I don't think Secessionists know what seceding is...

Secession is the withdrawal of a group from a larger entity, especially a political entity, but also from any organization, union or military alliance. ... A secession attempt might be violent or peaceful, but the goal is the creation of a new state or entity independent from the group or territory it seceded from.

that could apply to either political party Pene

You realize that Texas would not be alone. The whole southeast all the way up to Pa would probably go. Then there's the Midwest and Rocky Mt. regions that would probably go too. What's left is NY, New England, the wacky west coast (that's the western halves of Cali, Wash, and Oregon, we'll take the conservative eastern halves) and the weirdos in Minnesota, Illinois and New Mexico. They would become the Blue badlands. I'm sure we could make some accommodations to have the illegal aliens and hard core liberal radicals in cities like Philly, Detroit, Miami and Austin, be moved to blue states. It would take a while but, in the end, everyone would have a shot at having the country they want. We'll even take all those cops off your hands because we're nice people.

Ahh, the vivid imagination of the conservative...
Okay... And why do you think the vendor took that piece of paper? Think it through.

Because it is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Treasury.

Do me a favor....start your own nation and print some currency and see if the vendor will take it. That is what Conservistan will be doing...printing it's own money backed by...nothing. Texas isn't going to pay off debt incurred by other renegade provinces (we can't call them states any more)... A hurricane hits Florida..that's their tough luck in Conservistan.

You guys gonna sell Treasuries to China/Europe in return for hard currency?

That's not what I indicated.
I indicated the value of money resides in what you can get in exchange for it at the point of sale.

If you think the vendor on the beach in Costa Maya is overly confident with politics, international markets, or crypto currency return rates ...
Well ... They take the US $5 bill because it will get them what they want when they hand it to someone else.

I was in no way talking about what countries do with imaginary money.
Just value ... And if I can trade a barrel of oil for a pallet of rice ... I'm still going to be eating ... :thup:

The barrel won't have to have a stamp on it that says 1 barrel of US oil.
Well ... That might be being optimistic, because Progressives tend to try and get their cut of everything.

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They "want" an authoritarian strongman to run their country, too.

As opposed to a puppet controlled by our enemies? You and many others don’t even realize that is what you voted for. It is willful ignorance, unreasonable hatred for Trump or just plain stupidity. Take your pick. None are good and all result in a worse outcome for our country.

That's not what I indicated.
I indicated the value of money resides in what you can get in exchange for it at the point of sale.​
Oh dear.

If you think the vendor on the beach in Costa Maya is overly confident with politics, international markets, or crypto currency return rates.
Well ... They take the US $5 bill because it will get them what they want when they hand it to someone else.​
Well, you have some understanding of what happens...good.

I was in no way talking about what countries do with imaginary money.​
Imaginary money is what conservistan will be printing unless they are going to acquire tens of billions of dollars of precious metals to back it up and likely not even then will the vendor take conservative script since, you know, going down to the treasury and converting the paper note into bullion is a time consuming process.
Just value ... And if I can trade a barrel of oil for a pallet of rice ... I'm still going to be eating ... :thup:

Conservative script will be worthless.

During the revolution the Continental Army had a lot of trouble buying things from local merchants because, gee, they were not sure the new nation was going to last so they demanded payment in English currency.
US Dollar has its value because you can pay your taxes with it.....outside of that, it has no intrinsic value...

And whatever currency the country of Texas comes up with, will have even less value than that....

Texas could actual back their currency with oil and natural gas reserves.
They don't have to tag it to imaginary money, and the promise of citizens paying their taxes.

Candy, what makes you think only Texans want to leave the US?
Two--soldiers aren't like the military hating communist lover Bidens and other pols either.
Soldiers aren't all Texans either....

I am going to repeat....how did that last secession work??

Don't get me wrong..there have been subsequent attempts at secessions/insurrections -- like all thru-out the Reconstruction era -- there were plenty of insurrections -- launched by people who were bitching about blacks having too many rights, bitching about how they have less now, because blacks and other minorities were exercising their rights, blah blah...

Battle of Liberty Place.....insurrectionists upset with election results stormed the government and killed both police and state militia....

Insurrection In North Carolina....insurrectionists, once again upset with election results...attempted a coup...burning down buildings, killing people....

And it's funny how thru out the last 150 or so years -- its always the "Conservatives" of every era who has always tried this secession bullshit..and always for very similar reasons and using very similar rhetoric..
Do you think those industries will survive without the subsidies they current get? And do you think tech companies would stay in Texas? if they no longer had immediate acess tthe rest of the us for sales?
You assume that TEXAS couldn't sell its good to other states still if they left the UNION, which would be like saying that states can't buy goods to other countries. You also assume that you spiteful welfare libs would have money if not for the conservatives wanting to leave you behind. Or that TEXAS wouldn't as it already does----Trade very successfully with other nations.

Texas could actual back their currency with oil and natural gas reserves.
They don't have to tag it to imaginary money, and the promise of citizens paying their taxes.

Oil that is largely owned by global corporations..

Are you saying that Texas will "nationalize" the oil?

How socialist of you
And had to pay tariffs to send their stuff from Texas to California...


You were right of course...anyone prescribing this as a remedy doesn't know jack shit about economics.
Assuming that Texas would even be sending their "stuff" to Californica. Let Californica make their own.
Oh dear.

Well, you have some understanding of what happens...good.

Imaginary money is what conservistan will be printing unless they are going to acquire tens of billions of dollars of precious metals to back it up and likely not even then will the vendor take conservative script since, you know, going down to the treasury and converting the paper note into bullion is a time consuming process.

Conservative script will be worthless.

During the revolution the Continental Army had a lot of trouble buying things from local merchants because, gee, they were not sure the new nation was going to last so they demanded payment in English currency.

You keep talking about script ... Most people that don't have access to resources tend to do that.

If you want to talk about Revolution, you can skip Secession and having to come up with a new currency,
and we can go straight to Winner Take All.

I'm personally not interested in Secession ... I am not giving shit up ... :thup:

You realize that Texas would not be alone. The whole southeast all the way up to Pa would probably go. Then there's the Midwest and Rocky Mt. regions that would probably go too. What's left is NY, New England, the wacky west coast (that's the western halves of Cali, Wash, and Oregon, we'll take the conservative eastern halves) and the weirdos in Minnesota, Illinois and New Mexico. They would become the Blue badlands. I'm sure we could make some accommodations to have the illegal aliens and hard core liberal radicals in cities like Philly, Detroit, Miami and Austin, be moved to blue states. It would take a while but, in the end, everyone would have a shot at having the country they want. We'll even take all those cops off your hands because we're nice people.
I'd nearly bet you money that SD, ND, NE, OK, MT and WY would go. And that's right, ID and the eastern halves of CA, WA and OR. OOPS! No Rocky Mountain ski resorts for you lefties.

You keep talking about script ... Most people that don't have resources tend to do that.

If you want to talk about Revolution, you can skip Secession and having to come up with a new currency,
and we can go straight to Winner Take All.

I'm personally not interested in Secession ... I am not giving shit up ... :thup:

If the belief for all of the secession enthusiasts is that the federal government controls everything and everyone -- what do you have left to give anyway??

That is the whole reason why one must secede is it not
Soldiers aren't all Texas either....

I am going to repeat....how did that last secession work??

Don't get me wrong..there have been subsequent attempts at secessions/insurrections -- like all thru-out the Reconstruction era -- there were plenty of insurrections -- launched by people who were bitching about blacks having too many rights, bitching about how they have less now, because blacks and other minorities were exercising their rights, blah blah...

Battle of Liberty Place.....insurrectionists upset with election results stormed the government and killed both police and state militia....

Insurrection In North Carolina....insurrectionists, once again upset with election results...attempted a coup...burning down buildings, killing people....

And it's funny how thru out the last 150 or so years -- its always the "Conservatives" of every era who has always tried this secession bullshit..and always for very similar reasons and using very similar rhetoric..
How did the last secession work? The north with all the money and navy blockaded the south from international trade when the war that the south really hadn't planned on had started. Even then the North barely was able to defeat the US----the IRISH potatoe famine forcing poor starving IRISH into the NORTH US who then saw most of their able bodied males forced to join the failing North's military almost immediately upon getting off the boats provided the fodder needed to substain the war. The Norths new immigrants of muslims wanting to destroy the US and illegals wanting welfare aren't likely to prove much of good warriors for the NORTH US. In fact, the WOKE North choosing social misfits as leaders----makes the ability to substain war even less likely this time around.
I'd nearly bet you money that SD, ND, NE, OK, MT and WY would go. And that's right, ID and the eastern halves of CA, WA and OR. OOPS! No Rocky Mountain ski resorts for you lefties.
If you delusional morons couldn't even stop the "Democrats" from "stealing the election" -- what makes you think you will suddenly convince multiple states to secede with you over a lost election??

When did Nebraska or SD ever talk about secession??
How did the last secession work? The north with all the money and navy blockaded the south from international trade when the war that the south really hadn't planned on had started. Even then the North barely was able to defeat the US----the IRISH potatoe famine forcing poor starving IRISH into the NORTH US who then saw most of their able bodied males forced to join the failing North's military almost immediately upon getting off the boats provided the fodder needed to substain the war. The Norths new immigrants of muslims wanting to destroy the US and illegals wanting welfare aren't likely to prove much of good warriors for the NORTH US. In fact, the WOKE North choosing social misfits as leaders----makes the ability to substain war even less likely this time around.
As I figured...another neo-Confederate cuck.....

So all of that talk about "Democrats were Confederates" as if that is some type of condemnation of Democrats today -- was all bullshit huh??

Because today...the only people I see sucking off the Confederacy the way you are -- are Conservatives...
If you delusional morons couldn't even stop the "Democrats" from "stealing the election" -- what makes you think you will suddenly convince multiple states to secede with you over a lost election??

When did Nebraska or SD ever talk about secession??
There is just too much that goes over your head to allow fruitful discourse, honey.
As I figured...another neo-Confederate cuck.....

So all of that talk about "Democrats were Confederates" as if that is some type of condemnation of Democrats today -- was all bullshit huh??

Because today...the only people I see sucking off the Confederacy the way you are -- are Conservatives...
Time to ignore the BiffBot. It needs some reprogramming.
There is just too much that goes over your head to allow fruitful discourse, honey.
There is no contigency in Nebraska or South Dakota to secede, moron....

Just because a bunch of you whiney cuck conservatives all get on 8chan and have a circle jerk to complain about Mexicans and black folks -- doesn't mean you are the majority..do you understand that??

If you folks were the majority -- you wouldn't whine like bitches like you do....you would govern accordingly, as if you were the majority...

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