"I Had an Abortion"

well, but our brainless shrieking vaginas here all are in support of this - and that is why they are NOT women, just shrieking itching vaginas.

A woman even in support of abortion at some instances - can not support this glorification.

I would say that some men and some women would equally be turned off by abortion as well as view the t-shirt as more a glory symbol rather than the intention to de-stigmatize those who have had abortions.

In the same way that some men and some women will wear the t-shirts in support of abortion.

Both men and women have opinions about abortion, some men view abortion as a woman's choice and some men feel powerless because they have no say in what happens once they have impregnated a female.

It's an issue that everyone has a voice in.

abortion is legal almost everywhere in the world. But almost NOWHERE in the world is it legal to have abortion ON DEMAND up until 24 weeks - like in this country - certainly not ANYWHERE in Europe.

it is disgusting that one can save the baby and murder the baby of the same gestational age - for convenience.

And only in this country abortion is glorified and made a pride issue as a flag waving.
Even more disgusting are those rabid "women" who are foaming in defense of this atrocity, like the ones here - it's unheard of anywhere else.
Abortion is viewed like a shameful thing - as it should be, because it is a murder, not a liberation thing, like it is considered by American vaginas and is avoided as much as it is possible - which is almost 100% in nowadays world.
one can not feel nothing except contempt to those creatures advocating and defending murder for convenience and spitting bile on anybody who dares to name them as they are - scum.

Plus those "women" make all women look like sluts - because they are extremely noisy and think they are representing all women, whereas they are a minority of disgusting shrieking vaginas.

What’s disgusting is your ignorance, hate, demagoguery, and contempt for individual liberty.
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Yes. Though the life develops in the woman's body, it takes two to make it. also, it is sickening to see deadbeat men who can't be real men and take responsibility for their actions.

is it equally sickening to you to see the aggressive vaginas with vocal cords ( they are NOT women) deny anybody, including the father of the baby have ANY say in what the fate of the baby is going to be? even if the men are begging to not abort the baby and that they will take care of the baby?

I think you mean certain aggressive women who deny others, including fathers of those babies, the right to any say in its life even should the father beg for it to live.

It stirs up a lot of anger and indignation that those certain women do that, even when the father says he'll do what it takes to raise it himself. That, man, that just gets me hot under the collar.

*Walks away to cool head*

sir, you are awesomely level-headed :clap2:
I would say that some men and some women would equally be turned off by abortion as well as view the t-shirt as more a glory symbol rather than the intention to de-stigmatize those who have had abortions.

In the same way that some men and some women will wear the t-shirts in support of abortion.

Both men and women have opinions about abortion, some men view abortion as a woman's choice and some men feel powerless because they have no say in what happens once they have impregnated a female.

It's an issue that everyone has a voice in.

abortion is legal almost everywhere in the world. But almost NOWHERE in the world is it legal to have abortion ON DEMAND up until 24 weeks - like in this country - certainly not ANYWHERE in Europe.

it is disgusting that one can save the baby and murder the baby of the same gestational age - for convenience.

And only in this country abortion is glorified and made a pride issue as a flag waving.
Even more disgusting are those rabid "women" who are foaming in defense of this atrocity, like the ones here - it's unheard of anywhere else.
Abortion is viewed like a shameful thing - as it should be, because it is a murder, not a liberation thing, like it is considered by American vaginas and is avoided as much as it is possible - which is almost 100% in nowadays world.
one can not feel nothing except contempt to those creatures advocating and defending murder for convenience and spitting bile on anybody who dares to name them as they are - scum.

Plus those "women" make all women look like sluts - because they are extremely noisy and think they are representing all women, whereas they are a minority of disgusting shrieking vaginas.

What’s disgusting it your ignorance, hate, demagoguery, and contempt for individual liberty.

Vox has added nothing but ugliness and lies to this conversation.
I find it fascinating that the most female aspect of a woman, her ability to bear a child, is considered *shameful* by the death cultists....and yet they can say with a straight face that they are about *empowering* women. How is it *empowering* to tell women that the one thing that makes them uniquely female is a hindrance, something to be *ashamed* of?

Empowering women isn't to make them into victims and tell them they should kill their babies as if they're parasites. If you want to empower women, stop talking of pregnancy in death vault tones; don't refer to babies as "mistakes" and treat them like a prison sentence. Support and encourage women in pregnancy and motherhood. THAT'S how you empower women. You actually empower them to be WOMEN. You don't try to hide the fact.


you know where this myth of "empowering" woman comes form, don't you?

from the big pockets, which, on one hand want to make all women just a workforce, and on the other not to bear any financial losses when the workforce gets pregnant and has children.
Nowhere else in the developed world has this idiotic "empowerment" centered on murdering the very biological nature of a woman - everywhere else it was exactly the opposite - help with motherhood in form of maternity leaves and pregnancy protection, plus other benefits for the working women with children.

THIS is empowerment, and this is what feminists fought for. In everywhere else except the USA.

Plus it is multibillion business - in murdering the babies.

You know why the big pockets wanted the women in the workforce? Because we work for less cash than men. Women have tried to change that but it still is the case.

I do. But the ones who should be vocal on that issue are instead shrieking about having ability to murder the unborn babies anytime, anywhere at any gestation age for anybody without parental consent, and, of course, on a taxpayers dime.
When it comes to life, as in being pro-life I can't imagine being to afraid to defend it.

I think what laughin reaper said may have some truth to it about the workforce.

I also don't think enough men care about the issue.

The men who do care are in a minority and so they are oppressed in their rights to decide.

I agree, but you know how the elected and appointed politicians are.
all they care is mostly their personal benefits of the positions. With the few exceptions, which only prove the rule.

I think the only way is to challenge the RvW exactly on it's premise of privacy - given all the facts of the medical advancement of the last 40 years ( although the baby having a separate DNA and not being a part of the mother's body was known at the time as well, but maybe those justices were just ignorant).
I would say that some men and some women would equally be turned off by abortion as well as view the t-shirt as more a glory symbol rather than the intention to de-stigmatize those who have had abortions.

In the same way that some men and some women will wear the t-shirts in support of abortion.

Both men and women have opinions about abortion, some men view abortion as a woman's choice and some men feel powerless because they have no say in what happens once they have impregnated a female.

It's an issue that everyone has a voice in.

abortion is legal almost everywhere in the world. But almost NOWHERE in the world is it legal to have abortion ON DEMAND up until 24 weeks - like in this country - certainly not ANYWHERE in Europe.

it is disgusting that one can save the baby and murder the baby of the same gestational age - for convenience.

And only in this country abortion is glorified and made a pride issue as a flag waving.
Even more disgusting are those rabid "women" who are foaming in defense of this atrocity, like the ones here - it's unheard of anywhere else.
Abortion is viewed like a shameful thing - as it should be, because it is a murder, not a liberation thing, like it is considered by American vaginas and is avoided as much as it is possible - which is almost 100% in nowadays world.
one can not feel nothing except contempt to those creatures advocating and defending murder for convenience and spitting bile on anybody who dares to name them as they are - scum.

Plus those "women" make all women look like sluts - because they are extremely noisy and think they are representing all women, whereas they are a minority of disgusting shrieking vaginas.

What’s disgusting is your ignorance, hate, demagoguery, and contempt for individual liberty.

what is even more disgusting is your ignorance and blood thirst to murder innocent babies for your convenience.
and yes, I have contempt for the angry vaginas with vocal cords and their male supporters.
Because they are not worthy absolutely anything else.
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well now if she can control her own body than she should have opted for birthcontrol. Once the baby is in the womb it becomes an issue Not her body but of why does one human have the right to destroy another humans body just because they don't have a voice yet.

well that is all what that angry bloodthirsty murderous death-cult worshipers care about - how to destroy another human being for their personal convenience.

and then they demand respect and love :lol:
When it comes to life, as in being pro-life I can't imagine being to afraid to defend it.

I think what laughin reaper said may have some truth to it about the workforce.

I also don't think enough men care about the issue.

The men who do care are in a minority and so they are oppressed in their rights to decide.

I agree, but you know how the elected and appointed politicians are.
all they care is mostly their personal benefits of the positions. With the few exceptions, which only prove the rule.

I think the only way is to challenge the RvW exactly on it's premise of privacy - given all the facts of the medical advancement of the last 40 years ( although the baby having a separate DNA and not being a part of the mother's body was known at the time as well, but maybe those justices were just ignorant).

Politicians only care about money and power it seems like.

Still if congress which is majority men believed that abortion was murder you would think they would do something about it, so I can only conclude they don't think it or if they do then they don't care.

Until men change their own views about it being just a woman issue then not much will change because it's everyone's issue.
When it comes to life, as in being pro-life I can't imagine being to afraid to defend it.

I think what laughin reaper said may have some truth to it about the workforce.

I also don't think enough men care about the issue.

The men who do care are in a minority and so they are oppressed in their rights to decide.

I agree, but you know how the elected and appointed politicians are.
all they care is mostly their personal benefits of the positions. With the few exceptions, which only prove the rule.

I think the only way is to challenge the RvW exactly on it's premise of privacy - given all the facts of the medical advancement of the last 40 years ( although the baby having a separate DNA and not being a part of the mother's body was known at the time as well, but maybe those justices were just ignorant).

Politicians only care about money and power it seems like.

Still if congress which is majority men believed that abortion was murder you would think they would do something about it, so I can only conclude they don't think it or if they do then they don't care.

Until men change their own views about it being just a woman issue then not much will change because it's everyone's issue.

true, but you have a Genie out of the bottle now - men have tasted the freedom of irresponsibility and it is going to be hard to change the trend without first changing the idiocy of concept that "it is my body and my choice".
until that is defeated - nothing will change
If I hate men, why would I sleep with them? Wouldn't I become a lesbian?

If men sleep around, they're sowing their wild oats and boys will be boys.

If women sleep around, they hate men, they're sluts and ...............

For men like the ones in this discussion, they're scared to death of real women and usually scared they're really gay cuz they can't get it up with a real woman - so they call them nasty names to hide their fear.

women can sleep around. that does not mean they should have abortions.

men do not murder their babies. at least not usually.
women, on the other hand, especially the vaginas with vocal cords - do, and proudly parade their murders - and that makes them sluts, not the fact of having sex around - who cares how much STD they encounter, really :rolleyes:

So you called me a slut and said I hated men because you think I had an abortion?
A. When did I tell you I had an abortion?
B. when did I parade said abortion?
Sure, well why can't you make your points about abortion without all that other vulgar name calling?

It just distracts from the points you want to make about the topic.

You don't have to do anything but your argument would be taken more seriously and discussed if you left all that other stuff out.

fair enough, I'd like to see some evidence that justifies abortion from the pro choicers. So far they haven't produced much of anything to back their arguments. At least Vox and I have posted information.

Well in my opinion men should be more involved in this topic.

I think both men & women have the choice whether or not to have sex with each other

and they both are responsible to wear protection.

Then female gender privilege takes over, in that once a pregnancy occurs only the woman gets to choose about keeping the baby ( which legally makes men responsible whether they want to or not) or to have an abortion ( which men have no choice in) on adoption I am not sure currently whether men get choice or not but in the past men did not.

Mainly if both parties create the pregnancy shouldn't both parties be responsible in that choice of what to do?

If not then explain why?

If that was law then the woman who didn't want to be bothered with letting the father have a voice might tell people she doesn't know who the father is, it might hard to enforce. Personally I don't think either should have a choice. Thier choice was on the night the child was concieved. They said yes that night and now a third party has been created. That third party has the right to keep it's life. That fact that the woman has that life inside her is irrelevant. If she doesn't want the life inside her than she can give it up for adoption.

Everyone knows that sex produces babies, it's not a surprise. Take responsibility for your actions and let the child live.
that is exactly when you hate men - when you are slutty aggressive vagina :lol:

so why do you hate men, Luissa?

If I hate men, why would I sleep with them? Wouldn't I become a lesbian?

sexual drive and mental hate has nothing to do with each other. at least not in such a linear way
your hate towards men is obvious from every word on this thread
why? i don't know - that is why I asked you several time why do you hate men?
so why do you hate men, Luissa?

Link please.
Link me one post where I showed my hatred towards men, other than you... Just one.
I will be waiting.
What is your opinion about it when the mother's life is in danger?

Do you feel both men and women have a responsibility in whether abortion happens?

IDK about Vox but I actually found myself in that situation. I chose not to abort,put my life on the line, and had my daughter in my 7th month by emergency c-section; we both almost died. She was 2lbs,7oz at birth, had complications but pulled through. She is a healthy 21 year old today. When it's a life against a life I could never put down a woman for choosing her own over the child,especially if she has other children who need her. It's a tough call I hope not to many people have to make.

Yeah that would be a tough call, you don't have to answer if you don't want to but did you also ask the male what they wanted to as in a joint decision?

I am glad it worked out good for you and your baby. :cool:

Yes I asked for his imput. My husband told me he'd support what I felt was the right thing to do. But even if he did want me to have an abortion, I couldn't do it and live with myself. He knew that so I didn't expect any other answer from him.
If men sleep around, they're sowing their wild oats and boys will be boys.

If women sleep around, they hate men, they're sluts and ...............

For men like the ones in this discussion, they're scared to death of real women and usually scared they're really gay cuz they can't get it up with a real woman - so they call them nasty names to hide their fear.

women can sleep around. that does not mean they should have abortions.

men do not murder their babies. at least not usually.
women, on the other hand, especially the vaginas with vocal cords - do, and proudly parade their murders - and that makes them sluts, not the fact of having sex around - who cares how much STD they encounter, really :rolleyes:

So you called me a slut and said I hated men because you think I had an abortion?
A. When did I tell you I had an abortion?
B. when did I parade said abortion?

you are too stupid to be involved in conversation. the thread in not about YOU :lol:
but for the last time I'll repeat - you are a slut because you support abortion and you even supported this disgusting POS steinem with her t-shirts.
supporting abortion makes you a slut and an angry vagina with vocal cords, not sleeping around - i could not care less what you do with your body when it is ONLY your body. Unborn baby is NOT YOUR BODY.

and here I will end this explanation to the retarded VWVC - enough for tonight, because your small brain is too inflamed and your process of "thinking" is getting too incoherent. :badgrin:
If I hate men, why would I sleep with them? Wouldn't I become a lesbian?

sexual drive and mental hate has nothing to do with each other. at least not in such a linear way
your hate towards men is obvious from every word on this thread
why? i don't know - that is why I asked you several time why do you hate men?
so why do you hate men, Luissa?

Link please.
Link me one post where I showed my hatred towards men, other than you... Just one.
I will be waiting.

I already did. read the thread.
sexual drive and mental hate has nothing to do with each other. at least not in such a linear way
your hate towards men is obvious from every word on this thread
why? i don't know - that is why I asked you several time why do you hate men?
so why do you hate men, Luissa?

Link please.
Link me one post where I showed my hatred towards men, other than you... Just one.
I will be waiting.

I already did. read the thread.

Did you provide a link?
I think the only thing I said about men was you hate women, and my child's father didn't dump me.
Please provide a link proving otherwise.

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