I graduated High School with Ketanji Brown, Biden’s SCOTUS nominee

Sounds intelligent, so at least she shouldn't contribute ridiculously stupid shit like we've been getting lately.

Harvard and the demleftists stripped the intelligence out of her and replaced it with how they believe she should feel because she’s black. Every SC decision she would make will be based solely on that.
Still butt hurt over Kavenaugh being exposed for the slime ball that he is???? It's hardly surprising that Republicans, who think they should be able to control whether a woman has a baby or not, should also have no say in whether they have sex either. It's not like women are people, now is it?

Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavenaugh - fine Republican men. Pigs.

I recall reading about him when he was nominated. He had made many rulings I disagreed with. Instead of countering his past rulings the Democrats decided to use some old guilt by association claim.

Whoever came up with this failed the party.

Accordingly, on the 'refutation docket'......are the following 'racist' remarks by posters to this thread. I ain't saying all of these folks are racists.
But.....their postings certainly are.
So let the refutation begin.
Let the apologies and request for forgiveness begin.

Go. Start. Begin.

To wit:

The shitheads that need to apologize are the idiots Moon Bats that don't have a clue what is wrong with putting some dumbass Libtard Black bitch like her on the Supreme Court of the US.

Being an affirmative action bitch she doesn't have any understanding of the concepts of personal Liberties that made this country great.

She was picked for her race so the filthy Democrats could kiss Black asses and that is despicable.

I can relate... but u know how it is... it turns people off and I think the R party needs to expand, not contract... don't u?

I mean, yeh... a true leftie will not join but some of them may have a brain and....
Yes. I hear you. But it’s not like he would ever be open minded anyway.
And you are in white trash nowhere. :thup:
Actually, I’ve been quite successful and am far from white trash.

The fact is that only 25% of valedictorians get accepted to Harvard, and a black woman who is #29 down on the list gets in is the result of affirmative action. She is where she is today due to racist policies that favor her skin color, including her current nomination.

But shhhhh…..let’s all pretend her race has nothing to do with her success,

Well, thank you, good poster JGalt.
Again, you have offered this venue a thoughtful, informed, and articulate insight into your mind.

But beyond that limitation, it is worthwhile to note the husband is a Harvard Medical School graduate, a successful surgeon in Washington DC, and the father of two daughters with the nominee.

So, good poster Galt, please share with the interested forum your own picture, your curriculum vitae, your qualifications to offer informed insight into the husband, a Harvard trained doctor, and partner of a woman who graduated magna cum laude from Harvard, and cum laude frrom Harvard Law School, serving as the editor of the Harvard Law Review. (ps, good poster Galt, Harvard Law Review is a big friggin' deal. Editor, no less.)

So batter up, Scooter.
Do you have a law degree? Harvard?
How 'bout medical degree? Harvard? Successful surgical practice?
Show the forum that you are an avataree with gravitas.
That you know your onions.

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View attachment 607025

Being a Negro we all know why she was promoted and given advancement. Not because of her abilities but because of her race.

Being a Liberal we all also know she doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground. Very ignorant. She doesn't understand what made America great and it sure as hell ain't what Liberals like her think it is.

Biden has fucked up everything he has done and nominating this shithead to the Supreme Court is just another thing on that long list.

Anybody that voted for Biden and then ignored the fact he stole the election is an idiot.
"Does that piss you off, little buddy? Good!"

Ah, that's a sad misread by the good poster Galt.
My overworked avatar is sort of a surfer-dude.....at least for a farmer.
We be cool over most everything. Big waves excepted.
So, please don' fret over our 'dudeness'. K?

Anyway, getting back to your "political affiliation" criteria....yet single-mnded focus on the nominees skin color, well, you cannot be surprised, nor anyone else on the forum, that your objections really sound more racist than thoughtful: "
She's so brown that she'll suck all the light out "

Or thoughtful?
The forum can judge you.
Not my laid-back avatar.
You already admitted: Yes, it did start to increase at the end of his second Administration. - backagain.

Admitting NATO increases started under Obama.
Just like the graphs showed.
So? After all those years of underfunding under Obumbler, they maybe worried that a real President would replace him. They were right. And once Trump gave them a thumping, the funding fucking well kept above the line.

I understand that you lack the manhood to give Trump the credit. It would be too difficult for a puss like you to be honest.

She thinks it needs decrackerization camps.
Oh, I wrote a comment but being a good liberal my post would have been removed, and I would have been warned or sanctioned by the powers that be. Thus I erased it, but I'll hint about it by saying something about incest.

Calling out the new nominee for the Supreme Court vile, vulgar and dishonest lies seem to be okay by the rules in the Politics Forum.

Accordingly, on the 'refutation docket'......are the following 'racist' remarks by posters to this thread. I ain't saying all of these folks are racists.
But.....their postings certainly are.
So let the refutation begin.
Let the apologies and request for forgiveness begin.

Go. Start. Begin.

To wit:

Again you persist in studiously missing the point. I don’t care what flash said. I don’t endorse anything he said that smacks of racism. In fact, I challenge you to show me that I ever agreed with anyone making a racist comment. I have agreed with Flash on some things. But you won’t see me agreeing with any racist comments from him or anyone else.

It isn’t entirely clear why you imagine I have an obligation to call out everyone for a racist comment. That’s not my purpose for being here and I’m not obliged to toe your arbitrary lines. Fuck that.

I don’t speak for all other people. I speak for myself. Racists (from any racial group) are idiots. Liberals are pursuing an emotionally driven agenda and don’t care about individual rights, our liberties and our freedom — for the most part. My fellow Conservatives don’t always agree with me, either, so I’m not their spokesman. Again, I speak for me.

Please tell me you’re not guilty of failing to call out your fellow liberals when they say shit that you disagree with. Because I seriously doubt that.
Oh, I wrote a comment but being a good liberal my post would have been removed, and I would have been warned or sanctioned by the powers that be. Thus I erased it, but I'll hint about it by saying something about incest.

Calling out the new nominee for the Supreme Court vile, vulgar and dishonest lies seem to be okay by the rules in the Politics Forum.
Whatever that means. :dunno:

I happen to believe, based on what I’ve seen of her and some of her decisions (so far), that she is a smart, highly educated person. She might also be a lovely human being. I don’t give a shit about her race or gender, either.

The thing I worry about is that she is a kind of hard left liberal and that unduly influences her judicial rulings. I prefer fidelity to the meaning and actual spirit of the Constitution and the laws.
She is where she is today due to racist policies that favor her skin color, including her current nomination.
OK. That's your postion.
I doubt anyone here...or anywhere.....can move you from your inbred conviction.
So be it.
You be you.

However, most others here, and elsewhere, recognize that once one is into school....a good school, a highly competitive school, highly highly competitive school...then what rises to the top ain't carried there by skin color.
Brains, effort, and accomplishment....is the ticket.
It's a meritocracy poster Lisa.
I'm sure you saw the same in your own rigorous schooling.

So, with that said, I guess most here will regard her magna cum laude BA from Harvard as, well, sort of a marker.
And, her cum laude graudation from Harvard Law school as, well, sort of a marker.
Not to mention her selection to not only the Harvard Law Review, but as the editor......as sort of a marker too.
Not to mention her successful law and juris career prior to thi nomination.

So, good poser, Lisa, how does her curriculum vitae compare to yours?
How does yours compare to her's?

Can you show us?
Will you show us your standing to judge her?

Batter up, Skippy.
Harvard and the demleftists stripped the intelligence out of her and replaced it with how they believe she should feel because she’s black. Every SC decision she would make will be based solely on that.

You truly are too stupid to be one person. Justices Chief Justice John Roberts, Justices Anthony Kennedy, Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Neil Gorsuch, and retired Justice David Souter, were all educated at Harvard.
Being a Negro we all know why she was promoted and given advancement. Not because of her abilities but because of her race.

Being a Liberal we all also know she doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground. Very ignorant. She doesn't understand what made America great and it sure as hell ain't what Liberals like her think it is.

Biden has fucked up everything he has done and nominating this shithead to the Supreme Court is just another thing on that long list.

Anybody that voted for Biden and then ignored the fact he stole the election is an idiot.
Being a cracker we know you were demented and thus expelled out of the elementary school in the 4th grade. Being a faux conservative you know trump's ass up close and shall we say intimate. Being a cracker you were raised to be a bigot, thus you cannot tolerate liberals, progressives, Democrats, RINOS, University Students and Professors, taxes and government aid.
Being a cracker we know you were demented and thus expelled out of the elementary school in the 4th grade. Being a faux conservative you know trump's ass up close and shall we say intimate. Being a cracker you were raised to be a bigot, thus you cannot tolerate liberals, progressives, Democrats, RINOS, University Students and Professors, taxes and government aid.

The stupid bitch has a very high rate of being overturned. That means she doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground about the law. Hardly Supreme Court qualified.

Typical for a dumbass affirmative action Negro.
Please tell me you’re not guilty of failing to call out your fellow liberals when they say shit that you disagree with.

Oh, I cannot do that.
Why? You ask?
Well, I ain't got any "fellow liberals".
I ain't a "liberal"......so it is quite hard to find fellows amongst such folk.
What I have discovered in my long life is that 'liberals' generally find me too conservative, when they don't agree with me.
And too, conservatives find me too liberal, when they don't agree with me.

And, truth be told, I am quite OK with that.
I'll still....and often do.....pop a cork with each of such persuasions.
Both persuasion host some very fine fellows. And gals, too.

For those like me, agonostic Independents, well, in actuallity I have found there are really quite a lot of us.
Perhaps more than those MAGA nutters. More than the lefty/liberals.
I think we of my inclination are fairly numerous.

So, good poster BackAgain, are you one of those MAGA-nutters, or just merely fearful of some lefty's?

By the way, lemme cut&paste a grab out of your post.
I think you speak forcefully and true vis-a-vis one of our more prolific posters here.

Oh, I cannot do that.
Why? You ask?
Well, I ain't got any "fellow liberals".
I ain't a "liberal"......so it is quite hard to find fellows amongst such folk.
What I have discovered in my long life is that 'liberals' generally find me too conservative, when they don't agree with me.
And too, conservatives find me too liberal, when they don't agree with me.

And, truth be told, I am quite OK with that.
I'll still....and often do.....pop a cork with each of such persuasions.
Both persuasion host some very fine fellows. And gals, too.

For those like me, agonostic Independents, well, in actuallity I have found there are really quite a lot of us.
Perhaps more than those MAGA nutters. More than the lefty/liberals.
I think we of my inclination are fairly numerous.

So, good poster BackAgain, are you one of those MAGA-nutters, or just merely fearful of some lefty's?

By the way, lemme cut&paste a grab out of your post.
I think you speak forcefully and true vis-a-vis one of our more prolific posters here.
Oh. So you’re full of shit. Ok. Never mind then.
None of this matters. She will get approved. She just was months ago.
"I think you speak forcefully and true vis-a-vis one of our more prolific posters here."

To wit:

I don’t care what flash said. I don’t endorse anything he said that smacks of racism. ..... I have agreed with Flash on some things. But you won’t see me agreeing with any racist comments from him or anyone else.
Racists (from any racial group) are idiots. ...... Again, I speak for me.
OK, poster BackAgain.
Well said.
The stupid bitch has a very high rate of being overturned. That means she doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground about the law. Hardly Supreme Court qualified.

Typical for a dumbass affirmative action Negro.
Were you raised to be the racist you are, or were you not able to compete in sports or academics in Middle School and be picked last every time for teams, or other activities?

Flash? Does that mean you wear a trench coat, with nothing under this coat to get you jollies?

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