I expected you Liberal, Progressive Democratic Socialist’s to defend Hunter Biden

What I'm considering right now is how dumb you must be to vote for a guy who says a crackhead felon is the smartest person he knows.
You should consider treating your very severe case of BDS.

Parents say nice things about their children all the time, and half of them aren't deserving of any praise. I'm sure your parents are even proud of you.
Idiot son, idiot dad. They can say nice things about each other all day long, but that doesn't make either of them any less of an idiot.
Criticizing a parent for saying something nice about their idiot son is about as dumb of an argument as you can make.

Try better. This is really dumb, even for you.
I couldn't make heads or tails out that mumbo-jumbo.

Have you been hanging out with Hunter and smoking crack, or something?

Watch out he doesn't accidentally shoot yer dick off with that illegal gun he has.
How many millions of people do you think lied on that form anyway? Nobody has ever been arrested for that before basically LOL... Try real news someday....
Anyone who thinks the Vice President and President should not be selling access to his/her office.
But none of you people care about the trump kids making hundreds of millions of dollars while their father was president? Your propaganda machine is a disgrace and so are you....
Sure, let's just pretend he really brought a lot of expertise to the jobs and earned all that money they gave him.
hunter is trained as a international business consultant from Harvard for crying out loud. I don't think it is a great idea for offspring of presidents to be doing that kind of thing, but the trump kids make this look like absolutely nothing- hundreds of millions they made while he was president!!- you people are unbelievable
What's to defend?
Also why defend... Is he in the Biden admin?

There was no attacks on Tiffany Trump like the ones on Hunter... Hunter has the same relationship to the Biden admin as Tiffany had with the Trump admin...

Take the bogus accusations (with no evidence) out and you have got nothing...
“We aren’t interested in whether or not the accusations against Vice President Biden are accurate or not,”

Thats it... Don't care about the truth, it is about mudslinging..
1. “They talk about inflation … inflation is a worldwide problem right now because of a war in Iraq and the impact on oil and what Russia’s doing … excuse me, the war in Ukraine,” the president said. “I’m thinking about Iraq because that’s where my son died.”

2. “Just imagine — I mean it sincerely, I say this as a father of a man who won the Bronze Star, the Conspicuous Service Medal, and lost his life in Iraq — Imagine the courage, the daring, and the genuine sacrifice, genuine sacrifice they all made,” the president said.

3. “My son was a major in the US Army. We lost him in Iraq,” said Mr Biden during an informal visit with troops at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni last Thursday in a video obtained by The New York Post.

You can't admit to these lies because you're in a cult.
biden calls himself an incredible gaffe maker... The only people lying are in the GOP as far as I can tell. Your Propaganda is absolutely off the charts BS conspiracies about the election steal the vaccine the global warming, everything. Without evidence of any kind! And you believe it. Poor America...
Ok. I wasn't aware that Joe Biden was never inaugurated because of something Trump did.

Darn that Trump anyway.
A failed stupid insurrection is still an insurrection, brainwashed etcetera Etcetera functionally and politically of course. Change the damn channel!! Trump is an idiot lying scumbag. I didn't mind him until he **** **** the country.... Hate Total B S and Stupid policies.....
I expected you Liberal, Progressive Democratic Socialist’s to defend Hunter Biden

Because we are not like you new-age crackpot rightwingers.

When someone pleads guilty we don't have a propaganda echo chamber that pumps us full of bullshit about how he was supposedly framed as part of partisan or buerocratic conspiracy.

Hunter did those small crimes and now he has to do some time, just like millions other people. If he wasn't Joe's son nobody would know about it or give any shit. Hell, he'd probably fly under the radar for fed prosecutors too.
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How many millions of people do you think lied on that form anyway? Nobody has ever been arrested for that before basically LOL... Try real news someday....

They have arrested convicted felons for lying….not someone for drug use

If the Right wants to start taking guns away from those who use drugs……let’s go at it
I expected you Liberal, Progressive Democratic Socialist’s to defend Hunter Biden but not to the extent that he lost a loved one which made him use drugs, and turn around to have an SEXUAL affair with his own Sister in law, and deny support to his own Child after it was proven she was his, not have anything to do with her life or have her Grandfather even acknowledge her.
Children don’t magically “get over” trauma shuch as this. Trauma, Toxic Stress, and adverse childhood experiences can, and usually permanently change children’s childhood, which can have serious, lifelong consequences. Didn’t that Weird bunch of Biden’s ever think of that!
People pointing out that you are losing your mind because he got a harsh punishment for what he was accused of but received no punishment for your fantasy crimes isn’t protecting Hunter.. it’s pointing out you’re nuts.
But none of you people care about the trump kids making hundreds of millions of dollars while their father was president? Your propaganda machine is a disgrace and so are you....
They actually had a product to sell. Hunter had nothing, not even expertise.
How many millions of people do you think lied on that form anyway? Nobody has ever been arrested for that before basically LOL... Try real news someday....
Oh, that makes it all okay then. Why is it illegal to lie if random internet keyboard jockeys don't think anyone should care?
I expected you Liberal, Progressive Democratic Socialist’s to defend Hunter Biden but not to the extent that he lost a loved one which made him use drugs, and turn around to have an SEXUAL affair with his own Sister in law, and deny support to his own Child after it was proven she was his, not have anything to do with her life or have her Grandfather even acknowledge her.
Children don’t magically “get over” trauma shuch as this. Trauma, Toxic Stress, and adverse childhood experiences can, and usually permanently change children’s childhood, which can have serious, lifelong consequences. Didn’t that Weird bunch of Biden’s ever think of that!
What is there to defend?
Hunter WAS a scumbag, on drugs, so responsibility, is often the last thing on their mind.
It's the redemption that matters............RIGHT?
Look at the pillow guy?

My Pillow's Mike Lindell says he was 'on crack' for the last ...​

The Independent
https://www.independent.co.uk › Indy TV › News

Jul 24, 2022 — Mike Lindell has said he was 'on crack' for the past three decades. The My Pillow CEO make the remark during an interview with the Right ..

Are BOTH forever.................SCUMBAGS?
What is there to defend?
Hunter WAS a scumbag, on drugs, so responsibility, is often the last thing on their mind.
It's the redemption that matters............RIGHT?
Look at the pillow guy?

My Pillow's Mike Lindell says he was 'on crack' for the last ...

View attachment 797833
The Independent
https://www.independent.co.uk › Indy TV › News
Jul 24, 2022 — Mike Lindell has said he was 'on crack' for the past three decades. The My Pillow CEO make the remark during an interview with the Right ..

Are BOTH forever.................SCUMBAGS?
Trump has lived his life as a scumbag…….Cheating on and discarding wives, cheating business partners and contractors, lying to city officials, defaulting

But the right flocks to vote for him

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