"I Had an Abortion"

The purpose of the state is to protect life.

It's pretty much the only valid purpose of the state. For as long as there has been human society, the states that take an interest in removing the rights of individuals are ultimately recognized as tyrannical, fascist states.
Not aborted:

She's beautiful!

Killing the innocent, putting vulnerable lives in jeopardy (pregnant women), and protecting abusers are not acceptable roles for the state. Sorry. States that do that are fascist.
Death is never the best option. Particularly when someone else is making the decision for you.

And yet as the hypocrite you are you seek to have the state do just that.
You are mistaken. If America had the good sense to listen to koshergrl, we'd have 1,300,000 fewer abortions every year in America alone.

That's a workforce in about 21 years of over a million people. Do the math. They're contributors. You want them continually to have their lives ended before they get a good start? They're not breathing, you say? lol! Their mothers breathe for them! It's a mother's job! If that's not a job she would like, she should not agree to have sex to get that way! Problem solved! No cost to the gummint, plus 1,300,000 new citizens who will likely not be involved in government takeover that results in the killing off of 100,000,000 people who are disinterested in being apparatchiks in a communist or terrorist society that eats its own and enslaves women based on gender.
The purpose of the state is to protect life.

It's pretty much the only valid purpose of the state. For as long as there has been human society, the states that take an interest in removing the rights of individuals are ultimately recognized as tyrannical, fascist states.

And the purpose of Constitutional case law is to protect us from the state.

As long as there has been human society there has been tyranny, by either the few or the many, the Constitution protects us from both but mostly the latter.

Those who take an interest in removing the rights of the individual, such as the right to privacy, are ultimately recognized as tyrants and hostile to individual liberty.
Death is never the best option. Particularly when someone else is making the decision for you.

And yet as the hypocrite you are you seek to have the state do just that.
You are mistaken. If America had the good sense to listen to koshergrl, we'd have 1,300,000 fewer abortions every year in America alone.

That's a workforce in about 21 years of over a million people. Do the math. They're contributors. You want them continually to have their lives ended before they get a good start? They're not breathing, you say? lol! Their mothers breathe for them! It's a mother's job! If that's not a job she would like, she should not agree to have sex to get that way! Problem solved! No cost to the gummint, plus 1,300,000 new citizens who will likely not be involved in government takeover that results in the killing off of 100,000,000 people who are disinterested in being apparatchiks in a communist or terrorist society that eats its own and enslaves women based on gender.

Actually not.

Private citizens advocating against abortion is perfectly appropriate, provided they don’t seek to codify that advocacy.

One would love nothing more than to see the practice ended by citizens’ own volition, not as dictated by the state.

And the right to privacy concerns much more than just abortion, it concerns the fundamental principle of limiting the power and authority of the state and safeguarding individual liberty. And in order for that principle to have any force or meaning, it must be applied consistently.
Oh, yeah. The fourth trimester. That's when we cut off WIC and SNAP. Because fuck you, that's why.

BD you have to get a grip on some. I don;t even know where to go from this crap.

I do? Really? Because I can provide article after article whereby the GOP has either attempted to or successfully cut WIC and SNAP. So where does me 'getting a grip' play a part in this exchange.

Who decided that it was the governments job to subsidise laziness?
Birth control and education, people. That's all it takes.

Make birth control affordable, free to those who just don't have the money, and watch the abortion rate drop.

Teach responsibility, don't force decent folk to cough up their hard earned to subsidize stupidity.
Teach the dopes that they are not entitled to others hard earned gains.
Six months of age means the baby is already here unless your suggesting that the child be killed at the sixth month diagnosis age. What unborn babies isn't enough blood for you, now lets kill born defective children too. Sounds alot like the final solution,Kill all those we find undesirable or those we feel are worthless, heil Hitler!

And I'm the creepy one? At least i'm not a ghoul. Your mind is sick beyond repair.

6 month old preemie is absolutely viable nowadays and there is no reason that child should not be delivered if any threat to mom exists or even she suddenly decides she does not want a baby anymore.
No abortion at that gestational age.
Tay-Sachs is a genetic disorder which is usually known to the parents as it is ethnically connected. Prognosis for the babies is poor - they do not survive more than 4 years.
Still no reason to abort those babies.

In your opinion.

Plus, are you a doctor?

yes, I am
6 month old preemie is absolutely viable nowadays and there is no reason that child should not be delivered if any threat to mom exists or even she suddenly decides she does not want a baby anymore.
No abortion at that gestational age.
Tay-Sachs is a genetic disorder which is usually known to the parents as it is ethnically connected. Prognosis for the babies is poor - they do not survive more than 4 years.
Still no reason to abort those babies.

In your opinion.

Plus, are you a doctor?

Are you?

she is a tech
Some abortions can be stymied if interested family/friends are given the option to adopt and raise the developing life. Before an abortion can happen, first allow others to come in and save it from death. If there must some financial incentive for the biological mother, so be it.

the waiting line for adoption in the US is YEARS - for any baby, any race, any ethnic origin, any health condition.
I am surprised there is no business flourishing on this type of adoption ( it happens but it is rare)
probably, because it is in confrontation with well-established and leftard- protected murder mills, which abortion is all about - making money on slaughtering babies.
Death is never the best option. Particularly when someone else is making the decision for you.

well, the ones which advocate murder for OTHERS, have been already born - and that is all about THEM - "me, me, me" - is the only goal vaginas with vocal cords pursue in life.
The purpose of the state is to protect life.

It's pretty much the only valid purpose of the state. For as long as there has been human society, the states that take an interest in removing the rights of individuals are ultimately recognized as tyrannical, fascist states.

the purpose of the left is to control an individual - and this what this all wailing about "women's rights" is all about. Control.

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