I don't think Secessionists know what seceding is...


Oh my goodness ... I can buy a bucket of beer on a beach in Costa Maya with a US $5 bill.
The value of money resides simply in what someone will give you in exchange for it, at the point of sale.


Okay... And why do you think the vendor took that piece of paper? Think it through.

Because it is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Treasury.

Do me a favor....start your own nation and print some currency and see if the vendor will take it. That is what Conservistan will be doing...printing it's own money backed by...nothing. Texas isn't going to pay off debt incurred by other renegade provinces (we can't call them states any more)... A hurricane hits Florida..that's their tough luck in Conservistan.

You guys gonna sell Treasuries to China/Europe in return for hard currency?
There is a county in MS where 1/4 of the population is on Social Security disability.... Is Mississippi going to take care of them on their own? The most interesting conversation in the universe would be the governor of MS asking Texas to help out.... Should be priceless.
In my small conservative town, the last time it snowed much, the school was let out early and the boys wrestling team all got on their ATV's, attached the blades and plowed the driveways of the town's senior citizens. Do you really think we don't know how to take care of our own? How many senior citizens in the big blue cities ever got their driveways plowed by the young, strong men of the city? They're more likely to get their homes invaded by those young, strong men.

Do you really think that we can't take care of our own?
Yes because
1: Most soldiers are serious about the oaths they took.
2: They know Texas doesnt have the abitily or funding to maintain a standing army.


Whoa! Are you really stating that just because there are tens of thousands of soldiers in Fort Hood, they are not all from Texas and would be willing to fight for it?
Oh, do you think US soldiers are going to fight for you to secede??


I bet you are one of those morons who try to both claim the Confederacy was good because of the whole secession thing -- while also claiming the Confederacy was bad because, KKK, Democrats, blah blah...

I swear to God you reactionary right-winger are utter morons...
Well, thanks honey. We feel the same way about you. That's why we no longer want you in our country.
Babe do you really think that the bases in afghanistan were more in afghanistan then the bases in TEXAS being in texas.
The bases were built in a country half way around the world...whatever happens to them after the US leaves -- the US has far less influence over compared to bases within its own borders....

And no, you will not keep those bases....no matter how much you fantasize about it...

Neither will Texas ever secede...but seeing as tho reactionary right wing cucks have no option but to live in fantasy world -- we will hear about secession talk everytime their current cult leader isn't in power anymore...

Yall did it when Bush was out of power too....imagine threatening to secede because Bush was no longer president -- and now all claiming Bush was horrible and you never supported him...shut yo goofy ass up
Oh, do you think US soldiers are going to fight for you to secede??


I bet you are one of those morons who try to both claim the Confederacy was good because of the whole secession thing -- while also claiming the Confederacy was bad because, KKK, Democrats, blah blah...

I swear to God you reactionary right-winger are utter morons...
Bwahahah, your dumb.

I am from Texas---my father was Air Force in Texas----many of the US troops see our federal government as corrupt as shit and would be prefer to be TEXAS military.
Texas hun has the resources to support themselves as a country---OIL, AGRICULTURE, and BIG TECH to just name a few of the industries that TEXAS is profiting off of dear. TEXAS's economy is big and diverse......

Do you think those industries will survive without the subsidies they current get? And do you think tech companies would stay in Texas? if they no longer had immediate acess tthe rest of the us for sales?
Bwahahah, your dumb.

I am from Texas---my father was Air Force in Texas----many of the US troops see our federal government as corrupt as shit and would be prefer to be TEXAS military.
I am from Texas too.....and no, you will not secede..this is nothing but right-wing reactionary grievance porn....

Which is why it will never happen....
It ain't "Your country" moron...

Which is why you throwing temper tantrums like a little bitch and whining about seceding...you lost 150 yrs ago..and you lost now...

Shut the fuck up and jerk off to Turner Diaries
Wow! Folks, that's one hell of an intelligent post there!
Do you think those industries will survive without the subsidies they current get? And do you think tech companies would stay in Texas? if they no longer had immediate acess tthe rest of the us for sales?

And had to pay tariffs to send their stuff from Texas to California...


You were right of course...anyone prescribing this as a remedy doesn't know jack shit about economics.
The bases were built in a country half way around the world...whatever happens to them after the US leaves -- the US has far less influence over compared to bases within its own borders....

And no, you will not keep those bases....no matter how much you fantasize about it...

Neither will Texas ever secede...but seeing as tho reactionary right wing cucks have no option but to live in fantasy world -- we will hear about secession talk everytime their current cult leader isn't in power anymore...

Yall did it when Bush was out of power too....imagine threatening to secede because Bush was no longer president -- and now all claiming Bush was horrible and you never supported him...shut yo goofy ass up
It's not a question of IF hun---its a question of WHEN. Again, I think the Russians were right decades ago and history is right---when a country starts destroying itself from within with corrupt and inept leaders like the US has now set the path for-----BREAKING up into smaller pieces is the historic norm. The US is going to be breaking up forming loose smaller confederations ----I don't know if it will be succession or called something else---but I think it is coming.
And had to pay tariffs to send their stuff from Texas to California...


You were right of course...anyone prescribing this as a remedy doesn't know jack shit about economics.
Wow. An "economics" scholar here. Gee, I'm impressed. How will that degree taste when you have to eat it?
Wow. An "economics" scholar here. Gee, I'm impressed. How will that degree taste when you have to eat it?
Jerking off to fantasies about a new Confederacy has long been the way you reactionary right-wing racists have had to cope....


Cope harder...

Whoa! Are you really stating that just because there are tens of thousands of soldiers in Fort Hood, they are not all from Texas and would be willing to fight for it?
Candy, what makes you think only Texans want to leave the US?
Two--soldiers aren't like the military hating communist lover Bidens and other pols either.
That and those who talk about secession are idiots who have no idea what it entails. Something as simple as e-commerce... Think about having to do a conversion of Confederate script into US Dollars when you order from Amazon...

Is Conservistan going to have a stock market?

The dollars in your pocket are backed by the full faith and credit of the US government. When Conservistan starts to issue money, they will need something to back it up other than "faith" because nobody is going to hold out much faith that a state that can't figure out how to keep the lights on when it gets cold is going to be around for very long.
You realize that Texas would not be alone. The whole southeast all the way up to Pa would probably go. Then there's the Midwest and Rocky Mt. regions that would probably go too. What's left is NY, New England, the wacky west coast (that's the western halves of Cali, Wash, and Oregon, we'll take the conservative eastern halves) and the weirdos in Minnesota, Illinois and New Mexico. They would become the Blue badlands. I'm sure we could make some accommodations to have the illegal aliens and hard core liberal radicals in cities like Philly, Detroit, Miami and Austin, be moved to blue states. It would take a while but, in the end, everyone would have a shot at having the country they want. We'll even take all those cops off your hands because we're nice people.
I like the sound of "ideological cleansing".
Careful what you wish for. I'd really rather not have to round-up anyone (the few that there were) in my AO that had a Biden yard sign out but that's what it would amount to.

I'd much prefer that Virginia be cut off at the NOtVA county lines and down I-95. The Western part to be joined with WV to form "Best Virginia".....That and it would also avoid the whole strongman/warlord thing. ;)

Such a peaceful partition would still be workable under the present framework of government with a bit of adjustment here and there. At this late date I am more concerned about what goes on in my state than on the federal level anyway. We could just ignore any edicts out of DC. Make state rights great again......MSRGA!

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