"I Had an Abortion"

I don't know how to post a picture so I have the link here. It's a picture of a so called feminist named Gloria Steinem, smiling face proudly wearing a t-shirt that reads "I Had an Abortion".

My first reaction was disbelief. Are you kidding me lady. Does she think that the picture glorifiying her Abortion makes her some type of heroine? This is what the picture really says.

Gloria Steinem is so irresponsible that she had unprotected sex,and they used a barbaric and obsolete practice to mercilessly hack to death an unborn child because she couldn't face the consequences of her actions. That's pro choice for you.

I want you to notice that pro choice advocates only give you one choice, abortion. A real feminist knows she has many choices and that abortion isn't one of them. A real feminist respects her body enough to not have it used as a "c*m dumptser". She chooses her man carefully and demands he uses a condom if they are not exclusive as extra protection against pregnancy and disease. She uses birthcontrol to ensure she doesn't have an unwanted pregnancy. She isn't Pro choice, she is pro choices,has a brain and uses it. Should she find herself pregnant she excepts the consequences of her actions. She knows from the start that if she isn't ready to except the consequences of her actions then maybe she isn't ready to have sex in the first place.

Gloria Steinem should hang her head in shame. She's a poor example for women to follow and too stupid to realize it.

gloria steinem i had an abortion - Bing Images

In reading the article behind the photo, it looks like the purpose was to :

Supporters of the shirts told WWAY that they are simply trying to de-stigmatize the word abortion. Critics said the abortion shirts are out of line and embarrassing to the UNCW student body.

?I Had an Abortion? Shirt Sales Stir Controversy at University of North Carolina Wilmington | TheBlaze.com

[ame=http://youtu.be/mf74l9Oc38g]"I had an Abortion" T-Shirt Sparks Controversy - YouTube[/ame]

"I had an abortion" isn't what we expect to see on a t-shirt, but author Jennifer Baumgardner (speaking at the University of North Carolina Wilmington) felt like it would be a wise move as a promotion for her book, and as a way to fight anti-abortion stigma. Critics of the shirts fought back with protests and a counter t-shirt that read "I haven't killed a baby." Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola respond to this t-shirt back and forth.

Was it wise to wear the "I had an abortion" t-shirts? Or could Baumgardner have gotten her message across in a wiser way? And what about the "I haven't killed a baby" shirts? Is that any better? What would you say if you came across someone wearing one of these shirts?
While I think people should have the right to make their own choices, I think the t-shirt almost glorifies abortion.

I don't really think whatever the intention was that it comes off the way they intended, it almost seems like there is pride in it.

A case of lost in translation.

So Vox hates herself for being female?

I thought Vox was a man?

a brainless stupid angry vagina with vocal cords like you are could not figure it out when I even told YOU that I have had 3 year maternity leave :lol:

talking about stupid :D

Of course a moron like you can't understand I didn't believe you.
But there ya go with the angry vagina. Are you projecting your issues on me? Too many angry vaginas?
Vox's tone towards females has been disrespectful in my opinion, regardless of gender.

only against retarded angry vaginas with vocal cords.

they do not deserve any respect, though, just contempt.

And you think someone like you deserves respect? Are you the same person who judges me and others over breast feeding?
Do you get a dollar from some Pro Life group every time you say angry vagina with vocal cords? I sure hope so, otherwise the fact you keep repeating it is a little strange.
Was it wise to wear the "I had an abortion" t-shirts? Or could Baumgardner have gotten her message across in a wiser way? And what about the "I haven't killed a baby" shirts? Is that any better? What would you say if you came across someone wearing one of these shirts?

If someone can trot around with a t-shirt stating "I haven't killed a baby" then I see nothing wrong with a t-shirt that says "I had an abortion".

Political correctness is going wayyyyyy overboard. Goose, gander.
not all women ARE angry vaginas with vocal cords. But steinem and some here on the board are the most perfect examples of exactly that - brainless angry vaginas with vocal cords.

and listen, retard.

I am a woman and there are PLENTY of women who do not want to be EVER considered anything like the angry vagina with vocal cords. EVER.
It is denigrating to be considered a sex object used without any commitments - which all those steinems, flukes and others vaginal shrieks are promoting( but they are not the ones which are puppeteers, though they are too stupid to know that)
But it takes a brain to grow to realize that.
Which you lack.

What is the purpose of using that language to refer to women, it's disrespectful in my opinion.

Can't you just disagree with some females opinions without attempting to reduce them or demean them?

I name it as I see it.

If a so-called female is supporting the bitch who is parading around her murder of the unborn child - she can not be a WOMAN by default - because she lacks basic female characteristics - empathy, responsibility, need to care for the weak and defenseless ( a baby) and can be only crazy vagina with vocal cords which is obsessed by unprotected sex. Those types of female crazies were called nymphomaniacs in the past centuries, and I could name our angry vaginas that as well, but I suspect their small brains won't know what is it and inability to find out would make them think it's a compliment :D

So it is not me demeaning them and reducing them to the level of sex object - they do it THEMSELVES with their maniac drive to murder, in order to bypass the responsibility to make reasonable choice which are plenty available.

Gender is a social construction.

You have an idea of how a female should behave, present herself and what kind of choices she should make and that's how you feel.

That doesn't mean it's how everyone feels and shaming people for feeling differently does not make you right, it only makes you unable to look at someone else's situation or perspective.

There is no way anyone can be an "object" unless they have an audience willing to perpetuate it.
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angry brainless vaginas with vocal cords a.k.a. BDBoop and Luissa can't comprehend that somebody does not have to be a shrieking vagina with leftards leanings to be a woman?

well, if they never have encountered a woman but only angry shrieking bitches a.k.a. vaginas with vocal cords - that would explain it.
Plus being a leftard does not contribute to one's intelligence, so they resort to the most primitive defense - denial :lol:


Says the person who keeps repeating "angry vagina with vocal cords".
I know quite a bit of right wing women, good thing they are nothing like you.
Tell me again your views on breast feeding?
Was it wise to wear the "I had an abortion" t-shirts? Or could Baumgardner have gotten her message across in a wiser way? And what about the "I haven't killed a baby" shirts? Is that any better? What would you say if you came across someone wearing one of these shirts?

If someone can trot around with a t-shirt stating "I haven't killed a baby" then I see nothing wrong with a t-shirt that says "I had an abortion".

Political correctness is going wayyyyyy overboard. Goose, gander.

I don't like either t-shirt but that's just me. :cool:
Vox's tone towards females has been disrespectful in my opinion, regardless of gender.

only against retarded angry vaginas with vocal cords.

they do not deserve any respect, though, just contempt.

And you think someone like you deserves respect? Are you the same person who judges me and others over breast feeding?
Do you get a dollar from some Pro Life group every time you say angry vagina with vocal cords? I sure hope so, otherwise the fact you keep repeating it is a little strange.

You don't deserve to be called names .
Vox's tone towards females has been disrespectful in my opinion, regardless of gender.

only against retarded angry vaginas with vocal cords.

they do not deserve any respect, though, just contempt.

All people in this discussion deserve respect, including you.

While the topic can become emotional, it can still be a discussion when people are respectful.

pardon me, I don't have respect to shrieking vaginas.

whose only argument in defense of the murder is - it is my body ( a LIE) and I can do whatever I want ( a selfish irresponsibility of a bitch).

We are talking XXI century extremely affluent country here - there is no NEED for abortion as it might have been decades ago in a poor or repressive community ( still a murder, but at least can be explained by the reality of real difficulties existence, which is not the case NOW.
Plus what was known about fetal development in 1921 is not the same as in 2013.
If one can do fetal surgeries as early as 14-15 week gestation and consider that baby to be a baby and at the same time advocate the murder of the totally the same baby but unwanted - for convenience - I can not consider such a "woman" anything more than a brainless vagina with vocal cords.
Maybe it's just Vox, but when a guy says something I don't agree with, I don't resort to using filthy language about his sexual parts. That is assinine. And childish.
It is tissue. Not only that, but it's not YOUR tissue. Now, I realize you've given yourself permission to pass judgment on everybody who disagrees with you on this subject - I just hope you're not a Christian, because your sin is on a par with hers.

Good point so lets see what the tissue looks like shall we? Most abortions happen in the first trimester of pregnancy. After all women need to be well informed if they are going to have an abortion right?

Month One of Pregnancy

The amniotic sac is a water-tight sac that forms around the fertilized egg. It helps cushion the growing embryo throughout pregnancy.

The placenta also develops at this point in the first trimester. The placenta is a round, flat organ that transfers nutrients from the mother to the baby, and transfers waste from the baby.

A primitive face takes form with large dark circles for eyes. The mouth, lower jaw, and throat are developing. Blood cells are taking shape, and circulation will begin.

By the end of the first month of pregnancy, your baby is around 6-7mm (1/4 inch) long - about the size of a grain of rice!

Month Two of Pregnancy

Your baby's facial features continue to develop. Each ear begins as a little fold of skin at the side of the head. Tiny buds that eventually grow into arms and legs are forming. Fingers, toes, and eyes are also forming in the second month of pregnancy.

The neural tube (brain, spinal cord, and other neural tissue of the central nervous system) is well formed. The digestive tract and sensory organs begin to develop. Bone starts to replace cartilage. The embryo begins to move, although the mother cannot yet feel it.

By the end of the second month, your baby, now a fetus, is about 2.54cm (1 inch) long, weighs about 9.45g (1/3 ounce), and a third of baby is now made up of its head.

I'd like you all to note that by the end of the second month the brain,spinal cord and neural tissue of the nervous system is "well formed" and the baby can move. This means that the baby can feel the pain of being pulled apart by an abortion

Month Three of Pregnancy

By the end of the third month of pregnancy, your baby is fully formed. Your baby has arms, hands, fingers, feet, and toes and can open and close its fists and mouth. Fingernails and toenails are beginning to develop and the external ears are formed. The beginnings of teeth are forming. Your baby's reproductive organs also develop, but the baby's gender is difficult to distinguish on ultrasound. The circulatory and urinary systems are working and the liver produces bile.

At the end of the third month, your baby is about 7.6 -10 cm (3-4 inches) long and weighs about 28g (1 ounce).
1 to 3 Months Pregnant - 1st Trimester Baby Growth & Development

Oh look By the end of the third month of pregnancy, your baby is fully formed. Imagine hacking to death a tiny fully formed baby because you were careless and it's inconvienient for you. Good job abortionists, for your next act of compassion why don't you go knock over an 80 year old lady because she moves to slow:clap2:
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angry brainless vaginas with vocal cords a.k.a. BDBoop and Luissa can't comprehend that somebody does not have to be a shrieking vagina with leftards leanings to be a woman?

well, if they never have encountered a woman but only angry shrieking bitches a.k.a. vaginas with vocal cords - that would explain it.
Plus being a leftard does not contribute to one's intelligence, so they resort to the most primitive defense - denial :lol:


Says the person who keeps repeating "angry vagina with vocal cords".
I know quite a bit of right wing women, good thing they are nothing like you.
Tell me again your views on breast feeding?

Because you ARE angry vagina with vocal cords.

A woman won't advertise and support a murder of a baby just because she is inconvenient.
Maybe it's just Vox, but when a guy says something I don't agree with, I don't resort to using filthy language about his sexual parts. That is assinine. And childish.

I think he is getting paid to say "angry vagina with vocal cords".
one more loser addition to the vaginas with vocal cords - which is too scared to discuss, just resort to neg
what else is new except loser gracie :lol:
angry brainless vaginas with vocal cords a.k.a. BDBoop and Luissa can't comprehend that somebody does not have to be a shrieking vagina with leftards leanings to be a woman?

well, if they never have encountered a woman but only angry shrieking bitches a.k.a. vaginas with vocal cords - that would explain it.
Plus being a leftard does not contribute to one's intelligence, so they resort to the most primitive defense - denial :lol:


Says the person who keeps repeating "angry vagina with vocal cords".
I know quite a bit of right wing women, good thing they are nothing like you.
Tell me again your views on breast feeding?

Because you ARE angry vagina with vocal cords.

A woman won't advertise and support a murder of a baby just because she is inconvenient.

Because she is inconvenient?
I already explained I don't have an angry vagina, but hey you just earned another dollar. How much is that now? Twenty, thirty dollars?

And what does a woman do? Trash other women?
You never answered my question on breast feeding either???
one more loser addition to the vaginas with vocal cords - which is too scared to discuss, just resort to neg
what else is new except loser gracie :lol:

I guess repeating vagina with vocal cords over and over to earn money makes you a winner.

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