"I Had an Abortion"

Aborted children are *family*?

Stephanie called them children not a zygote and she said she hoped they were all aborted.

Do you think personally attacking people instead of attacking the issue is better then giving concrete reasons for why you agree or disagree with the "t-shirt" which is the original topic.
The woman shouldn't have to use her body to sustain the life of something else for nine months. Do you know what childbirth is like? Why should a woman be forced to endure the agony of childbirth simply because she had sex?

Then she should have made the decision not to fuck.


Actually, without sperm, there would be no fetus.

HE should have taken responsibility for his own sperm.

FACT is, women can have all kinds of really great sex without getting pregnant. Its the male who brings pregnancy into the equation.

Both men and women have the choice not to have sex.

Both men and women have the responsibility to make sure protection is used.

Currently women are the only ones granted the right to keep the pregnancy or have an abortion.

I do think men should have a choice in that, as they are held responsible financially when a woman keeps the baby.
So if stephanie calls my coffee cup my child, and then mentions my coffee cup, is that *mentioning family*?

Moron. You loons maintain that aborted babies aren't even human. So spare us with the hard stretch to get Stephanie in *trouble* for referencing family if she dares to mention aborted children of a poster...you are the ones who maintain they aren't children. If they aren't children, then they can't be family now, can they?

If they are, then you have a problem.

You can't have it both ways, death cultist.
So if stephanie calls my coffee cup my child, and then mentions my coffee cup, is that *mentioning family*?

Moron. You loons maintain that aborted babies aren't even human. So spare us with the hard stretch to get Stephanie in *trouble* for referencing family if she dares to mention aborted children of a poster...you are the ones who maintain they aren't children. If they aren't children, then they can't be family now, can they?

If they are, then you have a problem.

You can't have it both ways, death cultist.

If she is making things personal and attacking you or insinuating things about your family I would have a problem with it.

Do you think it's better to attack a person posting or attack the issue being discussed?
Because they believe a woman's snatch is her sole claim to fame. She has no other identity, except via her vagina. Women are only useful when they are using their vaginas vigorously, often, and preferrably with a wide assortment of non-traditional characters.

You understand that stupid crazy talk such as that is why everyone classifies you as mentally ill, right?

It's no biggie if you don't get it, because everyone else does. When you pro-lifers put your insanity front and center, it just drives people away from the pro-life cause. So by all means, keep it up.

Well actually mamooth, I've seen a lot of name calling from the pro choice crowd but very little evidence or intelligent points made, so either you don't have a leg to stand on or her point that pro choice advocates are little more than angry irresponsible c*m dumpsters for irresponsible men is accurate? Maybe both.
So if stephanie calls my coffee cup my child, and then mentions my coffee cup, is that *mentioning family*?

Moron. You loons maintain that aborted babies aren't even human. So spare us with the hard stretch to get Stephanie in *trouble* for referencing family if she dares to mention aborted children of a poster...you are the ones who maintain they aren't children. If they aren't children, then they can't be family now, can they?

If they are, then you have a problem.

You can't have it both ways, death cultist.

If she is making things personal and attacking you or insinuating things about your family I would have a problem with it.

Do you think it's better to attack a person posting or attack the issue being discussed?

She wasn't attacking me, or insinuating things about my family. Try to stick to the subject.

Which is...how can you claim that saying "you should abort all your children" is referencing FAMILY when you maintain that aborted babies aren't human beings?

How can they be *family*?

You keep dodging that.
Feminist dogs. This thread makes meh sad.

You can father babies you don't want and then walk away but you want to force women to give birth to babies they can't support and don't want.

If I wore a shirt that read "I fathered 5 aborted babies and now its Miller time", do you think the feminazis would get upset?

For many men, that would just be a simple fact. We call them dead beat dads and rw's love men who don't support their own kids so much, they even elected one to congress.

You "men" are scared of women so you denigrate them. Rush the fat Lush coined the term "feminazi" because he can't get it up without a drug he had his maid smuggle in for him because he doesn't have the balls to do it himself.

Feminism is nothing more than the belief that women are equal to men, that women should be paid the same as men for the same job and that women should have the same control over their own bodies that men take for granted.

Men can "donate" sperm. They're paid for it but they lie and call it "donations". Women cannot sell their eggs.

You lily-livered little squirts need to figure out why you're so afraid of women who control their own bodies. Or, just shut up and go on screwing over women and walking away.
So if stephanie calls my coffee cup my child, and then mentions my coffee cup, is that *mentioning family*?

Moron. You loons maintain that aborted babies aren't even human. So spare us with the hard stretch to get Stephanie in *trouble* for referencing family if she dares to mention aborted children of a poster...you are the ones who maintain they aren't children. If they aren't children, then they can't be family now, can they?

If they are, then you have a problem.

You can't have it both ways, death cultist.

If she is making things personal and attacking you or insinuating things about your family I would have a problem with it.

Do you think it's better to attack a person posting or attack the issue being discussed?

She wasn't attacking me, or insinuating things about my family. Try to stick to the subject.

Which is...how can you claim that saying "you should abort all your children" is referencing FAMILY when you maintain that aborted babies aren't human beings?

How can they be *family*?

You keep dodging that.

Because she posted it directly to a poster making it subjective, instead of just posting it random without direction towards a particular person.

Also in the context of opposing opinions because the poster she directed it at supports abortion so she made it personal.

Do you think it is better to make things personal and attack a poster or is it better to attack the issue in an impersonal way?
Then she should have made the decision not to fuck.


Actually, without sperm, there would be no fetus.

HE should have taken responsibility for his own sperm.

FACT is, women can have all kinds of really great sex without getting pregnant. Its the male who brings pregnancy into the equation.

Both men and women have the choice not to have sex.

Both men and women have the responsibility to make sure protection is used.

Currently women are the only ones granted the right to keep the pregnancy or have an abortion.

I do think men should have a choice in that, as they are held responsible financially when a woman keeps the baby.

It would be a much better world if that were true.

Actually, without sperm, there would be no fetus.

HE should have taken responsibility for his own sperm.

FACT is, women can have all kinds of really great sex without getting pregnant. Its the male who brings pregnancy into the equation.

Both men and women have the choice not to have sex.

Both men and women have the responsibility to make sure protection is used.

Currently women are the only ones granted the right to keep the pregnancy or have an abortion.

I do think men should have a choice in that, as they are held responsible financially when a woman keeps the baby.

It would be a much better world if that were true.

Legally they are responsible. If men evade that responsibility the burden falls on women.

In terms of whether they have a legal right to decide no they don't, women have gender privilege in decision making about the pregnancy and most men are fine with that.
You maintain they aren't children. So the point is moot.

The rules aren't based upon our "perception" of what constitutes family. If you believe aborted babies are *family* then your argument is fundamentally flawed. They can't be *family* sometimes, and *medical waste* at other times. You sort of have to stick with one or the other.

PS...my views on what is "better" is completely irrelevant. That would in fact be a personal discussion now, wouldn't it? Why are you trying to make this personal?
You maintain they aren't children. So the point is moot.

The rules aren't based upon our "perception" of what constitutes family. If you believe aborted babies are *family* then your argument is fundamentally flawed. They can't be *family* sometimes, and *medical waste* at other times. You sort of have to stick with one or the other.

PS...my views on what is "better" is completely irrelevant. That would in fact be a personal discussion now, wouldn't it? Why are you trying to make this personal?

who maintains they aren't children?
If I was slutty, like you claim, how could I hate men? Wouldn't that mean I love men? Do you always contradict yourself?

that is exactly when you hate men - when you are slutty aggressive vagina :lol:

so why do you hate men, Luissa?

If I hate men, why would I sleep with them? Wouldn't I become a lesbian?

sexual drive and mental hate has nothing to do with each other. at least not in such a linear way
your hate towards men is obvious from every word on this thread
why? i don't know - that is why I asked you several time why do you hate men?
so why do you hate men, Luissa?
You maintain they aren't children. So the point is moot.

The rules aren't based upon our "perception" of what constitutes family. If you believe aborted babies are *family* then your argument is fundamentally flawed. They can't be *family* sometimes, and *medical waste* at other times. You sort of have to stick with one or the other.

PS...my views on what is "better" is completely irrelevant. That would in fact be a personal discussion now, wouldn't it? Why are you trying to make this personal?

They maintain that the pre-born are human if they are wanted but are 'tissue' if they are unwanted. So ... yeah, they don't do that "stick with one or the other" thing very well. Fundamental flaw?
You maintain they aren't children. So the point is moot.

The rules aren't based upon our "perception" of what constitutes family. If you believe aborted babies are *family* then your argument is fundamentally flawed. They can't be *family* sometimes, and *medical waste* at other times. You sort of have to stick with one or the other.

PS...my views on what is "better" is completely irrelevant. That would in fact be a personal discussion now, wouldn't it? Why are you trying to make this personal?

They maintain that the pre-born are human if they are wanted but are 'tissue' if they are unwanted. So ... yeah, they don't do that "stick with one or the other" thing very well. Fundamental flaw?

True so if you refer to them as "aborted children" you see them as human beings.

That said to tell anyone you hope they aborted all their children if you are pro-life is personal.

I am not sure why Stephanie said that.
that is exactly when you hate men - when you are slutty aggressive vagina :lol:

so why do you hate men, Luissa?

If I hate men, why would I sleep with them? Wouldn't I become a lesbian?

If men sleep around, they're sowing their wild oats and boys will be boys.

If women sleep around, they hate men, they're sluts and ...............

For men like the ones in this discussion, they're scared to death of real women and usually scared they're really gay cuz they can't get it up with a real woman - so they call them nasty names to hide their fear.

women can sleep around. that does not mean they should have abortions.

men do not murder their babies. at least not usually.
women, on the other hand, especially the vaginas with vocal cords - do, and proudly parade their murders - and that makes them sluts, not the fact of having sex around - who cares how much STD they encounter, really :rolleyes:
In instances where the man wants to keep the baby I think it's tragic that he has no choice.

What do you think about the men who gladly give money for the abortion and move on.

Do you think they should equally be shamed in the way you shame women?

the tragic situation results SOLELY form the idiocy of the situation "it is my body and my choice".
And you have to deal with all the consequences of such legally carved situation.
You want a man to not just give money and hop into another bed - you have to give him the possibility of CHOICE in DECISION making.

they do not have it NOW.

And therefore they are nothing to be ashamed for.
Shrieking vaginas with vocal cords are solely responsible for this situation.

BTW, there are plenty of young couples which do not follow this pattern - but is the woman who makes it happen - she is not shutting all the doors for the man by "her body and her choice" and they are making the choice - together. In the vast majority of cases to have a baby. Which should be the way it goes - there is no reason in the most affluent country under the sun with the most generous social network help and without any stigma attached to out-of the -wedlock birth not to have a baby.

Men should have a choice in decision making once a pregnancy occurs imo.

Men also have an equal choice in not hopping into bed with women. :cool:

agree on both with an addition for the latter - don't hop into a bed with angry vagina with vocal cords :D

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