I find it very peculiar: people HATE how "priests" molest children... but then turn around and vote pro-abortion


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
so that's how you know these people are disingenuous, at best. I say they are liars. It's like that other thread I posted... When you are dealing with people who have (my words) no core values, well... you get the drift.

They just use the child molestation issue in the "Catholic church" or what passes as such

to vent hatred for religion in general, Catholicism in particular... probably couldn't care less about children being abused... just a cudgel to make political points or anti-Catholic points

I'm talking about people who are always bringing up how priests have molested children, but then when they go to the voting booth they pull the lever for candidates who promote abortion, often up to the 9th month.

the height of hypocrisy
so that's how you know these people are disingenuous, at best. I say they are liars. It's like that other thread I posted... When you are dealing with people who have (my words) no core values, well... you get the drift.

They just use the child molestation issue in the "Catholic church" or what passes as such

to vent hatred for religion in general, Catholicism in particular... probably couldn't care less about children being abused... just a cudgel to make political points or anti-Catholic points

I'm talking about people who are always bringing up how priests have molested children, but then when they go to the voting booth they pull the lever for candidates who promote abortion, often up to the 9th month.

the height of hypocrisy
ONE has nothing to do with the other.

Nice gaslighting attempt. :)
so that's how you know these people are disingenuous, at best. I say they are liars. It's like that other thread I posted... When you are dealing with people who have (my words) no core values, well... you get the drift.

They just use the child molestation issue in the "Catholic church" or what passes as such

to vent hatred for religion in general, Catholicism in particular... probably couldn't care less about children being abused... just a cudgel to make political points or anti-Catholic points

I'm talking about people who are always bringing up how priests have molested children, but then when they go to the voting booth they pull the lever for candidates who promote abortion, often up to the 9th month.

the height of hypocrisy
The same ones fly tranny flags too. The same tranny flag that was created by an actual pedophile.

Most of them push tranny propaganda and support the sexualization of children.
So you are equating right-leaners like myself who see the utility in abortion to pedo priests?


Fuck right off.....Again. :laughing0301:
so that's how you know these people are disingenuous, at best. I say they are liars. It's like that other thread I posted... When you are dealing with people who have (my words) no core values, well... you get the drift.

They just use the child molestation issue in the "Catholic church" or what passes as such

to vent hatred for religion in general, Catholicism in particular... probably couldn't care less about children being abused... just a cudgel to make political points or anti-Catholic points

I'm talking about people who are always bringing up how priests have molested children, but then when they go to the voting booth they pull the lever for candidates who promote abortion, often up to the 9th month.

the height of hypocrisy

How are the two comparable? Are you a woman?
so that's how you know these people are disingenuous, at best. I say they are liars. It's like that other thread I posted... When you are dealing with people who have (my words) no core values, well... you get the drift.

They just use the child molestation issue in the "Catholic church" or what passes as such

to vent hatred for religion in general, Catholicism in particular... probably couldn't care less about children being abused... just a cudgel to make political points or anti-Catholic points

I'm talking about people who are always bringing up how priests have molested children, but then when they go to the voting booth they pull the lever for candidates who promote abortion, often up to the 9th month.

the height of hypocrisy

When you confront them about the sexualization of children by tranny teachers and drag queens and such, without fail they bring up the priests and what is not being said aloud, in every case, is, "Well, you let them do it so now you have to let us do it."

The definition of disingenuity.

The same ones fly tranny flags too. The same tranny flag that was created by an actual pedophile.

Most of them push tranny propaganda and support the sexualization of children.

i didn't know a pedophile created .. I guess you're talking about that multi-colored flag?

frankly, Idon't pay a whole lot of attention to the trans' BS, stuff like their dumbass flag, etc

When you confront them about the sexualization of children by tranny teachers and drag queens and such, without fail they bring up the priests and what is not being said aloud, in every case, is, "Well, you let them do it so now you have to let us do it."


I was very impressed w/ this post.. Frankly, I had gotten to a point where I thought I had definitely heard it all..

I never thought of this (what you say, above) but it appears to be the case.

Another poster here said the 2 issues (abortion and molestation) are not related or some such hting. Really?

Abusing children one way and abusing them some other way (to the point of murder)... no connection whatsoever!?

Now we know why our country is falling apart...


When you confront them about the sexualization of children by tranny teachers and drag queens and such, without fail they bring up the priests and what is not being said aloud, in every case, is, "Well, you let them do it so now you have to let us do it."

The definition of disingenuity.


It's not just priests. It's rabbis, Baptist preachers, scout leaders, coaches like Jerry Sandusky.. politicians... Across all religions, cultures and occupations.
I was very impressed w/ this post.. Frankly, I had gotten to a point where I thought I had definitely heard it all..

I never thought of this (what you say, above) but it appears to be the case.

Another poster here said the 2 issues (abortion and molestation) are not related or some such hting. Really?

Abusing children one way and abusing them some other way (to the point of murder)... no connection whatsoever!?

Now we know why our country is falling apart...


Abusing and molesting children is not new. We just talk about it and expose it these days instead of sweeping it under the rug.
Laguna Beach, California is a well known homosexual cesspool where "art" is thrown together and sold to suckers.
At a Sawdust Festival a few years ago, there was a painted ceramic of a priest saying "Come here little boy."
Of course homosexuals make a big deal out of "evil" priests who molested children but they try to sidestep the obvious fact that EVERY SINGLE MOLESTING PRIEST is a homosexual.

I protested this sickening "joke" of a ceramic but the director of the Festival said, "Gee there's nothing we can do,"

The same people who ridicule the Catholic church for these molestations by homosexuals champion and celebrate the sick "gay" community, and this is "PRIDE MONTH." Memorial Day is ONE DAY. Perverts get to prance and dance for a month.

The horrific damage they do to little children is abhorrent and evil.
Six of the worst serial killers in American history were homosexuals.
Randy Kraft - 67
John Wayne Gacey - 33
Donald Harvey - 37
Patrick Kearney - 32
Jeffrey Dahmer - 15 or more
Juan Corona - 25

It's not just priests. It's rabbis, Baptist preachers, scout leaders, coaches like Jerry Sandusky.. politicians... Across all religions, cultures and occupations.
non-Catholics molest children (in some cases) TWICE as much

married men commit such atrocities more than single, celibate priests (although again, most priests in the Vatican sect appear to have not been ordained properly, which means they are not really Catholic priests. This is according to VERY reliable information. The true Church went virtually invisible right b4 Vatican II)
The horrific damage they do to little children is abhorrent and evil.
Six of the worst serial killers in American history were homosexuals.
Randy Kraft - 67
John Wayne Gacey - 33
Donald Harvey - 37
Patrick Kearney - 32
Jeffrey Dahmer - 15 or more
Juan Corona - 25
I thought I knew of 90% of serial killers... never heard of about half of these.. didn't know Gacy was a homo.. wasn't he married? not that that means much..
Abusing and molesting children is not new. We just talk about it and expose it these days instead of sweeping it under the rug.
i doubt many parents sweep such things under the rug in ANY generation. If I had a young child or even an adult child who reported to me some sick event like this, there is no way I would sweep it under the rug.

Again, most molesters are married men

so I wish the anti-Catholics would get off this nonsense about how priests can't handle celibacy and so they molest children... right... so logical! Stats tell a different story.
Public schools have ten times as many victims of molestation as Catholic churches.

TEN TIMES, at least.
that is true

But you won't hear great masses of people whining or crying about that.

It's just another IHateCatholics thing...

another thing that doesn't get much notice: How being Catholic has improved the lives of people like your truly. I was one lost person until I prayed the rosary one day. And I still say, after all these years since that day... that it was GOD himself who got me to praying it. I didn't feel like praying it.. had a bzillion things I thought I should be doing.. it shouldn't have happened, but it did and so I give GOD all the credit... He is a good Father who knows what His children need... when they don't have a clue.
that is true

But you won't hear great masses of people whining or crying about that.

It's just another IHateCatholics thing...

another thing that doesn't get much notice: How being Catholic has improved the lives of people like your truly. I was one lost person until I prayed the rosary one day. And I still say, after all these years since that day... that it was GOD himself who got me to praying it. I didn't feel like praying it.. had a bzillion things I thought I should be doing.. it shouldn't have happened, but it did and so I give GOD all the credit... He is a good Father who knows what His children need... when they don't have a clue.
May God bless you and increase your territory.
The truth of the matter is that homosexual priests are generally the ones who are guilty of molesting children. The peculiar part is that the people who condemn priests also support trannie grooming of kids.
The truth of the matter is that homosexual priests are generally the ones who are guilty of molesting children.

which proves to all those who care to look at the situation

that being a practicing homosexual is BAD (evil, sinful...)

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