"I Had an Abortion"

Stockhom!!! That is exciting, TD!!! Tell her to take LOTS of cool pics of beautiful scenery...then you share with us, ok?
It most definitely is, and so women have a gender privilege over men in that they are able to abort, put up for adoption or sue the man for child support.

Now prior to pregnancy a man and a woman have the choice whether or not to have sex with each other.

They also both have equal responsibility in taking measures to use protection.

But once the pregnancy occurs all power is given to women, it matters not how the man feels about her choice.

That seems unfair.

You might perceive it as ‘unfair’ but it’s actually not, as the law wisely and appropriately acknowledges the fact that prior to birth the woman is alone effected, her personal liberty and physical person safeguarded by the Constitution from unwarranted government interference.

The notion that the father should be authorized by the state to ‘overrule’ a woman’s decisions concerning her personal liberty and physical person is repugnant to the fundamental tenets of our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.

Up to delivery .
But in the Forth trimester , what then ?

Forth trimester? We are not elephants.
Oh, yeah. The fourth trimester. That's when we cut off WIC and SNAP. Because fuck you, that's why.

BD you have to get a grip on some. I don;t even know where to go from this crap.

I do? Really? Because I can provide article after article whereby the GOP has either attempted to or successfully cut WIC and SNAP. So where does me 'getting a grip' play a part in this exchange.
You might perceive it as ‘unfair’ but it’s actually not, as the law wisely and appropriately acknowledges the fact that prior to birth the woman is alone effected, her personal liberty and physical person safeguarded by the Constitution from unwarranted government interference.

The notion that the father should be authorized by the state to ‘overrule’ a woman’s decisions concerning her personal liberty and physical person is repugnant to the fundamental tenets of our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.

Up to delivery .
But in the Forth trimester , what then ?

Forth trimester? We are not elephants.
That's code for "after birth abortion", genius.
That 17 year old girl carrying around a dead fetus in her shopping bag at Victoria's Secret? Read about that? Turns out, the baby was born alive. Then asphyxiated. And they went shopping. She gave birth at the friends house. So yeah. She didn't abort it. She just flat out smothered it or choked it after it came out.

Just sayin'.
Yeah, that's what they do at abortion clinics, too. And college kids think it should be legal.
Go away, ghoul. Trust you to show up once the conversation turns to outright infant murder.
I decided from the start to take the pregnancy as far as I could. At month 7 to the day, I noticed the baby had stopped kicking. I went to the hospital and they discovered the placenta had seperated and her heart rate was dropping. My blood pressure went through the roof. They tried to stabilize me but couldn't so they said my daughter had a chance if I gave birth and no chance if she was left in the uterus, so out she came. Same thing happened to my first daughter, but I went 8 months before that happened so there was no question she could make it. My first daughter was 4 lbs 2 oz. Both girls had apnea and my second daughter had a serious intestinal infection, but aside from that they did OK. I don't understand why any woman would have a late term abortion as opposed to giving birth, makes no sense and is clearly murder no matter what side of the abortion fence you are on.

Women don't choose to have a late term abortion unless they need to. If they are in the third trimester, one must assume (logically) that they want that baby, so they wouldn't just up and decide to have an abortion.
Women who have late abortions should be given compassion, as it cannot be an easy choice to make.

If the womans life is at risk and the baby can't live outside of the womb fine, I agree. But why have a late term abortion at all if the baby can live outside the womb just deliver the baby.

or have an emergency CS
It most definitely is, and so women have a gender privilege over men in that they are able to abort, put up for adoption or sue the man for child support.

Now prior to pregnancy a man and a woman have the choice whether or not to have sex with each other.

They also both have equal responsibility in taking measures to use protection.

But once the pregnancy occurs all power is given to women, it matters not how the man feels about her choice.

That seems unfair.

You might perceive it as ‘unfair’ but it’s actually not, as the law wisely and appropriately acknowledges the fact that prior to birth the woman is alone effected, her personal liberty and physical person safeguarded by the Constitution from unwarranted government interference.

The notion that the father should be authorized by the state to ‘overrule’ a woman’s decisions concerning her personal liberty and physical person is repugnant to the fundamental tenets of our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.

Up to delivery .
But in the Forth trimester , what then ?

That would be murdering a 12 week old baby!

(There is no "4" in a TRImester)
I am not pro abortion. What a horrid phrase. I am not this choice of ending life.

Some how we must tend to these words.

any normal WOMAN and any normal man, being human, can not be pro-murder.

and everybody knows in 2013 that it IS murder.

Women, whose natural instincts are all wired for the protection of the children even with the price of their own sacrifice to save them, simply can not be proponents of the baby murders - it is against their own nature and physiology.
One can agree that there could be exceptional situations where the woman will have to make a choice between her own life and the life of her baby and one can sympathize with such particular tragic situation.
But the ones who actively support and advertise murdering the unborn children can not be women in their sane mind - and this disconnect of the natural predisposition to be a saver and a caretaker and a leftard brainwash many of so-called "women" are indoctrinated with, is obviously causing this angry hateful, spiteful lash at anybody who is opposing murder and naming that as it is. The arguments of "it is my body and my choice", "it is my freedom", "why should I be tortured to carry a parasite for 9 months", "men can not enslave ME to carry their children", "it is not a baby, it is a cluster of cells" and all other standard moronic phrases used by rabid pro-aborts, are a clear evidence of psychotic paranoia those creatures are experiencing.
And if one uses the most moronic "defense" possible - "you just want me not to have sex" - it is a clear sign what is wrong with this particular "woman".
Those obsessed rabid creatures can not be called women - they do not deserve it and they are not women, they are angry vaginas with vocal cords.
With public figures as steinem and fluke being the most exemplary.
But that cognitive dissonance is not limited to those only.
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A bit hard when both want to do something different, eh?

It most definitely is, and so women have a gender privilege over men in that they are able to abort, put up for adoption or sue the man for child support.

Now prior to pregnancy a man and a woman have the choice whether or not to have sex with each other.

They also both have equal responsibility in taking measures to use protection.

But once the pregnancy occurs all power is given to women, it matters not how the man feels about her choice.

That seems unfair.

And that's why men should never have sex if they're not ready to be a father.

Its a screwy world we live in when the men who CAUSE pregnancy are not held responsible while they want the government to force women to carry the resulting fetus to term and deliver it.

State-controlled reproduction - Not at all surprising that its the "small government, personal responsibility, let them eat cake" rw's who want big government, more laws, no personal responsibility, let them starve in the street.
A bit hard when both want to do something different, eh?

It most definitely is, and so women have a gender privilege over men in that they are able to abort, put up for adoption or sue the man for child support.

Now prior to pregnancy a man and a woman have the choice whether or not to have sex with each other.

They also both have equal responsibility in taking measures to use protection.

But once the pregnancy occurs all power is given to women, it matters not how the man feels about her choice.

That seems unfair.

You might perceive it as ‘unfair’ but it’s actually not, as the law wisely and appropriately acknowledges the fact that prior to birth the woman is alone effected, her personal liberty and physical person safeguarded by the Constitution from unwarranted government interference.

The notion that the father should be authorized by the state to ‘overrule’ a woman’s decisions concerning her personal liberty and physical person is repugnant to the fundamental tenets of our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.

Sometimes, I'm tempted to turn on my rep so can positive rep a post and poster. Your posts are always succinct, factual and intelligent. Thank you for saying this so well.
In truth, it is men like joe & luddly who completely support the abortion industry. Because they always want to have the option of coercing women to dump their babies.

Most abortions are coerced.
Gloria Steinem had an abortion. When 50 years ago? She is an idiot.
That 17 year old girl carrying around a dead fetus in her shopping bag at Victoria's Secret? Read about that? Turns out, the baby was born alive. Then asphyxiated. And they went shopping. She gave birth at the friends house. So yeah. She didn't abort it. She just flat out smothered it or choked it after it came out.

Just sayin'.

How crazy is this one? Then you have the other young girl who birthed in the bathtub and threw the baby out the window.

17 stories I think it fell. Not sure if the baby lived.
Further, from the same article;

What the hell?

Pathetic. Horridly written.


Honey, sometimes I can't tell if you are still speaking English - and you're going to point fingers at the author?


It was just a quick review.

It is horridly written. Would you prefer written horridly?

Both are acceptable.

ETA: are you thinking I misspelled horribly? I wasn't using that word at all. I meant horrid. Truly I did.
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Stockhom!!! That is exciting, TD!!! Tell her to take LOTS of cool pics of beautiful scenery...then you share with us, ok?

I still have to get the pics up of the puppy who is now huge and the garden. I am a horrible person at this stuff.

I promise I'll figure out photobucket. Honest.

Yes Stockholm. Aye carumba! I finally have one of my kids moving somewhere interesting where I'd love to visit them.

Her stock just went up on the "mommy loves you best" richter scale!


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