I don’t understand why republicans are so selective about the definition of socialism

Did you learn it was a "dick thing" in one of your college courses, Joey? Your university must be so proud to have faculty teaching such profound wisdom in it's classrooms!

Again, when I was in College, I was pretty conservative. What cured me of that was working for REpublican Assholes in corner offices.

I'm not slandering Lincoln...I'm trying to explain to someone who's obviously clueless about Lincoln's positions regarding slavery that he was never "all in" on freeing the slaves! In truth his Emancipation Proclamation didn't free a single slave. Why? Because it only applied to slaves being held in States controlled by the Confederacy. It was done as a military strategy more than anything else. If it wasn't...it would have applied to slaves EVERYWHERE!

Yawn, this is the typical Southern Apologist crap we've all heard for years... and it's boring. The fact is, Lincoln DID set the stage for freeing the slaves including pushing for the 13th Amendment.

It was only cheaper to buy goods from the North AFTER the North imposed tariffs on goods imported from Europe! Before they imposed those tariffs...people in the South could trade cotton for European goods at rates that were far cheaper for them. How do you think that went over with the average Southerner, Joey? THINK for a change!!! Or did your sorry excuse for a college education not teach you how to do that? (eye roll)

Guy, we've heard this shit from the Confederate Apologists for years, and it really holds as much weight with me as those ASSHOLES who claim the Holocaust never happened.

The Civil War wasn't about "Tariffs", it was about slavery. This is what the leaders of the Confederacy had to say about it.



I'm a Southern apologist now? LOL Not so much, Joey! First of all...I'm from Massachusetts! Last time I checked that's SLIGHTLY above the Mason Dixon Line! Secondly my ancestor who fought in the Civil War was an officer in the Massachusetts 54th Infantry...a black volunteer regiment! Care to try again?
So you were conservative when you were younger but then became a liberal later in life? So much for getting wiser with age...huh, Joey?
I'm a Southern apologist now? LOL Not so much, Joey! First of all...I'm from Massachusetts! Last time I checked that's SLIGHTLY above the Mason Dixon Line! Secondly my ancestor who fought in the Civil War was an officer in the Massachusetts 54th Infantry...a black volunteer regiment! Care to try again?

So you think all those black folks volunteered to get shot at under your ancestors command because they were in love with Tariffs? Especially since the South threatened to execute any black man wearing a union uniform.

"Let's go fight for tariff's, boys!"

So you were conservative when you were younger but then became a liberal later in life? So much for getting wiser with age...huh, Joey?

Um. Yeah. Much wiser.

Realizing that rich people getting tax cuts doesn't really benefit me all that much when they have to cut vital services I need to pay for it.
I'm a Southern apologist now? LOL Not so much, Joey! First of all...I'm from Massachusetts! Last time I checked that's SLIGHTLY above the Mason Dixon Line! Secondly my ancestor who fought in the Civil War was an officer in the Massachusetts 54th Infantry...a black volunteer regiment! Care to try again?

So you think all those black folks volunteered to get shot at under your ancestors command because they were in love with Tariffs? Especially since the South threatened to execute any black man wearing a union uniform.

"Let's go fight for tariff's, boys!"

So you were conservative when you were younger but then became a liberal later in life? So much for getting wiser with age...huh, Joey?

Um. Yeah. Much wiser.

Realizing that rich people getting tax cuts doesn't really benefit me all that much when they have to cut vital services I need to pay for it.

What I THINK, Joey is that you're ridiculous when you accuse me of being a redneck Southern apologist when in fact I'm not from the South and am in fact descended from an abolitionist who fought against the South in the Civil War! The difference between you and I is that I'm astute enough to grasp that Lincoln had to be talked into freeing the slaves and that it was done initially as a military strategy to foment rebellion in the Southern States.

That doesn't change in any way the very real fact that one of the contributing factors that led to the Civil War was conflict between the North and the South over tariffs imposed on the South by the North...something that affected poor southerners who didn't own slaves but bridled at being forced to pay more for the goods they did need because of the greed of Northern industrialists!

What I THINK, Joey is that you're ridiculous when you accuse me of being a redneck Southern apologist when in fact I'm not from the South and am in fact descended from an abolitionist who fought against the South in the Civil War! The difference between you and I is that I'm astute enough to grasp that Lincoln had to be talked into freeing the slaves and that it was done initially as a military strategy to foment rebellion in the Southern States.

That doesn't change in any way the very real fact that one of the contributing factors that led to the Civil War was conflict between the North and the South over tariffs imposed on the South by the North...something that affected poor southerners who didn't own slaves but bridled at being forced to pay more for the goods they did need because of the greed of Northern industrialists!

Again, I provided the quotes from Davis and other Confederate leaders where they OUTRIGHT said that it was about slavery, and not tariffs. Black men did not join by the thousands to fight for the Union because they were in love with tariffs.

And you don't get credit for what your ancestor did. YOU currently support racists policies and historical revisionism. That's on you, buddy.

What I THINK, Joey is that you're ridiculous when you accuse me of being a redneck Southern apologist when in fact I'm not from the South and am in fact descended from an abolitionist who fought against the South in the Civil War! The difference between you and I is that I'm astute enough to grasp that Lincoln had to be talked into freeing the slaves and that it was done initially as a military strategy to foment rebellion in the Southern States.

That doesn't change in any way the very real fact that one of the contributing factors that led to the Civil War was conflict between the North and the South over tariffs imposed on the South by the North...something that affected poor southerners who didn't own slaves but bridled at being forced to pay more for the goods they did need because of the greed of Northern industrialists!

Again, I provided the quotes from Davis and other Confederate leaders where they OUTRIGHT said that it was about slavery, and not tariffs. Black men did not join by the thousands to fight for the Union because they were in love with tariffs.

And you don't get credit for what your ancestor did. YOU currently support racists policies and historical revisionism. That's on you, buddy.

What racist policies do I support?
As for blacks joining the Union to fight against the South? That goes to Lincoln's original premise for the Emancipation Proclamation. It was a military decision at that point. The North was losing the war. It needed more men to fight and freeing slaves in the Confederate States was the perfect way to recruit blacks to do so.
As for blacks joining the Union to fight against the South? That goes to Lincoln's original premise for the Emancipation Proclamation. It was a military decision at that point. The North was losing the war. It needed more men to fight and freeing slaves in the Confederate States was the perfect way to recruit blacks to do so.

Again, you are bit confused. The North wasn't losing the war, and Blacks wouldn't care if they were unless they realized that their ability to be free was contingent on the North winning.

Nobody was charging over the hill to fight for Tariffs. They were fighting, black and white alike, because they were offended by slavery.
As for blacks joining the Union to fight against the South? That goes to Lincoln's original premise for the Emancipation Proclamation. It was a military decision at that point. The North was losing the war. It needed more men to fight and freeing slaves in the Confederate States was the perfect way to recruit blacks to do so.

Again, you are bit confused. The North wasn't losing the war, and Blacks wouldn't care if they were unless they realized that their ability to be free was contingent on the North winning.

Nobody was charging over the hill to fight for Tariffs. They were fighting, black and white alike, because they were offended by slavery.

Did you even study the Civil War? It started off horribly for the North. They were losing battle after battle. Lincoln was advised to hold off on the Emancipation Proclamation until the Union had a victory so it didn't look like a desperation move! The Battle of Antietam was the first that a Confederate army was forced into retreat and gave Lincoln the chance to declare it a "victory" despite massive loss of life on the Union side!

If I have to keep schooling you on history like this, Joey...I think I should get paid as a tutor!

Did you even study the Civil War? It started off horribly for the North. They were losing battle after battle. Lincoln was advised to hold off on the Emancipation Proclamation until the Union had a victory so it didn't look like a desperation move! The Battle of Antietam was the first that a Confederate army was forced into retreat and gave Lincoln the chance to declare it a "victory" despite massive loss of life on the Union side!

If I have to keep schooling you on history like this, Joey...I think I should get paid as a tutor!

The war was almost completely fought on Southern territory. It was always a clusterfuck for the South. True, there were some problems, like McClellan being kind of a pussy whose heart wasn't in it, and Lincoln didn't sack him early enough.

But the reality '


Did you even study the Civil War? It started off horribly for the North. They were losing battle after battle. Lincoln was advised to hold off on the Emancipation Proclamation until the Union had a victory so it didn't look like a desperation move! The Battle of Antietam was the first that a Confederate army was forced into retreat and gave Lincoln the chance to declare it a "victory" despite massive loss of life on the Union side!

If I have to keep schooling you on history like this, Joey...I think I should get paid as a tutor!

The war was almost completely fought on Southern territory. It was always a clusterfuck for the South. True, there were some problems, like McClellan being kind of a pussy whose heart wasn't in it, and Lincoln didn't sack him early enough.

But the reality '


You really never did study the Civil War...did you, Joey? If you HAD...you'd know that the South ran off a string of victories at the beginning of the conflict. The war was primarily fought on Southern territory because the North invaded the South. Hint...that's why it's referred to as the "War of Northern Aggression" to this day by many in the South.
You really never did study the Civil War...did you, Joey? If you HAD...you'd know that the South ran off a string of victories at the beginning of the conflict. The war was primarily fought on Southern territory because the North invaded the South. Hint...that's why it's referred to as the "War of Northern Aggression" to this day by many in the South.

We should start calling it the "War of Stupid Inbred White People", that would be more accurate.

Nobody started calling it that until AFTER they lost, of course... when all the excuses came out about why they all went out and caught bullets so a bunch of rich white people could keep owning people they didn't have to pay.
You really never did study the Civil War...did you, Joey? If you HAD...you'd know that the South ran off a string of victories at the beginning of the conflict. The war was primarily fought on Southern territory because the North invaded the South. Hint...that's why it's referred to as the "War of Northern Aggression" to this day by many in the South.

We should start calling it the "War of Stupid Inbred White People", that would be more accurate.

Nobody started calling it that until AFTER they lost, of course... when all the excuses came out about why they all went out and caught bullets so a bunch of rich white people could keep owning people they didn't have to pay.

Dude, it was called the War of Northern Aggression in the South at the START of the conflict! It was the rallying cry that mobilized the general public. Not to protect "rich white people" but to protect their homeland from invaders from outside. I'm sorry you're too dense to grasp that concept and too ignorant to know the real causes of the Civil War and it's history!
Dude, it was called the War of Northern Aggression in the South at the START of the conflict! It was the rallying cry that mobilized the general public. Not to protect "rich white people" but to protect their homeland from invaders from outside. I'm sorry you're too dense to grasp that concept and too ignorant to know the real causes of the Civil War and it's history!

Yup. So where was that, "Wessa Fighting for Tariffs" song you keep promising me.

Civil War was about slavery, and some dumb redneck not wanting a negro to fuck his sister.
Dude, it was called the War of Northern Aggression in the South at the START of the conflict! It was the rallying cry that mobilized the general public. Not to protect "rich white people" but to protect their homeland from invaders from outside. I'm sorry you're too dense to grasp that concept and too ignorant to know the real causes of the Civil War and it's history!

Yup. So where was that, "Wessa Fighting for Tariffs" song you keep promising me.

Civil War was about slavery, and some dumb redneck not wanting a negro to fuck his sister.

What's with you and the sophomoric bullshit about blacks wanting to ravage white women, Joey? Is that something else you picked up at your joke of a college...or is that just one of your strange fantasies?
You're just one more example of how if you scratch a progressive hard enough...the racist invariably shows through!
What's with you and the sophomoric bullshit about blacks wanting to ravage white women, Joey? Is that something else you picked up at your joke of a college...or is that just one of your strange fantasies?

Not at all... The south were the ones who passed all the laws against interracial relationships... that were struck down by Virginia v. Loving.

You're just one more example of how if you scratch a progressive hard enough...the racist invariably shows through!

Says the guy who tries to rewrite history to make the Racist confederates the "Good Guys".
What's with you and the sophomoric bullshit about blacks wanting to ravage white women, Joey? Is that something else you picked up at your joke of a college...or is that just one of your strange fantasies?

Not at all... The south were the ones who passed all the laws against interracial relationships... that were struck down by Virginia v. Loving.

You're just one more example of how if you scratch a progressive hard enough...the racist invariably shows through!

Says the guy who tries to rewrite history to make the Racist confederates the "Good Guys".

When did I try to make the Confederates the "Good Guys"? I simply understand their motivations...you on the other hand stereotype them as inbred racists! I've got news for you, Joey...the North may not have had slavery but if you claim there wasn't racism there you're even more ridiculous than usual.

As for laws that banned interracial relationships? You're as clueless about THOSE as you are about Civil War history! The South was not the only place that banned interracial marriage. States like California...Indiana...Idaho...Maryland...North and South Dakota...Colorado...Nevada and Wyoming all had laws like that on their books until the 50's and 60's!

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