"I Had an Abortion"

Aborted children are *family*?

Stephanie called them children not a zygote and she said she hoped they were all aborted.

Do you think personally attacking people instead of attacking the issue is better then giving concrete reasons for why you agree or disagree with the "t-shirt" which is the original topic.

my are you a whiney one.. are you the board police now?
worry about what you do, I'll worry about me

she wants to flaunt her having an abortion I'll say any damn I want

she's no hero as she believes she is
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I hope she aborted all her children

she's a useless person

That is the exact quote of Stephanie's post.

It is referred to the OP article.

Drifter, why do you keep confabulating and dragging more and more imaginable addressees where it is clearly not addressed to anybody of the board posters?
Multiple wrongs make no right.

I don't like seeing people take joy in the ceasing in life, and it's wrong to make negative assumptions about whole groups of women. It's OK to qualify statements, though, in my opinion.

Currently what I hold to is this:

1) Innocent life should be protected.
2) Misogyny is disgusting.
3) Not all statements are misogynistic.

Do you think men should have equal responsibility in the choices faced with a pregnancy?

Yes. Though the life develops in the woman's body, it takes two to make it. also, it is sickening to see deadbeat men who can't be real men and take responsibility for their actions.


I do not understand why men aren't fighting more for the right to decide.

It doesn't make sense to me that both can choose whether or not to have sex, both can use protection, but once pregnancy occurs only females have the decision but it affects both men and women no matter what decision is made.

I would think with men being the majority in the congress there would be more men active about that but there isn't.

It makes me think men care even less than women but I don't know maybe there is another reason.

I hope she aborted all her children

she's a useless person

That is the exact quote of Stephanie's post.

It is referred to the OP article.

Drifter, why do you keep confabulating and dragging more and more imaginable addressees where it is clearly not addressed to anybody of the board posters?

Oh Thank you Vox, what page was it? or link would be even better.
Multiple wrongs make no right.

I don't like seeing people take joy in the ceasing in life, and it's wrong to make negative assumptions about whole groups of women. It's OK to qualify statements, though, in my opinion.

Currently what I hold to is this:

1) Innocent life should be protected.
2) Misogyny is disgusting.
3) Not all statements are misogynistic.

Do you think men should have equal responsibility in the choices faced with a pregnancy?

Yes. Though the life develops in the woman's body, it takes two to make it. also, it is sickening to see deadbeat men who can't be real men and take responsibility for their actions.

is it equally sickening to you to see the aggressive vaginas with vocal cords ( they are NOT women) deny anybody, including the father of the baby have ANY say in what the fate of the baby is going to be? even if the men are begging to not abort the baby and that they will take care of the baby?
I hope she aborted all her children

she's a useless person

That is the exact quote of Stephanie's post.

It is referred to the OP article.

Drifter, why do you keep confabulating and dragging more and more imaginable addressees where it is clearly not addressed to anybody of the board posters?

Oh Thank you Vox, what page was it? or link would be even better.

page 4
I would say that some men and some women would equally be turned off by abortion as well as view the t-shirt as more a glory symbol rather than the intention to de-stigmatize those who have had abortions.

In the same way that some men and some women will wear the t-shirts in support of abortion.

Both men and women have opinions about abortion, some men view abortion as a woman's choice and some men feel powerless because they have no say in what happens once they have impregnated a female.

It's an issue that everyone has a voice in.

abortion is legal almost everywhere in the world. But almost NOWHERE in the world is it legal to have abortion ON DEMAND up until 24 weeks - like in this country - certainly not ANYWHERE in Europe.

it is disgusting that one can save the baby and murder the baby of the same gestational age - for convenience.

And only in this country abortion is glorified and made a pride issue as a flag waving.
Even more disgusting are those rabid "women" who are foaming in defense of this atrocity, like the ones here - it's unheard of anywhere else.
Abortion is viewed like a shameful thing - as it should be, because it is a murder, not a liberation thing, like it is considered by American vaginas and is avoided as much as it is possible - which is almost 100% in nowadays world.
one can not feel nothing except contempt to those creatures advocating and defending murder for convenience and spitting bile on anybody who dares to name them as they are - scum.

Plus those "women" make all women look like sluts - because they are extremely noisy and think they are representing all women, whereas they are a minority of disgusting shrieking vaginas.

What is your opinion about it when the mother's life is in danger?

Do you feel both men and women have a responsibility in whether abortion happens?

IDK about Vox but I actually found myself in that situation. I chose not to abort,put my life on the line, and had my daughter in my 7th month by emergency c-section; we both almost died. She was 2lbs,7oz at birth, had complications but pulled through. She is a healthy 21 year old today. When it's a life against a life I could never put down a woman for choosing her own over the child,especially if she has other children who need her. It's a tough call I hope not to many people have to make.
Do you think men should have equal responsibility in the choices faced with a pregnancy?

Yes. Though the life develops in the woman's body, it takes two to make it. also, it is sickening to see deadbeat men who can't be real men and take responsibility for their actions.

is it equally sickening to you to see the aggressive vaginas with vocal cords ( they are NOT women) deny anybody, including the father of the baby have ANY say in what the fate of the baby is going to be? even if the men are begging to not abort the baby and that they will take care of the baby?

I think you mean certain aggressive women who deny others, including fathers of those babies, the right to any say in its life even should the father beg for it to live.

It stirs up a lot of anger and indignation that those certain women do that, even when the father says he'll do what it takes to raise it himself. That, man, that just gets me hot under the collar.

*Walks away to cool head*
I hope she aborted all her children

she's a useless person

That is the exact quote of Stephanie's post.

It is referred to the OP article.

Drifter, why do you keep confabulating and dragging more and more imaginable addressees where it is clearly not addressed to anybody of the board posters?

Oh Thank you Vox, what page was it? or link would be even better.

Just click on the little blue arrow next to Stephanie's name in the post in question, and that will take you to the post in question.
Aborted children are *family*?

Stephanie called them children not a zygote and she said she hoped they were all aborted.

Do you think personally attacking people instead of attacking the issue is better then giving concrete reasons for why you agree or disagree with the "t-shirt" which is the original topic.

my are you a whiney one.. are you the board police now?
worry about what you do, I'll worry about me

she wants to flaunt her having an abortion I'll say any damn I want

she's no hero as she believes she is

Stephanie I apologize I did think you directed it at a person posting here named Luissa.

I do not like personal attacks when discussing issues, and so I voice it when it bothers me.

If anyone attacks a person and feels ok with it they should feel ok with others not liking it.

But if you were not saying it towards her then I sincerely apologize to you.

I would like to find out what each side thinks about men being more involved in this issue and it is frustrating when everyone just goes down to name calling back n forth because then nobody will talk about the issue with me.

I hope you forgive what I misread but I can't make you I can only say I am sorry. :cool:
abortion is legal almost everywhere in the world. But almost NOWHERE in the world is it legal to have abortion ON DEMAND up until 24 weeks - like in this country - certainly not ANYWHERE in Europe.

it is disgusting that one can save the baby and murder the baby of the same gestational age - for convenience.

And only in this country abortion is glorified and made a pride issue as a flag waving.
Even more disgusting are those rabid "women" who are foaming in defense of this atrocity, like the ones here - it's unheard of anywhere else.
Abortion is viewed like a shameful thing - as it should be, because it is a murder, not a liberation thing, like it is considered by American vaginas and is avoided as much as it is possible - which is almost 100% in nowadays world.
one can not feel nothing except contempt to those creatures advocating and defending murder for convenience and spitting bile on anybody who dares to name them as they are - scum.

Plus those "women" make all women look like sluts - because they are extremely noisy and think they are representing all women, whereas they are a minority of disgusting shrieking vaginas.

What is your opinion about it when the mother's life is in danger?

Do you feel both men and women have a responsibility in whether abortion happens?

IDK about Vox but I actually found myself in that situation. I chose not to abort,put my life on the line, and had my daughter in my 7th month by emergency c-section; we both almost died. She was 2lbs,7oz at birth, had complications but pulled through. She is a healthy 21 year old today. When it's a life against a life I could never put down a woman for choosing her own over the child,especially if she has other children who need her. It's a tough call I hope not to many people have to make.

Yeah that would be a tough call, you don't have to answer if you don't want to but did you also ask the male what they wanted to as in a joint decision?

I am glad it worked out good for you and your baby. :cool:
So Gloria had an abortion?
How did it taste? Like chicken?
Was it sautéed, steamed oven baked or subjected to one of those new weird French slow poaching thingies in a sealed plastic bag?

What is the best wine to serve with an abortion?
Is abortion best for lunch or dinner?

Can abortion be served as brunch?
How many does one serve?
I find it fascinating that the most female aspect of a woman, her ability to bear a child, is considered *shameful* by the death cultists....and yet they can say with a straight face that they are about *empowering* women. How is it *empowering* to tell women that the one thing that makes them uniquely female is a hindrance, something to be *ashamed* of?

Empowering women isn't to make them into victims and tell them they should kill their babies as if they're parasites. If you want to empower women, stop talking of pregnancy in death vault tones; don't refer to babies as "mistakes" and treat them like a prison sentence. Support and encourage women in pregnancy and motherhood. THAT'S how you empower women. You actually empower them to be WOMEN. You don't try to hide the fact.


you know where this myth of "empowering" woman comes form, don't you?

from the big pockets, which, on one hand want to make all women just a workforce, and on the other not to bear any financial losses when the workforce gets pregnant and has children.
Nowhere else in the developed world has this idiotic "empowerment" centered on murdering the very biological nature of a woman - everywhere else it was exactly the opposite - help with motherhood in form of maternity leaves and pregnancy protection, plus other benefits for the working women with children.

THIS is empowerment, and this is what feminists fought for. In everywhere else except the USA.

Plus it is multibillion business - in murdering the babies.

You know why the big pockets wanted the women in the workforce? Because we work for less cash than men. Women have tried to change that but it still is the case.
So Gloria had an abortion?
How did it taste? Like chicken?
Was it sautéed, steamed oven baked or subjected to one of those new weird French slow poaching thingies in a sealed plastic bag?

What is the best wine to serve with an abortion?
Is abortion best for lunch or dinner?

Can abortion be served as brunch?
How many does one serve?

Posts like this only inflame the disagreement, Paul.
Do you think men should have equal responsibility in the choices faced with a pregnancy?

Yes. Though the life develops in the woman's body, it takes two to make it. also, it is sickening to see deadbeat men who can't be real men and take responsibility for their actions.


I do not understand why men aren't fighting more for the right to decide.

It doesn't make sense to me that both can choose whether or not to have sex, both can use protection, but once pregnancy occurs only females have the decision but it affects both men and women no matter what decision is made.

I would think with men being the majority in the congress there would be more men active about that but there isn't.

It makes me think men care even less than women but I don't know maybe there is another reason.


I think there are several reasons for men not fighting for the decision making.

First and foremost - they are AFRAID. Especially the ones in the elected or other public positions. You have seen what the smearing media can do to anybody, plus the proverbial vaginas with vocal cords ( which happened numerous times, but just to remind one - the akin account - medically speaking his statement that pregnancy after violent rape is very rare is correct, though his choice of words and twisting terminology is weird, but fact is the fact - he was correct, and he was crucified for that).
Now imagine anybody making a move to equal decision making. Can you imagine the shrieking and amount of mud and spite and hate and bile from the likes of steinem and flukes and their worshipers on this board?!?
and even if such a law would be passed - it would be immediately defeated by courts, since in the US abortion legality is based on the most idiotic premise imaginable - "privacy" - one can not make this up - what the heck can a murder have to do with "privacy"?!? what privacy, of her appendix being removed?
The idiocy of initial court ruling makes it almost impossible to change anything - unless somebody finally makes a challenge that a totally separate human being with a separate DNA is not a part of woman's body and therefore can not be her "privacy".

I am not a lawyer and it is difficult for me to add together this absolute idiocy of the court ruling fundamentals and parallel existence of numerous laws of criminal responsibility of murdering 2 human beings if somebody kills a pregnant woman who did not consider and abortion, or if somebody beats a woman and she miscarries, that somebody is going to be charged with murder - no matter what gestational age if the baby was!
I find it fascinating that the most female aspect of a woman, her ability to bear a child, is considered *shameful* by the death cultists....and yet they can say with a straight face that they are about *empowering* women. How is it *empowering* to tell women that the one thing that makes them uniquely female is a hindrance, something to be *ashamed* of?

Empowering women isn't to make them into victims and tell them they should kill their babies as if they're parasites. If you want to empower women, stop talking of pregnancy in death vault tones; don't refer to babies as "mistakes" and treat them like a prison sentence. Support and encourage women in pregnancy and motherhood. THAT'S how you empower women. You actually empower them to be WOMEN. You don't try to hide the fact.


you know where this myth of "empowering" woman comes form, don't you?

from the big pockets, which, on one hand want to make all women just a workforce, and on the other not to bear any financial losses when the workforce gets pregnant and has children.
Nowhere else in the developed world has this idiotic "empowerment" centered on murdering the very biological nature of a woman - everywhere else it was exactly the opposite - help with motherhood in form of maternity leaves and pregnancy protection, plus other benefits for the working women with children.

THIS is empowerment, and this is what feminists fought for. In everywhere else except the USA.

Plus it is multibillion business - in murdering the babies.

You know why the big pockets wanted the women in the workforce? Because we work for less cash than men. Women have tried to change that but it still is the case.

I think there is some truth to your statement.
Yes. Though the life develops in the woman's body, it takes two to make it. also, it is sickening to see deadbeat men who can't be real men and take responsibility for their actions.


I do not understand why men aren't fighting more for the right to decide.

It doesn't make sense to me that both can choose whether or not to have sex, both can use protection, but once pregnancy occurs only females have the decision but it affects both men and women no matter what decision is made.

I would think with men being the majority in the congress there would be more men active about that but there isn't.

It makes me think men care even less than women but I don't know maybe there is another reason.


I think there are several reasons for men not fighting for the decision making.

First and foremost - they are AFRAID. Especially the ones in the elected or other public positions. You have seen what the smearing media can do to anybody, plus the proverbial vaginas with vocal cords ( which happened numerous times, but just to remind one - the akin account - medically speaking his statement that pregnancy after violent rape is very rare is correct, though his choice of words and twisting terminology is weird, but fact is the fact - he was correct, and he was crucified for that).
Now imagine anybody making a move to equal decision making. Can you imagine the shrieking and amount of mud and spite and hate and bile from the likes of steinem and flukes and their worshipers on this board?!?
and even if such a law would be passed - it would be immediately defeated by courts, since in the US abortion legality is based on the most idiotic premise imaginable - "privacy" - one can not make this up - what the heck can a murder have to do with "privacy"?!? what privacy, of her appendix being removed?
The idiocy of initial court ruling makes it almost impossible to change anything - unless somebody finally makes a challenge that a totally separate human being with a separate DNA is not a part of woman's body and therefore can not be her "privacy".

I am not a lawyer and it is difficult for me to add together this absolute idiocy of the court ruling fundamentals and parallel existence of numerous laws of criminal responsibility of murdering 2 human beings if somebody kills a pregnant woman who did not consider and abortion, or if somebody beats a woman and she miscarries, that somebody is going to be charged with murder - no matter what gestational age if the baby was!

When it comes to life, as in being pro-life I can't imagine being to afraid to defend it.

I think what laughin reaper said may have some truth to it about the workforce.

I also don't think enough men care about the issue.

The men who do care are in a minority and so they are oppressed in their rights to decide.
Feminist dogs. This thread makes meh sad.

You can father babies you don't want and then walk away but you want to force women to give birth to babies they can't support and don't want.

If I wore a shirt that read "I fathered 5 aborted babies and now its Miller time", do you think the feminazis would get upset?

For many men, that would just be a simple fact. We call them dead beat dads and rw's love men who don't support their own kids so much, they even elected one to congress.

You "men" are scared of women so you denigrate them. Rush the fat Lush coined the term "feminazi" because he can't get it up without a drug he had his maid smuggle in for him because he doesn't have the balls to do it himself.

Feminism is nothing more than the belief that women are equal to men, that women should be paid the same as men for the same job and that women should have the same control over their own bodies that men take for granted.

Men can "donate" sperm. They're paid for it but they lie and call it "donations". Women cannot sell their eggs.

You lily-livered little squirts need to figure out why you're so afraid of women who control their own bodies. Or, just shut up and go on screwing over women and walking away.

well now if she can control her own body than she should have opted for birthcontrol. Once the baby is in the womb it becomes an issue Not her body but of why does one human have the right to destroy another humans body just because they don't have a voice yet.
What is your opinion about it when the mother's life is in danger?

Do you feel both men and women have a responsibility in whether abortion happens?

IDK about Vox but I actually found myself in that situation. I chose not to abort,put my life on the line, and had my daughter in my 7th month by emergency c-section; we both almost died. She was 2lbs,7oz at birth, had complications but pulled through. She is a healthy 21 year old today. When it's a life against a life I could never put down a woman for choosing her own over the child,especially if she has other children who need her. It's a tough call I hope not to many people have to make.

oh, you reminded me something I forgot to answer about life choice.

actually there are almost non-existent "threats to the life of mother" nowadays almost until the end of pregnancy, certainly way after the baby is viable by today's standards( 22-24 weeks). yes at that gestational age it is extremely high possibilities the baby won't survive - but if the dilemma arrives - I do not understand why should it be an ABORTION?
at that gestational age performing an abortion is an extremely dangerous and lengthy operation, whereas the c-section is much shorter, much more safe and much more beneficial - because it saves BOTH.
That is how it is being done in Europe - an emergency CS, and later whatever happens - happens.

Only in this country is a late-term abortion considered instead of the C-section.
And nobody ever can answer - WHY?

So - why, anybody knows? There are NO MEDICAL ADVANTAGES in performing a late-term abortion vs c-section if mother's life is in danger.
NONE, zilch, nada.
But is is still pushed at least as a talking point.
actually the same question is valid to any post-22 weeks "decisions" by the women - as it is in US ONLY that abortion on demand can be done that late - everywhere else it is either denied or the woman is offered to have emergency c-section at 30 weeks and giving the child for adoption.
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