I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

Again, what are you doing about it with your own money? Why are you so greedy?

Republican message to struggling American Workers in 2016: "Take the shite wages we give ya. If you don't, we'll just lay you off and Outsource your job."

Such a warm compassionate message, ay? Yeah, Democrats should win the White House again pretty easily.

So "Paulitician" doesn't know the difference between a Republican and a libertarian. What a fucking simpleton you are

Ha, still living the fantasy we'll be going back to the 1800's ay? Well guess what? I respect Ron Paul and others, but we ain't going back. It just ain't gonna happen. Big Government domination is here to stay. It's time to accept that.

That's hardly a universal truth. Things change.

Now it's important to monitor and get involved with who or what will be the beneficiaries of the massive spending. That's the only real debate left.
Better to be a hammer than a nail. I hear you. But I'm too old for cynicism.

The Big Government vs. Small Government debate is dead. It's been settled. We are and always will be Big Government. We're not going back to the 1800's. Too many depend on Big Brother now. And it's not just poor people. Poor people get a bad wrap. They get blamed too often. But it's easy to pick on the weak and powerless. The reality is, most Americans rely on Big Brother. And most who call themselves 'Conservative', are actually the biggest advocates of Big Government. They love Big Brother spying on Citizens, and so on. They worship the Police State.

Big Government isn't only about Welfare spending. It's about much more than that. So, we're never going back. Big Government is here to stay. Now i'm gonna focus on monitoring who or what the beneficiaries of the massive spending will be. And as far as Minimum Wage goes, i'm ok with the struggling worker catching a break once and awhile. I consider it a just compassionate expenditure.

This is just cowardice. And the mindset of the slave.
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Too many worship and depend on Big Brother now

Yes, including you

Actually, i don't.

That makes no sense when you keep advocating it

Nah, you're just not getting it. I'm not advocating anything. I'm just accepting reality. But hey, you wanna continue banging your head against that brick wall, pining for a return to the 1800's, than so be it. Like i said, i respect Ron Paul and others, but they're completely delusional.

Big Government domination is here to stay. The People have spoken. Now it's time to do as much good as possible within the System. Who or what gets the money? That's what i'm gonna focus on now.

You're not advocating anything? You may want to re-read your posts. You worship low end workers and worship government and want them to bash evil corporations who make an evil profit and provide countless jobs along the way

You're still not getting it. Oh well, enjoy that fantasy the we'll someday return to the 1800's. But me, i'm moving on. I'm gonna deal with the here & now reality. I'm gonna fight for doing as much right as possible, within the System.
Republican message to struggling American Workers in 2016: "Take the shite wages we give ya. If you don't, we'll just lay you off and Outsource your job."

Such a warm compassionate message, ay? Yeah, Democrats should win the White House again pretty easily.

So "Paulitician" doesn't know the difference between a Republican and a libertarian. What a fucking simpleton you are

Ha, still living the fantasy we'll be going back to the 1800's ay? Well guess what? I respect Ron Paul and others, but we ain't going back. It just ain't gonna happen. Big Government domination is here to stay. It's time to accept that.

That's hardly a universal truth. Things change.

Now it's important to monitor and get involved with who or what will be the beneficiaries of the massive spending. That's the only real debate left.
Better to be a hammer than a nail. I hear you. But I'm too old for cynicism.

The Big Government vs. Small Government debate is dead. It's been settled. We are and always will be Big Government. We're not going back to the 1800's. Too many depend on Big Brother now. And it's not just poor people. Poor people get a bad wrap. They get blamed too often. But it's easy to pick on the weak and powerless. The reality is, most Americans rely on Big Brother. And most who call themselves 'Conservative', are actually the biggest advocates of Big Government. They love Big Brother spying on Citizens, and so on. They worship the Police State.

Big Government isn't only about Welfare spending. It's about much more than that. So, we're never going back. Big Government is here to stay. Now i'm gonna focus on monitoring who or what the beneficiaries of the massive spending will be. And as far as Minimum Wage goes, i'm ok with the struggling worker catching a break once and awhile. I consider it a just compassionate expenditure.

This is just cowardice. And the mindset of the slave.

We're all slaves to Big Government. I know some still cling to believing otherwise, but they're just living in delusional denial. Big Government will grow bigger. Bet on that. Accept it, and then do as much right as you can within the System.
That's hardly a universal truth. Things change.

Better to be a hammer than a nail. I hear you. But I'm too old for cynicism.

The Big Government vs. Small Government debate is dead. It's been settled. We are and always will be Big Government. We're not going back to the 1800's. Too many depend on Big Brother now. And it's not just poor people. Poor people get a bad wrap. They get blamed too often. But it's easy to pick on the weak and powerless. The reality is, most Americans rely on Big Brother. And most who call themselves 'Conservative', are actually the biggest advocates of Big Government. They love Big Brother spying on Citizens, and so on. They worship the Police State.

Big Government isn't only about Welfare spending. It's about much more than that. So, we're never going back. Big Government is here to stay. Now i'm gonna focus on monitoring who or what the beneficiaries of the massive spending will be. And as far as Minimum Wage goes, i'm ok with the struggling worker catching a break once and awhile. I consider it a just compassionate expenditure.

Advocating big government is a far different thing than giving up on small government

I don't advocate either anymore. The debate is dead. It's been settled. The People want Big Government dominating their lives. And it's not only poor people who want it. Most who call themselves 'Conservative', are the biggest advocates of Big Government. They're just greedy wankers who only get pissed off if they see poor struggling Americans getting some help.

The Neocons/Conservatives are the worst of the worst in this country. They're so damn frightened they might not get theirs, if those poor unwashed untouchables get some help. And those assholes control the Republican Party at this point. So i can't in good conscience, support that Party anymore. The hate and greed is just too out of control.


Again, "Paulitician" doesn't know the difference between a conservative and a libertarian. Can't make that shit up

Oh, i do. But you're both irrelevant. The People want Big Government control. They've spoken loud & clear on that. There is no going back. You Libertarians are just living the delusional fantasy that we can go back.

But allow me to enlighten you... It ain't gonna happen. Big Government will only continue to grow bigger. It's what the People want.

Gotcha, I can only advocate things that I think I can win. You're not familiar with morality, are you? No wonder you're a leftist
Got tired working at Walmart? Maybe you should check with CPUSA if they need speech writer...


American Workers had it better 30/40yrs ago. You guys really fucked em. Now they're just scraping to get by. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. But since you have no soul, that isn't possible.


Bullshite. You dragged American Workers backwards. All because you're consumed with hate & greed.


Yes we know, American Workers making less money and having less job security is a 'Good Thing' in greedy Neocon fat ass world.


Nah, just sick of Big Government Neocon assholes always fuckin the poor struggling American Worker. They have no problem hookin their Corporate asshole friends up. But God forbid trying to help a poor guy out. They have no souls.


Yes we know, paying American Workers less and giving them less job security is 'Leaning Forward' in your greedy Neocon fat ass fairy tale world.


Thanks to you guys consistently fuckin American Workers over, most have no choice but to turn to Government. Kinda Karmic justice i guess. You guys will pay much more now.


The battle for small Government is over. It's not just a losing battle, it's a battle that no longer even exists. Big Government is only getting bigger. So i don't even bother engaging in that debate anymore. Everyone's got their hand out. So why not struggling American Workers? In this Big Government mess, everyone's just gonna have to try and get theirs. That's what it's all about now. It is what it is.


People like me fought for less Government for many years. And trust me, we took plenty of hateful shit from both Neocons and Communists/Progressives. But at some point, you have to realize the War is lost. The Big Government vs. Small Government debate is dead. The Big Government mob won. It's been settled. We're not gonna suddenly go back and become Small Government. That's just not gonna happen. Because in the end, both parties love the power and control. Neither will relinquish it.

But i'm not giving up. I didn't mean to give that impression. I'm just accepting the reality. So i'm no longer gonna engage in Big Government vs. Small Government debate. It's a tiresome 'I wish the old days would come back' waste of time. The old days are never coming back. So now it's time to get involved with how and who gets the massive spending. And for me, i'm ok with struggling Workers getting a piece. Why not?


Debating Big Government vs. Small Government is like debating whether or not the old days will ever come back. Well, guess what? The old days are never coming back and Big Government is here to stay. Now it's time to get more involved with who and what gets the massive spending. That's where i'm going now. And i'm ok on this one. I enjoy seeing struggling American Workers catching a break. It sure doesn't happen very often. I'm good with them getting their piece.


I'm gonna fight for those i think really need the help. Because the money's gonna get spent. That's for sure. You should just to accept that and get past it. So, struggling Workers getting their piece? Sure, why not?

No change of tune is sight...


Yikes! Stalky weirdness there. That took a whole lotta effort. Don't be creepy dude. Let it go.
Yes, including you

Actually, i don't.

That makes no sense when you keep advocating it

Nah, you're just not getting it. I'm not advocating anything. I'm just accepting reality. But hey, you wanna continue banging your head against that brick wall, pining for a return to the 1800's, than so be it. Like i said, i respect Ron Paul and others, but they're completely delusional.

Big Government domination is here to stay. The People have spoken. Now it's time to do as much good as possible within the System. Who or what gets the money? That's what i'm gonna focus on now.

You're not advocating anything? You may want to re-read your posts. You worship low end workers and worship government and want them to bash evil corporations who make an evil profit and provide countless jobs along the way

You're still not getting it. Oh well, enjoy that fantasy the we'll someday return to the 1800's. But me, i'm moving on. I'm gonna deal with the here & now reality. I'm gonna fight for doing as much right as possible, within the System.

I reject your contention I have to pick my position based on my view of the winability of the side I'm on as the crap that it is
This is just cowardice. And the mindset of the slave.

We're all slaves to Big Government. I know some still cling to believing otherwise, but they're just living in delusional denial. Big Government will grow bigger. Bet on that. Accept it, and then do as much right as you can within the System.

Right, so it makes perfect sense that you've decided to shill for the people you claim to disagree with and be a complete dick to the people you say you agree with
The Big Government vs. Small Government debate is dead. It's been settled. We are and always will be Big Government. We're not going back to the 1800's. Too many depend on Big Brother now. And it's not just poor people. Poor people get a bad wrap. They get blamed too often. But it's easy to pick on the weak and powerless. The reality is, most Americans rely on Big Brother. And most who call themselves 'Conservative', are actually the biggest advocates of Big Government. They love Big Brother spying on Citizens, and so on. They worship the Police State.

Big Government isn't only about Welfare spending. It's about much more than that. So, we're never going back. Big Government is here to stay. Now i'm gonna focus on monitoring who or what the beneficiaries of the massive spending will be. And as far as Minimum Wage goes, i'm ok with the struggling worker catching a break once and awhile. I consider it a just compassionate expenditure.

Advocating big government is a far different thing than giving up on small government

I don't advocate either anymore. The debate is dead. It's been settled. The People want Big Government dominating their lives. And it's not only poor people who want it. Most who call themselves 'Conservative', are the biggest advocates of Big Government. They're just greedy wankers who only get pissed off if they see poor struggling Americans getting some help.

The Neocons/Conservatives are the worst of the worst in this country. They're so damn frightened they might not get theirs, if those poor unwashed untouchables get some help. And those assholes control the Republican Party at this point. So i can't in good conscience, support that Party anymore. The hate and greed is just too out of control.


Again, "Paulitician" doesn't know the difference between a conservative and a libertarian. Can't make that shit up

Oh, i do. But you're both irrelevant. The People want Big Government control. They've spoken loud & clear on that. There is no going back. You Libertarians are just living the delusional fantasy that we can go back.

But allow me to enlighten you... It ain't gonna happen. Big Government will only continue to grow bigger. It's what the People want.

Gotcha, I can only advocate things that I think I can win. You're not familiar with morality, are you? No wonder you're a leftist

Not a Leftist, just a realist. Pining for the return of small government, is like pining for the return of the Dinosaurs. It ain't gonna happen.
This is just cowardice. And the mindset of the slave.

We're all slaves to Big Government. I know some still cling to believing otherwise, but they're just living in delusional denial. Big Government will grow bigger. Bet on that. Accept it, and then do as much right as you can within the System.

Right, so it makes perfect sense that you've decided to shill for the people you claim to disagree with and be a complete dick to the people you say you agree with

My bad.

Correction: We're all slaves to Big Government and Corporations.
Actually, i don't.

That makes no sense when you keep advocating it

Nah, you're just not getting it. I'm not advocating anything. I'm just accepting reality. But hey, you wanna continue banging your head against that brick wall, pining for a return to the 1800's, than so be it. Like i said, i respect Ron Paul and others, but they're completely delusional.

Big Government domination is here to stay. The People have spoken. Now it's time to do as much good as possible within the System. Who or what gets the money? That's what i'm gonna focus on now.

You're not advocating anything? You may want to re-read your posts. You worship low end workers and worship government and want them to bash evil corporations who make an evil profit and provide countless jobs along the way

You're still not getting it. Oh well, enjoy that fantasy the we'll someday return to the 1800's. But me, i'm moving on. I'm gonna deal with the here & now reality. I'm gonna fight for doing as much right as possible, within the System.

I reject your contention I have to pick my position based on my view of the winability of the side I'm on as the crap that it is

You lost a long time ago. You're just living in denial. Ron Paul and others are good people, but the war is lost. Time to deal with that and make the best of it. The money's gonna be spent, so let's spend more of it on helping those who really need it. That's where i'm at now.
Yikes! Stalky weirdness there. That took a whole lotta effort. Don't be creepy dude. Let it go.

Copy/paste is much less effort then you put writing all that crap.

I've tried to tell you earlier (see post #598) that you keep repeating the same shit over and over. And what's even funnier, it doesn't matter what you're replying to, your answer is always the same...

... and that would be called INSANITY.

But wait, there is more... :D
Yikes! Stalky weirdness there. That took a whole lotta effort. Don't be creepy dude. Let it go.

Copy/paste is much less effort then you put writing all that crap.

I've tried to tell you earlier (see post #598) that you keep repeating the same shit over and over. And what's even funnier, it doesn't matter what you're replying to, your answer is always the same...

... and that would be called INSANITY.
And arguing with an insane person is...?
This POS troll isn't worth your posts Ame®icano.
But it has happened, exactly as we predicted it would.

Did you know that in 2006, the average Walmart store had 336 employees per store. By 2010, that number had fallen to 281.

You keep saying people are not losing their jobs, and yet the facts are exactly what we on the right have claimed. 60 employees per walmart store have lost their jobs, and the only thing that changed between 2006 and 2010, was the minimum wage went up from $5.25 to $7.25. And ironically sales at walmart increased during the recession. But the Store still has to make a profit, on a 3% profit margin. The only way to do that with drastically higher wages, is to cut employees..... EXACTLY what they did.

Walmart is a prototypical 'Evil Corporation.' Let's not look to it for anything. Its ugly business practices have harmed countless good American small businesses. To hell with it.

Yes Comrade, Heil Hitler

The fact you choose Walmart to represent your interests, truly says it all about you. You're worshipping evil. The Walton family thanks you very much. ;)

I don't even know how you people can suggest such a thing. So in 'your world'™ supplying millions of Americans access to lower cost goods, and providing 2.2 Million people with jobs they otherwise would not have....... is "evil"?

Have you worked at tiny mom&pop shops? Mom and pop shops are the placed that you actually earn minimum wage and zero benefits. Mom&Pop shops don't have the capital funding to provide benefits. I worked at a Gas Station owned by the guy who literally built the building. I was paid $6/hr, and there was no paid vacation, no 401K, no stock purchase plan, no tuition reimbursement, no nothing. If you showed up, you got paid for what you worked, at $6/hr, and that was it.

Walmart pays more than minimum wage, and has all those benefits I just listed.

You idiots..... you don't know what working at a truly small business is like. Walmart is way better, and provides far more jobs. IT's just fact. I've actually worked those small business jobs, and it's not better. Not by a long shot.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that silly Bullshite. Whatever floats your boat i guess. Enjoy your cheap Chinese shit. The Walton Family appreciates your worship.

Have you actually worked at a tiny mom&pop shop?

My cheap Chinese stuff works. Thanks. I love it. In fact, I'm typing this on cheap Chinese stuff right now.

I don't care what the Waltons appreciates or not. I appreciate being able to afford goods that I otherwise would not.

I take it that you wish poor people like me couldn't afford stuff? Because that's effectively what you are saying.
And arguing with an insane person is...?
This POS troll isn't worth your posts Ame®icano.

I stopped around post 600, but I kept reading this thread and it's hard not to notice. I'm not sure if he's aware of it.

Anyways, I don't know about him, but to me it's funny to see all that combined together. I hope others see it too. :D
Last edited:
That's hardly a universal truth. Things change.

Better to be a hammer than a nail. I hear you. But I'm too old for cynicism.

The Big Government vs. Small Government debate is dead. It's been settled. We are and always will be Big Government. We're not going back to the 1800's. Too many depend on Big Brother now. And it's not just poor people. Poor people get a bad wrap. They get blamed too often. But it's easy to pick on the weak and powerless. The reality is, most Americans rely on Big Brother. And most who call themselves 'Conservative', are actually the biggest advocates of Big Government. They love Big Brother spying on Citizens, and so on. They worship the Police State.

Big Government isn't only about Welfare spending. It's about much more than that. So, we're never going back. Big Government is here to stay. Now i'm gonna focus on monitoring who or what the beneficiaries of the massive spending will be. And as far as Minimum Wage goes, i'm ok with the struggling worker catching a break once and awhile. I consider it a just compassionate expenditure.

Advocating big government is a far different thing than giving up on small government

I don't advocate either anymore. The debate is dead. It's been settled. The People want Big Government dominating their lives. And it's not only poor people who want it. Most who call themselves 'Conservative', are the biggest advocates of Big Government. They're just greedy wankers who only get pissed off if they see poor struggling Americans getting some help.

The Neocons/Conservatives are the worst of the worst in this country. They're so damn frightened they might not get theirs, if those poor unwashed untouchables get some help. And those assholes control the Republican Party at this point. So i can't in good conscience, support that Party anymore. The hate and greed is just too out of control.


Again, "Paulitician" doesn't know the difference between a conservative and a libertarian. Can't make that shit up

Oh, i do. But you're both irrelevant. The People want Big Government control. They've spoken loud & clear on that. There is no going back. You Libertarians are just living the delusional fantasy that we can go back.

But allow me to enlighten you... It ain't gonna happen. Big Government will only continue to grow bigger. It's what the People want.

Now that may actually be the truth. I'll grant you that. I've always said that Democracy is simply the power of stupid people in large numbers. That's exactly why we were never supposed to be a democracy.

So yes, the stupid people do in fact demand more and bigger government. Ironically, all of the big problem areas of our society, are all caused by exactly the big government you people push. But again... stupid people in large numbers.... ruined the Soviet Union. Ruined China. Ruined Cuba and Venezuela.

No doubt you people in a large enough group can ruin the US as well.
And arguing with an insane person is...?
This POS troll isn't worth your posts Ame®icano.

I stopped around post 600, but I kept reading this thread and it's hard not to notice. I'm not sure if he's aware of it.

Anyways, I don't know about him, but to me it's funny to see all that combined together. I hope others see it too. :D
IMO he's a republican being paid to make it look like libertarians are insane.
Too many worship and depend on Big Brother now

Yes, including you

Actually, i don't. I'm just accepting reality. Banging your head against a brick wall fantasizing about a return to the 1800's, is just painfully delusional. It ain't gonna happen. Big Brother owns you now. It is what it is.

Some on the left are trying to "commandeer" the term "supply side economics" from the Right and "refurbish" it to mean better governance at lower cost.
Republican message to struggling American Workers in 2016: "Take the shite wages we give ya. If you don't, we'll just lay you off and Outsource your job."

Such a warm compassionate message, ay? Yeah, Democrats should win the White House again pretty easily.

So "Paulitician" doesn't know the difference between a Republican and a libertarian. What a fucking simpleton you are

Ha, still living the fantasy we'll be going back to the 1800's ay? Well guess what? I respect Ron Paul and others, but we ain't going back. It just ain't gonna happen. Big Government domination is here to stay. It's time to accept that.

That's hardly a universal truth. Things change.

Now it's important to monitor and get involved with who or what will be the beneficiaries of the massive spending. That's the only real debate left.
Better to be a hammer than a nail. I hear you. But I'm too old for cynicism.

The Big Government vs. Small Government debate is dead. It's been settled. We are and always will be Big Government. We're not going back to the 1800's. Too many depend on Big Brother now. And it's not just poor people. Poor people get a bad wrap. They get blamed too often. But it's easy to pick on the weak and powerless. The reality is, most Americans rely on Big Brother. And most who call themselves 'Conservative', are actually the biggest advocates of Big Government. They love Big Brother spying on Citizens, and so on. They worship the Police State.

Big Government isn't only about Welfare spending. It's about much more than that. So, we're never going back. Big Government is here to stay. Now i'm gonna focus on monitoring who or what the beneficiaries of the massive spending will be. And as far as Minimum Wage goes, i'm ok with the struggling worker catching a break once and awhile. I consider it a just compassionate expenditure.

This is just cowardice. And the mindset of the slave.

I agree and sometimes feel like making a motion when I "harass a Judge" for my Cause to enjoin our State elected representatives to be exiled to the several and sovereign and free State of Colorado, for probationary bootcamp to help them with their civic probity.

I believe our State elected representatives should practice enough political fortitude, to enable us to be more grateful to an almighty god for our freedom, than we currently are regarding a potentially seed bearing plant that is also good to eat.

After all, Only infidels, protestants, and renegades are repugnant to a Bible. Recourse to JOB 34:30 provides a moral defense.
Walmart is a prototypical 'Evil Corporation.' Let's not look to it for anything. Its ugly business practices have harmed countless good American small businesses. To hell with it.

Yes Comrade, Heil Hitler

The fact you choose Walmart to represent your interests, truly says it all about you. You're worshipping evil. The Walton family thanks you very much. ;)

I don't even know how you people can suggest such a thing. So in 'your world'™ supplying millions of Americans access to lower cost goods, and providing 2.2 Million people with jobs they otherwise would not have....... is "evil"?

Have you worked at tiny mom&pop shops? Mom and pop shops are the placed that you actually earn minimum wage and zero benefits. Mom&Pop shops don't have the capital funding to provide benefits. I worked at a Gas Station owned by the guy who literally built the building. I was paid $6/hr, and there was no paid vacation, no 401K, no stock purchase plan, no tuition reimbursement, no nothing. If you showed up, you got paid for what you worked, at $6/hr, and that was it.

Walmart pays more than minimum wage, and has all those benefits I just listed.

You idiots..... you don't know what working at a truly small business is like. Walmart is way better, and provides far more jobs. IT's just fact. I've actually worked those small business jobs, and it's not better. Not by a long shot.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that silly Bullshite. Whatever floats your boat i guess. Enjoy your cheap Chinese shit. The Walton Family appreciates your worship.

Have you actually worked at a tiny mom&pop shop?

My cheap Chinese stuff works. Thanks. I love it. In fact, I'm typing this on cheap Chinese stuff right now.

I don't care what the Waltons appreciates or not. I appreciate being able to afford goods that I otherwise would not.

I take it that you wish poor people like me couldn't afford stuff? Because that's effectively what you are saying.

'Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price.'

Check it out. You'll likely begin to question your worship of Walmart.
The Big Government vs. Small Government debate is dead. It's been settled. We are and always will be Big Government. We're not going back to the 1800's. Too many depend on Big Brother now. And it's not just poor people. Poor people get a bad wrap. They get blamed too often. But it's easy to pick on the weak and powerless. The reality is, most Americans rely on Big Brother. And most who call themselves 'Conservative', are actually the biggest advocates of Big Government. They love Big Brother spying on Citizens, and so on. They worship the Police State.

Big Government isn't only about Welfare spending. It's about much more than that. So, we're never going back. Big Government is here to stay. Now i'm gonna focus on monitoring who or what the beneficiaries of the massive spending will be. And as far as Minimum Wage goes, i'm ok with the struggling worker catching a break once and awhile. I consider it a just compassionate expenditure.

Advocating big government is a far different thing than giving up on small government

I don't advocate either anymore. The debate is dead. It's been settled. The People want Big Government dominating their lives. And it's not only poor people who want it. Most who call themselves 'Conservative', are the biggest advocates of Big Government. They're just greedy wankers who only get pissed off if they see poor struggling Americans getting some help.

The Neocons/Conservatives are the worst of the worst in this country. They're so damn frightened they might not get theirs, if those poor unwashed untouchables get some help. And those assholes control the Republican Party at this point. So i can't in good conscience, support that Party anymore. The hate and greed is just too out of control.


Again, "Paulitician" doesn't know the difference between a conservative and a libertarian. Can't make that shit up

Oh, i do. But you're both irrelevant. The People want Big Government control. They've spoken loud & clear on that. There is no going back. You Libertarians are just living the delusional fantasy that we can go back.

But allow me to enlighten you... It ain't gonna happen. Big Government will only continue to grow bigger. It's what the People want.

Now that may actually be the truth. I'll grant you that. I've always said that Democracy is simply the power of stupid people in large numbers. That's exactly why we were never supposed to be a democracy.

So yes, the stupid people do in fact demand more and bigger government. Ironically, all of the big problem areas of our society, are all caused by exactly the big government you people push. But again... stupid people in large numbers.... ruined the Soviet Union. Ruined China. Ruined Cuba and Venezuela.

No doubt you people in a large enough group can ruin the US as well.

The reality is, we can't go back. It's too late for that. The notion 'Small Government' is just pure fantasy at this point. The difference between you and me, is that i'm accepting reality and you're not.

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