I don't think Secessionists know what seceding is...

Oil that is largely owned by global corporations..

Are you saying that Texas will "nationalize" the oil?

How socialist of you

Large corporation own the oil and natural gas I sell them every month ... If that's what you mean.
They damn sure don't own it until they pay me for it.

I can take that money and turn it into Kuwaiti dinars that trade higher than the US dollar.
I have access to resources and my life doesn't depend on some Utopian dream ... I'm a capitalist ... :thup:

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You keep talking about script ... Most people that don't have access to resources tend to do that.

If you want to talk about Revolution, you can skip Secession and having to come up with a new currency,
and we can go straight to Winner Take All.

I'm personally not interested in Secession ... I am not giving shit up ... :thup:


Ahh revolution. Bring it on I guess. I'd get my affairs in order first if I were you.

Your move.
Far righters always threaten to secede. But if you actually talk to them, they tend to not understand what that means.

I was talking to a trucker from Texas who said after Texas secedes they will be better off, and when I pointed out that if they secede he'll have to get a visa tokeep working as a trucker. He said that he wouldnt need one cause he's an American. He was dumbfounded when I pointed out that if Texas secedes and he claims Texas citizenship, he forfeits his US citizenship, and would legally need a visa to work in the US .

I've met a few like this eho think they will retain the rights of US citizenship if their states secede.
Making them get a visa would be racist.

I can take that money and turn it into Kuwaiti dinars that trade higher than the US dollar.
I have access to resources and my life doesn't depend on some Utopian dream ... I'm a capitalist ... :thup:

Doubtful. Your avatar descriptor says you're a nobody.
Soldiers aren't all Texans either....

I am going to repeat....how did that last secession work??

Don't get me wrong..there have been subsequent attempts at secessions/insurrections -- like all thru-out the Reconstruction era -- there were plenty of insurrections -- launched by people who were bitching about blacks having too many rights, bitching about how they have less now, because blacks and other minorities were exercising their rights, blah blah...

Battle of Liberty Place.....insurrectionists upset with election results stormed the government and killed both police and state militia....

Insurrection In North Carolina....insurrectionists, once again upset with election results...attempted a coup...burning down buildings, killing people....

And it's funny how thru out the last 150 or so years -- its always the "Conservatives" of every era who has always tried this secession bullshit..and always for very similar reasons and using very similar rhetoric..
And you aren't listening-------historically, when countries fail as the US is doing (it's imploding)--the country especially geographically large ones tend to break up into smaller pieces. The US is going to break up via succession or whatever.

Last succession wasn't planned out well----think the south learned this lesson and remembers this...hence all the doomsday preppers. Biden can't even keep the illegals out-----how is he going to keep Texas from getting supplies? Logistics have greatly improved in the last 150 years.
And I don't know what they'll do for grain and livestock; or for soldiers. These are all in our states.
California is America's food basket. The mid west grows commodities. Which have been relying on federal subsidies to remain viable. Oh the humanity!
California is America's food basket. The mid west grows commodities.
Good point ------ everything nummy loves to grow in California. Maybe we should keep California and just run off the gangbangers and Democrats. You KNOW no one on the Left is growing the fruits and vegetables! They wouldn't be capable.
Though come to think of it, you may have an instant market in communist China. They'd probably have a giggle at supporting secessionists.
California is America's food basket. The mid west grows commodities. Which have been relying on federal subsidies to remain viable. Oh the humanity!
I can survive for a long time without almonds and dates. This spring, I will have a high tunnel where I can grow citrus and avocados for myself and neighbors. Ginger and bananas might be a bit tough. Tomatoes, carrots, onions, lettuce, beans, peas, cucumbers and watermelons grow just fine in my state. Apples, pears and stone fruits, ditto. We have fine vineyards here in SD as well. My garden will probably be big enough to feed four households.

How long can the rest of the country live without wheat, corn and soybeans?
Good point ------ everything nummy loves to grow in California. Maybe we should keep California and just run off the gangbangers and Democrats. You KNOW no one on the Left is growing the fruits and vegetables! They wouldn't be capable.
We can live without Californica. Takes more work to grow it ourselves than it does to buy it at the grocery store, but it's doable.

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