I got covid FROM a vaxed person!

Yes – and if you were vaccinated it wouldn’t be an issue.

Being vaccinated doesn’t mean you won’t contract the virus it means you won’t become seriously ill the consequence of contracting the virus.

From a large hospital system in Michigan. All your talking points are failing now

This needs to be said, I caught covid, spread to me by someone that was "vaccinated' and works in the health care industry. Omicron. I cant taste anything and in a mental fog. But I'm just fine.
I wish you a speedy recovery! Best Regards.
Yes – and if you were vaccinated it wouldn’t be an issue.

Being vaccinated doesn’t mean you won’t contract the virus it means you won’t become seriously ill the consequence of contracting the virus.

Not true. My entire family just had it a couple of weeks ago. Lasted two days and everyone was fine. Friends of ours had the injection, booster and then caught it and tested positive. They were sick for a week with fevers and worse symptoms.
Think about it. Health Care people are around it all the time and are the most likely to contract it. And yes, one can be vaccinated and pass it on. Your problem is, you are Unvaxxed and are a sure target. The Madura Booster is 95% effective. That means 5% of the time it can not completely protect the vaxxed. But what it does is, gives the Vaxxed a head start in healing. But you go right ahead and try and blame someone else. The fact remains, you are to blame to yourself by your own actions or inactions.

Quit lying. No, its not 95 percent effective. People who have been injected are spreading it around. Everyone is a target with this latest omicron.
Loss of taste is connected to a zinc deficiency.
It's likely going to pass without any symptoms worse than a typical cold, but please assume it is the most dangerous variant and that your life depends on early treatment. Vent your room with a fan, stop wearing masks, and take those recommended vitamins. Let's keep our fingers crossed it's just omicron, and that today is the worst of it.
Stay away from Kryptonite!
Being vaccinated doesn’t mean you won’t contract the virus it means you won’t become seriously ill

If that's the purpose of the vaccine then why have a vaccine mandate, vaccine passports, or anything else?

I've had Covid twice. The first time was really bad. The second time was less severe than a mild cold. Should I be required to get vaccinated just so someone else can believe I won't feel shitty if I get it again? That'd be a pretty poor reason...

The most heavily injected group in the country:

"I think you can see where I’m going on this one….but if you’re thinking there’s a mountain-from-molehill element here, browse through the rest of the US military’s numbers."

Myocardial Infarction / Heart Attack heart rose 269% from 612 annual cases to 1,650.

Pericarditis rose 175% from 589 annual cases to 1,029.

Myocarditis rose 285% from 127 annual cases to 363.

Pulmonary embolisms 467% from 746 annual cases to 3,489,

Cerebral infarction rose 393% to current 3,438.

Bell’s Palsy rose 319% to current 1,470.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome rose 250% to current 3,635.

Immunodeficiencies rose 275% to current 3,172.

Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura rose 322% current YTD 564.

Multiple Sclerosis / Demyelinating Diagnosis rose 487% to current 3,444 .

Neoplasms (tissue growth, often cancer precursor) rose 296% to current 114,645.

Nontraumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage/ICH rose 312% to current 1,858.

Disseminate Intravascular Condition rose 1,175% from 7 annual cases to 87.

HIV rose 590% from 454 annual cases to 2,681.

Chest pain rose 1,529% from 4,892 annual cases to 74,813 individuals.

Dyspnea / Difficult or labored breathing rose 905% from 4,968 annual cases to 44,990.
So, the orange retard claimed on July 20 2020.

President Donald Trump continued to downplay the danger of the coronavirus in an interview Sunday with Chris Wallace of Fox News.

“Many of those cases are young people that would heal in a day.” Trump told Wallace, “They have the sniffles, and we put it down as a test.” He insisted that many people who get sick, “are going to get better very quickly.”

“Many of those cases shouldn’t even be cases. No country has ever done what we have done on testing. We are the envy of the world. They call and they say the most incredible job anybody has ever done".

Yeah, the stable "Genius".

And Trump was absolutely correct. According to the CDC over 2/3 of young people under 18 that have tested positive for Covid were asymptomatic.

Don't you trust the CDC? :D
Wasted effort. Vaxxer zealots are not interested in facts. All we can do is present the data.

IT left out the number dead. Since other hospitals show that their dead are all unvaccinated then that changes the numbers fast.
Yes – and if you were vaccinated it wouldn’t be an issue.

Being vaccinated doesn’t mean you won’t contract the virus it means you won’t become seriously ill the consequence of contracting the virus.
Nearly right, the vaccine reduces the chances of you requiring hospital treatment if you contract COVID.
Believe me, I've had flu or food poisoning worse than this. But its bad, none the less. But the kicker here is : I got this from a person in the health care industry that was vaccinated. My neighbors and friends are in similar situations. Anecdotal evidence shows that current Covid vaccinations aren't effective.
Evidence shows the vaccines are very effective but defiantly not full proof at preventing spread efficacy fades over time.

I just got over omi… knocked me out for 4 days and then quick recovery. Hydrate, vitaminize, get some sunshine, feel better soon
Yes – and if you were vaccinated it wouldn’t be an issue.

Being vaccinated doesn’t mean you won’t contract the virus it means you won’t become seriously ill the consequence of contracting the virus.

Yep you nailed it right on the head!

Both my wife and I fully vaccinated & boosted we caught COVID and it was a breeze for us. I had zero symptoms, not even a cough. I didn't know I had it till I tested positive at work. My isolation was actually like a nice vacation from work. Movies, working out at home bowflex/ treadmill/ stationary bike, getting drunk on Vodka, playing video games, I felt 100% myself with no signs of sickness in the least.

My wife had very mild symptoms the week before I tested positive. Soar throat, cough, chills, runny nose, body aches, and broke out in a rash. She didn't have a fever. Most of her symptoms were completely gone in just a few days.

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