"I Had an Abortion"

6 month old preemie is absolutely viable nowadays and there is no reason that child should not be delivered if any threat to mom exists or even she suddenly decides she does not want a baby anymore.
No abortion at that gestational age.
Tay-Sachs is a genetic disorder which is usually known to the parents as it is ethnically connected. Prognosis for the babies is poor - they do not survive more than 4 years.
Still no reason to abort those babies.

In your opinion.

Plus, are you a doctor?

yes, I am

And I am the Queen of England.
Part of that problem is because men don't care.

The irresponsibility of men (as you put it), has a part in causing abortion and is rarely called out and instead women hold the burden of accountability.

There are men who instead of being stuck with a decision about abortion would rather support it give money to pay for it and move on to the next woman.

If you really feel passionate about the topic why isn't there any peer pressure toward men to be more mindful and responsible for who they have sex with?

It seems to me that if you really wanted to end such a practice you would hold both parties accountable.

You know what? You're right! It is a double standard on our society for sure. I have both, and boy, and a girl, both grown now, but as they were being brought up I was instrumental in instilling both children with virtue. That means for my son to respect women, and be ultra careful to not get in a position to be in that circumstance, and that obviously went for the girl as well.

So many in the argument today don't take into account that our young men need to know that just hopping bed to bed is supremely disrespectful to women in general, and at that point they to me anyway are not much of a man.

But, let's not stray from the fact that abortion is being used as contraceptive as I already in this thread pointed out, and backed up.

Thanks for your thoughtful reply.

Holding men equally accountable makes sense if you are arguing for human rights. Because it takes both men and women to procreate.

I always wonder why people who are against abortion never hold men accountable for being so irresponsible and only slut shame women.

If men had more care they would be rallying for their rights but the laws in effect seem to give evidence that men are fine with pushing that decision onto women.

In my opinion it is such a personal and private situation but I firmly believe both men and women should have that choice together and be equally responsible.

If a woman has the child the man has to pay child support period, why doesn't he get a choice ?

Do men who support abortion want out of the financial responsibility or don't want to bother with having to deal with kids and the female he impregnated for the rest of his life?

It's kind of selfish if that is the reason.

Agreed, but in more cases than not, the decision is a selfish one for both men and women.

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No reason to abort a Tay-Sachs baby? Really.

I'm guessing you've never seen their excruciating, short life and death as it unfolded.

What is ignored is the fact that most abortions are medically necessary. The haters want to paint women as having abortions so they go back out and pregnant again but that is very rarely the truth.

And, as usual, those who cause the pregnancy - men - are given a free "ride", as it were, to just keep doing it again and again.

Bottom line to this round and round argument is always the same though -

A woman's body is her own and she has the right to have babies or not. No one, certainly not the state, has the right to interfere with her wishes. Why a woman aborts is no one's business but hers.
Death is never the best option. Particularly when someone else is making the decision for you.

And yet, all you write is that you want the state to make decisions for women.


No, what you see me writing about is protestation against state-sponsored homicide. Determining that someone else should die for your pleasure is the ultimate rejection of choice, and the ultimate in decision making...for someone else. Nobody has the right to make that decision for another. Did you know that you can be prosecuted for leaving a child, one that isn't your own, alone when you see that there is nobody watching that child, if harm comes to it and you were the last person to see it? We are obligated to protect those in our care. Even if they are in our care by way of pregnancy. Your obligation ends the minute you can safely hand it off to someone else...but not before. You do not have the right to kill beings that come under your care, just because you don't feel like protecting them.
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Not aborted:

She's beautiful!


she is. God bless her and her Mom and Dad.

I will always be amazed at how people are so willing and cavalier about endangering innocent children.

Especially if they're using them to push a fascist agenda.

Please, people THINK.

There are always a lot more people viewing a board than posting. There is no way to know anything about those people.

I hope koshergirl has the good sense to delete this photo and uses her head in the future.
Death is never the best option. Particularly when someone else is making the decision for you.

And yet, all you write is that you want the state to make decisions for women.


No, what you see me writing about is protestation against state-sponsored homicide. Determining that someone else should die for your pleasure is the ultimate rejection of choice, and the ultimate in decision making...for someone else. Nobody has the right to make that decision for another. Did you know that you can be prosecuted for leaving a child, one that isn't your own, alone when you see that there is nobody watching that child, if harm comes to it and you were the last person to see it? We are obligated to protect those in our care. Even if they are in our care by way of pregnancy. Your obligation ends the minute you can safely hand it off to someone else...but not before. You do not have the right to kill beings that come under your care, just because you don't feel like protecting them.

This thread is about abortion.

Not the death penalty.
I put pics up of my kids all the time. So has luser and a lot of other posters.

And if you're trying to intimidate me, then your tenure on this board is about to come to a crashing end, and your IP will be reported.

So...what's your point?

PS...pro-death cultists always object to photos of babies. They always complain if someone dares to post pics of babies in their baby-killing threads. They don't like people to be reminded of exactly what they want to kill.
And yet, all you write is that you want the state to make decisions for women.


No, what you see me writing about is protestation against state-sponsored homicide. Determining that someone else should die for your pleasure is the ultimate rejection of choice, and the ultimate in decision making...for someone else. Nobody has the right to make that decision for another. Did you know that you can be prosecuted for leaving a child, one that isn't your own, alone when you see that there is nobody watching that child, if harm comes to it and you were the last person to see it? We are obligated to protect those in our care. Even if they are in our care by way of pregnancy. Your obligation ends the minute you can safely hand it off to someone else...but not before. You do not have the right to kill beings that come under your care, just because you don't feel like protecting them.

This thread is about abortion.

Not the death penalty.

I know what it's about. It's about babies, and when they should be killed.

You think they should be killed whenever they are a nuisance, and the state should support that *choice*.
Crickets while the baby killers frantically attempt to find a way to get pictures of children deleted from their baby killing thread....
No, what you see me writing about is protestation against state-sponsored homicide. Determining that someone else should die for your pleasure is the ultimate rejection of choice, and the ultimate in decision making...for someone else. Nobody has the right to make that decision for another. Did you know that you can be prosecuted for leaving a child, one that isn't your own, alone when you see that there is nobody watching that child, if harm comes to it and you were the last person to see it? We are obligated to protect those in our care. Even if they are in our care by way of pregnancy. Your obligation ends the minute you can safely hand it off to someone else...but not before. You do not have the right to kill beings that come under your care, just because you don't feel like protecting them.

This thread is about abortion.

Not the death penalty.

I know what it's about. It's about babies, and when they should be killed.

You think they should be killed whenever they are a nuisance, and the state should support that *choice*.

"... state-sponsored homicide ..."

Speaking of crickets.

kg - you're crazy.

Abortion is none of your business unless you want to have one.
No reason to abort a Tay-Sachs baby? Really.

I'm guessing you've never seen their excruciating, short life and death as it unfolded.

What is ignored is the fact that most abortions are medically necessary. The haters want to paint women as having abortions so they go back out and pregnant again but that is very rarely the truth.

And, as usual, those who cause the pregnancy - men - are given a free "ride", as it were, to just keep doing it again and again.

Bottom line to this round and round argument is always the same though -

A woman's body is her own and she has the right to have babies or not. No one, certainly not the state, has the right to interfere with her wishes. Why a woman aborts is no one's business but hers.

What a lie. What a lie that abortions are just a medical necessity. OMG,
I think he meant abortions CAN be a medical necessity.

Anywho..I hate these kinds of threads. Two sides, bickering, and nobody changing their minds on their stance in the subject. Just a helluvalot of arguing, name calling, spittle flying.
Speaking of crickets.

kg - you're crazy.

Abortion is none of your business unless you want to have one.

They are when you pay for one. Like we do up here.

A woman can get her 50th taxpayer abortion all on my dime and my husbands dime.


Pay for someone to kill your unborn. Oh and by the way you have to pay for your own asthma pumps.

Nice healthcare system eh? Kill a baby in the womb = free

Puffers so you can breathe if you have asthma = pay you son of a bitch.
I don't know how to post a picture so I have the link here. It's a picture of a so called feminist named Gloria Steinem, smiling face proudly wearing a t-shirt that reads "I Had an Abortion".

My first reaction was disbelief. Are you kidding me lady. Does she think that the picture glorifiying her Abortion makes her some type of heroine? This is what the picture really says.

Gloria Steinem is so irresponsible that she had unprotected sex,and they used a barbaric and obsolete practice to mercilessly hack to death an unborn child because she couldn't face the consequences of her actions. That's pro choice for you.

I want you to notice that pro choice advocates only give you one choice, abortion. A real feminist knows she has many choices and that abortion isn't one of them. A real feminist respects her body enough to not have it used as a "c*m dumptser". She chooses her man carefully and demands he uses a condom if they are not exclusive as extra protection against pregnancy and disease. She uses birthcontrol to ensure she doesn't have an unwanted pregnancy. She isn't Pro choice, she is pro choices,has a brain and uses it. Should she find herself pregnant she excepts the consequences of her actions. She knows from the start that if she isn't ready to except the consequences of her actions then maybe she isn't ready to have sex in the first place.

Gloria Steinem should hang her head in shame. She's a poor example for women to follow and too stupid to realize it.

gloria steinem i had an abortion - Bing Images

The world would be a better place if there were more abortions.

They don't "hack" a fetus to death.

They remove a microscopic zygote. If the abortion is early enough, it's not even visible to the human eye.

So take your hysterics and shove it.
There are many "reasons" for abortion.
medical necessity for either the mother or the child.

I just can't imagine ANY woman having an abortion (late term) for funzies.
Meanwhile, I stand with my pro choice beliefs. UNLESS it is late term and no medical emergency for the child or mother. Most rape victims abort when they are told they are pregnant. Same goes for those who are victims of incest.

Anyone have any statistics on abortions that are LATE term...of women who had one done legally or illegally vs 4 weeks or 6 weeks pregnant?
I think he meant abortions CAN be a medical necessity.

Anywho..I hate these kinds of threads. Two sides, bickering, and nobody changing their minds on their stance in the subject. Just a helluvalot of arguing, name calling, spittle flying.

I've read that 2/3rds of all abortions are medically necessary.

What people forget is that many are done in hospitals by the woman's OB. They used to be called 'theraputic d&c's'. The family is often shattered by the loss and they have every right to the medical procedure and to their privacy.

Still - the reason for an abortion is no one's business.
No reason to abort a Tay-Sachs baby? Really.

I'm guessing you've never seen their excruciating, short life and death as it unfolded.

What is ignored is the fact that most abortions are medically necessary. The haters want to paint women as having abortions so they go back out and pregnant again but that is very rarely the truth.

And, as usual, those who cause the pregnancy - men - are given a free "ride", as it were, to just keep doing it again and again.

Bottom line to this round and round argument is always the same though -

A woman's body is her own and she has the right to have babies or not. No one, certainly not the state, has the right to interfere with her wishes. Why a woman aborts is no one's business but hers.

What a lie. What a lie that abortions are just a medical necessity. OMG,

Some abortions are a medical necessity. Try doing some research before spouting your ignorance.

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