I felt like black guy was stealing a hot white fox from me


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
in a class a college.

She was sitting in the front row - and looking back and making eyes at me. (turnsout - we went to the same HS)

But this black guy kept hitting on her -
Ask her if the attention was unappreciated...

... if she says no...

... fergit her...

... she'll figure out her mistake 5 years from now...

... when she's got a half-black kid...

... and he's no where to be found...

... and you'll have figured out by then the Good Lord was lookin' out over you all along.
She was making eyes at me - damn what a fox..............................................
Blown opp- I should have been more aggressive.

The way the black boy went after her -

I never really had a real girlfriend
The guy was put in his place big-time...................... after making a big play

Classic case of the girl being too good for the guy
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I wasn't ready for somebody that hot.

Even though whem I gave my name she said she remembered me from HS.
I called her up aftertheclass was over to see if we could hook up - she said she was busy -but it wasnt a brush-off that that dude got

She left the door open
I've always been straight hetro.

The girl - I wasn't ready for....................
The whole class could see it how the black dude(sort of crumminglooking afro ) was hitting on the whick chick .........

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