"I Had an Abortion"

well, but our brainless shrieking vaginas here all are in support of this - and that is why they are NOT women, just shrieking itching vaginas.

A woman even in support of abortion at some instances - can not support this glorification.

I would say that some men and some women would equally be turned off by abortion as well as view the t-shirt as more a glory symbol rather than the intention to de-stigmatize those who have had abortions.

In the same way that some men and some women will wear the t-shirts in support of abortion.

Both men and women have opinions about abortion, some men view abortion as a woman's choice and some men feel powerless because they have no say in what happens once they have impregnated a female.

It's an issue that everyone has a voice in.

abortion is legal almost everywhere in the world. But almost NOWHERE in the world is it legal to have abortion ON DEMAND up until 24 weeks - like in this country - certainly not ANYWHERE in Europe.

it is disgusting that one can save the baby and murder the baby of the same gestational age - for convenience.

And only in this country abortion is glorified and made a pride issue as a flag waving.
Even more disgusting are those rabid "women" who are foaming in defense of this atrocity, like the ones here - it's unheard of anywhere else.
Abortion is viewed like a shameful thing - as it should be, because it is a murder, not a liberation thing, like it is considered by American vaginas and is avoided as much as it is possible - which is almost 100% in nowadays world.
one can not feel nothing except contempt to those creatures advocating and defending murder for convenience and spitting bile on anybody who dares to name them as they are - scum.

Plus those "women" make all women look like sluts - because they are extremely noisy and think they are representing all women, whereas they are a minority of disgusting shrieking vaginas.

What is your opinion about it when the mother's life is in danger?

Do you feel both men and women have a responsibility in whether abortion happens?
whoever used you, angry used vagina :D
Someone used me? When was this?
As for my vagina, like I said it is very happy.

you are nothing more than used vagina - and you know it.
if you would behave like a respectable woman - maybe you won't be only used.

Why won't you tell me who is using me? Because I can't think of anyone right now? Maybe you can clear it up for me.
FYI, I am not the one who sounds angry right now. ;)
Supporters of the shirts told WWAY that they are simply trying to de-stigmatize the word abortion. Critics said the abortion shirts are out of line and embarrassing to the UNCW student body.

?I Had an Abortion? Shirt Sales Stir Controversy at University of North Carolina Wilmington | TheBlaze.com

"I had an abortion" isn't what we expect to see on a t-shirt, but author Jennifer Baumgardner (speaking at the University of North Carolina Wilmington) felt like it would be a wise move as a promotion for her book, and as a way to fight anti-abortion stigma. Critics of the shirts fought back with protests and a counter t-shirt that read "I haven't killed a baby." Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola respond to this t-shirt back and forth.
The stigma should never be removed from abortion. It is a horrific ordeal (for both woman and the unborn) and those who are contemplating an abortion should be given full information on what it does and how it may affect the woman. It is nothing at all to be proud of ... quite the contrary.
I don't hate women at all Luissa. I think they should be protected from slutty ghouls like you, who think their only worth is as a tool to satisfy a man, at the cost of their own health, and the lives of their children.

What am I doing to women now?
Fuck! I am sure busy.

You really don't deserve the personal attacks.

What do you think about the topic of the t-shirt?

Do you think the intention of the shirts was lost or do you think it made the point exactly as it meant to?

In my opinion, and I could be wrong the T shirt was to put a face to whom many judge. They throw hateful words and accusations out against women they don't know and have never met.
I don't think it was a good idea, unless they wanted more outrage over the topic.
Plus most women who have abortions don't announce it to the world.
Part of that problem is because men don't care.

The irresponsibility of men (as you put it), has a part in causing abortion and is rarely called out and instead women hold the burden of accountability.

There are men who instead of being stuck with a decision about abortion would rather support it give money to pay for it and move on to the next woman.

If you really feel passionate about the topic why isn't there any peer pressure toward men to be more mindful and responsible for who they have sex with?

It seems to me that if you really wanted to end such a practice you would hold both parties accountable.

You know what? You're right! It is a double standard on our society for sure. I have both, and boy, and a girl, both grown now, but as they were being brought up I was instrumental in instilling both children with virtue. That means for my son to respect women, and be ultra careful to not get in a position to be in that circumstance, and that obviously went for the girl as well.

So many in the argument today don't take into account that our young men need to know that just hopping bed to bed is supremely disrespectful to women in general, and at that point they to me anyway are not much of a man.

But, let's not stray from the fact that abortion is being used as contraceptive as I already in this thread pointed out, and backed up.

Thanks for your thoughtful reply.

Holding men equally accountable makes sense if you are arguing for human rights. Because it takes both men and women to procreate.

I always wonder why people who are against abortion never hold men accountable for being so irresponsible and only slut shame women.

If men had more care they would be rallying for their rights but the laws in effect seem to give evidence that men are fine with pushing that decision onto women.

In my opinion it is such a personal and private situation but I firmly believe both men and women should have that choice together and be equally responsible.

If a woman has the child the man has to pay child support period, why doesn't he get a choice ?

Do men who support abortion want out of the financial responsibility or don't want to bother with having to deal with kids and the female he impregnated for the rest of his life?

It's kind of selfish if that is the reason.
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I would say that some men and some women would equally be turned off by abortion as well as view the t-shirt as more a glory symbol rather than the intention to de-stigmatize those who have had abortions.

In the same way that some men and some women will wear the t-shirts in support of abortion.

Both men and women have opinions about abortion, some men view abortion as a woman's choice and some men feel powerless because they have no say in what happens once they have impregnated a female.

It's an issue that everyone has a voice in.

abortion is legal almost everywhere in the world. But almost NOWHERE in the world is it legal to have abortion ON DEMAND up until 24 weeks - like in this country - certainly not ANYWHERE in Europe.

it is disgusting that one can save the baby and murder the baby of the same gestational age - for convenience.

And only in this country abortion is glorified and made a pride issue as a flag waving.
Even more disgusting are those rabid "women" who are foaming in defense of this atrocity, like the ones here - it's unheard of anywhere else.
Abortion is viewed like a shameful thing - as it should be, because it is a murder, not a liberation thing, like it is considered by American vaginas and is avoided as much as it is possible - which is almost 100% in nowadays world.
one can not feel nothing except contempt to those creatures advocating and defending murder for convenience and spitting bile on anybody who dares to name them as they are - scum.

Plus those "women" make all women look like sluts - because they are extremely noisy and think they are representing all women, whereas they are a minority of disgusting shrieking vaginas.

What is your opinion about it when the mother's life is in danger?

Do you feel both men and women have a responsibility in whether abortion happens?

if the mother's life is in danger - she should decide whom she wants to save, if that is a family - the family should decide.
It is a difficult situation but it is so extremely rare that it can be in a category of grudgingly understandable.

both are responsible if he is informed. In a lot of cases the man is just informed post-factum or is just informed to get the money.
I know few cases where the man was begging not to have an abortion that he can take the baby, that he will marry the woman - but "it was her body" and he could not do anything ( btw those case in some countries go to court - you do not have automatic "choice" if the husband or the partner is willing to raise the baby).

there is a little dirty secret to all this abortion business - yes, it's a business. And it is generating billions of dollars - so there is a necessity for some to keep it going - plus the USA have quite positive demographic outlook ( for now) - so there is no need in restrictions. But you would be surprised how the issue will disappear by itself, should the business become unprofitable or the demographic changes ( the latter is already, but it will take another 30-40 years)
I did not read the article, but I can't imagine any woman being PROUD. Making a statement about those who bomb birth control clinics? Yes. Being PROUD to kill a baby? Um, no. Well, unless they are as Vox states....vaginas with vocal cords. There. I said. Do I get paid now too?

Eye roll.
What am I doing to women now?
Fuck! I am sure busy.

You really don't deserve the personal attacks.

What do you think about the topic of the t-shirt?

Do you think the intention of the shirts was lost or do you think it made the point exactly as it meant to?

In my opinion, and I could be wrong the T shirt was to put a face to whom many judge. They throw hateful words and accusations out against women they don't know and have never met.
I don't think it was a good idea, unless they wanted more outrage over the topic.
Plus most women who have abortions don't announce it to the world.

Agreed, I think they were trying to put a face to it so others who have had abortions wouldn't feel alone isolated or shame based.

I don't think it conveyed that to the general public though, it failed and came off as almost showing pride for it.

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Still waiting for the answer on HOW MANY CHILDREN NOT ABORTED that Vox has adopted or is supporting financially.
abortion is legal almost everywhere in the world. But almost NOWHERE in the world is it legal to have abortion ON DEMAND up until 24 weeks - like in this country - certainly not ANYWHERE in Europe.

it is disgusting that one can save the baby and murder the baby of the same gestational age - for convenience.

And only in this country abortion is glorified and made a pride issue as a flag waving.
Even more disgusting are those rabid "women" who are foaming in defense of this atrocity, like the ones here - it's unheard of anywhere else.
Abortion is viewed like a shameful thing - as it should be, because it is a murder, not a liberation thing, like it is considered by American vaginas and is avoided as much as it is possible - which is almost 100% in nowadays world.
one can not feel nothing except contempt to those creatures advocating and defending murder for convenience and spitting bile on anybody who dares to name them as they are - scum.

Plus those "women" make all women look like sluts - because they are extremely noisy and think they are representing all women, whereas they are a minority of disgusting shrieking vaginas.

What is your opinion about it when the mother's life is in danger?

Do you feel both men and women have a responsibility in whether abortion happens?

if the mother's life is in danger - she should decide whom she wants to save, if that is a family - the family should decide.
It is a difficult situation but it is so extremely rare that it can be in a category of grudgingly understandable.

both are responsible if he is informed. In a lot of cases the man is just informed post-factum or is just informed to get the money.
I know few cases where the man was begging not to have an abortion that he can take the baby, that he will marry the woman - but "it was her body" and he could not do anything ( btw those case in some countries go to court - you do not have automatic "choice" if the husband or the partner is willing to raise the baby).

there is a little dirty secret to all this abortion business - yes, it's a business. And it is generating billions of dollars - so there is a necessity for some to keep it going - plus the USA have quite positive demographic outlook ( for now) - so there is no need in restrictions. But you would be surprised how the issue will disappear by itself, should the business become unprofitable or the demographic changes ( the latter is already, but it will take another 30-40 years)

In instances where the man wants to keep the baby I think it's tragic that he has no choice.

What do you think about the men who gladly give money for the abortion and move on.

Do you think they should equally be shamed in the way you shame women?
I did not read the article, but I can't imagine any woman being PROUD. Making a statement about those who bomb birth control clinics? Yes. Being PROUD to kill a baby? Um, no. Well, unless they are as Vox states....vaginas with vocal cords. There. I said. Do I get paid now too?

Eye roll.

Absolutely ! Good point.
Someone used me? When was this?
As for my vagina, like I said it is very happy.

you are nothing more than used vagina - and you know it.
if you would behave like a respectable woman - maybe you won't be only used.

Why won't you tell me who is using me? Because I can't think of anyone right now? Maybe you can clear it up for me.
FYI, I am not the one who sounds angry right now. ;)

the one who impregnated you and then dumped you
if you weren't used, you won't be a single mother
What is your opinion about it when the mother's life is in danger?

Do you feel both men and women have a responsibility in whether abortion happens?

if the mother's life is in danger - she should decide whom she wants to save, if that is a family - the family should decide.
It is a difficult situation but it is so extremely rare that it can be in a category of grudgingly understandable.

both are responsible if he is informed. In a lot of cases the man is just informed post-factum or is just informed to get the money.
I know few cases where the man was begging not to have an abortion that he can take the baby, that he will marry the woman - but "it was her body" and he could not do anything ( btw those case in some countries go to court - you do not have automatic "choice" if the husband or the partner is willing to raise the baby).

there is a little dirty secret to all this abortion business - yes, it's a business. And it is generating billions of dollars - so there is a necessity for some to keep it going - plus the USA have quite positive demographic outlook ( for now) - so there is no need in restrictions. But you would be surprised how the issue will disappear by itself, should the business become unprofitable or the demographic changes ( the latter is already, but it will take another 30-40 years)

In instances where the man wants to keep the baby I think it's tragic that he has no choice.

What do you think about the men who gladly give money for the abortion and move on.

Do you think they should equally be shamed in the way you shame women?

Where has vox *shamed* women?

I find it fascinating that the most female aspect of a woman, her ability to bear a child, is considered *shameful* by the death cultists....and yet they can say with a straight face that they are about *empowering* women. How is it *empowering* to tell women that the one thing that makes them uniquely female is a hindrance, something to be *ashamed* of?

Empowering women isn't to make them into victims and tell them they should kill their babies as if they're parasites. If you want to empower women, stop talking of pregnancy in death vault tones; don't refer to babies as "mistakes" and treat them like a prison sentence. Support and encourage women in pregnancy and motherhood. THAT'S how you empower women. You actually empower them to be WOMEN. You don't try to hide the fact.
Part of that problem is because men don't care.

No. They were driven to not care - if it is all "my body" and "my choice" why should he care?
The irresponsibility of men (as you put it), has a part in causing abortion and is rarely called out and instead women hold the burden of accountability.

why should it? it is not their body and their choice, or IS IT?
There are men who instead of being stuck with a decision about abortion would rather support it give money to pay for it and move on to the next woman.
those have been around forever. But they did not have WOMEN on their side - and now they do - because all those abortion-crazy sluts with idiotic claims - "it's MY body and you have no right to it and to what I do with MY body" made this exactly possible and morally acceptable.
If you really feel passionate about the topic why isn't there any peer pressure toward men to be more mindful and responsible for who they have sex with?

because it is the RESULT of the 40 years of shrieking vaginas claiming it is nothing more than "their body" and "their choice".
they let a lot of men drift into this comfort zone - "I could not care less - you do what you want - here are 300$"

It seems to me that if you really wanted to end such a practice you would hold both parties accountable.

and how would you do that? if the stupid shrieking sluts are not even informing men?
if you want to do both parties accountable - then BOTH parties have a decision to make, not just a woman - if HE does not agree for abortion - then there is NO ABORTION.
Then you can make both parties accountable
So many in the argument today don't take into account that our young men need to know that just hopping bed to bed is supremely disrespectful to women in general, and at that point they to me anyway are not much of a man.

But disrespect for the woman is the exact result of the hysteria of so-called women over murder of a baby if it is conceived - because it is "her body and her choice".
It is NOT her body and it is not her "choice".

and would it be discussed in a serious manner, not with hysteria of the vaginal crazies "men want to enslave me!", "why should I have a parasite in my body for 9 months"? "it is impeding my freedom!" and all other well-known "arguments" of a slut in defense of a murder - there won't be so much disrespect for the women from young men today.

And BTW, I have pointed exactly to that - that those shrieking vaginas are causing this disrespect and therefore they deserve nothing more but contempt.
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So many in the argument today don't take into account that our young men need to know that just hopping bed to bed is supremely disrespectful to women in general, and at that point they to me anyway are not much of a man.

But disrespect for the woman is the exact result of the hysteria of so-called women over murder of a baby if it is conceived - because it is "her body and her choice".
It is NOT her body and it is not her "choice".

and would it be discussed in a serious manner, not with hysteria of the vaginal crazies "men want to enslave me!", "why should I have a parasite in my body for 9 months"? "it is impeding my freedom!" and all other well-known "arguments" of a slut in defense of a murder - there won't be so much disrespect for the women from young men today.

And BTW, I have pointed exactly to that - that those shrieking vaginas are causing this disrespect and therefore they deserve nothing more but contempt.

You should never speak about respecting women. ;)
In instances where the man wants to keep the baby I think it's tragic that he has no choice.

What do you think about the men who gladly give money for the abortion and move on.

Do you think they should equally be shamed in the way you shame women?

the tragic situation results SOLELY form the idiocy of the situation "it is my body and my choice".
And you have to deal with all the consequences of such legally carved situation.
You want a man to not just give money and hop into another bed - you have to give him the possibility of CHOICE in DECISION making.

they do not have it NOW.

And therefore they are nothing to be ashamed for.
Shrieking vaginas with vocal cords are solely responsible for this situation.

BTW, there are plenty of young couples which do not follow this pattern - but is the woman who makes it happen - she is not shutting all the doors for the man by "her body and her choice" and they are making the choice - together. In the vast majority of cases to have a baby. Which should be the way it goes - there is no reason in the most affluent country under the sun with the most generous social network help and without any stigma attached to out-of the -wedlock birth not to have a baby.
you are nothing more than used vagina - and you know it.
if you would behave like a respectable woman - maybe you won't be only used.

Why won't you tell me who is using me? Because I can't think of anyone right now? Maybe you can clear it up for me.
FYI, I am not the one who sounds angry right now. ;)

the one who impregnated you and then dumped you
if you weren't used, you won't be a single mother

Really? So because I am single that translates to me being dumped by child's father?
Tell me again how moral it is to pass judgement on someone you don't know?
If you had asked. I would have explained I was never dumped by my child's father and I am not angry he impregnated me. That would imply that I regret having my son, which I don't, I am thankful for every day I have with him. So on top of everything else you are implying I did not want my son. You are such an awesome person.
As for the single part, that implies so much more. If a woman is single does that always mean she was used to you? Or slutty?
Or... It could mean she has no time for a relationship and also doesn't want men coming in and out of her son's life.

Vox you are an angry person, very judgmental. Plus your hatred for women is very apparent. You should really worry about your own life.
So many in the argument today don't take into account that our young men need to know that just hopping bed to bed is supremely disrespectful to women in general, and at that point they to me anyway are not much of a man.

But disrespect for the woman is the exact result of the hysteria of so-called women over murder of a baby if it is conceived - because it is "her body and her choice".
It is NOT her body and it is not her "choice".

and would it be discussed in a serious manner, not with hysteria of the vaginal crazies "men want to enslave me!", "why should I have a parasite in my body for 9 months"? "it is impeding my freedom!" and all other well-known "arguments" of a slut in defense of a murder - there won't be so much disrespect for the women from young men today.

And BTW, I have pointed exactly to that - that those shrieking vaginas are causing this disrespect and therefore they deserve nothing more but contempt.

You should never speak about respecting women. ;)

oh, piss off. you are not a woman. you are a shrieking used vagina with vocal cords.
Why won't you tell me who is using me? Because I can't think of anyone right now? Maybe you can clear it up for me.
FYI, I am not the one who sounds angry right now. ;)

the one who impregnated you and then dumped you
if you weren't used, you won't be a single mother

Really? So because I am single that translates to me being dumped by child's father?
Tell me again how moral it is to pass judgement on someone you don't know?
If you had asked. I would have explained I was never dumped by my child's father and I am not angry he impregnated me. That would imply that I regret having my son, which I don't, I am thankful for every day I have with him. So on top of everything else you are implying I did not want my son. You are such an awesome person.
As for the single part, that implies so much more. If a woman is single does that always mean she was used to you? Or slutty?
Or... It could mean she has no time for a relationship and also doesn't want men coming in and out of her son's life.

Vox you are an angry person, very judgmental. Plus your hatred for women is very apparent. You should really worry about your own life.

you can confabulate all you want, but your attitude towards men, relationships, abortion and shrieking vaginas tells it all.

and, btw, why do you hate men?

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