"I Had an Abortion"

Why do you want dead babies?

I am a single mom with a five year old. It's called being pro choice. I may or may not like it, but it isn't my decision what you or anyone else does with their body.
You morons are too dumb to realize that. And you claim to be for freedom and less government involvement. Ha!

It isn't your body that we're concerned with, it's the body of the unborn human. If the woman has an abortion it's obvious she doesn't care about them. It's obvious those who whole heartedly support abortion don't care about them. But the people who do care the abortion supporters berate. How heartless to care so little about another human being that you (general) don't want to hear what pro-lifers say.

The government is suppose to protect it's citizens. Yeah, yeah I know. 'pre-borns' are citizens, aren't humans, aren't people. Like I said, de-humanize them, diminish what abortion does, make it all about the woman with nary a thought about the unborn.


If a women doesn't care about the baby should she be having a baby?
The only person I see supporting hate here is you. He isn't calling for the deaths of innocent babies. Tell me are you like Sanger and hoping the babies killed are black? It is what planned parenthood was made for by the way. Democrats always show their true racist roots

they are too ignorant to know that.
and if you shovel it in front of them, they will accuse you of hate :D

You are calling people ignorant while quoting a ignorant bigots post?
Is that irony?
I hope she aborted all her children

she's a useless person

she is.

but the children have had the right to life.

Don't become like the leftard side. I know it is easy, given all the hate and spite and bile the left is demonstrating.

I know, I was meaning I wouldn't want the children to have a mother like her

parading around with a shirt on, crowing she is proud she aborted her child
I have had two friends works at Planned Parenthood. I just asked one if you could tell what sex the baby was. This is what she responded with.
"When I worked there, we only went to 14 Weeks & you couldn't tell the sex that early"

You can believe me or not, but I sure as hell don't believe that letter is legit.

that's a lie.

a baby's sex can be told at the end of the first trimester ( sometimes earlier -11 week) - even on US.

and it is definite upon abortion if the body is not distorted too much at the end of first trimester.

No it isn't.

yes it is. as all the leftard lies are.
The only person I see supporting hate here is you. He isn't calling for the deaths of innocent babies. Tell me are you like Sanger and hoping the babies killed are black? It is what planned parenthood was made for by the way. Democrats always show their true racist roots

they are too ignorant to know that.
and if you shovel it in front of them, they will accuse you of hate :D

You are calling people ignorant while quoting a ignorant bigots post?
Is that irony?

I have you and other vaginas with vocal cords to support the claim - you guys are as ignorant as it can get - as all the leftard shills are.

Otherwise you won't be LEFTARD.
I am a single mom with a five year old. It's called being pro choice. I may or may not like it, but it isn't my decision what you or anyone else does with their body.
You morons are too dumb to realize that. And you claim to be for freedom and less government involvement. Ha!

It isn't your body that we're concerned with, it's the body of the unborn human. If the woman has an abortion it's obvious she doesn't care about them. It's obvious those who whole heartedly support abortion don't care about them. But the people who do care the abortion supporters berate. How heartless to care so little about another human being that you (general) don't want to hear what pro-lifers say.

The government is suppose to protect it's citizens. Yeah, yeah I know. 'pre-borns' are citizens, aren't humans, aren't people. Like I said, de-humanize them, diminish what abortion does, make it all about the woman with nary a thought about the unborn.


If a women doesn't care about the baby should she be having a baby?

She can give the child up for adoption.

Dodged the rest.
I hope she aborted all her children

she's a useless person

she is.

but the children have had the right to life.

Don't become like the leftard side. I know it is easy, given all the hate and spite and bile the left is demonstrating.

I know, I was meaning I wouldn't want the children to have a mother like her

parading around with a shirt on, crowing she is proud she aborted her child

Only one problem to your defense of abortion here, and that is that the overwhelming reason, and use of legalized abortion today, is not for health, not for a mistake caused by passion overriding common sense, not anything other than convenience....

IOW, women today are using the murder of their babies in the womb as contraception, and that is damnable.

Do you have anything to back up your claims?

Why yes, yes I do....

• The reasons women give for having an abortion underscore their understanding of the responsibilities of parenthood and family life. Three-fourths of women cite concern for or responsibility to other individuals; three-fourths say they cannot afford a child; three-fourths say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or the ability to care for dependents; and half say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner.[7]

Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States

Anything else I can help you with?
No it isn't.

yes it is. as all the leftard lies are.

You mean angry vaginas with vocal cords?

yep. like yours.

an easy google search would show you that your claim is a lie, but being an ignorant vagina with vocal cords you are unable to analyze and check the information yourself :lol:

angry vagina with vocal cords is even better that simple one - because they are angry :D Thanks :lol:
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It isn't your body that we're concerned with, it's the body of the unborn human. If the woman has an abortion it's obvious she doesn't care about them. It's obvious those who whole heartedly support abortion don't care about them. But the people who do care the abortion supporters berate. How heartless to care so little about another human being that you (general) don't want to hear what pro-lifers say.

The government is suppose to protect it's citizens. Yeah, yeah I know. 'pre-borns' are citizens, aren't humans, aren't people. Like I said, de-humanize them, diminish what abortion does, make it all about the woman with nary a thought about the unborn.


If a women doesn't care about the baby should she be having a baby?

She can give the child up for adoption.

Dodged the rest.

But what if she doesn't?
If a women doesn't care about the baby should she be having a baby?

She can give the child up for adoption.

Dodged the rest.

But what if she doesn't?

Then she will do what you are doing and despite animosity between us I have to command you for your CHOICE.
I remember you work nights.
And that is a sacrifice for your kid.
But that is a right sacrifice.
Why do you chose to support all those murderers while yourself not being one - is unexplainable.
yes it is. as all the leftard lies are.

You mean angry vaginas with vocal cords?

yep. like yours.

an easy google search would show you that your claim is a lie, but being an ignorant vagina with vocal cords you are unable to analyze and check the information yourself :lol:

Then back up your claim if it is that easy.

And I did look it up, it is very rare to be able to tell the sex of the baby before 12-14 weeks.
The letter was fake. It's okay.

And my vagina isn't angry, it's actually very happy.
She can give the child up for adoption.

Dodged the rest.

But what if she doesn't?

Then she will do what you are doing and despite animosity between us I have to command you for your CHOICE.
I remember you work nights.
And that is a sacrifice for your kid.
But that is a right sacrifice.
Why do you chose to support all those murderers while yourself not being one - is unexplainable.

The difference is, I wanted my child. No matter how bad my situation was and the fact he wasn't planned. The moment I found out I was pregnant, I wanted him. Therefore I don't give him a guilt trip when I have to work hard to support him.
I support a woman's choice because I have seen what it is like when a girl has a child she doesn't want, or realize there is other circumstances that factor into a woman's decision.
You mean angry vaginas with vocal cords?

yep. like yours.

an easy google search would show you that your claim is a lie, but being an ignorant vagina with vocal cords you are unable to analyze and check the information yourself :lol:

Then back up your claim if it is that easy.

And I did look it up, it is very rare to be able to tell the sex of the baby before 12-14 weeks.
The letter was fake. It's okay.

And my vagina isn't angry, it's actually very happy.

Fetal development: The first trimester - MayoClinic.com

do I also need to explain the terminology to you? :lol:

Prenatal gender determination and the diagnosis of genital anomalies - Pajkrt - 2004 - BJU International - Wiley Online Library
Determination of gender - 10 and 14 weeks by Z Efrat et al which appeared in the Journal: Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999; 13:305–30, reported:

The 172 women were all scanned transabdominally. Using a midline sagittal scan with the fetus supine and the spine parallel to the transducer face (sound lines perpendicular) &#8216;without extension of the spine or limbs&#8217;, angles were drawn on an image of the genital area with a line through the genital tubercle and another through the lumbosacral skin line. Male fetuses were characterised by an angle >300 (angle increases with age) and a females by parallel or convergent lines (angle <300). In other words, the phallus was vertical/cranially directed in males and caudally directed in females. At 12 weeks the accuracy of gender assignment was 98.7% and at 13 weeks the accuracy was 100%. There was incorrect assignment of males as females in 3% at 12 weeks and no females assigned as males after 12 weeks. The authors therefore conclude that &#8216;a final decision on invasive testing for sex-linked conditions should be undertaken only after 12 weeks of gestation&#8217;

Just to remind you, angry vagina, -- that is by ULTRASOUND, not by direct visualization upon abortion, when it can be done with 100% accuracy by the end of first trimester ( 12 weeks) if the baby's body is not too destroyed.

The letter was the ultimate truth - the abortion in question was in second trimester - the description of some details proved that it was absolutely truthful.
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But what if she doesn't?

Then she will do what you are doing and despite animosity between us I have to command you for your CHOICE.
I remember you work nights.
And that is a sacrifice for your kid.
But that is a right sacrifice.
Why do you chose to support all those murderers while yourself not being one - is unexplainable.

The difference is, I wanted my child. No matter how bad my situation was and the fact he wasn't planned. The moment I found out I was pregnant, I wanted him. Therefore I don't give him a guilt trip when I have to work hard to support him.
I support a woman's choice because I have seen what it is like when a girl has a child she doesn't want, or realize there is other circumstances that factor into a woman's decision.

it is still NOT a reason to MURDER the baby.
You can give your baby for adoption even after some time passed - and you realize you can't handle the motherhood.
If you WANT to.

there are no other circumstances except the convenience in murdering one's baby.
This abortion would have taken place well before 12 weeks, and the sex of the fetus cannot be determined.
The tissue removed has to be examined to ensure the abortion is complete, because if it isn't, the woman may suffer an infection.
As a med student, this brat should have known that, and been prepared.

The entire post went right over your head. Typical.

Genitalia start forming around 8 weeks. The abortion took place prior to the 14 week (as stated in the article) and the sex of the aborted fetus would have be known.

It isn't "tissue". But I do understand that you need to repeat that meme over and over and over in order to dehumanize the unborn so you can justify ending their life.

I call bullshit on the whole letter either way.
Crude medical instrument? They use a speculum, which is what they use in any Pap smear. The moment that was stated I knew it wasn't from a medical student and was completely made up.
And why was the woman asleep when he stated she had the MVA procedure?
"Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA): a procedure used as early as 3 -12 weeks since the last period. Considered less invasive with only a local anesthesia being used on the cervix."
Abortion Procedures | American Pregnancy explores abortion

Like I said, I call bullshit on the whole story.

you idiot, the cervix IS closed and in order to get into the uterus one needs to dilate it - that is why the woman needs sedation or anesthesia as dilation is painful.
and the instrument is crude.
as is speculum.
but you, angry vaginas, consider a vaginal US probe to be "invasive" and a speculum and a cervix dilator - to be not :lol:
talking about stupid :badgrin:

and the student in question is PRE-medical student, not a medical one :rolleyes:
does the difference have to be explained to you as well?

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