The eldest of the Duggar children resigns from FRC: Child Molestation Charges

marty it is hard to figure that out....his sister they think was 9 at the time.....i am trying to find out more on the ages
all sister was perhaps 4 or 5 at the time but this is not really known due to the vast cover up by this parents etc and so forth
Adults must protect children.

Patriarchal groups, such as fundamentalist religious churches and mosques and synagogues, are particular breeding grounds for pedophilia and pederasty.

Adults protect children from other adults.
Homosexual promoters are more likely to be breeding grounds for pedophilia and pederasty. And yet our country is now well on the way to promoting "gay" marriage as normal. Visit "gay" websites and note what they want to have labeled "NORMAL". So a double standard is ok? All those terrible Christians who never claimed to be perfect. and look to the Lord for saving grace. And then there are grown men pursuing young teen boys so they can confuse them more and enlist them into their numbers. This young man was a very young teen when he began to go down the wrong path. He was not a grown man. He was helped. I dare say that EVERYONE has a skeleton in their closet that they are very ashamed of and embarrassed by. I imagine that the only reason this came out was to discredit believers and not to right any wrong doing.
Adults must protect children.

Patriarchal groups, such as fundamentalist religious churches and mosques and synagogues, are particular breeding grounds for pedophilia and pederasty.

Adults protect children from other adults.
Homosexual promoters are more likely to be breeding grounds for pedophilia and pederasty. And yet our country is now well on the way to promoting "gay" marriage as normal. Visit "gay" websites and note what they want to have labeled "NORMAL". So a double standard is ok? All those terrible Christians who never claimed to be perfect. and look to the Lord for saving grace. And then there are grown men pursuing young teen boys so they can confuse them more and enlist them into their numbers. This young man was a very young teen when he began to go down the wrong path. He was not a grown man. He was helped. I dare say that EVERYONE has a skeleton in their closet that they are very ashamed of and embarrassed by. I imagine that the only reason this came out was to discredit believers and not to right any wrong doing.

Having carefully considered your post, I have searched my past, and discovered that I have never committed sexual assault on my sister, who was 4 when I was 14. I guess that, in your world, that makes me abnormal....
Adults must protect children.

Patriarchal groups, such as fundamentalist religious churches and mosques and synagogues, are particular breeding grounds for pedophilia and pederasty.

Adults protect children from other adults.
Homosexual promoters are more likely to be breeding grounds for pedophilia and pederasty. And yet our country is now well on the way to promoting "gay" marriage as normal. Visit "gay" websites and note what they want to have labeled "NORMAL". So a double standard is ok? All those terrible Christians who never claimed to be perfect. and look to the Lord for saving grace. And then there are grown men pursuing young teen boys so they can confuse them more and enlist them into their numbers. This young man was a very young teen when he began to go down the wrong path. He was not a grown man. He was helped. I dare say that EVERYONE has a skeleton in their closet that they are very ashamed of and embarrassed by. I imagine that the only reason this came out was to discredit believers and not to right any wrong doing.

Having carefully considered your post, I have searched my past, and discovered that I have never committed sexual assault on my sister, who was 4 when I was 14. I guess that, in your world, that makes me abnormal....
And I suppose that you think that makes you a far better person according to your own logic...? What he did was wrong. What you ARE still doing continues to be wrong.
no nipper as i have said...i would have done as much as i could to protect my child..that includes not going on national tv...etc and so forth
all sister was perhaps 4 or 5 at the time but this is not really known due to the vast cover up by this parents etc and so forth
And I suppose that if your young child did something wrong, you would want everyone to know about it..?
If I had a 15 year old son who did that...I would have turned him in. Whatever happened to the belief that chil molesters never get better?
Adults must protect children.

Patriarchal groups, such as fundamentalist religious churches and mosques and synagogues, are particular breeding grounds for pedophilia and pederasty.

Adults protect children from other adults.
Homosexual promoters are more likely to be breeding grounds for pedophilia and pederasty. And yet our country is now well on the way to promoting "gay" marriage as normal. Visit "gay" websites and note what they want to have labeled "NORMAL". So a double standard is ok? All those terrible Christians who never claimed to be perfect. and look to the Lord for saving grace. And then there are grown men pursuing young teen boys so they can confuse them more and enlist them into their numbers. This young man was a very young teen when he began to go down the wrong path. He was not a grown man. He was helped. I dare say that EVERYONE has a skeleton in their closet that they are very ashamed of and embarrassed by. I imagine that the only reason this came out was to discredit believers and not to right any wrong doing.

In your own words, what is a homosexual promoter?

Marriage is the process by which two people make their relationship public, official, and permanent. It is the joining of two people in a bond that putatively lasts. What some people refer to as normal may not be normal to others; i.e., an arranged marriage where the wife is subservient to her husband or an 80 year-old man who marries a 23 year-old woman. Do you understand?

I'm assuming the young man you are referring to is Josh Duggar. Although he was only 14 when he began molesting younger girls, he was the adult in the situation, and having been a product of (your words) a Christian family who were diligently trying to serve the Lord, he should have known better. His deviant behavior represents to most of us that he is a child molester, and he needed intervention from someone other than a family friend who was into child pornography and was sent to prison for 56 years. Who really knows what Josh Duggar's state of mind is today since he was not helped, nor were his victims.

How does the idea of gay marriage affect you personally?

all sister was perhaps 4 or 5 at the time but this is not really known due to the vast cover up by this parents etc and so forth
And I suppose that if your young child did something wrong, you would want everyone to know about it..?
If I had a 15 year old son who did that...I would have turned him in. Whatever happened to the belief that chil molesters never get better?
What happened to the Christian fundamental belief that a person becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus? One is not saved because one is good. Only God is good. One is saved and changed by giving one's life to Christ. I believe this young man repented. People who do not like Christianity simply want this sort of show off the air so that it might be replaced with another Bitten, Penny Dreadful, Deadwood, Dexter, Hannibal, etc....
all sister was perhaps 4 or 5 at the time but this is not really known due to the vast cover up by this parents etc and so forth
And I suppose that if your young child did something wrong, you would want everyone to know about it..?
If I had a 15 year old son who did that...I would have turned him in. Whatever happened to the belief that chil molesters never get better?
What happened to the Christian fundamental belief that a person becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus? One is not saved because one is good. Only God is good. One is saved and changed by giving one's life to Christ. I believe this young man repented. People who do not like Christianity simply want this sort of show off the air so that it might be replaced with another Bitten, Penny Dreadful, Deadwood, Dexter, Hannibal, etc....

Sin, forgiveness, and consequences.
all sister was perhaps 4 or 5 at the time but this is not really known due to the vast cover up by this parents etc and so forth
And I suppose that if your young child did something wrong, you would want everyone to know about it..?
If I had a 15 year old son who did that...I would have turned him in. Whatever happened to the belief that chil molesters never get better?
What happened to the Christian fundamental belief that a person becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus? One is not saved because one is good. Only God is good. One is saved and changed by giving one's life to Christ. I believe this young man repented. People who do not like Christianity simply want this sort of show off the air so that it might be replaced with another Bitten, Penny Dreadful, Deadwood, Dexter, Hannibal, etc....
How about a show where people actually walk the walk, not just talk the talk (for your entrainment no less)?

And Mr. Gay Marriage will hurt children should have picked a better profession, like plumber.
Adults must protect children.

Patriarchal groups, such as fundamentalist religious churches and mosques and synagogues, are particular breeding grounds for pedophilia and pederasty.

Adults protect children from other adults.
Homosexual promoters are more likely to be breeding grounds for pedophilia and pederasty. And yet our country is now well on the way to promoting "gay" marriage as normal. Visit "gay" websites and note what they want to have labeled "NORMAL". So a double standard is ok? All those terrible Christians who never claimed to be perfect. and look to the Lord for saving grace. And then there are grown men pursuing young teen boys so they can confuse them more and enlist them into their numbers. This young man was a very young teen when he began to go down the wrong path. He was not a grown man. He was helped. I dare say that EVERYONE has a skeleton in their closet that they are very ashamed of and embarrassed by. I imagine that the only reason this came out was to discredit believers and not to right any wrong doing.

In your own words, what is a homosexual promoter?

Marriage is the process by which two people make their relationship public, official, and permanent. It is the joining of two people in a bond that putatively lasts. What some people refer to as normal may not be normal to others; i.e., an arranged marriage where the wife is subservient to her husband or an 80 year-old man who marries a 23 year-old woman. Do you understand?

I'm assuming the young man you are referring to is Josh Duggar. Although he was only 14 when he began molesting younger girls, he was the adult in the situation, and having been a product of (your words) a Christian family who were diligently trying to serve the Lord, he should have known better. His deviant behavior represents to most of us that he is a child molester, and he needed intervention from someone other than a family friend who was into child pornography and was sent to prison for 56 years. Who really knows what Josh Duggar's state of mind is today since he was not helped, nor were his victims.

How does the idea of gay marriage affect you personally?
I don't know, But I will not be designing a "gay" wedding cake anytime soon, taking "gay" wedding photographs, nor reading any books to children concerning "Two Dads". And you say he was not helped? Obviously he was helped, he simply was not helped according to secular values. I believe a loving Christian parent can do more to help their own child than a unemotional, uncaring institution. If that were not so, there would be no need to close insane asylums and moves towards assimilation.
all sister was perhaps 4 or 5 at the time but this is not really known due to the vast cover up by this parents etc and so forth
And I suppose that if your young child did something wrong, you would want everyone to know about it..?
If I had a 15 year old son who did that...I would have turned him in. Whatever happened to the belief that chil molesters never get better?
What happened to the Christian fundamental belief that a person becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus? One is not saved because one is good. Only God is good. One is saved and changed by giving one's life to Christ. I believe this young man repented. People who do not like Christianity simply want this sort of show off the air so that it might be replaced with another Bitten, Penny Dreadful, Deadwood, Dexter, Hannibal, etc....

Sin, forgiveness, and consequences.
It seems to me that this individual never really has been the focus the show. And we do not know what he encountered as he matured. Many homosexuals and intravenous drug users have acquired AIDS. And yet to consider that a punishment of sorts is considered highly insulting to some individuals. But it does seem to be a consequence...
Adults must protect children.

Patriarchal groups, such as fundamentalist religious churches and mosques and synagogues, are particular breeding grounds for pedophilia and pederasty.

Adults protect children from other adults.
Homosexual promoters are more likely to be breeding grounds for pedophilia and pederasty. And yet our country is now well on the way to promoting "gay" marriage as normal. Visit "gay" websites and note what they want to have labeled "NORMAL". So a double standard is ok? All those terrible Christians who never claimed to be perfect. and look to the Lord for saving grace. And then there are grown men pursuing young teen boys so they can confuse them more and enlist them into their numbers. This young man was a very young teen when he began to go down the wrong path. He was not a grown man. He was helped. I dare say that EVERYONE has a skeleton in their closet that they are very ashamed of and embarrassed by. I imagine that the only reason this came out was to discredit believers and not to right any wrong doing.

In your own words, what is a homosexual promoter?

Marriage is the process by which two people make their relationship public, official, and permanent. It is the joining of two people in a bond that putatively lasts. What some people refer to as normal may not be normal to others; i.e., an arranged marriage where the wife is subservient to her husband or an 80 year-old man who marries a 23 year-old woman. Do you understand?

I'm assuming the young man you are referring to is Josh Duggar. Although he was only 14 when he began molesting younger girls, he was the adult in the situation, and having been a product of (your words) a Christian family who were diligently trying to serve the Lord, he should have known better. His deviant behavior represents to most of us that he is a child molester, and he needed intervention from someone other than a family friend who was into child pornography and was sent to prison for 56 years. Who really knows what Josh Duggar's state of mind is today since he was not helped, nor were his victims.

How does the idea of gay marriage affect you personally?
I don't know, But I will not be designing a "gay" wedding cake anytime soon, taking "gay" wedding photographs, nor reading any books to children concerning "Two Dads". And you say he was not helped? Obviously he was helped, he simply was not helped according to secular values. I believe a loving Christian parent can do more to help their own child than a unemotional, uncaring institution. If that were not so, there would be no need to close insane asylums and moves towards assimilation.

How do explain the horrendous acts perpetrated by Jeffrey Dahmer since he and his parents were devout members of the Church of Christ?
Adults must protect children.

Patriarchal groups, such as fundamentalist religious churches and mosques and synagogues, are particular breeding grounds for pedophilia and pederasty.

Adults protect children from other adults.
Homosexual promoters are more likely to be breeding grounds for pedophilia and pederasty. And yet our country is now well on the way to promoting "gay" marriage as normal. Visit "gay" websites and note what they want to have labeled "NORMAL". So a double standard is ok? All those terrible Christians who never claimed to be perfect. and look to the Lord for saving grace. And then there are grown men pursuing young teen boys so they can confuse them more and enlist them into their numbers. This young man was a very young teen when he began to go down the wrong path. He was not a grown man. He was helped. I dare say that EVERYONE has a skeleton in their closet that they are very ashamed of and embarrassed by. I imagine that the only reason this came out was to discredit believers and not to right any wrong doing.

Having carefully considered your post, I have searched my past, and discovered that I have never committed sexual assault on my sister, who was 4 when I was 14. I guess that, in your world, that makes me abnormal....
And I suppose that you think that makes you a far better person according to your own logic...? What he did was wrong. What you ARE still doing continues to be wrong.

Absolutely nothing that is illegal. Josh, however, should have served time in the slammer. His parents should have paid legal consequences for failure to report their child's illegal activities.
all sister was perhaps 4 or 5 at the time but this is not really known due to the vast cover up by this parents etc and so forth
And I suppose that if your young child did something wrong, you would want everyone to know about it..?
If I had a 15 year old son who did that...I would have turned him in. Whatever happened to the belief that chil molesters never get better?
What happened to the Christian fundamental belief that a person becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus? One is not saved because one is good. Only God is good. One is saved and changed by giving one's life to Christ. I believe this young man repented. People who do not like Christianity simply want this sort of show off the air so that it might be replaced with another Bitten, Penny Dreadful, Deadwood, Dexter, Hannibal, etc....

Sin, forgiveness, and consequences.
It seems to me that this individual never really has been the focus the show. And we do not know what he encountered as he matured. Many homosexuals and intravenous drug users have acquired AIDS. And yet to consider that a punishment of sorts is considered highly insulting to some individuals. But it does seem to be a consequence...

He was in the public spotlight as Executive Director of the Family Research Council, and publicly criticized the gay community, calling them pedophiles. If he was indeed a repentant man for molesting 5 little girls why did he resign?
Josh would have learned one hell of a lot more about sexual assault in General Population in prison than he ever learned from his parents and his religion. But, then, maybe his potentially close encounter with inmates in stir may have made him the gay hater that he became.
And I suppose that if your young child did something wrong, you would want everyone to know about it..?
If I had a 15 year old son who did that...I would have turned him in. Whatever happened to the belief that chil molesters never get better?
What happened to the Christian fundamental belief that a person becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus? One is not saved because one is good. Only God is good. One is saved and changed by giving one's life to Christ. I believe this young man repented. People who do not like Christianity simply want this sort of show off the air so that it might be replaced with another Bitten, Penny Dreadful, Deadwood, Dexter, Hannibal, etc....

Sin, forgiveness, and consequences.
It seems to me that this individual never really has been the focus the show. And we do not know what he encountered as he matured. Many homosexuals and intravenous drug users have acquired AIDS. And yet to consider that a punishment of sorts is considered highly insulting to some individuals. But it does seem to be a consequence...

He was in the public spotlight as Executive Director of the Family Research Council, and publicly criticized the gay community, calling them pedophiles. If he was indeed a repentant man for molesting 5 little girls why did he resign?
He should now know what evils sin leads to. He knows what "gays" are about because he knows where he was heading. He resigned, I feel, to appease the rabid mob.

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