I don't understand.

You are the one who always blames Trump for the Global pandemic.
I asked for an ad hominem free response and you can't control your mental/emotional illness.
The abject fact that Francis Collins retired as a Liar Scientist and
Lord Fauci was seen as some Carny Barker for Lockdowns,masks
and hyperbole that Hurt americans was sufficient enough.
Americans aren't stupid enough to believe that eating twinkees
for Dinner every night is a Good Thing.
Even if Martha Stewart goes Woke
Yep, I'm sure there are 100's of companies willing to pump big money into industries Bidung wants to crush....dumbass.
Crush how? By giving out more drilling permits on Federal lands than Trump?

Oil companies are making money hand over fist...who doesn't want to make money?
It's easy to understand polling data when you know that the polls are usually conducted by mainstream media people. You can't poll everyone so they pick about two thousand people and the polls can be rigged by selecting a certain demographic. In other words if you poll a district filled with registered democrats you will get a positive for a democrat president and a negative for a republican. An interesting point is that the liberal pollsters can't seem to get Brandon out of the 30's no matter who they poll.
Crush how? By giving out more drilling permits on Federal lands than Trump?

Oil companies are making money hand over fist...who doesn't want to make money?
Get yer head out of yer ass.

Crush how? By giving out more drilling permits on Federal lands than Trump?

Oil companies are making money hand over fist...who doesn't want to make money?
Stick it where the sun don't shine ya Lyin Lackey.Just like the Covid DATA.
Purposedly Manipulated and a pack of lies.So now some New World Order
Toady-based site cites DATA about Oil Production under Biden.
Biden not only Shut down The Keystone Pipeline { In Record time }
as one his many First Day in Office EO's.
Then last year *Anwr { In Alaska }with the Arctic NAtional Wildlife Refuge.

* Alaska does responsible oil and gas development in the Artic
better than anyone.
The Biden Adm. is Delaying decisions on new Oil and gas drilling on
Federal lands.
Funny. It's GQP NaziCons. Most Trump supporters and most Republicans in Congress and most RED state leaders. There's no end to the list. Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell could be the poster boys.

Explain this Doofus boy :
Biden won 477 counties
Trump won 2,497 counties
Trump winning 18 0f 19 Battleground counties.
Trump winning Florida,Ohio and Texas and early.
102 Million mail-in ballots in 2020.
In some states 3 times the number of absentees ballots than
previous General Elections.With 1/10th the Rejection rate.
No GOP Incumbent losing Re-election in 2020.Save a few who
won seats in special elections.
In 150 years no president has lost a Re-election when he
Increased his Lead.
Trump got more votes in 2020 than 2016.By around
+ 3 million or so.
Explain this Doofus boy :
Biden won 477 counties
Trump won 2,497 counties
Trump winning 18 0f 19 Battleground counties.
Trump winning Florida,Ohio and Texas and early.
102 Million mail-in ballots in 2020.
In some states 3 times the number of absentees ballots than
previous General Elections.With 1/10th the Rejection rate.
No GOP Incumbent losing Re-election in 2020.Save a few who
won seats in special elections.
In 150 years no president has lost a Re-election when he
Increased his Lead.
Trump got more votes in 2020 than 2016.By around
+ 3 million or so.

You are hilarious! Hilariously stupid.
You are hilarious! Hilariously stupid.
Typical.Instead of proving my numbers wrong,just lazy slavish
replies as if proving something.Yes,you prove how incapable of being
taken serious one can be.I mean,even Donald Duck and Bugs Bunny
are innumerably more credible.And Cuter.
So just go back to actin' cute and fuzzy and WRONG.
A recent poll found that around 1 % of Americans still care about
January 6th.The Narrative,Meme has lost any authority.
And the Drat democrats done thought it was a winning way to
take over the United States.
Yeah,like Mao did with China.Stalin Russia.And Fidel ... Cuba.
BTW China is in Turmoil.As Tucker explained tonight.
Shanghai is now under Lockdown It's China's Largest City.
With 25 million.The People are begging for Food.The city is being
starved of food supply.
Hello! is anyone Home.
Typical.Instead of proving my numbers wrong,just lazy slavish
replies as if proving something.Yes,you prove how incapable of being
taken serious one can be.I mean,even Donald Duck and Bugs Bunny
are innumerably more credible.And Cuter.
So just go back to actin' cute and fuzzy and WRONG.

You're just too stupid. I'm placing you on permanent ignore. Bye...
no they don't. You do because you're an ignorant hate filled republican who will not accept defeat.
81 million voted to get rid of Trump so they can't all be wrong.

So now we get to the crux of it. You are using fabricated lies to justify you hate. Well, what's new about that other than you are prepared to publicly declare your hatred.
I suppose a sort of congratulations is in order for being so ignorant.
WOW! This guy is accusing me of being hateful. That coming from a demented leftist worshiping at the altar of TDS. A true believer in the class of "do as I say, not as I do".
WOW! This guy is accusing me of being hateful. That coming from a demented leftist worshiping at the altar of TDS. A true believer in the class of "do as I say, not as I do".
and just imagine what he will be like once he is old enough to vote!

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