I Give Up

What? This thread is all about me admitting defeat and agreeing to identify queers as the way they themselves claim they want to be identified as, that's why they made up the whole letter thing with Q standing for queers. I have become woke and now agree to refer to them using the terminology they came up with.

I know you think you are being cute and sly, but really you are just being a pussy that cannot own up to their actions. People like you truly make me sick to my stomach.
I didn't have to ask them. They are the ones who came up with the Q for queer.

They all did that? Did they all get together and vote on it? How many voted yes? When did this vote take place and how did they be sure to get all of "them"?
I know you think you are being cute and sly, but really you are just being a pussy that cannot own up to their actions. People like you truly make me sick to my stomach.
I just don't understand. These queers invented the letter Q, stated that Q stood for queer, and now I am referred to as being a bigot for giving up and agreeing to identify them with the Q for queer that they came up with? How is that being bigoted? How is the term queer somehow derogatory when they are the ones who came up with the Q and the word they wanted it to represent? If it is a derogatory term then why did they come up with it as to how they wanted to be identified? That makes no sense.
My drummer, for one. He is deeply religious but he doesn’t push it on people. He is respectful of other peoples culture.
How do Christians push religion anymore than a gay fks pushing parades?
Until the day comes that I meet a trump supporter that is not a racist, I will stand by my statement.
Who are black Trump supporters racist against, and how do you know?


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