I forgot what the liberal action was to the Benghazi lie. Did they admit that it was a lie?

Do liberals believe Benghazi claims were a lie?

  • Yes, they know it is a lie.

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • No, they do not believe it was a lie.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • They believe it was both a spontaneous attack and a planned terror attack even though it contradicts

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
So, stupid fuck. Try answering this question. (Watch this everyone)

The only spontaneous event they assumed was a copycat protest at the Consulate Building in Benghazi.

"...what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video.""

September 16: Benjamin Netanyahu, Susan Rice, Keith Ellison, Peter King, Bob Woodward, Jeffrey Goldberg, Andrea Mitchell

"What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode.

"We’ll await the results of the investigation."

Why is it that you still believe the lies your propaganda masters told you?
Holy shit. This lying sack of shit now denies the democrat liars ever even said it was a spontaneous attack?

I honestly did not think these fucking losers could be this fucking stupid. Not even me, and I know my shit is smarter than them.

Clearly she distinguishes the Benghazi assault "We’ve seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. " From the other riots across the ME that were going on. "We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful Internet video that we had nothing to do with."

Is your ignorance willful?

She forgot to mention she was illegally and in violation of International Law using a diplomatic post in Benghazi as a Weapons depot to funnel weapons and ammo to Terrorists to stage coups & assassinations in Yemen, Turkey, Egypt, Libya, & Syria.

She also forgot to mention that she emailed her friend Blumenthal about this weapons purchase and where it was going to so he could cash in on insider trading.

She also forgot to mention that this classified email was intercepted by the very terrorists she and Obama were funding and arming and that they attacked Benghazi to raid The Weapons Dump
From the hearing-

“It has been suggested that budget cuts are responsible for a lack of security in Benghazi, and I’d like to ask Miss Lamb,” said Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R., Calif.). “You made this decision personally. Was there any budget consideration and lack of budget which lead you not to increase the number of people in the security force there?”

“No, sir,” said Lamb.

I think benghazi was a massive fuck up...Republicans didn't give the funding needed to guard the place and the Obama admin was stupid to allow chris anywhere near the place.
I think benghazi was a massive fuck up...Republicans didn't give the funding needed to guard the place and the Obama admin was stupid to allow chris anywhere near the place.

Our Ambassadors set their own itineraries. Ambassador Stevens entered Libya through Benghazi and had many contacts there. He thought he and his party were safe travelling back to his port of entry.

The lies all came from the Republican's and their Right Wing Echo Chamber. Such as:

President Obama didn't care, went home and went to bed cause he had to jet off to Las Vegas the next day for a fundraiser.

Sec. Clinton didn't care either, went home too.

Watched as the battle rages for 7 hours.

Stand Down Order.

Republican Candidate for President politicized the event within hours of the riots in Cairo by attacking the President. Americans used to come together and rally behind the President when we are attacked. Republicans showed their new true colors that day. Party over Country, always.
oh please.

this one sided shit on both sides has worn itself the fuck out.

I'm still waiting for the quote or transcript or video where they lied. The one zippy linked to did nothing of the sort. Every single one of their claims were false as proven by the numerous investigations.
I think benghazi was a massive fuck up...Republicans didn't give the funding needed to guard the place and the Obama admin was stupid to allow chris anywhere near the place.

Our Ambassadors set their own itineraries. Ambassador Stevens entered Libya through Benghazi and had many contacts there. He thought he and his party were safe travelling back to his port of entry.

The lies all came from the Republican's and their Right Wing Echo Chamber. Such as:

President Obama didn't care, went home and went to bed cause he had to jet off to Las Vegas the next day for a fundraiser.

Sec. Clinton didn't care either, went home too.

Watched as the battle rages for 7 hours.

Stand Down Order.

Republican Candidate for President politicized the event within hours of the riots in Cairo by attacking the President. Americans used to come together and rally behind the President when we are attacked. Republicans showed their new true colors that day. Party over Country, always.
oh please.

this one sided shit on both sides has worn itself the fuck out.

I'm still waiting for the quote or transcript or video where they lied. The one zippy linked to did nothing of the sort. Every single one of their claims were false as proven by the numerous investigations.
did they or did they not blame a video for the attack?
So, stupid fuck. Try answering this question. (Watch this everyone)

The only spontaneous event they assumed was a copycat protest at the Consulate Building in Benghazi.

"...what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video.""

September 16: Benjamin Netanyahu, Susan Rice, Keith Ellison, Peter King, Bob Woodward, Jeffrey Goldberg, Andrea Mitchell

"What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode.

"We’ll await the results of the investigation."

Why is it that you still believe the lies your propaganda masters told you?
Holy shit. This lying sack of shit now denies the democrat liars ever even said it was a spontaneous attack?

I honestly did not think these fucking losers could be this fucking stupid. Not even me, and I know my shit is smarter than them.

Clearly she distinguishes the Benghazi assault "We’ve seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. " From the other riots across the ME that were going on. "We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful Internet video that we had nothing to do with."

Is your ignorance willful?

She forgot to mention she was illegally and in violation of International Law using a diplomatic post in Benghazi as a Weapons depot to funnel weapons and ammo to Terrorists to stage coups & assassinations in Yemen, Turkey, Egypt, Libya, & Syria.

She also forgot to mention that she emailed her friend Blumenthal about this weapons purchase and where it was going to so he could cash in on insider trading.

She also forgot to mention that this classified email was intercepted by the very terrorists she and Obama were funding and arming and that they attacked Benghazi to raid The Weapons Dump

Well no. I'm sure there was disturbing stuff in the classified hearings but nothing like that.
I think benghazi was a massive fuck up...Republicans didn't give the funding needed to guard the place and the Obama admin was stupid to allow chris anywhere near the place.

Our Ambassadors set their own itineraries. Ambassador Stevens entered Libya through Benghazi and had many contacts there. He thought he and his party were safe travelling back to his port of entry.

The lies all came from the Republican's and their Right Wing Echo Chamber. Such as:

President Obama didn't care, went home and went to bed cause he had to jet off to Las Vegas the next day for a fundraiser.

Sec. Clinton didn't care either, went home too.

Watched as the battle rages for 7 hours.

Stand Down Order.

Republican Candidate for President politicized the event within hours of the riots in Cairo by attacking the President. Americans used to come together and rally behind the President when we are attacked. Republicans showed their new true colors that day. Party over Country, always.
oh please.

this one sided shit on both sides has worn itself the fuck out.

I'm still waiting for the quote or transcript or video where they lied. The one zippy linked to did nothing of the sort. Every single one of their claims were false as proven by the numerous investigations.
did they or did they not blame a video for the attack?

No they blamed an extremist elements that came to the consulate. They assumed that a spontaneous protest had started there as a copy cat protest that the militant used as cover for their assault. There was no protest so they were wrong. Being wrong about that doesn't mean they lied about it. They also assessed that the extremist came with heavy weapons, that right there shows pre-planning. It's easy to conflate (or covfefe) the events because there were so many riots over that dumbass video.

From the night of the attack. Diane Reynolds was a pseudonym for Chelsea
Obama and Hillary lied, got caught lying, and their pals in the MSM did their best to ignore it and bury the story.

What were the lies?
so the attack was because of a cheesy youtube video disparaging muslims?
No, but since our intelligence community was telling the White House and State Department that it was, how was it a lie for the Obama administration to repeat the intelligence?
View attachment 134275
From the night of the attack. Diane Reynolds was a pseudonym for Chelsea
Obama and Hillary lied, got caught lying, and their pals in the MSM did their best to ignore it and bury the story.

What were the lies?
so the attack was because of a cheesy youtube video disparaging muslims?
No, but since our intelligence community was telling the White House and State Department that it was, how was it a lie for the Obama administration to repeat the intelligence?
I really can't explain why the part in red is sooo confusing for you, that you simply can't understand it. :dunno:

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf
I think benghazi was a massive fuck up...Republicans didn't give the funding needed to guard the place and the Obama admin was stupid to allow chris anywhere near the place.

Our Ambassadors set their own itineraries. Ambassador Stevens entered Libya through Benghazi and had many contacts there. He thought he and his party were safe travelling back to his port of entry.

The lies all came from the Republican's and their Right Wing Echo Chamber. Such as:

President Obama didn't care, went home and went to bed cause he had to jet off to Las Vegas the next day for a fundraiser.

Sec. Clinton didn't care either, went home too.

Watched as the battle rages for 7 hours.

Stand Down Order.

Republican Candidate for President politicized the event within hours of the riots in Cairo by attacking the President. Americans used to come together and rally behind the President when we are attacked. Republicans showed their new true colors that day. Party over Country, always.
oh please.

this one sided shit on both sides has worn itself the fuck out.

I'm still waiting for the quote or transcript or video where they lied. The one zippy linked to did nothing of the sort. Every single one of their claims were false as proven by the numerous investigations.
did they or did they not blame a video for the attack?

No they blamed an extremist elements that came to the consulate. They assumed that a spontaneous protest had started there as a copy cat protest that the militant used as cover for their assault. There was no protest so they were wrong. Being wrong about that doesn't mean they lied about it. They also assessed that the extremist came with heavy weapons, that right there shows pre-planning. It's easy to conflate (or covfefe) the events because there were so many riots over that dumbass video.

bush was wrong about WMD, as was most of our gov. yet, bush is widely touted as a liar.

we never seem to give the "other side" leeway to be wrong, only our own.
I think benghazi was a massive fuck up...Republicans didn't give the funding needed to guard the place and the Obama admin was stupid to allow chris anywhere near the place.

Our Ambassadors set their own itineraries. Ambassador Stevens entered Libya through Benghazi and had many contacts there. He thought he and his party were safe travelling back to his port of entry.

The lies all came from the Republican's and their Right Wing Echo Chamber. Such as:

President Obama didn't care, went home and went to bed cause he had to jet off to Las Vegas the next day for a fundraiser.

Sec. Clinton didn't care either, went home too.

Watched as the battle rages for 7 hours.

Stand Down Order.

Republican Candidate for President politicized the event within hours of the riots in Cairo by attacking the President. Americans used to come together and rally behind the President when we are attacked. Republicans showed their new true colors that day. Party over Country, always.
oh please.

this one sided shit on both sides has worn itself the fuck out.

I'm still waiting for the quote or transcript or video where they lied. The one zippy linked to did nothing of the sort. Every single one of their claims were false as proven by the numerous investigations.
did they or did they not blame a video for the attack?

No they blamed an extremist elements that came to the consulate. They assumed that a spontaneous protest had started there as a copy cat protest that the militant used as cover for their assault. There was no protest so they were wrong. Being wrong about that doesn't mean they lied about it. They also assessed that the extremist came with heavy weapons, that right there shows pre-planning. It's easy to conflate (or covfefe) the events because there were so many riots over that dumbass video.

but yes, he did also blame them being mad at a video.
Our Ambassadors set their own itineraries. Ambassador Stevens entered Libya through Benghazi and had many contacts there. He thought he and his party were safe travelling back to his port of entry.

The lies all came from the Republican's and their Right Wing Echo Chamber. Such as:

President Obama didn't care, went home and went to bed cause he had to jet off to Las Vegas the next day for a fundraiser.

Sec. Clinton didn't care either, went home too.

Watched as the battle rages for 7 hours.

Stand Down Order.

Republican Candidate for President politicized the event within hours of the riots in Cairo by attacking the President. Americans used to come together and rally behind the President when we are attacked. Republicans showed their new true colors that day. Party over Country, always.
oh please.

this one sided shit on both sides has worn itself the fuck out.

I'm still waiting for the quote or transcript or video where they lied. The one zippy linked to did nothing of the sort. Every single one of their claims were false as proven by the numerous investigations.
did they or did they not blame a video for the attack?

No they blamed an extremist elements that came to the consulate. They assumed that a spontaneous protest had started there as a copy cat protest that the militant used as cover for their assault. There was no protest so they were wrong. Being wrong about that doesn't mean they lied about it. They also assessed that the extremist came with heavy weapons, that right there shows pre-planning. It's easy to conflate (or covfefe) the events because there were so many riots over that dumbass video.

bush was wrong about WMD, as was most of our gov. yet, bush is widely touted as a liar.

we never seem to give the "other side" leeway to be wrong, only our own.
Of course when we point out that the democrats propagated the existence of WMDs long before took office...well they ignore that too.

They still don't care that Bush enforced Clintons Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs. Yeah, they don't care.

The funny little cliche of theirs too is "Halliburton." Yeeah, I guess they did not count the no bid contracts Clinton awarded them in the 90s. I personally stopped counting at 4.

Ahhhh, but Cheney!!!!!

They are all over the place. As I said, they stand for nothing. Plus, they are ignorant as hell.
Our Ambassadors set their own itineraries. Ambassador Stevens entered Libya through Benghazi and had many contacts there. He thought he and his party were safe travelling back to his port of entry.

The lies all came from the Republican's and their Right Wing Echo Chamber. Such as:

President Obama didn't care, went home and went to bed cause he had to jet off to Las Vegas the next day for a fundraiser.

Sec. Clinton didn't care either, went home too.

Watched as the battle rages for 7 hours.

Stand Down Order.

Republican Candidate for President politicized the event within hours of the riots in Cairo by attacking the President. Americans used to come together and rally behind the President when we are attacked. Republicans showed their new true colors that day. Party over Country, always.
oh please.

this one sided shit on both sides has worn itself the fuck out.

I'm still waiting for the quote or transcript or video where they lied. The one zippy linked to did nothing of the sort. Every single one of their claims were false as proven by the numerous investigations.
did they or did they not blame a video for the attack?

No they blamed an extremist elements that came to the consulate. They assumed that a spontaneous protest had started there as a copy cat protest that the militant used as cover for their assault. There was no protest so they were wrong. Being wrong about that doesn't mean they lied about it. They also assessed that the extremist came with heavy weapons, that right there shows pre-planning. It's easy to conflate (or covfefe) the events because there were so many riots over that dumbass video.

but yes, he did also blame them being mad at a video.

Of course Obama said that. That's what our intelligence community was telling him...

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf
Soros ordered Obama and Hillary to destabilize the Middle East, hence their operation to arm Jihadists through the Benghazi Consulate

So Bush didn't destabilize the middle east by toppling Saddam? That would seem to have been a much bigger deal.

Keep pretending there is a major difference between the two parties when it comes to middle east policy...

When Bush left, Iraq was a stable place where women voted in fair elections; Obama destroyed Iraq - and Syria and Libya

Iraq was never stable. Bush botched the peace.
And lets not forget, they arrested the producer of the movie showing Mahomomad


Last edited:
I think benghazi was a massive fuck up...Republicans didn't give the funding needed to guard the place and the Obama admin was stupid to allow chris anywhere near the place.

Our Ambassadors set their own itineraries. Ambassador Stevens entered Libya through Benghazi and had many contacts there. He thought he and his party were safe travelling back to his port of entry.

The lies all came from the Republican's and their Right Wing Echo Chamber. Such as:

President Obama didn't care, went home and went to bed cause he had to jet off to Las Vegas the next day for a fundraiser.

Sec. Clinton didn't care either, went home too.

Watched as the battle rages for 7 hours.

Stand Down Order.

Republican Candidate for President politicized the event within hours of the riots in Cairo by attacking the President. Americans used to come together and rally behind the President when we are attacked. Republicans showed their new true colors that day. Party over Country, always.
oh please.

this one sided shit on both sides has worn itself the fuck out.

I'm still waiting for the quote or transcript or video where they lied. The one zippy linked to did nothing of the sort. Every single one of their claims were false as proven by the numerous investigations.
did they or did they not blame a video for the attack?

No they blamed an extremist elements that came to the consulate. They assumed that a spontaneous protest had started there as a copy cat protest that the militant used as cover for their assault. There was no protest so they were wrong. Being wrong about that doesn't mean they lied about it. They also assessed that the extremist came with heavy weapons, that right there shows pre-planning. It's easy to conflate (or covfefe) the events because there were so many riots over that dumbass video.
Clinton told her daughter it was a terrorist attack the same day. She had her people tell everyone else a completely different story. She lied.

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