supposedly correcting previous "false" reports that Zimmerman is white and that he is actually Hispanic. I hate to break the bad news to morons who don't realize it, but Hispanics are WHITE.

Aside from the fact that Hispanics are typically mixed-race with Indian blood (with Asian ancestry), "white" is more than just genes. It's also culture.

Just thinking of the fear and desperation of throwing his candy to defend himself against a hot-headed arrogant asshole packing a gun, an attitude and a massive power trip makes me weep.

That is all in your head.

Witness did contradict Zimmerman concerning the screaming.

Zimmerman's father is white, mother is hispanic.

You seem to be factless.
yes! They did not detain and question him. He was briefly questioned at the scene.

Tell me, how many people who shoot and kill an unarmed 17 year old walk away without arrest?
A hell of a lot in Florida, because of the LAW.

Can you show me a case where an armed person shot and killed an unarmed minor and walked away without arrest or questioning?

And, do you have a link to the information that says he was briefly questioned at the scene?


Zimmerman tells police he killed Martin in self defense. Taking him at his word, police do not arrest him, nor administer a drug or alcohol test. They also did not run a background check.

Trayvon Martin Case: Timeline of Events - ABC News
Thanks for the link. The chief listened to what Zimmerman said, there are reports that Zimmerman had wounds on him, and there is an eyewitness who saw him on the ground before he shot the kid.

Now, before anyone gets their knickers in a knot about MY views on this, read this:
I think what might get him off is an independent witness already claiming that he saw Zimmerman on the ground.

Personally, I think this is a tragedy. I think the 17 yo was doing nothing but walking back to his father's fiancee's house - the kid probably had to get out. My fiancee's 17 yo can't stand me simply because I am his father's fiancee. So, the kid got out of the house for a break.

Zimmerman, being the wannabe copper, probably knew exactly what he could and could not do within the laws there. And, now that kid is dead.

Maybe the next session of the Florida legislature should revisit these laws.

Additionally, to do an alcohol or drug test, they have to have probable cause that he is under the influence.

So, taking into consideration the stand your ground laws, the witness, the wounds, etc., the cops didn't abuse their authority, IMO.

It's a shit law. The cops know the law and they had enough information to release him.

Personally, I don't think they did the right thing, butI don't like the laws there, and that's what happened.

And, most importantly, we presume innocence in this country. We don't arrest, THEN investigate, without probable cause. At the time after the accident, what was the probable cause other than the kid being dead, wounds on the shooter, a witness seeing the shooter on the ground before the shooting, and in consideration of the LAW?
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A hell of a lot in Florida, because of the LAW.

Can you show me a case where an armed person shot and killed an unarmed minor and walked away without arrest or questioning?


Zimmerman tells police he killed Martin in self defense. Taking him at his word, police do not arrest him, nor administer a drug or alcohol test. They also did not run a background check.

Trayvon Martin Case: Timeline of Events - ABC News
There was a kid that got shot in the back by security guards for doing nothing more than sitting in his car....when he tried to drive away when they challenged him they shot him. And got off because they claimed he was trying to run them over.

No investigation.

This is a bad law.

Fla. "Stand Your Ground" author may seek changes - CBS News
I agree. Now, I like the Castle Doctrine, but this Florida law goes way too far.

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