"I Had an Abortion"

A bit hard when both want to do something different, eh?

It most definitely is, and so women have a gender privilege over men in that they are able to abort, put up for adoption or sue the man for child support.

Now prior to pregnancy a man and a woman have the choice whether or not to have sex with each other.

They also both have equal responsibility in taking measures to use protection.

But once the pregnancy occurs all power is given to women, it matters not how the man feels about her choice.

That seems unfair.

And that's why men should never have sex if they're not ready to be a father.

But people say that toward women to, that is not really fair to say to either person.
I am not talking about couples. I am referring to people on the interweb, ffs, thinking they have a say in what said couples decide.

Or just the woman.

Because if you want tire marks on your chest and forehead, just tell a man "I think I'm pregnant."

I don't agree with they way some people in this thread have made things personal.

I really despise the words that have been used toward you and Luissa.

I probably should just exit this thread because it is very upsetting to watch that kind of treatment.

You don't deserve it.

Thank you. And while you have been an absolute breath of fresh air, I'd hate to adversely affect your weekend. :) You should go think happy thoughts.


Thanks, I think I will.

Maybe you & Luissa should as well and have nice weekend back.:cool:
I don't know how to post a picture so I have the link here. It's a picture of a so called feminist named Gloria Steinem, smiling face proudly wearing a t-shirt that reads "I Had an Abortion".

My first reaction was disbelief. Are you kidding me lady. Does she think that the picture glorifiying her Abortion makes her some type of heroine? This is what the picture really says.

Gloria Steinem is so irresponsible that she had unprotected sex,and they used a barbaric and obsolete practice to mercilessly hack to death an unborn child because she couldn't face the consequences of her actions. That's pro choice for you.

I want you to notice that pro choice advocates only give you one choice, abortion. A real feminist knows she has many choices and that abortion isn't one of them. A real feminist respects her body enough to not have it used as a "c*m dumptser". She chooses her man carefully and demands he uses a condom if they are not exclusive as extra protection against pregnancy and disease. She uses birthcontrol to ensure she doesn't have an unwanted pregnancy. She isn't Pro choice, she is pro choices,has a brain and uses it. Should she find herself pregnant she excepts the consequences of her actions. She knows from the start that if she isn't ready to except the consequences of her actions then maybe she isn't ready to have sex in the first place.

Gloria Steinem should hang her head in shame. She's a poor example for women to follow and too stupid to realize it.

gloria steinem i had an abortion - Bing Images

You dont know who gloria is? Get real.
It most definitely is, and so women have a gender privilege over men in that they are able to abort, put up for adoption or sue the man for child support.

Now prior to pregnancy a man and a woman have the choice whether or not to have sex with each other.

They also both have equal responsibility in taking measures to use protection.

But once the pregnancy occurs all power is given to women, it matters not how the man feels about her choice.

That seems unfair.

And that's why men should never have sex if they're not ready to be a father.

But people say that toward women to, that is not really fair to say to either person.

Of course it's not. It isn't even rational. I figure the only people who say that are ones who have never had good sex - but I digress.

You know what reduces abortion rates? Free birth control. So if people are against that, then they really don't want to stop abortion - they just want to control women.

By the way, I read an awesome article some weeks back.

How I Lost Faith in the Pro-Life Movement

Both the lowest and highest subregional abortion rates are in Europe, where abortion is generally legal under broad grounds. In Western Europe, the rate is 12 per 1,000 women, while in Eastern Europe it is 43. The discrepancy in rates between the two regions reflects relatively low contraceptive use in Eastern Europe, as well as a high degree of reliance on methods with relatively high user failure rates, such as the condom, withdrawal and the rhythm method.
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Further, from the same article;

As I mulled this over, I realized how very obvious it was. The cause of abortions is unwanted pregnancies. If you get rid of unwanted pregnancies the number of people who seek abortions will drop like a rock. Simply banning abortion leaves women stuck with unwanted pregnancies. Banning abortion doesn’t make those pregnancies wanted. Many women in a situation like that will be willing to do anything to end that pregnancy, even if it means trying to induce their own abortions (say, with a coat hanger or by drinking chemicals) or seeking out illegal abortions. I realized that the real way to reduce abortion rates, then, was to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies. And the way to do that is with birth control, which reduces the number of unwanted pregnancies by allowing women to control when and if they become pregnant.

I realized that the only world in which opposing birth control made any sense was one in which the goal was to control women’s sex lives. After all, birth control allows women to have sex without having to face the “consequences” of sex. But I had never opposed abortion in an effort to make women face the “consequences” of having sex. I had always opposed abortion out of a desire to save the lives of unborn babies. As a child, I had been moved to tears by the image of millions of babies murdered by abortion each year. If making it easier for women to have sex I personally believed was sinful was the price I had to pay to save the lives of unborn babies, it was a price I was more than willing to pay.
I decided from the start to take the pregnancy as far as I could. At month 7 to the day, I noticed the baby had stopped kicking. I went to the hospital and they discovered the placenta had seperated and her heart rate was dropping. My blood pressure went through the roof. They tried to stabilize me but couldn't so they said my daughter had a chance if I gave birth and no chance if she was left in the uterus, so out she came. Same thing happened to my first daughter, but I went 8 months before that happened so there was no question she could make it. My first daughter was 4 lbs 2 oz. Both girls had apnea and my second daughter had a serious intestinal infection, but aside from that they did OK. I don't understand why any woman would have a late term abortion as opposed to giving birth, makes no sense and is clearly murder no matter what side of the abortion fence you are on.

Women don't choose to have a late term abortion unless they need to. If they are in the third trimester, one must assume (logically) that they want that baby, so they wouldn't just up and decide to have an abortion.
Women who have late abortions should be given compassion, as it cannot be an easy choice to make.

If the womans life is at risk and the baby can't live outside of the womb fine, I agree. But why have a late term abortion at all if the baby can live outside the womb just deliver the baby.
Because both parties created the pregnancy both parties have a responsibility and should have the right to decide what they want to do.

I am not talking about couples. I am referring to people on the interweb, ffs, thinking they have a say in what said couples decide.

Or just the woman.

Because if you want tire marks on your chest and forehead, just tell a man "I think I'm pregnant."

I don't agree with they way some people in this thread have made things personal.

I really despise the words that have been used toward you and Luissa.

I probably should just exit this thread because it is very upsetting to watch that kind of treatment.

You don't deserve it.

I agree Drifter. You are a breath of fresh air. But...I disagree Luissa or anyone else should leave the discussion due to one troll disrupting the convo with personal attacks. Why give him the satisfaction? I know I damn sure won't. The ignore button sure helps, too. :badgrin:
And that's why men should never have sex if they're not ready to be a father.

But people say that toward women to, that is not really fair to say to either person.

Of course it's not. It isn't even rational. I figure the only people who say that are ones who have never had good sex - but I digress.

You know what reduces abortion rates? Free birth control. So if people are against that, then they really don't want to stop abortion - they just want to control women.

By the way, I read an awesome article some weeks back.

How I Lost Faith in the Pro-Life Movement

Both the lowest and highest subregional abortion rates are in Europe, where abortion is generally legal under broad grounds. In Western Europe, the rate is 12 per 1,000 women, while in Eastern Europe it is 43. The discrepancy in rates between the two regions reflects relatively low contraceptive use in Eastern Europe, as well as a high degree of reliance on methods with relatively high user failure rates, such as the condom, withdrawal and the rhythm method.

All for birth control .
Don't give a shit about abortion.
Not my place.
Not my responsibility .

So I shouldn't pay for it.
That is all.
Because both parties created the pregnancy both parties have a responsibility and should have the right to decide what they want to do.

A bit hard when both want to do something different, eh?

It most definitely is, and so women have a gender privilege over men in that they are able to abort, put up for adoption or sue the man for child support.

Now prior to pregnancy a man and a woman have the choice whether or not to have sex with each other.

They also both have equal responsibility in taking measures to use protection.

But once the pregnancy occurs all power is given to women, it matters not how the man feels about her choice.

That seems unfair.

You might perceive it as ‘unfair’ but it’s actually not, as the law wisely and appropriately acknowledges the fact that prior to birth the woman is alone effected, her personal liberty and physical person safeguarded by the Constitution from unwarranted government interference.

The notion that the father should be authorized by the state to ‘overrule’ a woman’s decisions concerning her personal liberty and physical person is repugnant to the fundamental tenets of our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.
I decided from the start to take the pregnancy as far as I could. At month 7 to the day, I noticed the baby had stopped kicking. I went to the hospital and they discovered the placenta had seperated and her heart rate was dropping. My blood pressure went through the roof. They tried to stabilize me but couldn't so they said my daughter had a chance if I gave birth and no chance if she was left in the uterus, so out she came. Same thing happened to my first daughter, but I went 8 months before that happened so there was no question she could make it. My first daughter was 4 lbs 2 oz. Both girls had apnea and my second daughter had a serious intestinal infection, but aside from that they did OK. I don't understand why any woman would have a late term abortion as opposed to giving birth, makes no sense and is clearly murder no matter what side of the abortion fence you are on.

Women don't choose to have a late term abortion unless they need to. If they are in the third trimester, one must assume (logically) that they want that baby, so they wouldn't just up and decide to have an abortion.
Women who have late abortions should be given compassion, as it cannot be an easy choice to make.

If the womans life is at risk and the baby can't live outside of the womb fine, I agree. But why have a late term abortion at all if the baby can live outside the womb just deliver the baby.

Tay–Sachs disease (also known as GM2 gangliosidosis or hexosaminidase A deficiency) is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder. In its most common variant (known as infantile Tay–Sachs disease), it causes a progressive deterioration of nerve cells and of mental and physical abilities that commences around six months of age and usually results in death by the age of four. The disease occurs when harmful quantities of cell membrane components known as gangliosides accumulate in the brain's nerve cells, eventually leading to the premature death of the cells. A ganglioside is a form of sphingolipid, which makes Tay–Sachs disease a member of the sphingolipidoses. There is no known cure or treatment.

The child becomes blind, deaf, unable to swallow, atrophied, and paralytic.

You were saying?
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I decided from the start to take the pregnancy as far as I could. At month 7 to the day, I noticed the baby had stopped kicking. I went to the hospital and they discovered the placenta had seperated and her heart rate was dropping. My blood pressure went through the roof. They tried to stabilize me but couldn't so they said my daughter had a chance if I gave birth and no chance if she was left in the uterus, so out she came. Same thing happened to my first daughter, but I went 8 months before that happened so there was no question she could make it. My first daughter was 4 lbs 2 oz. Both girls had apnea and my second daughter had a serious intestinal infection, but aside from that they did OK. I don't understand why any woman would have a late term abortion as opposed to giving birth, makes no sense and is clearly murder no matter what side of the abortion fence you are on.

Women don't choose to have a late term abortion unless they need to. If they are in the third trimester, one must assume (logically) that they want that baby, so they wouldn't just up and decide to have an abortion.
Women who have late abortions should be given compassion, as it cannot be an easy choice to make.

If the womans life is at risk and the baby can't live outside of the womb fine, I agree. But why have a late term abortion at all if the baby can live outside the womb just deliver the baby.
No no no !!!!!!
It's a woman's RIGHT to have a fourth trimester abortion on demand!!!!
And YOU should pay for it.
It is YOUR responsibility.
A bit hard when both want to do something different, eh?

It most definitely is, and so women have a gender privilege over men in that they are able to abort, put up for adoption or sue the man for child support.

Now prior to pregnancy a man and a woman have the choice whether or not to have sex with each other.

They also both have equal responsibility in taking measures to use protection.

But once the pregnancy occurs all power is given to women, it matters not how the man feels about her choice.

That seems unfair.

You might perceive it as ‘unfair’ but it’s actually not, as the law wisely and appropriately acknowledges the fact that prior to birth the woman is alone effected, her personal liberty and physical person safeguarded by the Constitution from unwarranted government interference.

The notion that the father should be authorized by the state to ‘overrule’ a woman’s decisions concerning her personal liberty and physical person is repugnant to the fundamental tenets of our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.

Up to delivery .
But in the Forth trimester , what then ?
Women don't choose to have a late term abortion unless they need to. If they are in the third trimester, one must assume (logically) that they want that baby, so they wouldn't just up and decide to have an abortion.
Women who have late abortions should be given compassion, as it cannot be an easy choice to make.

If the womans life is at risk and the baby can't live outside of the womb fine, I agree. But why have a late term abortion at all if the baby can live outside the womb just deliver the baby.

Tay–Sachs disease (also known as GM2 gangliosidosis or hexosaminidase A deficiency) is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder. In its most common variant (known as infantile Tay–Sachs disease), it causes a progressive deterioration of nerve cells and of mental and physical abilities that commences around six months of age and usually results in death by the age of four. The disease occurs when harmful quantities of cell membrane components known as gangliosides accumulate in the brain's nerve cells, eventually leading to the premature death of the cells. A ganglioside is a form of sphingolipid, which makes Tay–Sachs disease a member of the sphingolipidoses. There is no known cure or treatment.

The child becomes blind, deaf, unable to swallow, atrophied, and paralytic.

You were saying?
I think rugby is a far more entertaining sport than soccer.

Kids who are deaf, dumb. Etc etc etc , can rest assured that they are still better looking than Chelsea Clinton!!
Damn, even Chelsea MA is better looking than Chelsea Clinton!!
It most definitely is, and so women have a gender privilege over men in that they are able to abort, put up for adoption or sue the man for child support.

Now prior to pregnancy a man and a woman have the choice whether or not to have sex with each other.

They also both have equal responsibility in taking measures to use protection.

But once the pregnancy occurs all power is given to women, it matters not how the man feels about her choice.

That seems unfair.

You might perceive it as ‘unfair’ but it’s actually not, as the law wisely and appropriately acknowledges the fact that prior to birth the woman is alone effected, her personal liberty and physical person safeguarded by the Constitution from unwarranted government interference.

The notion that the father should be authorized by the state to ‘overrule’ a woman’s decisions concerning her personal liberty and physical person is repugnant to the fundamental tenets of our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.

Up to delivery .
But in the Forth trimester , what then ?

No idea what you’re referring to.

But again, fathers can’t ‘overrule’ a woman’s decision to have an abortion in accordance with her state’s laws.
Further, from the same article;

As I mulled this over, I realized how very obvious it was. The cause of abortions is unwanted pregnancies. If you get rid of unwanted pregnancies the number of people who seek abortions will drop like a rock. Simply banning abortion leaves women stuck with unwanted pregnancies. Banning abortion doesn’t make those pregnancies wanted. Many women in a situation like that will be willing to do anything to end that pregnancy, even if it means trying to induce their own abortions (say, with a coat hanger or by drinking chemicals) or seeking out illegal abortions. I realized that the real way to reduce abortion rates, then, was to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies. And the way to do that is with birth control, which reduces the number of unwanted pregnancies by allowing women to control when and if they become pregnant.

I realized that the only world in which opposing birth control made any sense was one in which the goal was to control women’s sex lives. After all, birth control allows women to have sex without having to face the “consequences” of sex. But I had never opposed abortion in an effort to make women face the “consequences” of having sex. I had always opposed abortion out of a desire to save the lives of unborn babies. As a child, I had been moved to tears by the image of millions of babies murdered by abortion each year. If making it easier for women to have sex I personally believed was sinful was the price I had to pay to save the lives of unborn babies, it was a price I was more than willing to pay.

What the hell?

Pathetic. Horridly written.
Further, from the same article;

As I mulled this over, I realized how very obvious it was. The cause of abortions is unwanted pregnancies. If you get rid of unwanted pregnancies the number of people who seek abortions will drop like a rock. Simply banning abortion leaves women stuck with unwanted pregnancies. Banning abortion doesn’t make those pregnancies wanted. Many women in a situation like that will be willing to do anything to end that pregnancy, even if it means trying to induce their own abortions (say, with a coat hanger or by drinking chemicals) or seeking out illegal abortions. I realized that the real way to reduce abortion rates, then, was to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies. And the way to do that is with birth control, which reduces the number of unwanted pregnancies by allowing women to control when and if they become pregnant.

I realized that the only world in which opposing birth control made any sense was one in which the goal was to control women’s sex lives. After all, birth control allows women to have sex without having to face the “consequences” of sex. But I had never opposed abortion in an effort to make women face the “consequences” of having sex. I had always opposed abortion out of a desire to save the lives of unborn babies. As a child, I had been moved to tears by the image of millions of babies murdered by abortion each year. If making it easier for women to have sex I personally believed was sinful was the price I had to pay to save the lives of unborn babies, it was a price I was more than willing to pay.

What the hell?

Pathetic. Horridly written.


Honey, sometimes I can't tell if you are still speaking English - and you're going to point fingers at the author?

Further, from the same article;

What the hell?

Pathetic. Horridly written.


Honey, sometimes I can't tell if you are still speaking English - and you're going to point fingers at the author?


Oh bite me. I'm not bad when it comes to the queen's own. canuck world bank on the money. americano geeze louize your grammar sucks the big one. Thats just fun to say.

When it comes though to truly speaking other languages, I excel. I'm having a blast right now because my eldest daughter is about to move Stolkholm. I get to learn another language. This is so exciting.
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Oh, yeah. The fourth trimester. That's when we cut off WIC and SNAP. Because fuck you, that's why.

Recent poll of liberal students showed support for abortions into the FOUTH trimester.
That's later than the few days after a child is born supported by Barbera Boxer.

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