I Give Up

No one, not even trump is stupid enough to admit they support them although "there are good people on both sides."
Actions speak louder than words.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I see. So it is just your opinion or someone else's opinion. Oh, wait a minute, I thought you claimed Trump was stupid?
I love how demofks want to disregard themselves as demofks.

You know, what Democrats did to blacks is almost as bad as what Hitler did to Jews.

Imagine Germany today having major party in power with the name "National Socialist German Worker Party".

But somehow, Democrats were never ashamed of their past, nor they apologized for it, they just moved on and blame it on others.
No one, not even trump is stupid enough to admit they support them.
Do you know what that statement means?
Trump is stupid.
You just contradicted yourself. So, are you now saying that you have evidence, other than opinions, that Trump says he supports white supremacists?
If non heterosexuals want to identify themselves as being queer, I think the right should accommodate their wishes. There are just way too many initials in the LGBTQ+ so let's shorten it up, stop adding new letters, and give them what they want by identifying them all as being Queers. Surely they can't object if we refer to them in the way they themselves want to identified as. Let's make it easier instead of harder. If they choose to be Queer and proclaim they want to be identified as queer, I give up and agree to do it but not's let keep adding letters until the whole alphabet has been used up. They're all just Queers.

"fag" would be even shorter and given we aren't in England (where "fag" is a word for cigarette) it should work.

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