I forgot what the liberal action was to the Benghazi lie. Did they admit that it was a lie?

Do liberals believe Benghazi claims were a lie?

  • Yes, they know it is a lie.

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • No, they do not believe it was a lie.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • They believe it was both a spontaneous attack and a planned terror attack even though it contradicts

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
I am still not sure what their collective answer is. I suspect what the reaction may very well be. Hence, the reason I am still confused.

Sort of like how they liked Comey, then they hated Comey, and now they like him again. Especially after Colbert told them how they are suppose to react to Comey.

Oh, did you all see that James Comey all of a sudden became the hottest sex symbol in Washington?

James Comey Is The Sex Symbol America Needs Right Now

Anyway, lets do a poll.

The left's views tend to be contradictory on many things.

-Benghazi was protesters out of control and not planned yet it was planned in response to our foreign policy and it was justified. Hillary still claims she didn't say things that we all watched on video.

-Obamacare isn't a tax so didn't need to go through the House but it is a tax to satisfy SCOTUS.

-Comey is evil and should have been fired by Obama but under Trump is not a bad guy and should not have been fired.

-Vitriol was responsible for Gabby Giffords being shot by a leftwing fan of hers but the left's hate speech is not responsible for the deaths of whites, cops and Republicans.

-All gun owners and the NRA are responsible for all gun deaths but no Muslims are responsible for the countless terrorist attacks where allah's name is screamed. Even the London mayor had said that terrorist attacks were just a part of living in big cities and there wasn't enough money to hire more cops. Now that Muslims were targeted, he announced more cops will be hired after this major attack. Not difficult to see whose lives matter most to some.

-There is no voter fraud when we see 100% or more of the votes going to Dems in some districts but there must be voter fraud by Russia since Hillary lost. Notice that they do not want a close examination of our system that might reveal something amiss among our own poll workers. Like the way the recount was stopped when it was discovered in one area that each ballot was counted up to six times for Hillary when the poll workers kept inserting the ballots into the machines.

I could go on with but not much point.

The left did their best to immediately stop the Benghazi investigation. It was a few reporters, not our government, who made the trip to the embassy to look around. We did not see interviews with survivors, who suspiciously were treated on a base before being shipped to a secluded area. We didn't see the hard reporting that the media is capable of when they want to get answers. Neither Hillary or Obama admitted that they knowingly and purposely lied in the days following the planned attack, let alone apologize for their dishonesty.
You do go on and on, and since it's all from the New BS GOP propaganda machine, you're totally FOS...Bengazee!!! Was no doubt triggered by the video AND poorly planned - You can't keep 2 things in mind at once? DUHHH, dupe...- You know an incredible amount of crap about it.. Gabby's shooter was nuts, like all lone wolf assassins. No one says the Russians did voter fraud, just RW idiots do with illegals. All these BS GOP charges from Fox, Comey, Rush, Jones, Heritage have been investigated and discredited, but not in dupeworld...a disgrace.

The institutional hate and bs all comes from the New BS GOP. The only surge in violence is RW, against Muslims, Jews, backs and gays, egged on by Trump and GOP hate/bs propaganda. Dems have no such giant machine.
Hillary may have won if it were not for her fuck up in Benghazi...yes they lie like dogs...the dems are evil.
WHAT FUCKUP? She made the video, and made the Ambassador go there? What LIE, superdupe? And evil? Great hate/bs propaganda head you got there...Example? Lies like ruined victory in Afghan and into Iraq, wrecking both? Corruption like causing a WORLD DEPRESSION. Oh, no, that was Dems. LOL, superdupe. Shall we discuss your lying, disgraceful bs/hate RW media? The more you watch, the less you know and more you hate. Great job. How's the Hillary prosecutor coming? LOL
Video my ass.....some even have said when they watched that stupid video they thought it was Jesus not Mohamed that was depicted dumb ass.

It was a convenient cover up story so Obama could win re election. Obama and Hillary lied their asses off to the American people and to the families of dead service men.

They wanted to cover up their broken foreign policy mishaps. They wanted to hide the fact that their view of the world was mistaken. They don't know shit they just feel things and that gets them in trouble every time.

Just like you, you're a feeler not a thinker and that is why you your world view and your opinions are so easy to refute.
Video my ass.....some even have said when they watched that stupid video they thought it was Jesus not Mohamed that was depicted dumb ass.

It was a convenient cover up story so Obama could win re election. Obama and Hillary lied their asses off to the American people and to the families of dead service men.

They wanted to cover up their broken foreign policy mishaps. They wanted to hide the fact that their view of the world was mistaken. They don't know shit they just feel things and that gets them in trouble every time.

Just like you, you're a feeler not a thinker and that is why you your world view and your opinions are so easy to refute.
If it was a cover up because of the election, why did they reveal it was an Al Qaeda attack six weeks before the election?
I think benghazi was a massive fuck up...Republicans didn't give the funding needed to guard the place and the Obama admin was stupid to allow chris anywhere near the place.
Yet Obama doubled the national debt, but somehow Rs cut the budget for Benghazi.

You will believe anything from the DNC media.

Both things are true. Like how water is good for you but can also kill you.
If it was a cover up because of the election, why did they reveal it was an Al Qaeda attack six weeks before the election?
They did no such thing and you know it. At best after the election they called it terrorism brought on by a video. That was a lie too. Don't bring your weak shit here Faun.
Video my ass.....some even have said when they watched that stupid video they thought it was Jesus not Mohamed that was depicted dumb ass.

It was a convenient cover up story so Obama could win re election. Obama and Hillary lied their asses off to the American people and to the families of dead service men.

They wanted to cover up their broken foreign policy mishaps. They wanted to hide the fact that their view of the world was mistaken. They don't know shit they just feel things and that gets them in trouble every time.

Just like you, you're a feeler not a thinker and that is why you your world view and your opinions are so easy to refute.
If it was a cover up because of the election, why did they reveal it was an Al Qaeda attack six weeks before the election?

It was discovered that it was a planned al Qaeda attack by some in the media. It just took a long time for the left to openly admit it. Obama was too embarrassed to admit that the terror group was not on the run. He wouldn't admit that his admin. wasn't on top of things. The intel was there. We knew Ambassador Stevens had been targeted by the group and we knew there had been numerous attacks in the area. We also knew that the 9/11 anniversary would hold special meaning for the terrorists. The writing was on the wall. It could have been avoided. Once it happened, we could have sent help. After the fact, the administration was not interested in investigating because they already knew everything they did wrong and simply did not want it public.

A general stated that the attack was supposed to be a ruse so the terrorists could kidnap the ambassador and trade him for some terrorists we were holding. When the marines intervened to help Stevens, the terrorists thought they had been double-crossed and started killing. This would explain a lot. Like why security was removed just before the attack. And someone had to tip them off as to where Stevens and his staff were in hiding after the embassy had been hit previously. Lots of inside info helped the terrorists find people. The whole thing stinks. We were the only country who didn't remove our people from the area amidst the threats and attacks.
Last edited:
Video my ass.....some even have said when they watched that stupid video they thought it was Jesus not Mohamed that was depicted dumb ass.

It was a convenient cover up story so Obama could win re election. Obama and Hillary lied their asses off to the American people and to the families of dead service men.

They wanted to cover up their broken foreign policy mishaps. They wanted to hide the fact that their view of the world was mistaken. They don't know shit they just feel things and that gets them in trouble every time.

Just like you, you're a feeler not a thinker and that is why you your world view and your opinions are so easy to refute.
It wasn't that people saw the video, dupe, it's that the Islamic fundie Rush Limbaugh of Cairo and the ME told everyone to protest it. They did in 20+ places before BENGAZEEE!!!! Help arrived in 20 minutes, you know nothing factual about it, dupes. W Booosh wrecked the world politically and financially, IDIOTS.
If it was a cover up because of the election, why did they reveal it was an Al Qaeda attack six weeks before the election?
They did no such thing and you know it. At best after the election they called it terrorism brought on by a video. That was a lie too. Don't bring your weak shit here Faun.
They called it terror the next day DUHHHH. They said the video IMMEDIATELY. So did Fox. Brainwashed functional morons...
It wasn't that people saw the video, dupe, it's that the Islamic fundie Rush Limbaugh of Cairo and the ME told everyone to protest it. They did in 20+ places before BENGAZEEE!!!! Help arrived in 20 minutes, you know nothing factual about it, dupes. W Booosh wrecked the world politically and financially, IDIOTS.
:blahblah:Old news old views...get with the future.
Video my ass.....some even have said when they watched that stupid video they thought it was Jesus not Mohamed that was depicted dumb ass.

It was a convenient cover up story so Obama could win re election. Obama and Hillary lied their asses off to the American people and to the families of dead service men.

They wanted to cover up their broken foreign policy mishaps. They wanted to hide the fact that their view of the world was mistaken. They don't know shit they just feel things and that gets them in trouble every time.

Just like you, you're a feeler not a thinker and that is why you your world view and your opinions are so easy to refute.
If it was a cover up because of the election, why did they reveal it was an Al Qaeda attack six weeks before the election?

It was discovered that it was a planned al Qaeda attack by some in the media. It just took a long time for the left to openly admit it. Obama was too embarrassed to admit that the terror group was not on the run. He wouldn't admit that his admin. wasn't on top of things. The intel was there. We knew Ambassador Stevens had been targeted by the group and we knew there had been numerous attacks in the area. We also knew that the 9/11 anniversary would hold special meaning for the terrorists. The writing was on the wall. It could have been avoided. Once it happened, we could have sent help. After the fact, the administration was not interested in investigating because they already knew everything they did wrong and simply did not want it public.

A general stated that the attack was supposed to be a ruse so the terrorists could kidnap the ambassador and trade him for some terrorists we were holding. When the marines intervened to help Stevens, the terrorists thought they had been double-crossed and started killing. This would explain a lot. Like why security was removed just before the attack. And someone had to tip them off as to where Stevens and his staff were in hiding after the embassy had been hit previously. Lots of inside info helped the terrorists find people. The whole thing stinks. We were the only country who didn't remove our people from the area amidst the threats and attacks.
The militia had "Al Qaeda links", dupe. Like half the ME world. The militia started a fire, and the exhaust fan wasn't installed yet. Stevens should not have been there. Brave but dumb. A tragedy. That the GOP propaganda lied endlessly about, like everything else, dupe. See sig. General Ham would say anything, the idiot.
They called it terror the next day DUHHHH. They said the video IMMEDIATELY. So did Fox. Brainwashed functional morons...
They did everything they could to place blame on a stupid youtube video. You know it but you will never admit it. That was romper room diplomacy like this nation has never seen before...Russian reset buttons and Muslim brotherhood reach out programs. Just a bunch of nonsense. Your side lost for a reason so your time sir and the time of the democrats would be better spent listening and learning as to why you lost instead of running your mouths about Russia.
It wasn't that people saw the video, dupe, it's that the Islamic fundie Rush Limbaugh of Cairo and the ME told everyone to protest it. They did in 20+ places before BENGAZEEE!!!! Help arrived in 20 minutes, you know nothing factual about it, dupes. W Booosh wrecked the world politically and financially, IDIOTS.
:blahblah:Old news old views...get with the future.
Fact, brainwashed functional moron. Any intelligent argument? What bought off cokehead HS grad ex DJ is your hero?
They called it terror the next day DUHHHH. They said the video IMMEDIATELY. So did Fox. Brainwashed functional morons...
They did everything they could to place blame on a stupid youtube video. You know it but you will never admit it. That was romper room diplomacy like this nation has never seen before...Russian reset buttons and Muslim brotherhood reach out programs. Just a bunch of nonsense. Your side lost for a reason so your time sir and the time of the democrats would be better spent listening and learning as to why you lost instead of running your mouths about Russia.
We lost because so many believed crap like you, or said SOME of it must be true? Nope. The Foundation is a great charity, and no corruption. Hillary's e-mail was one of few never hacked. She was busy. All investigated. You are the dupe of greedy idiot megarich GOP liars. see sig. Your "news" and "commentary" is a bs disgrace. Poor America.
I am still not sure what their collective answer is. I suspect what the reaction may very well be. Hence, the reason I am still confused.

Sort of like how they liked Comey, then they hated Comey, and now they like him again. Especially after Colbert told them how they are suppose to react to Comey.

Oh, did you all see that James Comey all of a sudden became the hottest sex symbol in Washington?

James Comey Is The Sex Symbol America Needs Right Now

Anyway, lets do a poll.

what lie, dum dum?

but feel free to talk about every lie that was spewed by the orange sociopath and his minions.
If it was a cover up because of the election, why did they reveal it was an Al Qaeda attack six weeks before the election?
They did no such thing and you know it. At best after the election they called it terrorism brought on by a video. That was a lie too. Don't bring your weak shit here Faun.
I see I made a mistake giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're not just another brain-dead con whose only mission is to blindly post bullshit.

Wrong, ya lyin' brain-dead con....

September 26th, 2012 -- six weeks before the November 6th elections, Hillary Clinton before the United Nations...

"But let us be clear. What is happening inside Mali is augmented by the rising threat from violent extremism across the region. For some time, Al-Qaeda and Islamic Maghreb, and other groups, have launched attacks and kidnappings from northern Mali into neighboring countries. Now, with a larger safe haven and increased freedom to maneuver, terrorists are seeking to extend their reach and their networks in multiple directions. And they are working with other violent extremists to undermine the democratic transitions underway in north Africa, as we tragically saw in Benghazi. This is a threat to the entire region, to the world, and most particularly, to the people in the region themselves.”

@ 4:24

Video my ass.....some even have said when they watched that stupid video they thought it was Jesus not Mohamed that was depicted dumb ass.

It was a convenient cover up story so Obama could win re election. Obama and Hillary lied their asses off to the American people and to the families of dead service men.

They wanted to cover up their broken foreign policy mishaps. They wanted to hide the fact that their view of the world was mistaken. They don't know shit they just feel things and that gets them in trouble every time.

Just like you, you're a feeler not a thinker and that is why you your world view and your opinions are so easy to refute.
If it was a cover up because of the election, why did they reveal it was an Al Qaeda attack six weeks before the election?

It was discovered that it was a planned al Qaeda attack by some in the media. It just took a long time for the left to openly admit it. Obama was too embarrassed to admit that the terror group was not on the run. He wouldn't admit that his admin. wasn't on top of things. The intel was there. We knew Ambassador Stevens had been targeted by the group and we knew there had been numerous attacks in the area. We also knew that the 9/11 anniversary would hold special meaning for the terrorists. The writing was on the wall. It could have been avoided. Once it happened, we could have sent help. After the fact, the administration was not interested in investigating because they already knew everything they did wrong and simply did not want it public.

A general stated that the attack was supposed to be a ruse so the terrorists could kidnap the ambassador and trade him for some terrorists we were holding. When the marines intervened to help Stevens, the terrorists thought they had been double-crossed and started killing. This would explain a lot. Like why security was removed just before the attack. And someone had to tip them off as to where Stevens and his staff were in hiding after the embassy had been hit previously. Lots of inside info helped the terrorists find people. The whole thing stinks. We were the only country who didn't remove our people from the area amidst the threats and attacks.
Your nonsense is squashed by the finding of the GOP-led investigations which concluded it was our intelligence community pushing the video spurred protests for 2 weeks after the attack...

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf

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