I don't think Secessionists know what seceding is...

I can survive for a long time without almonds. This spring, I will have a high tunnel where I can grow citrus and avocados for myself and neighbors. Ginger and bananas might be a bit tough. Tomatoes, carrots, onions, lettuce, beans, peas, cucumbers and watermelons grow just fine in my state. Apples, pears and stone fruits, ditto. We have fine vineyards here in SD as well. My garden will probably be big enough to feed four households.

How long can the rest of the country live without wheat, corn and soybeans?

A lot of people don't live in places where you run around passing out free bags of produce to your neighbors,
just because you don't have the storage space to put all the stuff you have grown.

As I figured...another neo-Confederate cuck.....

So all of that talk about "Democrats were Confederates" as if that is some type of condemnation of Democrats today -- was all bullshit huh??

Because today...the only people I see sucking off the Confederacy the way you are -- are Conservatives...

I am a rationalist idiot. It is better for my birth state of TEXAS---to leave the dying self destructive US behind at this point in time.
Last time they were talking secession was because they couldn't own people.

What's their problem this time?
That's their choice. We take care of ours. Blue staters don't get that.

I cannot disagree with that, outside of the acknowledgement a lot of people might argue about what choices they actually have.
Sometimes that's also just more ambition than choice.

On the other hand, I am thankful for the Blessings, and understand it takes a bit more effort than choosing to, in order to end up with a decent garden.
But ... I have a Progressive neighbor that cannot grow a fish in a pond by just leaving it alone ... :auiqs.jpg:


I cannot disagree with that, outside of the acknowledgement a lot of people might argue about what choices they actually have.
Sometimes that's also just more ambition than choice.

On the other hand, I am thankful for the Blessings, and understand it takes a bit more effort than choosing to, in order to end up with a decent garden.
But ... I have a Progressive neighbor that cannot grow a fish in a pond by just leaving it alone ... :auiqs.jpg:

I'm like that with some crops, but learning happens every year. This year, I'll get those onions bigger than ping pong balls!

A lot of states also have a bunch of religious colonies that grow good clean food and sell it cheap. I drive 20 miles for Hutterite produce and then come home and have a canning binge.
Far righters always threaten to secede. But if you actually talk to them, they tend to not understand what that means.

I was talking to a trucker from Texas who said after Texas secedes they will be better off, and when I pointed out that if they secede he'll have to get a visa tokeep working as a trucker. He said that he wouldnt need one cause he's an American. He was dumbfounded when I pointed out that if Texas secedes and he claims Texas citizenship, he forfeits his US citizenship, and would legally need a visa to work in the US .

I've met a few like this eho think they will retain the rights of US citizenship if their states secede.
What absolute morons.
I'm like that with some crops, but learning happens every year. This year, I'll get those onions bigger than ping pong balls!

A lot of states also have a bunch of religious colonies that grow good clean food and sell it cheap. I drive 20 miles for Hutterite produce and then come home and have a canning binge.

I hear ya ... I don't can a lot, but pickle everything from okra to jalapenos, at least until I run out of shelf space and neighbors to give it away to.
It's also not uncommon for someone to show up on your doorstep with a 40-gallon trash bag of purple hull peas waiting to be shelled.

Good luck on your season this year.

You assume that TEXAS couldn't sell its good to other states still if they left the UNION, which would be like saying that states can't buy goods to other countries. You also assume that you spiteful welfare libs would have money if not for the conservatives wanting to leave you behind. Or that TEXAS wouldn't as it already does----Trade very successfully with other nations.

They could but it would take time to set up treaties, establish partnerships, etc.

And the Texas Dollar would be worth much, since it wouldn't have the backing of an established economy.
People talk secession because they want to put America first. They feel their country has been irreparably broken by Democrats and neocons and you can't really blame them. As far as what it would look like, nobody really knows. It would take years to unravel.
People talk secession because they want to put America first.
Secession is jumping ship and putting themselves first while undermining America.
That and those who talk about secession are idiots who have no idea what it entails. Something as simple as e-commerce... Think about having to do a conversion of Confederate script into US Dollars when you order from Amazon...

Is Conservistan going to have a stock market?

The dollars in your pocket are backed by the full faith and credit of the US government. When Conservistan starts to issue money, they will need something to back it up other than "faith" because nobody is going to hold out much faith that a state that can't figure out how to keep the lights on when it gets cold is going to be around for very long.
They won’t even have the internet without first negotiating access. Who knows how many Conservistanian credits it would cost the average individual.
I say let the secede. Then we watch themm bitch and moan. We we stop susidizing the oil companies and they no longer get food stamps, wic, ss and medicare.
The oil companies would no doubt leave as most of their infrastructure will then be in foreign territories.
The oil companies would no doubt leave as most of their infrastructure will then be in foreign territories.

You Think ... :auiqs.jpg:
Those foreign territories might end up riding a bicycle and eating grass.


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Folks, this is either a supremely deluded person or a foul liar.

We simply do not like you and do not want to be associated with you. We will go our own way and expect you to do the same. What is so hard to understand about that? You have made yourselves extremely unlikable and we don't like you and want you to go away. Fair enough. You decide what your rights will be in your country, just as we will decide out rights.

I understand why you all are scared of the prospect of losing us, since we are the makers and you are the takers, but I think you might have thought of that before you made yourselves the odious pigs you have become.
The is no such prospect. Do you honestly believe that all those Americans who have capital invested in enterprise in Texas would simply walk away from it? Or that companies who do business with America would simply go along for the ride? Who’s capitalizing your new banking system?
You soiboiz are going to be the ones who can't figure out how to keep the lights on. Lets see you show up at the oilfields in your red flannel plaid jammies, with your soi lattes, and figure out how to get the energy out of the ground. They're called "roughnecks" for a reason.

This is rich humor, folks.
What makes you think the owners of those oil fields will go along with your plan? Do you actually believe they see a benefit in doing so?
Secession is jumping ship and putting themselves first while undermining America.
Nah. I see getting rid of Blue states more like having an operation to cut the cancer out. Democrats want to remake the country and Republicans would rather work with what our founders gave us. Why shouldn't we both have a shot at what we want and believe in. You can have all the illegal aliens, take everyone's guns, defund police, allow riots and crash and grab theft, have thought and speech crimes, mandate wearing masks and vaccines for everyone, vaccine passports, lockdown everything you want ,go 100% renewable, teach your kids the evil of White people, raise taxes, inflate prices and maybe you will even be able to agree on everything that is racist (math?) and finally rid your utopia of White supremacists for good. All we want is freedom and a shot at the American dream.
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