"I Had an Abortion"

Vox's tone towards females has been disrespectful in my opinion, regardless of gender.

Er..the gender of "females" is ..female...isn't it?

Why show respect to people who degrade women? How have they earned respect?
only against retarded angry vaginas with vocal cords.

they do not deserve any respect, though, just contempt.

All people in this discussion deserve respect, including you.

While the topic can become emotional, it can still be a discussion when people are respectful.

pardon me, I don't have respect to shrieking vaginas.

whose only argument in defense of the murder is - it is my body ( a LIE) and I can do whatever I want ( a selfish irresponsibility of a bitch).

We are talking XXI century extremely affluent country here - there is no NEED for abortion as it might have been decades ago in a poor or repressive community ( still a murder, but at least can be explained by the reality of real difficulties existence, which is not the case NOW.
Plus what was known about fetal development in 1921 is not the same as in 2013.
If one can do fetal surgeries as early as 14-15 week gestation and consider that baby to be a baby and at the same time advocate the murder of the totally the same baby but unwanted - for convenience - I can not consider such a "woman" anything more than a brainless vagina with vocal cords.

Sure, well why can't you make your points about abortion without all that other vulgar name calling?

It just distracts from the points you want to make about the topic.

You don't have to do anything but your argument would be taken more seriously and discussed if you left all that other stuff out.
Vox's tone towards females has been disrespectful in my opinion, regardless of gender.

Er..the gender of "females" is ..female...isn't it?

Why show respect to people who degrade women? How have they earned respect?

Vox deserves a voice to air his/her opinion on the topic the "t-shirt" even if the majority of females disagree with his/her opinion.

I don't mean respecting the name-calling.
What is the purpose of using that language to refer to women, it's disrespectful in my opinion.

Can't you just disagree with some females opinions without attempting to reduce them or demean them?

I name it as I see it.

If a so-called female is supporting the bitch who is parading around her murder of the unborn child - she can not be a WOMAN by default - because she lacks basic female characteristics - empathy, responsibility, need to care for the weak and defenseless ( a baby) and can be only crazy vagina with vocal cords which is obsessed by unprotected sex. Those types of female crazies were called nymphomaniacs in the past centuries, and I could name our angry vaginas that as well, but I suspect their small brains won't know what is it and inability to find out would make them think it's a compliment :D

So it is not me demeaning them and reducing them to the level of sex object - they do it THEMSELVES with their maniac drive to murder, in order to bypass the responsibility to make reasonable choice which are plenty available.

Gender is a social construction.

You have an idea of how a female should behave, present herself and what kind of choices she should make and that's how you feel.

That doesn't mean it's how everyone feels and shaming people for feeling differently does not make you right, it only makes you unable to look at someone else's situation or perspective.

There is no way anyone can be an "object" unless they have an audience willing to perpetuate it.

If you are so irresponsible that you got pregnant with million choices available - in the XXI century you can deliver a baby and give it for adoption ( you can find willing adoptive parents during early pregnancy - plenty of willing) or you can have a baby and all the taxpayers are going to support you because it's the law.
Or you can have a baby and be a responsible woman, not a slut who is a murder for convenience.

it is a murder, not just a choice of a car or studies in the university.

And since you don't see anything problematic with not only support of the murder, but support of disgusting parading of that murder - you clearly lack some moral compass here.
I name it as I see it.

If a so-called female is supporting the bitch who is parading around her murder of the unborn child - she can not be a WOMAN by default - because she lacks basic female characteristics - empathy, responsibility, need to care for the weak and defenseless ( a baby) and can be only crazy vagina with vocal cords which is obsessed by unprotected sex. Those types of female crazies were called nymphomaniacs in the past centuries, and I could name our angry vaginas that as well, but I suspect their small brains won't know what is it and inability to find out would make them think it's a compliment :D

So it is not me demeaning them and reducing them to the level of sex object - they do it THEMSELVES with their maniac drive to murder, in order to bypass the responsibility to make reasonable choice which are plenty available.

Gender is a social construction.

You have an idea of how a female should behave, present herself and what kind of choices she should make and that's how you feel.

That doesn't mean it's how everyone feels and shaming people for feeling differently does not make you right, it only makes you unable to look at someone else's situation or perspective.

There is no way anyone can be an "object" unless they have an audience willing to perpetuate it.

If you are so irresponsible that you got pregnant with million choices available - in the XXI century you can deliver a baby and give it for adoption ( you can find willing adoptive parents during early pregnancy - plenty of willing) or you can have a baby and all the taxpayers are going to support you because it's the law.
Or you can have a baby and be a responsible woman, not a slut who is a murder for convenience.

it is a murder, not just a choice of a car or studies in the university.

And since you don't see anything problematic with not only support of the murder, but support of disgusting parading of that murder - you clearly lack some moral compass here.

Why are you only making females responsible, males who impregnate have a responsibility to.:cool:
I name it as I see it.

If a so-called female is supporting the bitch who is parading around her murder of the unborn child - she can not be a WOMAN by default - because she lacks basic female characteristics - empathy, responsibility, need to care for the weak and defenseless ( a baby) and can be only crazy vagina with vocal cords which is obsessed by unprotected sex. Those types of female crazies were called nymphomaniacs in the past centuries, and I could name our angry vaginas that as well, but I suspect their small brains won't know what is it and inability to find out would make them think it's a compliment :D

So it is not me demeaning them and reducing them to the level of sex object - they do it THEMSELVES with their maniac drive to murder, in order to bypass the responsibility to make reasonable choice which are plenty available.

Gender is a social construction.

You have an idea of how a female should behave, present herself and what kind of choices she should make and that's how you feel.

That doesn't mean it's how everyone feels and shaming people for feeling differently does not make you right, it only makes you unable to look at someone else's situation or perspective.

There is no way anyone can be an "object" unless they have an audience willing to perpetuate it.

If you are so irresponsible that you got pregnant with million choices available - in the XXI century you can deliver a baby and give it for adoption ( you can find willing adoptive parents during early pregnancy - plenty of willing) or you can have a baby and all the taxpayers are going to support you because it's the law.
Or you can have a baby and be a responsible woman, not a slut who is a murder for convenience.

it is a murder, not just a choice of a car or studies in the university.

And since you don't see anything problematic with not only support of the murder, but support of disgusting parading of that murder - you clearly lack some moral compass here.

And you have moral compass? I didn't know being judgmental and full of hate was an example of having morals.
Vox's tone towards females has been disrespectful in my opinion, regardless of gender.

Er..the gender of "females" is ..female...isn't it?

Why show respect to people who degrade women? How have they earned respect?

Vox deserves a voice to air his/her opinion on the topic the "t-shirt" even if the majority of females disagree with his/her opinion.

I don't mean respecting the name-calling.

the majority of females agreed with my opinion. only shrieking vaginas with vocal cords a.k.a. luissa and BDBoop and cowardly old gracie ( which had a feud with me previously) approve that parading.
Koshergirl, LR, myself, and couple of other ladies totally abhorred that steinem
Er..the gender of "females" is ..female...isn't it?

Why show respect to people who degrade women? How have they earned respect?

Vox deserves a voice to air his/her opinion on the topic the "t-shirt" even if the majority of females disagree with his/her opinion.

I don't mean respecting the name-calling.

the majority of females agreed with my opinion. only shrieking vaginas with vocal cords a.k.a. luissa and BDBoop and cowardly old gracie ( which had a feud with me previously) approve that parading.
Koshergirl, LR, myself, and couple of other ladies totally abhorred that steinem

Ding ding, one more dollar.
Gender is a social construction.

You have an idea of how a female should behave, present herself and what kind of choices she should make and that's how you feel.

That doesn't mean it's how everyone feels and shaming people for feeling differently does not make you right, it only makes you unable to look at someone else's situation or perspective.

There is no way anyone can be an "object" unless they have an audience willing to perpetuate it.

If you are so irresponsible that you got pregnant with million choices available - in the XXI century you can deliver a baby and give it for adoption ( you can find willing adoptive parents during early pregnancy - plenty of willing) or you can have a baby and all the taxpayers are going to support you because it's the law.
Or you can have a baby and be a responsible woman, not a slut who is a murder for convenience.

it is a murder, not just a choice of a car or studies in the university.

And since you don't see anything problematic with not only support of the murder, but support of disgusting parading of that murder - you clearly lack some moral compass here.

And you have moral compass? I didn't know being judgmental and full of hate was an example of having morals.
unlike you, I have a moral compass.
but I do not expect for you to have one - you neither have a brain nor a heart.
I agree with you that its not an "equitable system" but its almost always the woman who gets stuck with 100% of the responsibility for raising the child the man refused to support.

Even so - government has no place in controlling women's reproduction. Period.

Get government out of our private lives.

You say that and yet you support the ACA. Some of us call that hypocritical.

Why are you only making females responsible, males who impregnate have a responsibility to.:cool:

of course they are. but what those shrieking vaginas with vocal cords but without a brain cause is a total male irresponsibility - all of those happily jumping in support of the "woman's choice of her body" - are the exact beneficiaries of this idiocy - because it not only lets them off the hook but also makes those vaginas easily accessible - like whores without necessity to pay - it's a dream for irresponsible male :lol:
If you are so irresponsible that you got pregnant with million choices available - in the XXI century you can deliver a baby and give it for adoption ( you can find willing adoptive parents during early pregnancy - plenty of willing) or you can have a baby and all the taxpayers are going to support you because it's the law.
Or you can have a baby and be a responsible woman, not a slut who is a murder for convenience.

it is a murder, not just a choice of a car or studies in the university.

And since you don't see anything problematic with not only support of the murder, but support of disgusting parading of that murder - you clearly lack some moral compass here.

And you have moral compass? I didn't know being judgmental and full of hate was an example of having morals.
unlike you, I have a moral compass.
but I do not expect for you to have one - you neither have a brain nor a heart.

You have a heart? As you sit in judgement of people you don't know?
What was your opinion on breast feeding again? Since you are such a caring moral person. I bet you take care of the elderly, and provide homes for pregnant poor teenage moms too.
And I am sure you never judge moms living off of Tanf because they chose to keep their child.
I agree with you that its not an "equitable system" but its almost always the woman who gets stuck with 100% of the responsibility for raising the child the man refused to support.

Even so - government has no place in controlling women's reproduction. Period.

Get government out of our private lives.

You say that and yet you support the ACA. Some of us call that hypocritical.


I have read a little further and seen your reply... ;) and I still say some of us call you a hypocrite... Hypocrite. :)

Vox's tone towards females has been disrespectful in my opinion, regardless of gender.

Er..the gender of "females" is ..female...isn't it?

Why show respect to people who degrade women? How have they earned respect?

Of course Vox and you never degrade women, not even once. :lol:

Women like you and boop degrade yourselves, Luissa. The sad thing is you think you're doing women a favor by telling them they should be slutty, like you, and kill their babies if they happen to get knocked up..that is the epitome of a *strong, smart, empowered* female, in your view.

It's pathetic, and gross.
Long story short, you have never once shown compassion in your posts. As for morals, you have to answer to yourself on that one.
Gloria, like any good Jewish business person, has made a mint off selling the degradation of womanhood and furthering the destruction of society.

Sell the Holocaust™ or sell Feminism™ and line your pockets with the shekels of the goyim. It's a win win.

it's unfortunate that people believe this is feminism cause it's not. I guess that's what you get when you have a culture that accepts everything the liberal media says without question. Libbers are so busy trying to keep Roe v Wade alive that they never stop to think about the implications of what abortion on demand says about their skewed thinking. Abortion shouldn't even be an issue because it's obsolete. It's like taking away an I phone 5 and handing that person a rotary dial phone attached to a wall. There are better ways not to get pregnant and they have been around longer than abortion has so why Abortion was ever considered necessary IDK. Laziness?

Lifers if you want to get rid of abortion it's simple. Drop the religious aspect(see Mathew 7:6) you can't force someone whose eyes are not open to see. We need to approach it from a secular point ot view. This way the message reaches all women at whatever level of life they are at. Point out to the girls the multiple ways of not getting pregnant including the pill whether you agree with personally it or not. Show the girls that they run the show and have a right not ot have sex if they are uncomfortable or to demand the man be responisble too and use a condom. Teach the girls that abortion is not good for their body and they should at all times respect thier body and that abortion = major fail.

One more thing, for heaven sakes ladies dress a little better. If you don't want a man to treat you like a sex object, don't dress like one. Seriously, the guy is going to follow your lead,if you look like "a ho" than he will treat you like one. If you look like a well put together lady he will treat you like one. If he doesn't, dump him, the choice is yours. Demand the respect you deserve, that's real feminism.
A christian never condones the murder of innocent babies....

I know, you're preaching to the choir, but the argument is much easier from a secular point of view. As long as we infuse religion into it we will never overturn that abomination of Roe V Wade because they will continue to point and say we are trying to force our religion on them. The argument is winnable with science and secular debate because it becomes a civil and human rights issue. IMHO even that course of action would take to long. The fastest course of action is to present the facts themselves to abortionists and make them look at what they probably have never investigated. The women have been told that the unborn child is nothing but a bunch of cells,but we are all nothing more than a bunch of cells so the question then becomes how developed are those cells. By the end of 8 weeks the baby has a brain,spinal collum and a developing nervous system which means it can register pain of an abortion. By the end of the first trimester the baby is fully developed. So now just because a person can't speak for themselves doesn't mean it doesn't have rights. Certainly from a human rights standard it could be considered genocide/infanticide or at the very least child abuse.
While I think people should have the right to make their own choices, I think the t-shirt almost glorifies abortion.

I don't really think whatever the intention was that it comes off the way they intended, it almost seems like there is pride in it.

A case of lost in translation.


well, but our brainless shrieking vaginas here all are in support of this - and that is why they are NOT women, just shrieking itching vaginas.

A woman even in support of abortion at some instances - can not support this glorification.
Er..the gender of "females" is ..female...isn't it?

Why show respect to people who degrade women? How have they earned respect?

Of course Vox and you never degrade women, not even once. :lol:

Women like you and boop degrade yourselves, Luissa. The sad thing is you think you're doing women a favor by telling them they should be slutty, like you, and kill their babies if they happen to get knocked up..that is the epitome of a *strong, smart, empowered* female, in your view.

It's pathetic, and gross.

Show me where I said a woman should be slutty or kill their baby. I will be waiting.
While you are at it, tell me your opinion on women who quit breast feeding.

And how do you know I am slutty? Have I discussed my sex life with you?
Like I said, you have no compassion and it shows.

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