"I Had an Abortion"

Hey SFBs, what makes you think you are dealing with a "he?"

Because laughinReaper was referring to women as "cum dumpsters". While pro-life women can be nasty, I've never seen them stoop down to that level. Derangement against women to that degree always comes from a man.

For similar reasons, you can tell Vox is male. No woman would call a woman "vagina with vocal cords."

So you want women to treat you different from men? Sorry if I hurt your delicate sensibilities, hope you didn't swoon.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TynbO3eWko]I Feel Faint - YouTube[/ame]

you are talking to ignorant leftards :lol:
which are so narrow minded that in their small brains they think we are all united by our boobs and since they are used to crazy vagina rhetoric with spiteful hatred towards men they think that all women hate men.
if the mother's life is in danger - she should decide whom she wants to save, if that is a family - the family should decide.
It is a difficult situation but it is so extremely rare that it can be in a category of grudgingly understandable.

both are responsible if he is informed. In a lot of cases the man is just informed post-factum or is just informed to get the money.
I know few cases where the man was begging not to have an abortion that he can take the baby, that he will marry the woman - but "it was her body" and he could not do anything ( btw those case in some countries go to court - you do not have automatic "choice" if the husband or the partner is willing to raise the baby).

there is a little dirty secret to all this abortion business - yes, it's a business. And it is generating billions of dollars - so there is a necessity for some to keep it going - plus the USA have quite positive demographic outlook ( for now) - so there is no need in restrictions. But you would be surprised how the issue will disappear by itself, should the business become unprofitable or the demographic changes ( the latter is already, but it will take another 30-40 years)

In instances where the man wants to keep the baby I think it's tragic that he has no choice.

What do you think about the men who gladly give money for the abortion and move on.

Do you think they should equally be shamed in the way you shame women?

Where has vox *shamed* women?

I find it fascinating that the most female aspect of a woman, her ability to bear a child, is considered *shameful* by the death cultists....and yet they can say with a straight face that they are about *empowering* women. How is it *empowering* to tell women that the one thing that makes them uniquely female is a hindrance, something to be *ashamed* of?

Empowering women isn't to make them into victims and tell them they should kill their babies as if they're parasites. If you want to empower women, stop talking of pregnancy in death vault tones; don't refer to babies as "mistakes" and treat them like a prison sentence. Support and encourage women in pregnancy and motherhood. THAT'S how you empower women. You actually empower them to be WOMEN. You don't try to hide the fact.

Personally attacking any woman with name calling and accusing them of why they are single mothers is shameful in my opinion.

It's not even part of the topic which is the "t-shirt" and also has turned into abortion.

People should be willing to discuss reason why they are for or against an issue without being personally attacked or called vulgar names using female anatomy.

I don't see vox calling other women names only those who disagree with Vox's opinion.

If you disagree with someones argument attack the argument not the person.
Wow. I can tell you've never felt really hot, sexual passion. Because if you ever had you might understand how a woman could lose control of herself in the throes of passion and make a mistake and have unprotected sex. I'm sorry for you that you can't grasp that.

Well see there's where you're wrong. I was just smart enough to take care of that BEFORE I found myself in that situation, it's called the birthcontrol pill. It's 99.9 percent effective. With a condom it's very effective. I'm just sorry you're mental capacity is so small you can't think that far ahead.

Your choices were smart for you and that's where it ends.

How does it not trasfer to other women as well? My daughters were on birthcontrol as teens because it's better to be prepared. They wanted to date. While I would prefer they wait until marriage, I recognize that didn't work for me and probably won't work for them either, hence we had a frank discussion,made an appointment and got birthcontrol. It's not rocket science.
Part of that problem is because men don't care.

No. They were driven to not care - if it is all "my body" and "my choice" why should he care?
The irresponsibility of men (as you put it), has a part in causing abortion and is rarely called out and instead women hold the burden of accountability.

why should it? it is not their body and their choice, or IS IT?

those have been around forever. But they did not have WOMEN on their side - and now they do - because all those abortion-crazy sluts with idiotic claims - "it's MY body and you have no right to it and to what I do with MY body" made this exactly possible and morally acceptable.
If you really feel passionate about the topic why isn't there any peer pressure toward men to be more mindful and responsible for who they have sex with?

because it is the RESULT of the 40 years of shrieking vaginas claiming it is nothing more than "their body" and "their choice".
they let a lot of men drift into this comfort zone - "I could not care less - you do what you want - here are 300$"

It seems to me that if you really wanted to end such a practice you would hold both parties accountable.

and how would you do that? if the stupid shrieking sluts are not even informing men?
if you want to do both parties accountable - then BOTH parties have a decision to make, not just a woman - if HE does not agree for abortion - then there is NO ABORTION.
Then you can make both parties accountable

Of course men should care.

Just because the law does not favor them currently is no excuse.

In fact if more men cared the law might possibly be different since the majority of congress and house of representatives are men who have the power to pass laws.

If you believe in pro-life you wouldn't argue it is women's bodies and men would argue for their rights to decision making about a pregnancy they helped create.

If men had any interest they would lobby for rights to know about a pregnancy rights to decide etc etc.

They don't because they don't care, they enjoy having sex and don't mind if women have abortions.

The men who do care have no rights.

I would think those who are against abortion would care to educate where the power lies but instead I just read name calling and personal attacks on women, this is not just a woman problem it belongs to everyone.
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Well see there's where you're wrong. I was just smart enough to take care of that BEFORE I found myself in that situation, it's called the birthcontrol pill. It's 99.9 percent effective. With a condom it's very effective. I'm just sorry you're mental capacity is so small you can't think that far ahead.

Your choices were smart for you and that's where it ends.

How does it not trasfer to other women as well? My daughters were on birthcontrol as teens because it's better to be prepared. They wanted to date. While I would prefer they wait until marriage, I recognize that didn't work for me and probably won't work for them either, hence we had a frank discussion,made an appointment and got birthcontrol. It's not rocket science.

Vox hasn't personally attacked women in the thread who agreed with vox's opinion.

I just don't understand why people can't attack the issue instead of a person.
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This abortion would have taken place well before 12 weeks, and the sex of the fetus cannot be determined.
The tissue removed has to be examined to ensure the abortion is complete, because if it isn't, the woman may suffer an infection.
As a med student, this brat should have known that, and been prepared.

Well now we've hit on another fine point against abortion, the physical toll on the woman herself. You will note that Noomi said "the woman may suffer an infection". This is very true. Matter of fact I knew someone who had three abortions and got infected after every one. The infections were so bad she landed in the hospital. Now this is one of the dirty little secrets Steinem and friends don't want you to hear, that things can go very wrong after an abortion. My friends doctor warned her that she would not be able to have children if she got another infection and advised her she should not have another abortion. She got married,had one child and was forced to have a hysterectomy at the age of 24 due to the complications of her abortion. All of her abortions were performed by reputable clinics. The fact is Abortion is not good for a womans body. It's a surgical proceedure and like any other surgery, carries risks. While I'm sure waviers are signed that tell a woman that, all the pro choice BS makes it sound like no big deal. It is a big deal and women need to be told that.

you expect the other brainless angry vagina with vocal cords to understand what she is reading? It is stated in the article, that the student was PRE-medical and that abortion was a second-trimester one - by the description of the details of the body it is clear it was 12-13 weeks gestation.
abortion is DETRIMENTAL both to the body and to mental health of the woman.
The very reason I was negged by BDBoop was I posted the links to SCIENTIFIC articles confirming that suicide and depression rate among women undergoing abortion is sky-high. It is a karmic boomerang getting back to those who proudly parade "I had an abortion".

It IS a murder of innocent life and they know it - therefore the psychiatric complications and the spiteful hateful attacks of all the vaginas on the pro-lifers.

See now I hadn't even addressed the mental state of the women after an abortion. I can tell you several personal stories as well of how abortions have weighed on the mind of women for over a 30 year period. It's not pretty. I'm sure BD didn't like actual links cause that's to much like the truth that she can't handle.
Luissa, why do you hate men?

If I was slutty, like you claim, how could I hate men? Wouldn't that mean I love men? Do you always contradict yourself?

that is exactly when you hate men - when you are slutty aggressive vagina :lol:

so why do you hate men, Luissa?

If I hate men, why would I sleep with them? Wouldn't I become a lesbian?
When a woman finds she is pregnant, no one is saying she is a slut. That is how you perceive it. But by going for an abortion rather than having the child and giving it up for adoption is definitely selfish. You are subjecting yourself to probably 5 months of pregnancy where you are showing and labor and birth. That is not bad with the drugs they give you now. You would be seen as an upstanding woman to go through the pregnancy and for a family and everyone wins. Giving a family a child...what a gift!

The woman shouldn't have to use her body to sustain the life of something else for nine months. Do you know what childbirth is like? Why should a woman be forced to endure the agony of childbirth simply because she had sex?

Then she should have made the decision not to fuck.


Actually, without sperm, there would be no fetus.

HE should have taken responsibility for his own sperm.

FACT is, women can have all kinds of really great sex without getting pregnant. Its the male who brings pregnancy into the equation.
If I wore a shirt that read "I fathered 5 aborted babies and now its Miller time", do you think the feminazis would get upset?

:lol:you should photoshop that and find out,i'm sure it would promp some memorable responses.:rofl:
If I was slutty, like you claim, how could I hate men? Wouldn't that mean I love men? Do you always contradict yourself?

that is exactly when you hate men - when you are slutty aggressive vagina :lol:

so why do you hate men, Luissa?

If I hate men, why would I sleep with them? Wouldn't I become a lesbian?

If men sleep around, they're sowing their wild oats and boys will be boys.

If women sleep around, they hate men, they're sluts and ...............

For men like the ones in this discussion, they're scared to death of real women and usually scared they're really gay cuz they can't get it up with a real woman - so they call them nasty names to hide their fear.
I agree with you that its not an "equitable system" but its almost always the woman who gets stuck with 100% of the responsibility for raising the child the man refused to support.

Even so - government has no place in controlling women's reproduction. Period.

Get government out of our private lives.

Well i'm a single father, have been for 12 years and don't get child support. Thd real kicker is she claimed my son last year on her taxes costed me over two grand.


Don't you claim him? If you claim him, then she's breaking the law.
In instances where the man wants to keep the baby I think it's tragic that he has no choice.

What do you think about the men who gladly give money for the abortion and move on.

Do you think they should equally be shamed in the way you shame women?

the tragic situation results SOLELY form the idiocy of the situation "it is my body and my choice".
And you have to deal with all the consequences of such legally carved situation.
You want a man to not just give money and hop into another bed - you have to give him the possibility of CHOICE in DECISION making.

they do not have it NOW.

And therefore they are nothing to be ashamed for.
Shrieking vaginas with vocal cords are solely responsible for this situation.

BTW, there are plenty of young couples which do not follow this pattern - but is the woman who makes it happen - she is not shutting all the doors for the man by "her body and her choice" and they are making the choice - together. In the vast majority of cases to have a baby. Which should be the way it goes - there is no reason in the most affluent country under the sun with the most generous social network help and without any stigma attached to out-of the -wedlock birth not to have a baby.

Men should have a choice in decision making once a pregnancy occurs imo.

Men also have an equal choice in not hopping into bed with women. :cool:
Once the baby is made, choice time is over. The only choice at that point is 1. Are you going to get married, and 2. are you going to put the baby up for adoption.

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