I Don't Want To Be Friends With Everybody

You are a hole. An asshole. And you’ve dug yourself into an untenable position. Why? Because you’re a retard and a liar. Now, gfy.

The bottom line remains true regardless of anything you spew. It was not a “Muslim” ban.

Sad. You're an ignorant loser.
Sad. You're an ignorant loser.
Nope. You are both ignorant and retarded. That you are a loser is not even doubted.

Meanwhile, your vapid biased position notwithstanding, and to discuss the thread topic, if you were smart or honest you’d admit that it obviously wasn’t a “Muslim” ban.

Accept your humiliating defeat gracefully. You’re in the same sewer as okfume.
If the Caucasian was coming from Onebox the seven nations, it sure would be. You dumbass.

I never started. That’s you, you dishonest dumbass.

Not exactly, you dumbass.

I leave it to you to piss your pants wherever you happen to be.

It was never a “Muslim” ban. You dumbass lying twat rash.
Face it you loser. A ban is a ban. Trumps deal. He said it. Learn English. Learn the truth.
Face it you loser. A ban is a ban. Trumps deal. He said it. Learn English. Learn the truth.
A “Muslim” ban is different than a ban on certain nations. Face that, you scumbag lying rancid twat rash.

You really should give honesty a try someday.
You should change yours to “oktoLie” since it’s all you do.

Now stop crying, you pussy.

Again, it absolutely and unquestionably was not a ”Muslim” ban, you lying sack of crap.

BackAgain ^^^
Projection because I exposed the liar as a liar.

And fume is off topic, too.

back ON topic: the falsely labeled “Muslim” ban was not a ban on Muslims.
And none of fume’s endless repetition of his lie can change that fact. Nor does his crying, sobbing or menstrual bleeding.
OCD added to your psychopathy.
OCD added to your psychopathy.

You’re unwilling to be honest and unwilling to comply with the Board rules. The thread topic is still the fraudulently labeled “Muslim” [sic] ban.

Your psychobabble is as dull and ignorant as you always are.

Now, gfy. 👍

You’re unwilling to be honest and unwilling to comply with the Board rules. The thread topic is still the fraudulently labeled “Muslim” [sic] ban.

Your psychobabble is as dull and ignorant as you always are.

Now, gfy. 👍
Time for your nap sonny boy.

“According to Unchained at Last, an anti-child marriage advocacy group, approximately 97 percent of child marriages in Wyoming are to girls aged 16 and 17, meaning it would likely impact only a small number of children.”

What is the average age of the husband?

How odd that the lib reporter failed to mention it

Most lefties dont mind 16 year old girls having sex

If so, why not marriage?
A 20 year old adult having sex with a 16 year old girl, is statutory rape in all states, isn't it?
So I need a 10 year old forced into marriage with an adult man and raped repeatedly by that man for you to consider it a problem?


This from the crowd that thinks going to a Drag Story time is forcing kids into sex work.
Well, yeah

Wyoming is not afghanistan

Unless its become infested with migrants

Which I dont think it has

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