I don't understand.

You shouldn't throw around the word "cultists" so loosely. Given the piss-poor performance of your beloved "president" and your refusal to admit it, we all know who the real "cultists" are.
I don't. You, sir, are a raging cultist.

You are so far gone, you just accused literally 1000s of people of lying and producing fake poll results,, because the results don't align with your cult prayers and chants.

Pathetic cultism, on display.

The thumbs up from the lobotomized retard Oddball really sealed the deal.
Every poll, every last one regardless of who runs it, shows Biden's approval rating in all categories to be well below 40%. One or two are in the 20s but his overall popularity is routinely in the neighborhood of 42%.
The left actually hates this fool just like the rest of us but when push comes to shove they will not admit the truth. Biden is a failure and a vote for him was a terrible mistake.
80%+ aproval among lefties...and you are wondering about lefty hate for Biden?

Too bad those pesky facts get in the way of your personal FEELZ….By every metric that mattered America was better on Donny’s watch…Better than the Kenyan’s America and ceretainly better than the almost dead dudes America.
That is a common belief among those that think trump won the election, but they are all nuts anyway.
They become rightwingers who can't parse basic statistics and keep chanting about fucking someone?
Try again, we arent out there cutting our nose off just to spite our face, because orange man bad. Sorry we like gasoline prices in the low 2 bucks and store shelves full. You really are retarded if you like Joe Biden's inflation.

Every poll, every last one regardless of who runs it, shows Biden's approval rating in all categories to be well below 40%. One or two are in the 20s but his overall popularity is routinely in the neighborhood of 42%.
The left actually hates this fool just like the rest of us
no they don't. You do because you're an ignorant hate filled republican who will not accept defeat.
81 million voted to get rid of Trump so they can't all be wrong.
but when push comes to shove they will not admit the truth. Biden is a failure and a vote for him was a terrible mistake.
So now we get to the crux of it. You are using fabricated lies to justify you hate. Well, what's new about that other than you are prepared to publicly declare your hatred.
I suppose a sort of congratulations is in order for being so ignorant.

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