I forgot what the liberal action was to the Benghazi lie. Did they admit that it was a lie?

Do liberals believe Benghazi claims were a lie?

  • Yes, they know it is a lie.

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • No, they do not believe it was a lie.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • They believe it was both a spontaneous attack and a planned terror attack even though it contradicts

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
Honey, you saw what she knew that night. It was just before the election, they tried to blame everyone but those that planned and carried out the attack in public. Behind closed doors they were calling it what it was- a planned atrack. Between themselves, to Sid Blumenthal, Chelsea, the presidents of Egypt and Libya. You want to keep your head in the sand? Fine with me, but I will bring forth the facts anytime you try, as they did, to rearrange them. They knew that night. They even came up with talking points trying to get their stories in sync for public consumption.
Within hours of the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Clinton emailed her daughter, Chelsea, that Americans had died at the hands of an al-Qaeda like group. Al-Qaeda is the Islamic extremist terrorist group that was led by Osama bin Laden. Clinton also informed Egypt’s prime minister and Libya’s president that the attacks were “preplanned” and “had nothing to do with” an anti-Islamic video posted on YouTube.
Hillary Clinton’s public vs. private Benghazi facts | Sharyl Attkisson
Virtual Reading Room Documents Search Results: U.S. Department of State - Freedom of Information Act

  1. Unfortunately, the administration’s efforts to impede the investigation succeeded, at least in part. The White House in particular left large holes in the investigation by denying the Committee access to documents and witnesses—often hiding behind vague notions of “important and longstanding institutional interests of the Executive Branch.”4 And so the Committee ended its work without having spoken to anyone in the White House Situation Room that night. Nor did we receive all email communication between White House staffers concerning the attack—all off limits to Congress according to White House lawyers. Compounding the problem, the White House refused to identify any of the documents it had withheld. If the administration had a sincere interest in cooperating with the Committee’s investigation, as it stated repeatedly, we saw no real evidence of it.

    And so we leave the Committee much the same way we joined it— knowing that Congress and the American people did not get every relevant fact from this administration. Nevertheless, we did learn more. Much more.

    Most significantly, the administration consistently blamed flawed information from the U.S. Intelligence Community, primarily the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), for its public misstatements about Benghazi—with the President, Secretary Clinton, Ambassador Rice, and others blaming a video-inspired protest that had never taken place in Benghazi.5 But flawed intelligence is no excuse for officials who knew better, and we now know that key leaders did. Secretary Clinton in particular learned quickly that Benghazi amounted to an organized terrorist attack, not a spontaneous demonstration turned violent. Yet, Secretary Clinton and the administration told one story privately—that Benghazi was a terrorist attack—and told another story publicly— blaming a video-inspired protest. The misleading public statements led concerned State Department staffers to describe Ambassador Rice as “off the reservation” and another to add the “[White House was] very worried about the politics.”6 A national tragedy, however, is not a time for politics; it is a time to set politics aside and do one’s duty.

    https://benghazi.house.gov/sites/re...es/documents/Jordan Pompeo Views_Redacted.pdf
View attachment 134275
From the night of the attack. Diane Reynolds was a pseudonym for Chelsea
Obama and Hillary lied, got caught lying, and their pals in the MSM did their best to ignore it and bury the story.

What were the lies?
so the attack was because of a cheesy youtube video disparaging muslims?
No, but since our intelligence community was telling the White House and State Department that it was, how was it a lie for the Obama administration to repeat the intelligence?
I really can't explain why the part in red is sooo confusing for you, that you simply can't understand it. :dunno:

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf
Last edited:
I am still not sure what their collective answer is. I suspect what the reaction may very well be. Hence, the reason I am still confused.

Sort of like how they liked Comey, then they hated Comey, and now they like him again. Especially after Colbert told them how they are suppose to react to Comey.

Oh, did you all see that James Comey all of a sudden became the hottest sex symbol in Washington?

James Comey Is The Sex Symbol America Needs Right Now

Anyway, lets do a poll.

Who cares? :dunno:

It's been investigated.

It doesn't matter what it was so long as we learn how to make sure it doesn't happen again...which is kind of the more important point I would think.
I am still not sure what their collective answer is. I suspect what the reaction may very well be. Hence, the reason I am still confused.

Sort of like how they liked Comey, then they hated Comey, and now they like him again. Especially after Colbert told them how they are suppose to react to Comey.

Oh, did you all see that James Comey all of a sudden became the hottest sex symbol in Washington?

James Comey Is The Sex Symbol America Needs Right Now

Anyway, lets do a poll.

Who cares? :dunno:

It's been investigated.

It doesn't matter what it was so long as we learn how to make sure it doesn't happen again...which is kind of the more important point I would think.
but what happened wrong we can prevent then?
What was the specific INTEL that it was a "SPONTANEOUS PROTESTOF A VIDEO"?

Nothing.....absolutely nothing.

I am still not sure what their collective answer is. I suspect what the reaction may very well be. Hence, the reason I am still confused.

Sort of like how they liked Comey, then they hated Comey, and now they like him again. Especially after Colbert told them how they are suppose to react to Comey.

Oh, did you all see that James Comey all of a sudden became the hottest sex symbol in Washington?

James Comey Is The Sex Symbol America Needs Right Now

Anyway, lets do a poll.

Who cares? :dunno:

It's been investigated.

It doesn't matter what it was so long as we learn how to make sure it doesn't happen again...which is kind of the more important point I would think.
but what happened wrong we can prevent then?

I think the commission that investigated it came up with a number of things that could be improved on and were critical of it being located in an area that was not well protected for one - too far from security and in a bad area - there were a number of things. It's really not any different then several other such events that took place under Bush. Embassy's are at risk in any number of places.

But I can't understand the obession with whether it was a spontaneous event or a planned terror attack since once the evidence became clear I don't think anyone insisted it was spontaneous. Who the hell cares? Seems like the death's are more important.
I think benghazi was a massive fuck up...Republicans didn't give the funding needed to guard the place and the Obama admin was stupid to allow chris anywhere near the place.
except Chris Stevens wanted to be there...he also wanted the Benghazi complex kept open when the State dept was deciding its fate, and argued for that...he loved the natives there as well.... he was a good man, and his death was a tragedy.
What was the specific INTEL that it was a "SPONTANEOUS PROTESTOF A VIDEO"?

Nothing.....absolutely nothing.

Thank you for being honest and spelling the truth out for us... :rolleyes:

and that's ALL that really irked the Republicans, they thought it would hurt Obama in the election.... not the actual deaths of the 4!

even if it was known right away that it was Al Qaeda, which it was NOT, it was a subset group like alqaeda, but lets pretend it was AlQaeda getting the initial blame, it would not have meant one iota, on the election results....Romney was going to lose.
Honey, you saw what she knew that night. It was just before the election, they tried to blame everyone but those that planned and carried out the attack in public. Behind closed doors they were calling it what it was- a planned atrack. Between themselves, to Sid Blumenthal, Chelsea, the presidents of Egypt and Libya. You want to keep your head in the sand? Fine with me, but I will bring forth the facts anytime you try, as they did, to rearrange them. They knew that night. They even came up with talking points trying to get their stories in sync for public consumption.
Within hours of the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Clinton emailed her daughter, Chelsea, that Americans had died at the hands of an al-Qaeda like group. Al-Qaeda is the Islamic extremist terrorist group that was led by Osama bin Laden. Clinton also informed Egypt’s prime minister and Libya’s president that the attacks were “preplanned” and “had nothing to do with” an anti-Islamic video posted on YouTube.
Hillary Clinton’s public vs. private Benghazi facts | Sharyl Attkisson
Virtual Reading Room Documents Search Results: U.S. Department of State - Freedom of Information Act

  1. Unfortunately, the administration’s efforts to impede the investigation succeeded, at least in part. The White House in particular left large holes in the investigation by denying the Committee access to documents and witnesses—often hiding behind vague notions of “important and longstanding institutional interests of the Executive Branch.”4 And so the Committee ended its work without having spoken to anyone in the White House Situation Room that night. Nor did we receive all email communication between White House staffers concerning the attack—all off limits to Congress according to White House lawyers. Compounding the problem, the White House refused to identify any of the documents it had withheld. If the administration had a sincere interest in cooperating with the Committee’s investigation, as it stated repeatedly, we saw no real evidence of it.

    And so we leave the Committee much the same way we joined it— knowing that Congress and the American people did not get every relevant fact from this administration. Nevertheless, we did learn more. Much more.

    Most significantly, the administration consistently blamed flawed information from the U.S. Intelligence Community, primarily the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), for its public misstatements about Benghazi—with the President, Secretary Clinton, Ambassador Rice, and others blaming a video-inspired protest that had never taken place in Benghazi.5 But flawed intelligence is no excuse for officials who knew better, and we now know that key leaders did. Secretary Clinton in particular learned quickly that Benghazi amounted to an organized terrorist attack, not a spontaneous demonstration turned violent. Yet, Secretary Clinton and the administration told one story privately—that Benghazi was a terrorist attack—and told another story publicly— blaming a video-inspired protest. The misleading public statements led concerned State Department staffers to describe Ambassador Rice as “off the reservation” and another to add the “[White House was] very worried about the politics.”6 A national tragedy, however, is not a time for politics; it is a time to set politics aside and do one’s duty.

    https://benghazi.house.gov/sites/republicans.benghazi.house.gov/files/documents/Jordan Pompeo Views_Redacted.pdf
View attachment 134275
From the night of the attack. Diane Reynolds was a pseudonym for Chelsea
What were the lies?
so the attack was because of a cheesy youtube video disparaging muslims?
No, but since our intelligence community was telling the White House and State Department that it was, how was it a lie for the Obama administration to repeat the intelligence?
I really can't explain why the part in red is sooo confusing for you, that you simply can't understand it. :dunno:

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf
Oh, well, here it is again....

There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks.

It's on you that you are unable to absorb the implications of that finding.
What was the specific INTEL that it was a "SPONTANEOUS PROTESTOF A VIDEO"?

Nothing.....absolutely nothing.

Moron.... if the administration was lying to help Obama with the election ... why did they correct the record two weeks later in September, a full 6 weeks before the election?

Thinking is clearly not a conservative attribute.
What was the specific INTEL that it was a "SPONTANEOUS PROTESTOF A VIDEO"?

Nothing.....absolutely nothing.

Thank you for being honest and spelling the truth out for us... :rolleyes:

and that's ALL that really irked the Republicans, they thought it would hurt Obama in the election.... not the actual deaths of the 4!

even if it was known right away that it was Al Qaeda, which it was NOT, it was a subset group like alqaeda, but lets pretend it was AlQaeda getting the initial blame, it would not have meant one iota, on the election results....Romney was going to lose.
you mean like RUSSIA could have affected the election for the Dems? god how do you say such things w/o going "wow, this shit applies to me also?"
I think benghazi was a massive fuck up...Republicans didn't give the funding needed to guard the place and the Obama admin was stupid to allow chris anywhere near the place.

Our Ambassadors set their own itineraries. Ambassador Stevens entered Libya through Benghazi and had many contacts there. He thought he and his party were safe travelling back to his port of entry.

The lies all came from the Republican's and their Right Wing Echo Chamber. Such as:

President Obama didn't care, went home and went to bed cause he had to jet off to Las Vegas the next day for a fundraiser.

Sec. Clinton didn't care either, went home too.

Watched as the battle rages for 7 hours.

Stand Down Order.

Republican Candidate for President politicized the event within hours of the riots in Cairo by attacking the President. Americans used to come together and rally behind the President when we are attacked. Republicans showed their new true colors that day. Party over Country, always.
oh please.

this one sided shit on both sides has worn itself the fuck out.

I'm still waiting for the quote or transcript or video where they lied. The one zippy linked to did nothing of the sort. Every single one of their claims were false as proven by the numerous investigations.
did they or did they not blame a video for the attack?

No they blamed an extremist elements that came to the consulate. They assumed that a spontaneous protest had started there as a copy cat protest that the militant used as cover for their assault. There was no protest so they were wrong. Being wrong about that doesn't mean they lied about it. They also assessed that the extremist came with heavy weapons, that right there shows pre-planning. It's easy to conflate (or covfefe) the events because there were so many riots over that dumbass video.

There were no riots over the video.

Hillary Clinton sent classified emails to unauthorized persons (friends) in an Insider Trading Scheme regarding weapons purchases that were going to be made. In one of Clinton's emails she mentioned she was using Benghazi as an Illegal Weapons depot for funneling weapons to terrorists for assassinations and coups. Those emails were compromised and that information ended up in the hands of the very terrorists Obama and Clinton were paying to do their dirty work.

The paid Mercenaries (Terrorists) went after the illegal weapons depot, and Clinton and Obama decided to let Benghazi Burn to cover up what they were doing, then they crafted a false cover story.

Both of them should face a firing squad for Benghazi.
I am still not sure what their collective answer is. I suspect what the reaction may very well be. Hence, the reason I am still confused.

Sort of like how they liked Comey, then they hated Comey, and now they like him again. Especially after Colbert told them how they are suppose to react to Comey.

Oh, did you all see that James Comey all of a sudden became the hottest sex symbol in Washington?

James Comey Is The Sex Symbol America Needs Right Now

Anyway, lets do a poll.

Who cares? :dunno:

It's been investigated.

It doesn't matter what it was so long as we learn how to make sure it doesn't happen again...which is kind of the more important point I would think.

Yes, that is supposed to be the point of these types of investigations. It used to be the point of these types of investigations...until Barack Obama became President and the RW lost their minds.
Just like liberals all of a sudden deny they ever said anything about collusion, they claim the obama administration never said anything about a spontaneous attack due to a video.

They deny all of it.

The big difference between the liberals claiming collusion or "OBSTRUCTION" is there is ZERO EVIDENCE of collusion OR OBSTRUCTION.


There is plenty of evidence of every crime we accuse the democrats of doing. More than enough. In fact it is beyond clear.

Comey, like most assholes that work in Washington are not FBI AGENTS. They are LAWYERS appointed by THE PRESIDENT. Which means they are POLITICIANS. Which means they are THE SWAMP.

They are all liars and scumbags. No need AS I HAVE SAID, to even have (attempt to have) a constructive conversation with the losers on the left. You would have an easier time trying to reason with a cobra.
Just like liberals all of a sudden deny they ever said anything about collusion, they claim the obama administration never said anything about a spontaneous attack due to a video.

They deny all of it.

The big difference between the liberals claiming collusion or "OBSTRUCTION" is there is ZERO EVIDENCE of collusion OR OBSTRUCTION.


There is plenty of evidence of every crime we accuse the democrats of doing. More than enough. In fact it is beyond clear.

Comey, like most assholes that work in Washington are not FBI AGENTS. They are LAWYERS appointed by THE PRESIDENT. Which means they are POLITICIANS. Which means they are THE SWAMP.

They are all liars and scumbags. No need AS I HAVE SAID, to even have (attempt to have) a constructive conversation with the losers on the left. You would have an easier time trying to reason with a cobra.

Nope, Susan Rise did not lie. The liar is you. We know this from the 8 GOP-led investigations.

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf

The funny thing is how you brain-dead cons refuse to acknowledge the finding from 8 investigations led by Republicans, though you boasted about them while they were happening. Indeed, had they actually found something bad on Obama or Clinton, y'all would be quoting them. Since they didn't, y'all run and hide from them instead.

Quite revealing, actually.
Just like liberals all of a sudden deny they ever said anything about collusion, they claim the obama administration never said anything about a spontaneous attack due to a video.

They deny all of it.

The big difference between the liberals claiming collusion or "OBSTRUCTION" is there is ZERO EVIDENCE of collusion OR OBSTRUCTION.


There is plenty of evidence of every crime we accuse the democrats of doing. More than enough. In fact it is beyond clear.

Comey, like most assholes that work in Washington are not FBI AGENTS. They are LAWYERS appointed by THE PRESIDENT. Which means they are POLITICIANS. Which means they are THE SWAMP.

They are all liars and scumbags. No need AS I HAVE SAID, to even have (attempt to have) a constructive conversation with the losers on the left. You would have an easier time trying to reason with a cobra.

The function of people like Comey and Mueller is to keep Corrupt Politicians like The Clintons, Obama, Rice, Lerner, Koskinen, and Lynch out of jail and sweep their crimes under the rug while trying to obstruct the opposition party.
Just like liberals all of a sudden deny they ever said anything about collusion, they claim the obama administration never said anything about a spontaneous attack due to a video.

They deny all of it.

The big difference between the liberals claiming collusion or "OBSTRUCTION" is there is ZERO EVIDENCE of collusion OR OBSTRUCTION.


There is plenty of evidence of every crime we accuse the democrats of doing. More than enough. In fact it is beyond clear.

Comey, like most assholes that work in Washington are not FBI AGENTS. They are LAWYERS appointed by THE PRESIDENT. Which means they are POLITICIANS. Which means they are THE SWAMP.

They are all liars and scumbags. No need AS I HAVE SAID, to even have (attempt to have) a constructive conversation with the losers on the left. You would have an easier time trying to reason with a cobra.
No evidence? Then why not sit back and watch? Why the full court press? Seems like the administration is covering something up. Maybe it's not that there's no collusion, but that it just hasn't been disclosed yet and they're getting close. The nearer we get to the truth of the corruption at the heart of the Trump regime, the more strident the defense becomes.
Just like liberals all of a sudden deny they ever said anything about collusion, they claim the obama administration never said anything about a spontaneous attack due to a video.

They deny all of it.

The big difference between the liberals claiming collusion or "OBSTRUCTION" is there is ZERO EVIDENCE of collusion OR OBSTRUCTION.


There is plenty of evidence of every crime we accuse the democrats of doing. More than enough. In fact it is beyond clear.

Comey, like most assholes that work in Washington are not FBI AGENTS. They are LAWYERS appointed by THE PRESIDENT. Which means they are POLITICIANS. Which means they are THE SWAMP.

They are all liars and scumbags. No need AS I HAVE SAID, to even have (attempt to have) a constructive conversation with the losers on the left. You would have an easier time trying to reason with a cobra.

The function of people like Comey and Mueller is to keep Corrupt Politicians like The Clintons, Obama, Rice, Lerner, Koskinen, and Lynch out of jail and sweep their crimes under the rug while trying to obstruct the opposition party.

Look up what Mueller did with the investigation into the Solyndra money that he promised he was going to get to the bottom of, or the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS.

The SWAMP is basically untouchable. Protected by corrupt lawyers and their PETS in the media. Feeding their demented moronic sheep.

As they giggle like deranged hyenas.
Just like liberals all of a sudden deny they ever said anything about collusion, they claim the obama administration never said anything about a spontaneous attack due to a video.

They deny all of it.

The big difference between the liberals claiming collusion or "OBSTRUCTION" is there is ZERO EVIDENCE of collusion OR OBSTRUCTION.


There is plenty of evidence of every crime we accuse the democrats of doing. More than enough. In fact it is beyond clear.

Comey, like most assholes that work in Washington are not FBI AGENTS. They are LAWYERS appointed by THE PRESIDENT. Which means they are POLITICIANS. Which means they are THE SWAMP.

They are all liars and scumbags. No need AS I HAVE SAID, to even have (attempt to have) a constructive conversation with the losers on the left. You would have an easier time trying to reason with a cobra.

Nope, Susan Rise did not lie. The liar is you. We know this from the 8 GOP-led investigations.

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf

The funny thing is how you brain-dead cons refuse to acknowledge the finding from 8 investigations led by Republicans, though you boasted about them while they were happening. Indeed, had they actually found something bad on Obama or Clinton, y'all would be quoting them. Since they didn't, y'all run and hide from them instead.

Quite revealing, actually.

Clinton's emails tell a different story than the white wash by congress.

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