I don't think Secessionists know what seceding is...

Spending is the problem. The President lost his ability to have meaningful input in the process when democrats passed the Budget Impoundment Act
Ah was spending a problem under the REPUBLICAN Trump then? You are eager to condemn it when Biden does it, so what's your opinion when Trump did it?
Xi and Biden are pushing the US dollar off the cliff, that's the main reason for Build (China) Back Better
You just say things without worrying if it makes sense or not. There is no possible economic benefit to becoming a much smaller economy not that it really matters. A state attempting to secede would be invaded by the army and the leaders would be arrested or shot.
Whose fed dollars?

Folks, the PennyBot just proved that it hasn't a clue what the word "secession" means.
well, they wouldn't be part of the US.

Here read this
Secession is the withdrawal of a group from a larger entity, especially a political entity, but also from any organization, union or military alliance. ... A secession attempt might be violent or peaceful, but the goal is the creation of a new state or entity independent from the group or territory it seceded from.

Secession - Wikipedia​

well, they wouldn't be part of the US.

Here read this
Secession is the withdrawal of a group from a larger entity, especially a political entity, but also from any organization, union or military alliance. ... A secession attempt might be violent or peaceful, but the goal is the creation of a new state or entity independent from the group or territory it seceded from.

Secession - Wikipedia

People talk secession because they want to put America first. They feel their country has been irreparably broken by Democrats and neocons and you can't really blame them. As far as what it would look like, nobody really knows. It would take years to unravel.
People talk secession because they want to put America first. They feel their country has been irreparably broken by Democrats and neocons and you can't really blame them. As far as what it would look like, nobody really knows. It would take years to unravel.
Most people talk secession because they can't stand the fact that "those people" theoretically have the same rights as they do. It's fascist to the core to seek a legal system stripped of equal protection under the law.

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