I graduated High School with Ketanji Brown, Biden’s SCOTUS nominee

"(1) Our border is swamped with illegals,
(2) inflation is at a 40-year high,

(3)we lost our energy independence,
(4)ridiculous mandates are applied that hurt the supply chain,
(5) parents who dissent are called Domestic Terrorists and placed in FBI watch list,
(6) Americans who disagree with liberalism are vilified and silenced, and now,
(7) due to the weak president and his killing our energy independence, Putin seized an opportunity to invade another country."
OK, it's Saturday. Let's do a long and tiring autopsy. Always fun.

Let us examine good poster Lisa's whining over the following ( we helpfully offer context in the pulled quote above. Formatted for ease of us) :

(1)"Our borders are swamped": No they are not. Canada is just fine, with traffic now re-opened at the Amassador, Blue Water, and other bridges. Alaska is not reporting issues. Hawaii is not reporting issues. The Mexico border is seeing record numbers of people who want to come to America because of our strong economy, standard of living, and rule of law. Their entry is being administered, adjudicated, and determined per our protocols. Some, who are impatient with our bureacracy for making decisions may peremptorily cross into American territory as undocumented. It has been ever such. And those folks are dealt with per our laws. And, in the meantime, before our law enforcement catches up with them they contribute to America. After all, they are breaking into America, not to steal your scooter.....but to work, and make a better life for their children. They are coming for a job. Albeit they pay a price in that their labor is often exploited, and underpaid, but it is often better than the country they immigrated from.

(2) Inflation is at a 40yr high? At 4.6% -true. But so is Europes, e.g. Belgium 8.04. Russia 8.73. E.U. 5.6, UK 4.6%

(3) America is energy independent now. Was so during the Obama years, during the Trump years, and the Biden years. Our net imports have been less than our net exports. But, there are more than one definition of "energy independence". Perhaps good poster Lisa can share hers with the forum.

(4) Mandates applied that hurt supply chain. Yes, mandates have hurt. Fear of covid and high infection rates have hurt. But that is as true in America as it is in the world. Covid cut across borders. America has not been and is not now......immune from the effects of a worldwide pandemic.

(5) Parents who dissent are put on FBI list. No, that is wrong. Parents who violently threaten elected officials are questioned, perhaps charged, and are likely put on a watch list whether they are just warned or whether they are arrested. So?

(6) American who disagree with liberlism are silenced. I disagree and it is up to good poster Lisa to present a persuasive case that her assertion is broadly true across significant sectors of the American citizenry. Batter up, Lisa.

(7) Lastly, a weak president/loss of energy independence/Putin invades a neighbor. You know, that is a single blanket attempting to stretch over a whole bunch of mistruths, truths, and false causalities.
True - Putin invaded a neighbor.

Untrue--loss of U.S. energy independence.
Partisan rhetoric: Weak President. Under the current Administration our economy is roaring, GDP is zooming; demand is strong; property values are increasing; housing starts highest in 50yrs; corporations are profitable' Help Wanted signs proliferat.

Putin invaded Ukraine because..... because he wanted to control an old ally whose resources he now covets and who he didn't want to join NATO and thus be protected from Russia's designs on those resources. Those realities are the real world, partisan polemics or no partisan polemics.

OK, with all that said. With addressing that long list of untruths and mistruths and misinformation, let my overworked avatar addressed the poster directly. Poster Lisa558.

Look, poster I would urge you to do homework. To do due diligence. To get onto google and research your allegations and assertions before you come to this venue and display your unpreparedness. It makes you look bad, You can and should do better.

It makes you look under-educated, un-prepared, lazy, and gullible to any RightWingNutJob talking head on the telly, or radio, or podcast.
Really, gurlfriend, do your homework.
It will make your avatar look better.
Trust me.

Last edited:
True story.

She was ranked #29 in the class, I was like #92 out of about 700.

I did not know her well personally, but I spoke to her a few times.

As you can imagine, she was very involved in school activities like student government and debate. She went to Harvard on academic scholarship.

She was well respected at school.


I disagree with her politics and I could LIE about her in public like Ford did to Kavanaugh.

“I cant recall when or where….but she assaulted me….I remember her laughing,”

A tactic like this is fair game in politics for lefties…so they should support me doing it JUST LIKE EVERY LEFTY SUPPORTED FORD’S LIES.
You’re more than welcome to try. No one is going to give a shit.

It just makes you losers look sad and desperate.
I disagree. She isn’t low IQ. In fact, she’s clearly above average in IQ, as are half of all Americans. I’d go further and guess she could be in the top 10% of IQs (as am I).

That said, the top 10% does not get into Harvard. Neither do students ranking #10 in their class, or #14, or #21. In fact, 75% of students who are #1 are rejected by Harvard. For a student ranking #29 in her class to get into Harvard is a clear example of affirmative action.

This woman has had opportunities denied others due strictly to her race, and that includes her current opportunity.

Biden made a big mistake is announcing that he was going to use race and gender to reject 95% of qualified possibilities, and limit the selection to someone of a specific color. He should have just said he is going to select the most qualified, and then picked the black woman, claiming he felt she was the best. Everyone would have known made a racist decision, but way to prove it
If someone believes in and supports Progressive policies, as she clearly does, then they are pretty much dumber than a door knob no matter what degrees they have.

She got "opportunities" because of demented Libtard affirmative action polices, which means more qualified people were passed over so she could get in and advance.

The fact that she is one of the most overturned judges in the US speaks volumes of her being unqualified for the position. We can do a lot better than her. Obama got to put his two dumbass idiots on the Court and that is more than enough.
"The fact that she is one of the most overturned judges in the US speaks volumes of her being unqualified...."

It would be inforamtive to the forum, and helpful to the good poster's credibility if he could offer vetting and sourcing for the above allegation.
And vetting it needs.
After all, that particular avatar has not....regrettably....earned a reputation here as an exemplar of veracity and responsible assertions.

But we remain hopeful and optimistic he can improve.
Here is an opportunity to demonstrate progresss.
not that she is worth a shit ,but get in there she is black,what a bunch of bullshit.

Poster Nova78, can we ask that you clarify?
Your post seems either grammatically improper or there are missing words.

Her professional resume is fine for SCOTUS, but she certainly not be someone who takes the Constitution as is.

She will be hard left with her decisions….and I fucking hate that.

SCOTUS is supposed to be the last line of Constitutionality verification. NOT INTEPRETING FOR EVERY LEFT WING WHIM.
She’s total Deep State. She went along with the fake Russia meddling hoax and made a White House staffer testify about it. She’s also connected to Paul Ryan, total globe-homo.

A second-rate jurist, but she checks more important boxes for the Democrats.

A 'dependable vote' for their ideology.

Exactly why she is there.

And you too, Political Chic?
You too support the "Jungle Bunny" epithet?

1. Whenever they are faced with reality that they cannot stand, this low-level intellect resorts to the ever-popular "You....you......racist!!!!!!!!!!!"

What a dunce.

This Supreme Court choice is far from the finest of jurists.

Here's your lesson, dunce:

2. I believe that Democrat Biden has done the nation a service by making his Supreme Court selection far from the best jurist available.
By doing so, he has provided proof that I am never wrong:
There are only three things important to the Democrat program, agenda.....Race, Class, and Gender.
Not liberty, not religious freedom, not prosperity, not individuality, not tranquility.
Race, Class, and Gender.

3. The other thing that Democrat figurehead Biden has proven is my analysis of the Supreme Court itself:
It is as useful as a chocolate teapot.
Its pronouncements should be viewed the same way that red and green lights are in Rome, Italy- as merely a suggestion.

4. Democrats have saddled the court with Kagan, an opponent of free speech
and Sotomayor, a dunce

5. And now, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit:
“Judge Jackson’s record of reversals by the left-leaning D.C. Circuit is troubling for anyone concerned about the rule of law,” Judicial Crisis Network president Carrie Severino told Fox News Digital on Tuesday.

Above we find a prism through which to judge Democrats.
Credentials and actual accomplishments don’t matter to Democrats: they’d pick someone who folds paper airplanes to fly your airliner.
If any other thread exposed the neo fascist racists' it is this one. The hate, the whining of a lost - not a stolen election - and the naked truth that that racism remains systemic racism in the United States

I know that the racists will not read this link, ignorance is a large part of those who hate people of color that they've never met and never will.

It's clear that this hate group is pathological, and they reject any law, policy or nomination to support equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice for people they believe they're superior to others. The White supremacists and their supporters are as close to fascism as was Manifest Destiny in the 19th Century when Native Americans faced systemic racism.

In fact, and a bit of topic, the 21st Century Republican Party in this decade is reactionary and seeking to return to the post-bellum and Gilded Age.
If any other thread exposed the neo fascist racists' it is this one. The hate, the whining of a lost - not a stolen election - and the naked truth that that racism remains systemic racism in the United States

I know that the racists will not read this link, ignorance is a large part of those who hate people of color that they've never met and never will.

It's clear that this hate group is pathological, and they reject any law, policy or nomination to support equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice for people they believe they're superior to others. The White supremacists and their supporters are as close to fascism as was Manifest Destiny in the 19th Century when Native Americans faced systemic racism.

In fact, and a bit of topic, the 21st Century Republican Party in this decade is reactionary and seeking to return to the post-bellum and Gilded Age.
Oh jeez. You’re linking to a site called American Progress, and then say you doubt “racists” will read it?

Let me guess what they say: anyone who doesn’t support the racist progressives, who proudly exclude whites from job opportunities due to the color of their skin, is a racist.

As I said at the outset, this would be a good case for the SCOTUS. Biden violated the equal protection clause when he said he would exclude from consideration 95% of the qualified population because of racial and gender discrimination.
Biden is such a stupid asshole, HE DESIGNATED KETANJI AS A TOKEN QUOTA HIRE.

He didnt nominate the most qualified candidate, he hired the most qualified candidate with the most melanin in their skin and no cock and balls.

He could have just said he was going to nominate the most qualified candidate, and then nominate Ketanji.

This dumb fuck undermined his OWN NOMINEE.

81 million of you dumb shits supposedly voted for this dumb motherfucker. Congrats.

Kentaji will always be a token hire BECAUSE OF BIDENS OWN WORDS.
he hired the most qualified candidate with the most melanin in their skin and no cock and balls.
this dumb motherfucker
And there are those who wonder why the MAGA-Hats are so derided and disrespected in America, and indeed, the world.
The above is not exhibit #1.
Rather, it is Exhibit # 1,000 to the 20th power.

It's a never ending stream of nutjobbery.
Biden should be impeached for violating federal employment discrimination laws.

What a dumb motherfucker, and by extension….everyone who voted for him is a dumb motherfucker.

“Under the laws enforced by EEOC, it is illegal to discriminate against someone (applicant or employee) because of that person's race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. It is also illegal to retaliate against a person because he or she complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination investigation or lawsuit.”


Is Ketanji qualified? Sure.

OK, it's Saturday. Let's do a long and tiring autopsy. Always fun.

Let us examine good poster Lisa's whining over the following ( we helpfully offer context in the pulled quote above. Formatted for ease of us) :

(1)"Our borders are swamped": No they are not. Canada is just fine, with traffic now re-opened at the Amassador, Blue Water, and other bridges. Alaska is not reporting issues. Hawaii is not reporting issues. The Mexico border is seeing record numbers of people who want to come to America because of our strong economy, standard of living, and rule of law. Their entry is being administered, adjudicated, and determined per our protocols. Some, who are impatient with our bureacracy for making decisions may peremptorily cross into American territory as undocumented. It has been ever such. And those folks are dealt with per our laws. And, in the meantime, before our law enforcement catches up with them they contribute to America. After all, they are breaking into America, not to steal your scooter.....but to work, and make a better life for their children. They are coming for a job. Albeit they pay a price in that their labor is often exploited, and underpaid, but it is often better than the country they immigrated from.

(2) Inflation is at a 40yr high? At 4.6% -true. But so is Europes, e.g. Belgium 8.04. Russia 8.73. E.U. 5.6, UK 4.6%

(3) America is energy independent now. Was so during the Obama years, during the Trump years, and the Biden years. Our net imports have been less than our net exports. But, there are more than one definition of "energy independence". Perhaps good poster Lisa can share hers with the forum.

(4) Mandates applied that hurt supply chain. Yes, mandates have hurt. Fear of covid and high infection rates have hurt. But that is as true in America as it is in the world. Covid cut across borders. America has not been and is not now......immune from the effects of a worldwide pandemic.

(5) Parents who dissent are put on FBI list. No, that is wrong. Parents who violently threaten elected officials are questioned, perhaps charged, and are likely put on a watch list whether they are just warned or whether they are arrested. So?

(6) American who disagree with liberlism are silenced. I disagree and it is up to good poster Lisa to present a persuasive case that her assertion is broadly true across significant sectors of the American citizenry. Batter up, Lisa.

(7) Lastly, a weak president/loss of energy independence/Putin invades a neighbor. You know, that is a single blanket attempting to stretch over a whole bunch of mistruths, truths, and false causalities.
True - Putin invaded a neighbor.

Untrue--loss of U.S. energy independence.
Partisan rhetoric: Weak President. Under the current Administration our economy is roaring, GDP is zooming; demand is strong; property values are increasing; housing starts highest in 50yrs; corporations are profitable' Help Wanted signs proliferat.

Putin invaded Ukraine because..... because he wanted to control an old ally whose resources he now covets and who he didn't want to join NATO and thus be protected from Russia's designs on those resources. Those realities are the real world, partisan polemics or no partisan polemics.

OK, with all that said. With addressing that long list of untruths and mistruths and misinformation, let my overworked avatar addressed the poster directly. Poster Lisa558.

Look, poster I would urge you to do homework. To do due diligence. To get onto google and research your allegations and assertions before you come to this venue and display your unpreparedness. It makes you look bad, You can and should do better.

It makes you look under-educated, un-prepared, lazy, and gullible to any RightWingNutJob talking head on the telly, or radio, or podcast.
Really, gurlfriend, do your homework.
It will make your avatar look better.
Trust me.

All that to say this?


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