"I Had an Abortion"

Hell no, they'd follow you around like you were a god. You're their kinda man! The kind that abuses women, coerces them into abortion...and never gets caught because they protect your ass!
Abortion is accepted and legal the world over. The only places it isn't legal is in theocracies or in extremely, highly religious countries that are pretty darn near theocracies, such as Ireland. The US is a secular country. If you want to live in a Christian theocracy, move to one, and live in a country that does not allow abortion. Otherwise, abortion is LEGAL in the US and it is not up to you to impose your religious or moral beliefs on the majority the US population. No one is forcing you to get an abortion, so don't get one, but do not speak as if you have a right to censure or control what others do.

I didn't drag religion into this ladies so why are you? I'm trying to point out that any woman proud of having an abortion should have her head examined. If you are still using abortion as birthcontrol, 1973 called and they want the mentality they gave you back. There are much better ways through contraception that abortion is an outdated practice. It's the difference between a rotary dial wall phone and a Iphone s. why would you want to continue using outdated abortion when you can use 2013 methods of birthcontrol?
Hell no, they'd follow you around like you were a god. You're their kinda man! The kind that abuses women, coerces them into abortion...and never gets caught because they protect your ass!

those stupid vaginas with vocal cords don't realize why such a big number of men are supporting their idiotic notion of "it is my body" - because it lets them totally off the hook and lets them treat those sluts not with respect, but like unpaid prostitutes :lol:
The *feminists* think that Larry Flynt & Hugh Hefner are the epitome of feminine empowerment...

Because they believe a woman's snatch is her sole claim to fame. She has no other identity, except via her vagina. Women are only useful when they are using their vaginas vigorously, often, and preferrably with a wide assortment of non-traditional characters.
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Abortion is accepted and legal the world over. The only places it isn't legal is in theocracies or in extremely, highly religious countries that are pretty darn near theocracies, such as Ireland. The US is a secular country. If you want to live in a Christian theocracy, move to one, and live in a country that does not allow abortion. Otherwise, abortion is LEGAL in the US and it is not up to you to impose your religious or moral beliefs on the majority the US population. No one is forcing you to get an abortion, so don't get one, but do not speak as if you have a right to censure or control what others do.

I didn't drag religion into this ladies so why are you? I'm trying to point out that any woman proud of having an abortion should have her head examined. If you are still using abortion as birthcontrol, 1973 called and they want the mentality they gave you back. There are much better ways through contraception that abortion is an outdated practice. It's the difference between a rotary dial wall phone and a Iphone s. why would you want to continue using outdated abortion when you can use 2013 methods of birthcontrol?
No, you did not.
Religion has absolutely NOTHING to do with simple science that LIFE begins at conception. To be exactly precise - when zygote begins to divide.
So Vox hates herself for being female?

no I hate the ones like you or steinem because you are an abomination - you, angry vaginas with vocal cords are NOT women, just sex objects for irresponsible men.

This makes it look ALL the women are like you - because you are angry, spiteful and very vocal.

Not that you are not being distinguished quickly but constant shrieking of yours is damaging to the young generation - both men and women - the first are finding it hard to respect the shrieking vaginas, the latter are finding it confusing and hard to learn how not to be a shrieking vagina.
And they despise the one thing that is the essence of all that is female...the ability to bear children.

They see it as a hindrance, a stigma, which is also the way they view children.
If I wore a shirt that read "I fathered 5 aborted babies and now its Miller time", do you think the feminazis would get upset?

you should also have a one "I am dumping babes whenever I find they got pregnant, they can do with their body whatever they want" - you will be a magnet for ones like BDBoop :lol:
And they despise the one thing that is the essence of all that is female...the ability to bear children.

They see it as a hindrance, a stigma, which is also the way they view children.

maybe not all of them, but a huge amount - it is a form of psychological defense, however twisted it may be.

their goddess hated ALL children, though as a eugenic she was focused on minority ones mostly.
Because they believe a woman's snatch is her sole claim to fame. She has no other identity, except via her vagina. Women are only useful when they are using their vaginas vigorously, often, and preferrably with a wide assortment of non-traditional characters.

You understand that stupid crazy talk such as that is why everyone classifies you as mentally ill, right?

It's no biggie if you don't get it, because everyone else does. When you pro-lifers put your insanity front and center, it just drives people away from the pro-life cause. So by all means, keep it up.
Lol...thinking you speak for the collective is actually a symptom of mental illness.

Look at my rep, then look at yours, then tell me again what *everyone* thinks of me.
Because they believe a woman's snatch is her sole claim to fame. She has no other identity, except via her vagina. Women are only useful when they are using their vaginas vigorously, often, and preferrably with a wide assortment of non-traditional characters.

You understand that stupid crazy talk such as that is why everyone classifies you as mentally ill, right?

It's no biggie if you don't get it, because everyone else does. When you pro-lifers put your insanity front and center, it just drives people away from the pro-life cause. So by all means, keep it up.

by everyone else you mean angry vaginas with vocal cords and their sex partners?

Your microbrain is too small to comprehend the idea that "everyone else" is not those groups of people. It is just your environment, nothing else :lol:
Lol...thinking you speak for the collective is actually a symptom of mental illness.

Look at my rep, then look at yours, then tell me again what *everyone* thinks of me.

You should know by now that your neg-bully routine doesn't work with decent honest people. And yes, I know how much that pisses off the rep-obsessed clique, when they can't bully someone into a retreat. After all, it's not like they can win by debating.

But congrats, you have proven that you can suck the ass of the conservative rep-clique effectively and consistently. That absolutely makes you not a stupid crazy person. Really it does.
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Because they believe a woman's snatch is her sole claim to fame. She has no other identity, except via her vagina. Women are only useful when they are using their vaginas vigorously, often, and preferrably with a wide assortment of non-traditional characters.

You understand that stupid crazy talk such as that is why everyone classifies you as mentally ill, right?

It's no biggie if you don't get it, because everyone else does. When you pro-lifers put your insanity front and center, it just drives people away from the pro-life cause. So by all means, keep it up.


Too funny. :D
You should know by now that your neg-bully 'tard routine doesn't work with decent honest people. And yes, I know how much that pisses off the rep-obsessed clique, wehn they can't bully someone into a retreat. After all, it's not like they can win by debating.

But congrats, you have proven that you can suck the ass of the conservative rep-clique effectively and consistently. That absolutely makes you not a stupid crazy person. Really it does.

Thanks for the head's up!

/pos repped
You should know by now that your neg-bully 'tard routine doesn't work with decent honest people. And yes, I know how much that pisses off the rep-obsessed clique, wehn they can't bully someone into a retreat. After all, it's not like they can win by debating.

But congrats, you have proven that you can suck the ass of the conservative rep-clique effectively and consistently. That absolutely makes you not a stupid crazy person. Really it does.

the only stupid crazy people around are the angry vaginas with vocal cords.

Their male supporters are not crazy, though. They are abusive jerks, and quite clever to brainwash the sex object they are using to be a vocal vagina without a brain.
by everyone else you mean angry vaginas with vocal cords and their sex partners?

And mentally disturbed person #2 steps up to provide some input.

Yes, good strategy. Calling women "vaginas with vocal cords" will just bring 'em running to your cause.

not all women ARE angry vaginas with vocal cords. But steinem and some here on the board are the most perfect examples of exactly that - brainless angry vaginas with vocal cords.

and listen, retard.

I am a woman and there are PLENTY of women who do not want to be EVER considered anything like the angry vagina with vocal cords. EVER.
It is denigrating to be considered a sex object used without any commitments - which all those steinems, flukes and others vaginal shrieks are promoting( but they are not the ones which are puppeteers, though they are too stupid to know that)
But it takes a brain to grow to realize that.
Which you lack.
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