I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

That isn't the reality of the policies you advocate, you're just another hack leftist with your head drowning in the kool-aid bowl
You're just frustrated. You don't wanna accept reality. You guys are gonna just end up sounding loonier & loonier everyday. You're losin it. They're gonna wanna slap staightjackets on ya.

The Thomas Jefferson good old days are gone forever. In fact, most people are beginning to laugh at people like you who rant & rave about that stuff. So i'm sorry, but the Dinosaurs ain't ever coming back, and neither is small government.

I'm not the slave. It is your acceptance of servitude that makes you one. I am succumbing to nothing. I will die a free man one day, you have already died

Nah, that's just your delusional denial. You're a slave alright. Big Government and Corporations own you. You're not special in any way. You're just clinging to your denial.

But me, i'm not in denial. I'm a realist. I accept reality. But that doesn't mean i won't fight for doing what's right for our poor and defenseless. The money's gonna get spent, and i'm gonna fight for more of it going to the people who truly need it.

Having any trouble finding dresses in your size, Nancy?
"I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor"

Let's be simple Billy. In order to make minimum wage, you need a job. So, why all the whining about welfare when people can be making minimum wage at least? You know... with a job?
That isn't the reality of the policies you advocate, you're just another hack leftist with your head drowning in the kool-aid bowl
You're just frustrated. You don't wanna accept reality. You guys are gonna just end up sounding loonier & loonier everyday. You're losin it. They're gonna wanna slap staightjackets on ya.

The Thomas Jefferson good old days are gone forever. In fact, most people are beginning to laugh at people like you who rant & rave about that stuff. So i'm sorry, but the Dinosaurs ain't ever coming back, and neither is small government.

I'm not the slave. It is your acceptance of servitude that makes you one. I am succumbing to nothing. I will die a free man one day, you have already died

Nah, that's just your delusional denial. You're a slave alright. Big Government and Corporations own you. You're not special in any way. You're just clinging to your denial.

We're fighting to end slavery. And you're not.
Here is one problem with our current welfare system. Way too easy to take advantage of.

How to scam the system. Sadly, this is not a well-kept secret.


1. If you’re a man, don’t get married
2. Have a couple kids
3. Use your mom’s address for your mail
4. Buy a house
5. Rent your house to your girlfriend and your two kids
6. Section 8 will pay $900 a month for the rent on the 3 bedroom home
7. Have your girlfriend sign up for Obamacare
8. Your girlfriend gets to go to college free as a single mother
9. She also gets $400 a month for food stamps
10. She gets a free cell phone
11. She also gets a cash grant to help pay for heating costs
12. Move into your house with her, but keep your mom’s address for your mail
13. Each of you can claim one child on your taxes so now you both get to claim head of household credit ($1295)
14. Have your girlfriend get a permanent disability for "marked difficulties maintaining concentration" or having a "back pain."

This is all perfectly legal, and is clearly being enjoyed by millions of people.

Here’s how it all adds up:

$22,800 disability + $10,800 housing benefit +$4,800 food stamps + $3,300 Obamacare subsidy + $900 utilities grant + $5,645 Pell grant cash + $12,000 yearly college tuition grant + $8,000 single mother tax benefit + $1,295 head of household credit…

…equals $69,540 – and we didn’t even add in the free cellphone!


The amount doesn't include free school meals and no school book fees. There is also WIC and local food banks to save using the EBT card so they can go to ATMs and get cash for other things.

Now, the guy can also get a job and still enjoy benefits and have the state pay for his home. Guys with a job pay child support, but since they live with the mom, it's not as if they lose money.

Some guys don't want to work so filing taxes isn't an issue, but they also don't want to pay child support because it would mean they have to work. It's not surprising that so many women with children are not married and so many claim they don't know who the father is. That way, the state can't go after the deadbeat daddy.
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This is just cowardice. And the mindset of the slave.

We're all slaves to Big Government. I know some still cling to believing otherwise, but they're just living in delusional denial. Big Government will grow bigger. Bet on that. Accept it, and then do as much right as you can within the System.

Right, so it makes perfect sense that you've decided to shill for the people you claim to disagree with and be a complete dick to the people you say you agree with

My bad.

Correction: We're all slaves to Big Government and Corporations.

And you are one happy slave

Are you really denying my assertion? We are all slaves to Big Government and Corporations. If you believe otherwise, you really are in delusional denial.


So how am I a slave to GM? I sold my GM car the moment they got money from the socialists in government.

I don't own a single GM product. GM doesn't get a single penny of my money. GM has not forced me to do anything.

How am I a slave of GM?

I am a slave of the Federal Government. If I don't pay them, they send guys with guns, and either confiscate my stuff by force, or throw me in prison.

And that same government gave some of the money they stole from me, to GM. GM didn't do it. Government did.

I'm slave to government giving money stolen from me to Medicaid, Medicare, SNAP, Section 8 housing, Welfare, WIC, and other benefits.

And even if I work my whole life, and earn the money to purchase property, if I live in a city environment and refuse to pay the government tax on the property I rightfully earned, the government will steal my property from me.

Who exactly are you a slave too?
That isn't the reality of the policies you advocate, you're just another hack leftist with your head drowning in the kool-aid bowl
You're just frustrated. You don't wanna accept reality. You guys are gonna just end up sounding loonier & loonier everyday. You're losin it. They're gonna wanna slap staightjackets on ya.

The Thomas Jefferson good old days are gone forever. In fact, most people are beginning to laugh at people like you who rant & rave about that stuff. So i'm sorry, but the Dinosaurs ain't ever coming back, and neither is small government.

I'm not the slave. It is your acceptance of servitude that makes you one. I am succumbing to nothing. I will die a free man one day, you have already died

Nah, that's just your delusional denial. You're a slave alright. Big Government and Corporations own you. You're not special in any way. You're just clinging to your denial.

But me, i'm not in denial. I'm a realist. I accept reality. But that doesn't mean i won't fight for doing what's right for our poor and defenseless. The money's gonna get spent, and i'm gonna fight for more of it going to the people who truly need it.

I'm the poor, and you are fighting to harm me.

The people who need it, are the people who earned it. You steal the money from the people who earned it, and give it to your wealthy political supporters. We on the right, are the ones who are against that.
We're all slaves to Big Government. I know some still cling to believing otherwise, but they're just living in delusional denial. Big Government will grow bigger. Bet on that. Accept it, and then do as much right as you can within the System.

Right, so it makes perfect sense that you've decided to shill for the people you claim to disagree with and be a complete dick to the people you say you agree with

My bad.

Correction: We're all slaves to Big Government and Corporations.

And you are one happy slave

Are you really denying my assertion? We are all slaves to Big Government and Corporations. If you believe otherwise, you really are in delusional denial.


So how am I a slave to GM? I sold my GM car the moment they got money from the socialists in government.

I don't own a single GM product. GM doesn't get a single penny of my money. GM has not forced me to do anything.

How am I a slave of GM?

I am a slave of the Federal Government. If I don't pay them, they send guys with guns, and either confiscate my stuff by force, or throw me in prison.

And that same government gave some of the money they stole from me, to GM. GM didn't do it. Government did.

I'm slave to government giving money stolen from me to Medicaid, Medicare, SNAP, Section 8 housing, Welfare, WIC, and other benefits.

And even if I work my whole life, and earn the money to purchase property, if I live in a city environment and refuse to pay the government tax on the property I rightfully earned, the government will steal my property from me.

Who exactly are you a slave too?

You're a slave who doesn't realize they're a slave. I'm actually sorry to be the one to break the bad news to ya. You are a slave to Big Government and Corporations. They own you. That's just the way it is.

But you can still try to do some good. You can look out for the poor and defenseless. You can try to make sure they get taken care of. Basically put your hate & greed aside, and help those who really need the help.
That isn't the reality of the policies you advocate, you're just another hack leftist with your head drowning in the kool-aid bowl
You're just frustrated. You don't wanna accept reality. You guys are gonna just end up sounding loonier & loonier everyday. You're losin it. They're gonna wanna slap staightjackets on ya.

The Thomas Jefferson good old days are gone forever. In fact, most people are beginning to laugh at people like you who rant & rave about that stuff. So i'm sorry, but the Dinosaurs ain't ever coming back, and neither is small government.

I'm not the slave. It is your acceptance of servitude that makes you one. I am succumbing to nothing. I will die a free man one day, you have already died

Nah, that's just your delusional denial. You're a slave alright. Big Government and Corporations own you. You're not special in any way. You're just clinging to your denial.

But me, i'm not in denial. I'm a realist. I accept reality. But that doesn't mean i won't fight for doing what's right for our poor and defenseless. The money's gonna get spent, and i'm gonna fight for more of it going to the people who truly need it.

I'm the poor, and you are fighting to harm me.

The people who need it, are the people who earned it. You steal the money from the people who earned it, and give it to your wealthy political supporters. We on the right, are the ones who are against that.

Tell it to Big Brother, see if he cares. He's gonna steal your money and there's nothing you will do about it. So that being the case, i'll at least attempt to see more of the money goes to people who really need the help. That's where i'm at now.
We're all slaves to Big Government. I know some still cling to believing otherwise, but they're just living in delusional denial. Big Government will grow bigger. Bet on that. Accept it, and then do as much right as you can within the System.

Right, so it makes perfect sense that you've decided to shill for the people you claim to disagree with and be a complete dick to the people you say you agree with

My bad.

Correction: We're all slaves to Big Government and Corporations.

And you are one happy slave

Are you really denying my assertion? We are all slaves to Big Government and Corporations. If you believe otherwise, you really are in delusional denial.


So how am I a slave to GM? I sold my GM car the moment they got money from the socialists in government.

I don't own a single GM product. GM doesn't get a single penny of my money. GM has not forced me to do anything.

How am I a slave of GM?

I am a slave of the Federal Government. If I don't pay them, they send guys with guns, and either confiscate my stuff by force, or throw me in prison.

And that same government gave some of the money they stole from me, to GM. GM didn't do it. Government did.

I'm slave to government giving money stolen from me to Medicaid, Medicare, SNAP, Section 8 housing, Welfare, WIC, and other benefits.

And even if I work my whole life, and earn the money to purchase property, if I live in a city environment and refuse to pay the government tax on the property I rightfully earned, the government will steal my property from me. Who exactly are you a slave too?

He's a slave to government, he worships politicians
Right, so it makes perfect sense that you've decided to shill for the people you claim to disagree with and be a complete dick to the people you say you agree with

My bad.

Correction: We're all slaves to Big Government and Corporations.

And you are one happy slave

Are you really denying my assertion? We are all slaves to Big Government and Corporations. If you believe otherwise, you really are in delusional denial.


So how am I a slave to GM? I sold my GM car the moment they got money from the socialists in government.

I don't own a single GM product. GM doesn't get a single penny of my money. GM has not forced me to do anything.

How am I a slave of GM?

I am a slave of the Federal Government. If I don't pay them, they send guys with guns, and either confiscate my stuff by force, or throw me in prison.

And that same government gave some of the money they stole from me, to GM. GM didn't do it. Government did.

I'm slave to government giving money stolen from me to Medicaid, Medicare, SNAP, Section 8 housing, Welfare, WIC, and other benefits.

And even if I work my whole life, and earn the money to purchase property, if I live in a city environment and refuse to pay the government tax on the property I rightfully earned, the government will steal my property from me.

Who exactly are you a slave too?

You're a slave who doesn't realize they're a slave

That you are the only one celebrating your slavery doesn't mean that you are the only one aware of the situation
Right, so it makes perfect sense that you've decided to shill for the people you claim to disagree with and be a complete dick to the people you say you agree with

My bad.

Correction: We're all slaves to Big Government and Corporations.

And you are one happy slave

Are you really denying my assertion? We are all slaves to Big Government and Corporations. If you believe otherwise, you really are in delusional denial.


So how am I a slave to GM? I sold my GM car the moment they got money from the socialists in government.

I don't own a single GM product. GM doesn't get a single penny of my money. GM has not forced me to do anything.

How am I a slave of GM?

I am a slave of the Federal Government. If I don't pay them, they send guys with guns, and either confiscate my stuff by force, or throw me in prison.

And that same government gave some of the money they stole from me, to GM. GM didn't do it. Government did.

I'm slave to government giving money stolen from me to Medicaid, Medicare, SNAP, Section 8 housing, Welfare, WIC, and other benefits.

And even if I work my whole life, and earn the money to purchase property, if I live in a city environment and refuse to pay the government tax on the property I rightfully earned, the government will steal my property from me. Who exactly are you a slave too?

He's a slave to government, he worships politicians

I don't worship anyone. And you're a slave too. You're just continuing to live in stubborn denial.
My bad.

Correction: We're all slaves to Big Government and Corporations.

And you are one happy slave

Are you really denying my assertion? We are all slaves to Big Government and Corporations. If you believe otherwise, you really are in delusional denial.


So how am I a slave to GM? I sold my GM car the moment they got money from the socialists in government.

I don't own a single GM product. GM doesn't get a single penny of my money. GM has not forced me to do anything.

How am I a slave of GM?

I am a slave of the Federal Government. If I don't pay them, they send guys with guns, and either confiscate my stuff by force, or throw me in prison.

And that same government gave some of the money they stole from me, to GM. GM didn't do it. Government did.

I'm slave to government giving money stolen from me to Medicaid, Medicare, SNAP, Section 8 housing, Welfare, WIC, and other benefits.

And even if I work my whole life, and earn the money to purchase property, if I live in a city environment and refuse to pay the government tax on the property I rightfully earned, the government will steal my property from me. Who exactly are you a slave too?

He's a slave to government, he worships politicians

I don't worship anyone. And you're a slave too. You're just continuing to live in stubborn denial.

I was pointing out the idiocy of your incessantly telling anyone who disagrees with you they do it because we worship someone. Can I take it from your indignation when it's done to you that the message was received and you'll cut the crap on that?

And I never denied anything, Einstein. I said I don't rejoice in slavery as you apparently do. That one I'm not saying to make a point...
You're a slave who doesn't realize they're a slave. I'm actually sorry to be the one to break the bad news to ya. You are a slave to Big Government and Corporations. They own you. That's just the way it is.

But you can still try to do some good. You can look out for the poor and defenseless. You can try to make sure they get taken care of. Basically put your hate & greed aside, and help those who really need the help.

Mind changing your handle to "Uncle Tom"?
Sure we can all agree CEOs deserve a wealthy life for all their hard work, but do you really think they deserve 300x more?

Great, so now our libNazis want to dictate wages and prices too. And, that's just one of 1000 interventions they want because they lack the IQ to understand capitalism, or that it just eliminated 40% of the entire world's poverty when China switched to it.
It would dramatically fix the fucking problem of the poor on welfare!

no dear, because those already making $15.00/hour would then need a raise too to keep the differential. When the entire wage scale went up prices would go up too and no net benefit would be possible. There is no free lunch! And that is not to mention the job loss thanks to the higher wages or the disincentive to work harder and smarter when higher wages come from lib soviet paper shuffling intervention rather then real productivity increases.
Because they want the super rich to have it all.

dear, if you don't want the rich to have so much stop buying buying stuff from them
Its a free country. You want to buy the great great life altering stuff and then take the money back! How fair is that? Do you see the rich, who supposedly run the country, wanting their stuff back and not giving you back your money?
Because they want the super rich to have it all.

dear, if you don't want the rich to have so much stop buying buying stuff from them
Its a free country. You want to buy the great great life altering stuff and then take the money back! How fair is that? Do you see the rich, who supposedly run the country, wanting their stuff back and not giving you back your money?

Well, that's arguably what the whole bankster bailout was.
Well, that's arguably what the whole bankster bailout was.

1) too stupid!! the money was paid back
2) it prevented a world wide depression
3) many huge firms went bankrupt
4) 1000's lost their jobs
5) bailout was one time deal, liberals want welfare forever that never gets paid back
see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
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Well, that's arguably what the whole bankster bailout was.

1) too stupid!! the money was paid back
2) it prevented a world wide depression
3) many huge firms went bankrupt
4) 1000's lost their jobs
5) bailout was one time deal, liberals want welfare forever that never gets paid back
see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Just wanted to call you out on your hypocrisy. Please don't try to pretend you're libertarian.

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